(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 41) 前日まで予約可 (直前予約可能なツアー&アクティビティ) | 東京の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)



4.51 4.51 / 5



金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Delightful Experience Learning Kintsugi

投稿者: Elizabeth P , 2018/05/15

I planned this experience for a group of four, and we all absolutely loved it. We have talked about it every day since the class.

The teachers, Yoshiichiro-san and Yoshiko-san, were so kind and absolutely made the experience. We started the time with treats, some fruit and cakes and tea/coffee, and then chose our pieces of pottery. We then proceeded to learn how to make the repairs and then to enhance them with the gold. We are all so pleased with how our pieces turned out. I would highly rate and recommend this experience for anyone interested in learning about kintsugi. The class was a great value, and we all have a delightful souvenir of our time in Tokyo.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2018/05/13
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Informative and fun

投稿者: Dana , 2018/05/12

This was so much fun, and the hosts were wonderful! I would recommend this to anyone looking for a quick, fun activity. The tea and cake was lovely.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2018/04/18
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Wear Kimono in Asakusa with a Rental Dress Up Experience in Tokyo

Lovely day!

投稿者: Meckaa, 2018/05/09

We rented a kimono my sister and I with the basic plan, and we had such a good time. The very kind ladies speak english well, and helped us getting dressed, arranged our hair. We felt special!
We spent the day walking around asakusa and took a lot of pictures. Very good experience and not too expensive! :)


Thank you so much for such a sweet compliments!!! We are very honored to have the great customers like you. We are looking forward to having you over our shop again sometime. You are more than welcome anytime!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2018/05/06
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体験ダイビング 渋谷から日帰りで伊豆半島へ!<ビーチ/1~2ダイブ/渋谷発>by S2 Club Tokyo


投稿者: はろた, 2018/05/04







担当インストラクター 笹木

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2018/05/04
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本格お茶体験 格式高い武家茶道でお茶をいただく <目黒区/駒場東大前駅から徒歩4分>


投稿者: sumi, 2018/05/04

日本を旅行中のフランス人の友人に「Tea Ceremony」を体験してみたいと言われ、今回はこちらの薄茶体験コースに2名で参加させていただきました。





友人は念願のTea Ceremonyを体験できて心から満足していました。機会があればぜひまた参加したいとのことでした。



利用形態: 友達・同僚
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Elegant Tea Ceremony at Warakuan Teahouse in Tokyo

Master class

投稿者: John, 2018/05/02

We're were so glad we took the time to do this class.
The suburban setting was lovely, the Master tea maker demonstrated patience in the face of our ignorence, and despite our total lack of Japanese and our hosts limited English, we're got by well with notes supplied in English, and google translate.
Well worth doing.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2018/04/29
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Wear Kimono in Asakusa with a Rental Dress Up Experience in Tokyo

Kimono rental in asakusa

投稿者: London Tokyo mum, 2018/04/29

My teen daughter and her friend had an unforgettable day in their kimono and wandering around in the temple grounds was very special. My daughter remarked that the staff were very kind and enthusiastic. I highly recommend this place. It was tiny so us mothers had a nice wait in local cafe. Domo Arigato gozaimaau! *************


Thank you so much for the comment. We are very happy to have you over our shop. We expect you to come to our shop again! Thank you too.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2018/04/02
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Fun, engaging and informative!

投稿者: Fractal, 2018/04/25

Both my husband and I enjoyed our Kintsugi class! We both picked a cup to repair while watching and being instructed on how to do so. We saw many other examples of repairs and were given information so that we'd be able to do this at home. It was relaxing and enjoyable. We were also given a nice cake and some hot apple cider. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kuge were friendly and great conversationalists, and Mrs. Kuge can speak English extremely well! The only thing that would have made it better would be signing up for the whole day class. :)

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2018/04/21
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はとバス【2階建てオープンバス】東京さくら回廊<1名~催行確定/2024年 3/16~4/12/東京駅発>


投稿者: あやぽん, 2018/04/24


  • 桜が近いです。

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2018/03/29
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Great experience!

投稿者: Sharlene, 2018/04/23

Yoshiichiro and Yoshiko were welcoming, competent, and knowledgeable teachers in the art of Kintsugi. While the project we worked on was simple that day they showed me other examples and possibilities of this art form. They have been practicing this art form for over 30 years and their passion shows. I left feeling very inspired, with a list and exactly where to source needed supplies to continue Kintsugi at home.
Thank you very much for this fantastic experience!

