(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 43) 前日まで予約可 (直前予約可能なツアー&アクティビティ) | 東京の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)



4.51 4.51 / 5



Wear Kimono in Asakusa with a Rental Dress Up Experience in Tokyo

Amazing Experience

投稿者: Luisa, 2017/05/22

It was great and service was great. Location is good so that you can go and take pictures with amazing scenarios!! :)


Thank you very much for the comment. We expect you to come to our shop again!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/04/25
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Kimono Rental and Kimono Dressing in Nihonbashi

Dress Up

投稿者: Allan S, 2017/05/22

We had such a good time. Thank you so much. You were great.


Thank youvery much for your warm message. We are very glad that you enjoyed wearing KIMONO! In summer time, we a different type of KIMONO called YUKATA, which is made of cotton, so we are looking forward to welcome you again in near future. Best regeards,

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/05/06
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Wear Kimono in Asakusa with a Rental Dress Up Experience in Tokyo


投稿者: Kim, 2017/05/21

It was a great experience, my mum loved it!! I am glad our booking was early as by the time we came back it was a little but hectic. Also, they need to put signs out or something more visual out so people can find the shop. We caught a cab, as we were running late, but if we caught public transport we would be really lost.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2017/05/18
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Wonderful experience!

投稿者: Valentina, 2017/05/17

I had a lot of fun doing this class and the owners are delightful people! The cup that I repaired is very cute and they treated me like family. Thank you for everything!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/05/13
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Great traditional experience and great host

投稿者: derek chan, 2017/05/09

The experience is well organized and enjoyable, the host is super nice and communicatable, I really enjoy talking with them and share my veiw on Japan and travelling.
It is elementary and no need to worry about the skill.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/05/03
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【着物・浴衣レンタル】雷門徒歩2分!下町情緒溢れる浅草で着物散策<着付け・ヘアセット込/人力車割引券付き/浅草>by サクラフォトスタジオ

外国人のおもてなしは、やっぱりKimono Experience ;)

投稿者: Patchi, 2017/05/07


  • 白ベースがお気に入り



利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2017/05/04
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Very kind teachers

投稿者: Eduardo, 2017/05/07

We went on a Sunday afternoon to do a Kintsugi class. This couple of teachers were available. The class is very instructive and we could work on the pottery we brought. This art of mending broken things is very ancient and it appealed to so this classes. We were very happy and it took us two hours to go through all the process ad glueing and patching. We were invited tea, cheesecake and a Japanese watermelon! We would be very pleased if we did more classes with them, but unfortunately, we have to leave in a few more days! Thanks, Yoshiko and Yoshiichiro

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2017/05/07
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

An amazing experience!

投稿者: Jonathan, 2017/05/03

We attended this evening to learn how to prepare kintsugi as complete novices, the class was great with many things to learn over 2 hours. When we return we will be sure to spend more time at Kume crafts! A+

  • Stacey filing

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/05/03
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スカイバス東京 皇居・東京タワー定番コースからお台場夜景コースまで選べる4プラン!屋根なし2階建てバスに乗って都内の景色を堪能<東京>


投稿者: Curry, 2017/05/02


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/04/30
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Kimono Rental and Kimono Dressing in Nihonbashi

Best experience ever

投稿者: Abby, 2017/04/18

Truly completed the Japanese experience. We learned the different parts of a kimono, wrapping, tying, layering, and folding. The best part was walking around Nihonbashi and bumping into locals who were also in their gorgeous kimonos. Highly recommended


Dear Abby,
Thank you for joing us, and we are very glad that you fully enjoyed KIMONO experience. As you mentioned, KIMONO is very unique and traditional costume which has long history at the same time some people still wear daily. If you have a chance, please come and visit us again on Summer, as we have summer time kimono called "YUKATA" which is made of cotton and very beautiful as well.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/04/15
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Wear Kimono in Asakusa with a Rental Dress Up Experience in Tokyo

Kimono Rental In Asakusa

投稿者: Girl's Day, 2017/04/10

I visited Tokyo with my two daughters. The kimono rental dress-up was the highlight of our trip. The ladies that dressed us and did our hair were so nice. It was such a fun experience that I would highly recommend.


thank you so much for your comment!
We expect you to come to our shop again.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2017/03/31
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

A delightful and artistically cultural experience!!

