(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 42) 前日まで予約可 (直前予約可能なツアー&アクティビティ) | 東京の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)



4.51 4.51 / 5



シアターレストラン 六本木金魚 性別を超えた奇想天外ステージ<ドリンク飲み放題付/駅徒歩約4分/六本木駅>


投稿者: 美魔女, 2017/10/28

曲に合わせてのダンス、それぞれストーリー性があり とっても 楽しかったです。
ステージは広いとは言えませんが 上下左右フルに使ってのダンス、本当に凄かったです。 ただ私達の席は上の方だったので 宙吊りがあるシーンだと 見え辛かったので とても残念でした。



利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/10/08
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Great introductory experience

投稿者: David, 2017/10/22

My wife and I loved our beginner session with Kuge crafts. Yoshiichiro-san and Yoshiko-san were wonderful hosts and took the time to explain the process and let us take as long as we needed to perfect our repairs. Initially, I wanted to repair a fully shattered object rather than a small chip but actually repairing the two chips on my cup still took around 2 hours to do well, so any larger repairs would be over ambitious for a complete beginner. I would recommend this session to anyone interested in Kintsugi and enjoy your bonus cake and tea as well!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/10/07
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Great for souvenirs!

投稿者: Julia , 2017/10/21

We had a great time with the owners. Their English was limited but it didn't bother us. They have English instructions to follow if you are nervous about the language barrier. I wanted something as a souvenir from Japan to take back home with us and this Kintsugi class was perfect!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/09/30
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シアターレストラン 六本木金魚 性別を超えた奇想天外ステージ<ドリンク飲み放題付/駅徒歩約4分/六本木駅>


投稿者: 百合子, 2017/10/14




利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/10/05
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

The good teacher.

投稿者: Fadya (Dea), 2017/10/08

I want to learn more about Kintsugi, the teacher explaination is good....

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/10/04
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Good experience

投稿者: Riki, 2017/09/30

The workshop was interesting but it was really different from the photos and description, it was only a introduction to kintsugi. It was a good experience for the sensei that were very helpful and kind.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/09/09
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Fantastic, had a marvelous time with Kuge!

投稿者: Ingunn, 2017/09/26

I would love to take a longer course with them! :-)

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/09/24
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

An instructive hands-on workshop

投稿者: Marina, 2017/09/14

A delightful introductory workshop to learn and try out the kintsugi technique. The studio space was small but the instructor and his wife were very kind and welcoming. We were able to choose a piece of broken pottery, try the technique on it and then take it home as a very special souvenir.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/09/07
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【着物・浴衣レンタル】雷門徒歩2分!下町情緒溢れる浅草で着物散策<着付け・ヘアセット込/人力車割引券付き/浅草>by サクラフォトスタジオ


投稿者: タイスキ, 2017/09/11




利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/09/09
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【フクロウカフェ・原宿店】事前予約で優先案内!ふわふわのフクロウとふれあい体験<ワンドリンク付>by ふくろうの里 原宿店


投稿者: でんた, 2017/09/09




利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/09/09
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Reservations for an Owl Cafe in Harajuku

Something to definitely do while in Harajuku

投稿者: Keith, 2017/09/04

We reserved to meet with the owls ahead of time, which made things easier. The staff were very kind and are good with communicating in English. The owls were, of course, my favorite part! I got excited when we held them. Would come back to this particular owl cafe, when I come back to visit Tokyo.