  • The finished artwork!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2018/03/31
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はとバス【2階建てオープンバス】東京さくら回廊<1名~催行確定/2024年 3/16~4/12/東京駅発>


投稿者: オースケ, 2018/04/22


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2018/03/27
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Wear Kimono in Asakusa with a Rental Dress Up Experience in Tokyo

Quick tour of Asakusa

投稿者: Eric Canoy, 2018/04/19

Second to the last day of our Japan trip, we had booked a rental at Sakura Photo Studio in Asakusa. Being.that we had a large group, of seven participants, we wanted to go in early to get ahead of the crowd.

We arrived via Ginza line, and in a few short blocks we were at the studio. It was located in 4 story building on the corner of two streets. Signs were posted on thier windows to show where they were located. The elevator is small, so you'll have to go in small groups of 3 or 4 at a time.

As we got there most of the employees of Sakura Photo Studio were just getting in, but we're ready to help us get into our kimonos. They were really quick and patient in helping us choose our kimonos. One of the employees spoke FOUR LANGUAGES: Japanese, Korean, Chinese ( Mandarin), and English! That was really helpful especially when other groups started to enter the studio,including that the studio is very small for changing into the kimonos.

The staff was able to get us into.our kimonos within the hour and let us know how long we had the rentals for the day. They also had some discounts on Rik Shaw rides through Asakusa. You'll look extra traditional with your kimonos.

Overall, the service was great, the quality of the kimonos were great and diverse, and the staff was very helpful. Will do again if I come back to Asakusa.


Thank you so much for coming our studio, and having our service. We are so much honored and happy to have you over such a great group of people. We are so much looking forward to having you over our shop once again sometime!!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2018/04/17
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Wear Kimono in Asakusa with a Rental Dress Up Experience in Tokyo

Maiko for a day

投稿者: SweetSakura, 2018/04/08

Such a great experience!! I really enjoyed walking around the city dressed up!! A must do when in Japan. Planning on doing it again as a family!!


Thank you for such a great compliment and your message. We are so much looking forward to having you over our shop once again!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2018/04/04
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Reservations for an Owl Cafe in Harajuku

Great experience!

投稿者: Jeanie, 2018/04/03

My girls and I truly enjoyed the experience. With several types of owls and sizes, everyone was comfortable in petting and holding these beautiful creatures. And the staff was awesome!


Hello. Thank you for coming. I am very happy that you enjoyed it. Owls are a wonderful bird. We will do our best to be a good place for customers and owls. Thank you very much!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2018/04/01
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着物フォトスタジオ 豪奢な着物をリーズナブルな価格で!専門家が選りすぐった正絹着物を着て写真撮影 <KIMONO PHOTO STUDIO 和/目黒>


投稿者: アキハル, 2018/03/31









この度はKIMONO PHOTO STUDIO和をご利用いただきありがとうございます!



利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2018/03/30
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Fantastic and initiate experience

投稿者: Drew, 2018/03/27

I absolutely loved my time here. The hosts were so accommodating and welcoming providing us delicious treats and tea throughout our time in their studio. I highly recommend this experience to anyone visiting the area.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2018/03/25
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Absolutely superb, a wonderful way to learn about an age-old artistic custom.

投稿者: Lee D., 2018/03/13

This was an outstanding experience. Traveling to Tokyo from the US for the first time, I really wanted to find an affordable kintsugi class, as I had read about the Japanese art of repairing ceramics with gold, highlighting flaws as beauty, and the metaphor is just so beautiful to me. I also have an art background and love learning how to preserve & repair rather than throw away.

The class was more than I could have hoped for. I booked with my husband, and brother and his girlfriend (both who live in Tokyo). The owners (husband and wife) were incredibly hospitable in their sweet little craft shop, even showed us their ceramics lab next door. They greeted us with homemade cakes and apple tea, as well as the rice crackers that we love. The class was very easy to follow, and all questions were answered with enthusiasm and demonstration (it was just the 4 of us learning kintsugi and one other person working on jewelry, so it felt totally like a private class). There is a bit of a language barrier that non-Japanese speakers should be aware of. We were lucky to have my brother and his girlfriend who both speak the language to translate when needed. Even if we didn't, though, I would still have done the class. So much of learning craft is just watching and doing, strict verbal communication is not necessary. I'd maybe just suggest learning how to ask the specific questions you know you'll have ahead of time so they can show you during the class.