投稿者: Arielle & Christine, 2017/04/10

The Kuges were so genuinely warm and inviting! Regrettably we had been a bit lost and arrived a few minutes late to the class. They were very forgiving and welcomed us into their creative space with a light snack and coffee. The studio was small and charming, and had shelves full of sculptures and pottery of all sizes. They showed us a few of their pieces and explained what we were going to do that day. They spoke English fairly well and were able to explain the steps easily. The atmosphere was casual and we were able to take the time to enjoy their company. We didn't feel rushed at all. Our finished pieces were carefully packed in plastic containers which we'd like to add, made it back to the U.S. safely! We had a delightful afternoon with the Kuges and were so excited by our new skill that we stopped by a nearby Tokyu Hands right after class to buy supplies to do our own Kintsugi at home! Overall, it was an enjoyable cultural experience! We highly recommend Kintsugi and Kuge Crafts as a way to experience a bit of Japanese culture outside of the common tourist hotspots.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/04/01
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着物・浴衣レンタル 上質な着物で浅草散策を楽しもう<浅草駅より徒歩5分>by 美麗 kimono&culture


投稿者: レーペル, 2017/04/03




利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2016/08/20
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着物・浴衣レンタル 上質な着物で浅草散策を楽しもう<浅草駅より徒歩5分>by 美麗 kimono&culture


投稿者: レーペル, 2017/04/03



  • 限定公開中の伝法院

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/04/02
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【着物・浴衣レンタル】雷門徒歩2分!下町情緒溢れる浅草で着物散策<着付け・ヘアセット込/人力車割引券付き/浅草>by サクラフォトスタジオ


投稿者: たけのこ, 2017/04/01




利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2017/03/29
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Really great way to spend an evening

投稿者: Kendall Hoff, 2017/03/27

This class is taught by a very kind, charming couple. They provided me with a couple of cups to choose from and helped me create something beautiful. I had a great eperience and was able to bring home something very meaningful from my trip.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/03/23
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Wear Kimono in Asakusa with a Rental Dress Up Experience in Tokyo

So much fun!

投稿者: Roxie, 2017/03/25

I scheduled our appointment for the very first of the day and was so glad that I did. We were the only ones there and had our pick of so many kimonos that I almost couldn't decide which one to wear. When we came back to return our kimonos, the studio was full with three or four people. The woman who runs the place speaks good english and was so sweet and delightful. She made the whole experience of picking out our kimonos and dressing so much fun. The best part was getting to walk around Tokyo in our kimonos. At first we were a little anxious, because we seemed to be getting a lot of looks. The Japanese people seemed to get a kick out of seeing foreigners dressed in kimonos as they'd mostly smile and do the little nod bow thing. We walked from the studio to Nakamise shopping street and Sensoji shrine. By the time we'd gotten through those two sight seeing places we started to see a lot of other people dressed in kimonos. As we saw the other people in kimonos, I realized how much nicer the Sakura studio dressing experience was than all the others as we looked way better than everyone else we saw. My husband had the kimono top with the hakama pants on and the kimono jacket over top. The other men I saw had just the kimono and jacket, no pants. It could have been a choice on their part, I'm not sure, but I thought the pants looked better. My obi was an actual obi that the woman tied into a really cool knot and added a second accent pre-tied knot that made it look really cool. The other women I saw walking around had only a pretty poor looking pre-tied obi on. We also got to pick out Zori sandals and a kimono purse to go with our kimonos. I was also surprised at how warm the whole getup was. It was around 50 degrees outside the whole day but I wasn't cold at all, and I usually get cold very easily. Overall, I would recommend this activity, and I would definitely recommend the Sakura Studio.


Hello, Roxie
Thank you very much for such a great compliments!
We were really happy and honor to have you two over here at our studio.
We also have photo option plans, and guide service on location.
We will expect to have you here again sometime!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/03/24
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

A perfect activity!