Thank you very much for commenting.We are very happy to see your comment.
When you came to Tokyo again, please come and visit our shop.
We are looking forward to seeing you again.
Thank you!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2017/08/09
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スカイバス東京 皇居・東京タワー定番コースからお台場夜景コースまで選べる4プラン!屋根なし2階建てバスに乗って都内の景色を堪能<東京>


投稿者: みーほ, 2017/09/01






  • スカイバスからみた東京タワー

  • スカイバス

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/08/30
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Elegant Tea Ceremony at Warakuan Teahouse in Tokyo

Interesting and Informative in Comfortable Sized Japanese Formal Setting

投稿者: Coville's, 2017/08/27

My son and I enjoyed the Formal Instruction by a Certified Tea Ceremony Expert and his wife speaking in Japanese and their older daughter translating for us. We were greeted at their gate, led to their front business door and switched from our street shoes to their special sandals and directed into an informal Japanese meeting room with a tatami mat and small floor table where we put on their special one-toed white socks and then their sandals. We then went over several sheets of their English/Japanese explanations of each of the steps of the tea ceremony explaining words that are spoken and responses that are given. There is a lot of symbolism and purpose for each movement throughout the ceremony; specific movement and placement of the handheld fans, preparation with tea scoop and whipping utensils, and finally the making of the teas themselves. The ancient tea bowls used are passed down in the family through generations. The Tea Master picks a theme for each ceremony and chooses three items to depict that theme in a special section of the room (rooms can vary in size and roof height--commonly low ceilings required scooting into the room on your knees on the tatami mats and scooting around to the themed wall) and then you scoot to your tea position lifting yourself with the flat part of your fisted hand and then sitting with your lower legs under you bottom. The tea is brewed over a small pot of special wood in the corner of the room. When completed we exited and reviewed the ceremony back in the community room we started in and they answered our questions as best as they could with their daughter's translation. It was a very personal experience.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2017/08/02
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Reservations for an Owl Cafe in Harajuku

The Owls were great!

投稿者: Dr Krista Leicht, 2017/08/15

I took my two daughters, ages 12 and 13 to the owl cafe this afternoon. We had an excellent time.

When we arrived, we were warmly welcomed and seated at a traditional Japanese table with floor cushions. There were colouring materials and reading materials for our use.

We were served our choice of drinks that were included. They advised us of our entry time into the owl room, which was about 15 minutes after our arrival. This gave us time to drink tea, and familiarize ourselves with all of the owls that we could see through the glass walls of the owl room. Pictures on the wall helped us to match the owls to their names, and read about their species and other facts.

When our turn came, we were helped to disinfect our hands, then welcomed in to the owl room. Inside, the owl caretaker walked us through how to best touch and interact with each of the owls. We were encouraged to take pictures and assisted to set up our shots so they turned out well. We were helped to hold as many of the owls as we wished. We stayed inside the room until we felt that we were finished, then returned to our table to chat. We did not feel rushed at all. Before leaving, one of the staff gave us some beautiful fans with pictures of the owls on them.

It was a really fabulous experience! The owls were all friendly, as were the staff. I would highly recommend it, even for those who do not particularly like birds, like myself. I found it to be a very lovely and moving experience. Do try it!


Thank you for coming to our store.
Thank you very much for this evaluation.
It seems that we had a wonderful time and our staff are pleased.
We are waiting for you to visit us again.
Thank you very much,
Owl Village Harajyuku

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2017/08/15
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Such a fun class!

投稿者: Page, 2017/08/15

This was a great lesson. I learnt a lot and had a fun time. The homemade cake was amazing!
Learning the techniques was interesting and lots of fun!
Thank you fun such an informative class. Pretty happy with the finished product!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/08/12
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Wear Kimono in Asakusa with a Rental Dress Up Experience in Tokyo

Great experience and beautiful pictures!

投稿者: Adele, 2017/08/13

I had a really good time meeting Hiroshi and learning more about Asakusa and the Japanese culture. It was really nice wearing the kimono and the ladies at the studio did such a pretty hairstyle for me. The photos came out great. I am very happy I did this.


Thank you for such a wonderful comment. And, we all were very pleased and honored to have you over our studio. We expect we can meet you sometime again!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/07/17
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Wear Kimono in Asakusa with a Rental Dress Up Experience in Tokyo

Amazing experience

投稿者: Delphine , 2017/08/07

This was an amazing experience. The staff is so nice and speaks English and did an awesome job. It's not cheap but make sure to also do the make up and have someone to take pictures. While wandering around in Asakusa, people will look at you amazed and amused. This is really unique!