All in all, only wonderful things to say about this class. Next time I am in Toyko, I'd love to try another one of their classes. :) Thanks so much for an awesome experience on our honeymoon!!!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2018/03/03
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

A very authentic experience with wonderful people

投稿者: Joanna, 2018/03/05

I had the best time. The studio is very small and authentic. I got a lot of one on one time with the owners and they kindly helped me fix my own broken mug. They ran over by nearly an hour to help me finish. They were both so kind and attentive and really good at what they do. I would recommend this to anyone! Please go try it out. It's a nice change of pace from visiting downtown Tokyo.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2018/03/03
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Fantastic experience

投稿者: Emily, 2018/03/01

My sister was visiting me in Tokyo and we took this one-day trial class together. Our teachers were knowledgeable, friendly, and spoken enough English that we (with very little Japanese language skills) were able to communicate without any issues. We had a great time.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2018/02/22
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Reservations for an Owl Cafe in Harajuku

Great Owl Cafe

投稿者: Dominique, 2018/01/31

This owl cafe is nicely located, though a little hard to find since it's up a staircase off a side street. The waiting area with beverages was welcoming, and the staff were friendly. The area with the owls was brightly lit, and because of the windows it felt like a nice location for the owls to live. A great experience overall.


Hello. Thank you for coming to our store. I would be very happy if you could have fun with our owls. They are wonderful birds. We aim to create a good environment for them and make them enjoyable to our guests.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/12/31
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Great beginners class on Kintsugi!

投稿者: Yorsh, 2017/12/23

My boyfriend and I really enjoyed our class with Kuge crafts! We started with introductions and some lovely home made cake. Then we got to chose our cups that we will work on and keep. Would recommend to pick a cup with a bigger chip as that would mean a bigger part of the cup will be fixed.

The process was easy to follow as Yoshi showed step by step examples. They also provided the tools and materials (i.e. putty, gold dust, resin etc) which made it a convenient class.

At the end, we received photos taken during the class and a list of tools and materials we can purchase at Tokyu Hands if we wanted to continue back home. The teachers were both friendly, inviting us to write back if we had more questions.

A great class and would highly recommend for a memorable experience!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/12/20
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スカイバス東京 皇居・東京タワー定番コースからお台場夜景コースまで選べる4プラン!屋根なし2階建てバスに乗って都内の景色を堪能<東京>


投稿者: ショコリン, 2017/12/16


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/07/02
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シアターレストラン 六本木金魚 性別を超えた奇想天外ステージ<ドリンク飲み放題付/駅徒歩約4分/六本木駅>


投稿者: 自由人, 2017/12/15



また、姉妹店舗「新宿 歌舞伎町 黒鳥の湖」もございます。

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/12/15
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Amazing experience!

投稿者: ewen, 2017/12/02

Learning Kintsugi at Kuge Crafts was an amazing experience. Yoshiko and Yoshiichiro were brilliant teachers and hosts. We will definitely be back soon!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/11/12
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Elegant Tea Ceremony at Warakuan Teahouse in Tokyo

Tea Ceremony

投稿者: swiss girl, 2017/11/30

it was a great Tea Ceremony at Warakuan Teahouse. The Teamaster give us a lot of interesting Information.
we were just 2 People and it was amazing.
we realy enjoy it.


Thank you for enjoying the Tea ceremony and please visit again.

Sorei Maeda, Komaba Warakuan

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2017/11/27
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フライトシミュレーター 憧れのパイロット体験 ボーイング機コース <15分~90分/羽田空港第1ターミナル>


投稿者: Eddie, 2017/11/30


  • ボーイング737のコクピット

  • 昼、夜とシチュエーションも選べるようです。

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/11/30
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Lovely experience

投稿者: Sophie, 2017/11/09

A lot of fun with a very friendly group. Thank you for taking the time!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/10/12
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Great experience for ceramic lover

投稿者: Sun, 2017/11/06

Yoshiichiro san and Yoshiko San are very kind and helpful for this course. It will be useful for me a lot.

By the way, you will love it when you do it due to its unique.

  • Nice workshop

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/11/01
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家


投稿者: Jean Luc, 2017/11/05

A very interesting and useful introduction to that art, with very nice teachers! It was a good moment for us in Tokyo.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/10/28
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フライトシミュレーター 憧れのパイロット体験 ボーイング機コース <15分~90分/羽田空港第1ターミナル>


投稿者: 匿名希望, 2017/10/30


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/10/14
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東京 テーマから探す

前日まで予約可 (直前予約可能なツアー&アクティビティ) | 東京の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)