投稿者: Anon, 2017/02/28

What a great afternoon! The activity was fun and you get to keep your repaired piece. The hosts were so welcoming and generous, their English was wonderful as unfortunately I do not speak Japanese. A must-do activity!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/02/26
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Fantastic experience

投稿者: Allyce, 2017/02/26

We had a wonderful time learning about the history and techniques of Kintsugi. Our senseis were very welcoming and fantastic teachers. We were able to communicate easily although we only speak English. We would highly recommend this to anyone visiting the area

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/02/01
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シアターレストラン 六本木金魚 性別を超えた奇想天外ステージ<ドリンク飲み放題付/駅徒歩約4分/六本木駅>


投稿者: RYO, 2017/02/23


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/02/03
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シアターレストラン 六本木金魚 性別を超えた奇想天外ステージ<ドリンク飲み放題付/駅徒歩約4分/六本木駅>


投稿者: あーさん, 2017/02/21


  • 二重お弁当も良かったです

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2017/02/18
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Great Experience!

投稿者: Jason, 2017/02/20

I went here with my girlfriend and we thoroughly enjoyed the session. Yoshiichiro and Yoshiko were gracious hosts. I loved the coffee, apple tea and fruitcake that Mrs Kuge prepared as well.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/02/18
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Reservations for Magic Show Bar and Drinks in Shinjuku, Tokyo


投稿者: KANDASWAMI, 2017/02/19

TRIP VERY NICE..............................................................................................................

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/01/24
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Amazing experience

投稿者: Katie , 2017/01/30

The hosts Yoshiko and Yoshiichiro, were warm, welcoming and friendly on arrival. The class had a relaxed atmosphere and they were extremely knowledgeable teachers. Limited English language though smiles and google translate really helped.
Would recommend this to anyone who enjoys unique crafting.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/01/28
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【水陸両用バス】スカイダック東京 バスのまま海川へスプラッシュ!水上走行で東京名所観光 <スカイツリー®コース/お台場コース>


投稿者: yung, 2017/01/30


  • 水陸兩用巴士

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/01/25
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Superb experience!

投稿者: Colin, 2017/01/09

Amazing time at Kuge Krafts with the so kind and generous Kuge couple. Very intimate studio surrounded by pottery and perfect coffee and cake waiting for us upon arrival set the atmosphere. Excellent introduction to Kintsugi with the patient and encouraging advices from sensei which just make us wish we could come back for more or at least to try it again very soon at home! No doubt that I will brag about my amazing kintsugied sake glass at any occasion I get - yes you get to bring your piece of art back home.
Thank you, thank you and thank you,

PS: beware though that after that class you will want to voluntarily break any piece of ceramic you come across just for the excuse of having something to kintsugi...

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/01/07
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シアターレストラン 六本木金魚 性別を超えた奇想天外ステージ<ドリンク飲み放題付/駅徒歩約4分/六本木駅>


投稿者: ぴのこ, 2017/01/08


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2016/12/11
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【着物・浴衣レンタル】雷門徒歩2分!下町情緒溢れる浅草で着物散策<着付け・ヘアセット込/人力車割引券付き/浅草>by サクラフォトスタジオ


投稿者: さつまっころ, 2017/01/08








利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2017/01/07
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着物・浴衣レンタル 上質な着物で浅草散策を楽しもう<浅草駅より徒歩5分>by 美麗 kimono&culture


投稿者: のりのり, 2017/01/05


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/01/03
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Wear Kimono in Asakusa with a Rental Dress Up Experience in Tokyo

A Unique Experience

投稿者: Amanda F., 2017/01/04

My wife and I did this experience together. The dressing studio is small and bustling, and being able to experience the art of formal kimono dressing was something we will never forget. Although we were the only foreigners there, suggesting this place does a robust local business, the English-speaking assistant was very accommodating. We were given a variety of beautiful kimonos to choose from, and ended up adding on a photo shoot package at the last minute, which they were great about. I have already recommended this experience to a friend who is traveling to Tokyo in a couple weeks.


Thank you so much for coming to our studio, and it`s our honor to have your compliment. We are very much looking forward to having you over our studio again!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2016/12/29
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東京 テーマから探す

前日まで予約可 (直前予約可能なツアー&アクティビティ) | 東京の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)