Hello, Delphine Thank you so much for a nice comment. We were very happy and honor to have you over our shop! We provide you with fabulous photos by our studio`s photographer, and we also have a makeup artist as well. We look forward to serving you with those next time. See you again! Best regards,

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/08/04
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【水陸両用バス】スカイダック東京 バスのまま海川へスプラッシュ!水上走行で東京名所観光 <スカイツリー®コース/お台場コース>


投稿者: ガーガーバード, 2017/08/06


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2017/07/16
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Amazing experience with lovely instructors!

投稿者: Vanessa, 2017/07/28

Even though I was quite late for my workshop (train faults), the instructors were really sweet about it, letting me catch my breath before the lesson started! The sweets and coffee that were served were very nice for a hot summer's day, and the lesson itself was well taught, patiently and with a lot of attention. I would totally come back for another experience/workshop, and I hope to be back next year again!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/07/22
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Gold Repair Course in Tokyo (Shin-Koenji Station)

投稿者: Desiree, 2017/07/14

We had a reaaly good time with Yoshiko and Yoshiichiro!
The description of the route was very helpful, we had no problems in finding the studio.
While we attended, two older Japanese people did some gold repair as well. We had a lot of fun together!
The hosts gave us sweets and tea, and we talked a lot about our Japan travel.
We worked on chipped tea cups. The people who do a regular course a few times a months had more complicated things like broken plates.
The hosts also told us where to buy the materials in Japan.
It is a very good experience to get a glimpse in the possibilities of this technique.
But bear in mind that you wont be able to do a big piece in the given time.

  • concentrated working

  • This is an example of what is possible with this technique. You wont be doing such a complicated thing

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/07/06
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Wear Kimono in Asakusa with a Rental Dress Up Experience in Tokyo

Awesome experience!!

投稿者: Esther Feng, 2017/07/08

Really felt like I was part of the Japanese culture!! They let you pick out the kimono and then help style your hair in a really pretty way to match your kimono with a cute hair accessory :) definitely would try again next time I'm in japan


Hello, Esther Feng.
Thank you so much for a splendid comment!
Our service could not be better for the customers, like, you felt you were part of the Japanese culture.
We are very so happy to hear that!
Thank you so much.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/07/07
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Meiji Era tea cup repair

投稿者: Lois, 2017/07/05

I was so looking forward to this class & it did not disappoint! Mr. & Mrs. Kuge are so friendly & patient. I restored a Meiji era tea cup & it is beautiful. Two long time students were working on their pieces while I was there, so I could see what more complicated repairs look like. I bought all the materials to take home to do in my own in Australia!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/06/29
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Wear Kimono in Asakusa with a Rental Dress Up Experience in Tokyo

Explored Asakusa and Senso-ji Temple in a Kimono!

投稿者: Anna, 2017/06/12

Newfound respect for the ladies who had to wear kimonos on a daily basis back in the day! I didn't know the prep was so tedious. It was both surprisingly fun and tiring to walk in a kimono. We ate street food, shopped around Orange St and walked to Senso-ji Temple while we were wearing them. We were lucky that the place where we rented it from had actual silk kimonos instead of polyester because it was a very hot Sunday afternoon. Would recommend this experience to first time Tokyo visitors!

  • Senso-ji Temple and some kimono-clad ladies (and a samurai-clad gent)

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/05/21
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家


投稿者: Mial & Hiroko, 2017/06/05

This is a very nice class and a very pleasant experience. Our whole family, including my 84-year old Japanese mother-in-law and our two adult children took the class together while on vacation in the Tokyo area. All the materials are provided and the introductory project of repairing chipped or cracked china cups and bowls (also provided) is easily accomplished during the time available. The Kuge family were very patient teachers and provided delicious homemade refreshments. They also packed the completed projects securely for the trip back home. We highly recommend the class if you are interested in this ceramic repair technique.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2017/06/03
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スカイバス東京 皇居・東京タワー定番コースからお台場夜景コースまで選べる4プラン!屋根なし2階建てバスに乗って都内の景色を堪能<東京>


投稿者: いずみん, 2017/06/03




  • 東京タワーの絶景!

