(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 39) 前日まで予約可 (直前予約可能なツアー&アクティビティ) | 東京の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)



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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Incredible Experience

投稿者: Lauren C, 2019/04/29

This was an amazing experience that I highly recommend. Yoshiko and Yoichiichiro were incredibly welcoming and kind, even going so far as to give us homemade cake and flavored tea.

I went with my boyfriend and we were the only ones in the workshop, which turned out great. I knew just enough Japanese and they knew just enough English for us to communicate well and even have some fun conversation. They are clearly accomplished artists and were great teachers as they walked us through the process of repairing our teacups. We left with two beautiful pieces that we repaired ourselves with their instruction, and I couldn't be happier with the experience.

On top of everything else, we received a comprehensive list of materials to go purchase at Tokyo Hands later if we wanted to try kintsugi on our own at home (which we immediately went out and got). If you have any interest in the art of kintsugi and want instruction from a very knowledgeable and kind couple, this workshop is definitely the way to go.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/03/31
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Great experience!

投稿者: Shandy, 2019/04/28

It was a great and fun experience!
Yoshiichiro and Yoshiko made us feel welcomed with their hospitality
They guided us through our works patiently and we had a memorable time with them. Home made tea and cakes by Yoshiko was super yummy! Would not regret booking their class

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/03/27
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家


投稿者: Christine , 2019/04/27

We had a lovely time learning how and about Kintsugi! This is a perfect activity for anyone curious about the art and who likes to try new things. My brother and I are travelling in Japan together and this was an awesome experience we shared together. We felt so welcomed by Yoshiichiro and Yoshiko who treated us like we were in their home for dinner! Delightful treats were included and lovely conversation. Definitely a great idea while in Tokyo!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/04/25
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Absolutely wonderful experience!

投稿者: Andrew & Piper, 2019/04/16

Having spent nearly two weeks in Japan doing various activities, I can say without hyperbole that this was the highlight of our trip. It was an intimate experience where we learned what is both a practical and artistic pursuit. The couple that runs Kuge Crafts are incredible sweet and patient, and they made sure that we had an excellent experience. They answered all of our many questions, and showed us examples of what could be done with kintsugi (they really are masters). They'll even take pictures of you working.

What's best is that they give you a complete shopping list for the exact items you need at the local craft store in order to do this back home. (Just make sure you go to the exact one they mention in Shinjuku; others won't have the correct materials.)

While the store is a little bit out of the way, it is *absolutely* worth doing!

  • Being shown the technique.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/04/11
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Fun afternoon!

投稿者: Liselotte, 2019/04/14

I had a lovely time at this workshop; Yoshiichiro and Yoshiko are very knowledgeable and explained more about the background of the craft. I got take a beautiful piece of Japanese antique porcelain home with me at the end of it. Can highly recommend!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/04/04
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スカイバス東京 皇居・東京タワー定番コースからお台場夜景コースまで選べる4プラン!屋根なし2階建てバスに乗って都内の景色を堪能<東京>


投稿者: ひろり, 2019/04/10


利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2019/04/06
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はとバス【2階建てオープンバス】東京さくら回廊<1名~催行確定/2024年 3/16~4/12/東京駅発>


投稿者: ちこちゃん, 2019/04/09


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/04/03
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はとバス【2階建てオープンバス】東京さくら回廊<1名~催行確定/2024年 3/16~4/12/東京駅発>


投稿者: はなお, 2019/04/09




  • 乗り込んだとき

  • オープン窓から見た桜

  • 東京駅出発のとき

  • 市ヶ谷付近

  • 九段坂下

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/04/06
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Reservations for an Owl Cafe in Harajuku


投稿者: Cayasha, 2019/04/08

I booked this activity for my first full day in Toyko. It was easy to find even though I wasn't used to navigating Tokyo yet and very close to the Harajuku Station. The experience was amazing. You could tell that the staff loves the owls and is very invested in their well being.