  • オープンエアでレインボーブリッジを渡ります

  • 二階建てバスから見る銀座は新鮮です

  • お台場の定番写真

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/05/15
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スカイバス東京 皇居・東京タワー定番コースからお台場夜景コースまで選べる4プラン!屋根なし2階建てバスに乗って都内の景色を堪能<東京>


投稿者: アキハル, 2017/05/30


利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2017/05/28
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

I want to do this again!

投稿者: Coco cook, 2017/05/30

The Kuge's are a kind, patient and funny couple. They are very intuitive when you ask them questions. Mrs Kuge says many Japanese do not even know about kintsugi. There were 3 other students when we arrived. Two had been coming doing other projects and one had an expensive mug that broke. She wanted it repaired and found out about kintsugi and was there for the first time. Two of the students spoke English and was able to help explain and interpret but without them the Kuges would have eventually been able to understand and explain. The process takes 2-3 hours to complete while we converse, work, have cake and coffee and laugh. The studio is tiny but very comfortable. There are many examples of their work to inspire you and they are so beautiful. They show you everything you need and the process to repair and paint the gold on. My piece had 2 very small chips and a small crack but my son has 3 chips and a significant crack. If I had known what I should be looking for I would have chosen something with more damage rather than by the design on the piece. After the experience, on our way back to the hotel we stopped at Tokyu Hands and purchased the pigments and lacquer to do it at home. They have kits there but the kits include flammable liquids that would not pass inspection to bring on a plane. They have two types of lacquer and one of them is not flammable.

I highly recommend this experience, especially if you enjoy working such your hands, if you have any artistic bent or want to learn a traditional but disappearing art form.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2017/05/27
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Wear Kimono in Asakusa with a Rental Dress Up Experience in Tokyo

So that's how it feels like! :)

投稿者: John Paul, 2017/05/24

I was the only guy in the room! Why did it felt like I'm the only one who tried to wear it that day, haha! But I guess it's not a bad thing? :D Wearing the Kimono in public feels a little bit awkward at first, but as we go on, it feels fine. Maybe one of the most unforgettable experiences I had :)


Thank you for coming to our studio. We will have more variety kinds of kimonos for male as well. Please come to our shop again!

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/05/21
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Wear Kimono in Asakusa with a Rental Dress Up Experience in Tokyo

Kimono Dress-up

投稿者: Sheila, 2017/05/23

I didn't enjoy this tour. I didn't expect that I had to strip off my clothes in a space (with just a cloth as a door) with other strangers. Wearing the kimono was uncomfortable. It was heavy and complicated to wear (and take off). That particular day was also hot, so I was all sweaty and uneasy while walking outside. Good thing about this tour was the friendly staff at the Sakura Photo Studio.


We appreciate customers who let us know when things are not right. We are sorry you did not feel good with wearing kimono. Kimono is traditional wear that people need to put those in patience because of process to wear and with lots of layer clothes sometimes. Lots of people understand that. We are sorry for dressing room curtain. Extreme expression, `you had to strip off with other guests`? We never treat customers like that, anyways. We let our staff this issue notice as a serious warning if some of our staff treat you like that.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/05/21
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Wear Kimono in Asakusa with a Rental Dress Up Experience in Tokyo

Highly recommend

投稿者: JJC, 2017/05/22

Good and efficient service. Staffs are very helpful. It is definitely one of the highlights for our Tokyo trip. Must try activity.


Thank you for great comment! We are looking forward to having you over here in Tokyo again!

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/05/19
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東京 テーマから探す

前日まで予約可 (直前予約可能なツアー&アクティビティ) | 東京の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)