Thank you for visiting.
We are happy that you enjoyed the time with the owls.
Close to Harajuku Station you can see the Meiji Jingu no Mori from the shop.
Please come whenever you want to see the owls.
We look forward to seeing you again.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/03/20
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はとバス【2階建てオープンバス】東京さくら回廊<1名~催行確定/2024年 3/16~4/12/東京駅発>


投稿者: きのっぴー, 2019/04/05


利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2019/04/03
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はとバス【2階建てオープンバス】東京さくら回廊<1名~催行確定/2024年 3/16~4/12/東京駅発>


投稿者: かよこ, 2019/03/31


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/03/29
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Fascinating, entertaining, and beautiful

投稿者: Jake, 2019/03/26

This was one of the most enjoyable experiences in Japan. The art of kintsugi is fascinating and shockingly easy. Yoshiko and Yoshiichiro are truly lovely people and incredibly well-versed in the trade. They provided us with a shopping list to get materials so we can continue to do this at home! The finished results are beautiful and they also shared some of their own work which is even more impressive. I really can't recommend this enough!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/03/24
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Wonderful experience

投稿者: Mary, 2019/03/12

This was a thoughtful and well planned guide to kintsugi. From a delicious treat to begin, to the history of the patterns of our chosen cups, to a guided experience of kintsugi. We took home our repaired cups and look forward to them being a beautiful reminder of Japan!

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/03/10
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Elegant Tea Ceremony at Warakuan Teahouse in Tokyo

Tea ceremony

投稿者: Maria Angee, 2019/03/10

Amazing experience, the master doesn’t speak English but he gives a document with info in English. I recommend the ceremony because is a authentic and unique event

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/03/08
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Reservations for an Owl Cafe in Harajuku

So Cute and Fun!!!!!!!

投稿者: mrconte93, 2019/02/11

The cafe was a little hard to find (it was raining the day we went) but, once there it was amazing!!!!! The owls are so CUTE and very chill. (I think they are used to people by now). Chai was my fav only because he was the chillest and, during the petting demonstration/owl introduction, he looked the happiest to be getting pets. Would definitely do again.

  • Chai is the tan on in the middle


Thank you for visiting.
There are three owl cafes in Harajuku, and the closest thing to the station is "Owlvillage Harajuku".
The chai is the youngest in the shop and it is very sweet.
Please come and see us if you want to see everyone again.
We look forward to your visit.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/02/06
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家


投稿者: Pam, 2019/02/05

A very short intro into the craft of kintsuge, but enough in two hours to give you a feel for the. materials and process involved. I left with enough confidence to attempt some simple repairs myself, which is exactly what I wanted. The instructions and the shopping list were also perfect.
Also the matcha jelly was delicious and the couple are lovely!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/02/02
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Excellent class

投稿者: Ami Dudley , 2019/01/29

This was a wonderful class .we enjoyed it thouroughly and will be going back for more .The teachers were so patient ,helpful and kind They were great hosts and gave clear instructions during and after the class .Kintsugi is such a beautiful art and they are highly experienced and skilled .It was inspiring to see some of their pieces .overall excellent and very satisfying experience!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/01/27
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Wonderful time spent learning and getting hands on experience on Kintsugi

投稿者: miak, 2019/01/19

Really great experience getting hands on experience doing kintsugi.

Yoshiichiro and Yoshiko were wonderful teachers, and guided us well (in English!).

i really appreciated the advice they gave - where to get materials so i can do kintsugi when i return home. (from Tokyu Hands)

Now i am waiting for another week so i can use my cup to drink sake from!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/01/12
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家


投稿者: Rossignol, 2019/01/15

That workshop was a real human experience on top of introducing us to this beautiful kintsugi technique. We have been welcome by a delicious homemade cake and a gorgeous apple tea before being introduced to the different steps with a lot of love and generosity by our two teachers whom I shamelessly forgot the name.
They have been so caring and adorable, they offered us an adorable afternoon! I highly recommend that experience to you!!

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/01/13
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シアターレストラン 六本木金魚 性別を超えた奇想天外ステージ<ドリンク飲み放題付/駅徒歩約4分/六本木駅>


投稿者: N´wine, 2019/01/14





なお、姉妹店舗「新宿 歌舞伎町 黒鳥の湖」もございます。

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/01/12
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Interesting learning experience

投稿者: Sara, 2019/01/12

I've been intrigued by kintsugi for several years and it was fun to learn the practice and make our own pieces. The host couple is charming and provides additional teaching during the down time (such as while waiting for the epoxy to dry). We also got a delicious snack. When we finished, they packaged our cups in a way that made them easy to bring home on the plane without breaking. They also took a lot of photos of us and sent them to us the next day, which was very thoughtful.

Note: we did the two hour class which involved fixing chip, rather than a large crack (as I thought). It would take more time to do a larger repair project, and the class gave us the skills to do so on our own time

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/01/10
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Reservations for Magic Show Bar and Drinks in Shinjuku, Tokyo

69th bday exclusively only for 2 ! @ noon time.

投稿者: Mr.Mrs.Fuji, 2019/01/09

Once again my husband 69th years bday, was excellent and we would absolutely consider booking with you again in the future.
We had an amazing perfect day and really appreciated your skills and friendly proffessionalism dealing with Me & My husband.Exclusively for His bday !
We had a fantastic especial lunch magic show,
Thank you so much for providing the magical entertainment once again!
I just wanted to thank you for some great entertainment of my husbands bday! Thank U & more power!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/01/07
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Great and unique experience

投稿者: Traveller321, 2019/01/02

Had a great time learning about Kintsugi and working the process. You are able to take your work with you that day so that is a big plus. They also explain all the materials and a list so you can buy supplies in Shinjuku. Everybody had excellent English skills and we saw some advanced examples as well. Great and unique experience.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2018/12/29
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Wear Kimono in Asakusa with a Rental Dress Up Experience in Tokyo


投稿者: Ofelia Hernandez, 2019/01/02

My daughter an I had an amazing time. Thank You for being so friendly and helpful.


Thank you so much for heart warming message!! We are looking forward to having you over our shop in next chance! Thank you again.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2018/12/31
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Most amazing experience in Japan

投稿者: Hanna, 2018/12/30

This was one of the greatest afternoons we had in Tokyo. Our hosts were incredibly nice, they told us about the history of the potteries and kintsugi as well. If you are interested in Japanese art, philosophy and history, and would like to create something, and not just look at things in a museum you cannot miss out on this experience!

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2018/11/22
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Pre-Christmas Kintsugi

投稿者: Gail M, 2018/12/24

We really enjoyed our kintsugi class! Yoshiichiro and Yoshiko were so kind and generous. The process was easy to follow and plenty of assistance was provided. The had examples to show and to help explain the craft. Yoshiko spoke very good English and made a delicious cake. They were both clearly very experienced craftsmen with a passion for what they were doing and a wish to ensure everyone came away with a well finished, repaired piece of pottery. We were even able to take our bowls away on the same day, very carefully packaged. A helpful materials list was provided with instructions on where to buy them. The class size was small, which was perfect. They also sent photos of us both at work during the class which was a great idea. Highly recommended experience for any level!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2018/12/21
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シアターレストラン 六本木金魚 性別を超えた奇想天外ステージ<ドリンク飲み放題付/駅徒歩約4分/六本木駅>


投稿者: ちょこら, 2018/12/12



六本木 金魚

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2018/12/10
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金継ぎ教室 一日体験 大切な器を美しく修理する伝統技術 <南阿佐ヶ谷>by 手仕事屋久家

Overall a wonderful class delivered by a lovely couple - highly recommend

投稿者: Bridget , 2018/11/30

Couldn’t fault it - arrived to tasty apple tea (or coffee), sponge roll and chocolates and a very friendly welcome. Got to choose a piece of pottery to repair (mine was from 1912 and my mother’s 1868!) and went through the process. Walked away with the piece securely packed into a rigid container, so we arrived home with the pieces ready to be lightly rinsed before two weeks of curing.
Run by a lovely couple, he speaks limited English but she speaks quite a bit, and both were very welcoming and genuinely interested in getting to know us.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2018/11/28
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Kimono Rental and Dressing Experience in Asakusa with English Assistance


投稿者: Maria Cruz, 2018/11/15

The hosts were so lovely and forgiving. I felt so bad because I got lost thus was late and just saw them sitting there waiting for me when I finally got there. They had a lot of options of gorgeous kimonos and I was indecisive. They were so nice and helped me picked a beautiful blue kimono and did a great job. Even though I forgot something inside twice they were so sweet and let me in. I was able to walk around comfortably and a lot of people loved my attire and hairdo. I was so happy on it. Best highlight of my trip! ❤ Thank you!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2018/11/03
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Kimono Rental and Dressing Experience in Asakusa with English Assistance

Amazing experience

投稿者: Excellent!!, 2018/11/13

The service was really great , Meiko was kind and nice, she did my hair that I loved it . I could choose from different kimonos and accessories .
It’s close to Asakusa station . 15 minutes walking
We really like the experience.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2018/11/03
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東京 テーマから探す

前日まで予約可 (直前予約可能なツアー&アクティビティ) | 東京の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)
