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Kyoto Private Taxi Tour with Customizable Itinerary & English-Speaking Guide

6 hour private car tour

投稿者: Dr S Sharma, 2019/11/28

Our driver was very courteous and accommodating. We originally started with a 4 hour tour but gradually extended to 6 hours. We covered all that we wanted to : Fushimi Inari shrine, Nijo castle, bamboo grove, and a couple of others. He walked along with us and took great photos of us. He explained the history and significance of all the sites. We had a great time. The colors of Red and yellow of the leaves was also picturesque. Would not hesitate to strongly recommend veltra tours. Keep up the good work!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/11/25
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オープントップバス 開放感あふれるバスで二条城や西本願寺など11名所を車窓観光<京都駅発>by おこしバス(京都定期観光バス)

オープントップバス 開放感あふれるバスで二条城や西本願寺など11名所を車窓観光

投稿者: ポンタ, 2019/11/26


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/11/24
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貸切観光タクシー 金閣寺・銀閣寺・平安神宮・清水寺・東山などご希望の観光地をめぐるフリープラン <3時間~/1-9名/京都市内送迎可> by ヤサカ観光


投稿者: 匿名希望, 2019/11/24


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/11/22
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Kyoto Private Taxi Tour with Customizable Itinerary & English-Speaking Guide

Great time in Kyoto

投稿者: Stergefs, 2019/11/18

We booked an 8h tour for the 16. November and were very happy with it.

Thanks to the car, we could explore much more sites than otherwise possible when using public transportation or walking. Our guide was very knowledgeable and adjusted the tour to our preferences. We recommend!


Dear Stergefs-san,
Thank you so much for using our limo service.
We appreciate to receive this happy message from you.
I am very glad to hear that you spent a great time in Kyoto with our driver.
I pass this comment to him with much pleasure.
We are looking forward to receiving a new request from you and your friend in the near future.

Warm regards, YASAKA

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/11/16
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貸切観光タクシー 金閣寺・銀閣寺・平安神宮・清水寺・東山などご希望の観光地をめぐるフリープラン <3時間~/1-9名/京都市内送迎可> by ヤサカ観光

貸切観光タクシー3時間ヤサカ観光 金閣寺龍安寺北野天満宮

投稿者: ひさぽん, 2019/11/16


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/11/13
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Kyoto Private Taxi Tour with Customizable Itinerary & English-Speaking Guide

Best experience ever! The only way to do Kyoto, esp if you are in a group

投稿者: mmmdream, 2019/10/31

Due to physical limitations, my parents can no longer walk far without balance or pain problems, so we needed personal transportation to take us around at our own pace. Based on a very sour experience in Tokyo in all aspects of customer service & complete disrespect/unprofessionalism/lack of manners+courtesy w/respect to accessible needs (yes, I was taken aback but city freneticism & savageness has taken over the city & it's not good!), we had zero expectations when we arrived in Kyoto.
BUT....what we got was a complete 5 star experience from Yuka. Not only did she communicate in perfect English (no where to be found in our "top" hotels in Tokyo that cost an arm+leg), she planned the trip around all my parents' needs with much care & thoughtfulness, went above & beyond her duty to help w/pushing the wheelchair & always attentive to shield my parents' from the pouring rain with her umbrella, staying a bit over allotted time to allow my parents to slowly finish their meals w/o rush, all the time being the most pleasant & entertaining host & safe driver! Mind you, she is not certified as a tour guide (she has the driver's license) and yet she puts both of the other licensed Tokyo tour guides to shame. She single-handedly salvaged this 9-day trip from being a complete rotten disaster! She was so amazing that my dad considered adopting her on the spot! Anyway, thank you Yuka - you have no idea what good you have done. I wish you only the best returns & if we ever come back, we will request you & only you! Please take care of yourself until then <3


Dear mmmdream-san,
Thank you so much for using our limo service.
We appreciate to receive this happy comment from you.
I am very glad to hear that you and your family spent a great time in Kyoto with our driver.
I pass this messege to her with much pleasure.
We are looking forward to receiving a new request from you and your friend in the near future.
Warm regards,


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/10/25
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貸切観光タクシー 外国人ゲスト歓迎!英語堪能なドライバーと京都名所を巡る自由観光コース<3時間~/1-9名/京都市内送迎可>by ヤサカ観光


投稿者: MIG, 2019/09/05


  • 英語ドライバーガイドも依頼可能です

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/08/22
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貸切観光タクシー 金閣寺・銀閣寺・平安神宮・清水寺・東山などご希望の観光地をめぐるフリープラン <3時間~/1-9名/京都市内送迎可> by ヤサカ観光


投稿者: MIG, 2019/09/05


  • 行きたい場所へ自由がきくのが嬉しい

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/08/21
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貸切観光タクシー 金閣寺・銀閣寺・平安神宮・清水寺・東山などご希望の観光地をめぐるフリープラン <3時間~/1-9名/京都市内送迎可> by ヤサカ観光


投稿者: Hiromi, 2019/08/25


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/08/17
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オープントップバス 開放感あふれるバスで二条城や西本願寺など11名所を車窓観光<京都駅発>by おこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: KUMIKO, 2019/07/31


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/07/28
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Kyoto Private Taxi Tour with Customizable Itinerary & English-Speaking Guide

Kyoto Private Limousine Tour with an English-Speaking Driver / Toyota 6-seater Lux-van

投稿者: Heather, 2019/07/01

The driver was very kind, friendly, knowledgeable and spoke perfect English. Surprisingly he also spoke Spanish as well, which was a fun surprise for the parents, as the driver was happy to practice his Spanish. He was able to drive us to some nice places, as we even got to eat at a nice restaurant over the river that we wanted to enjoy. The van was very spacious, clean and comfortable as well.


Dear Heather-san, Thank you so much for using our limo service.
We appreciate to receive this happy comment from you.
We are very glad to hear that you and your family spent a great time in Kyoto with our driver.
We are looking forward to receiving a new request from you and your friend in the near future
Warm regards, Yasaka

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/06/15
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貸切観光タクシー 金閣寺・銀閣寺・平安神宮・清水寺・東山などご希望の観光地をめぐるフリープラン <3時間~/1-9名/京都市内送迎可> by ヤサカ観光


投稿者: つぁん, 2019/06/22




利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/06/20
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Kyoto Private Taxi Tour with Customizable Itinerary & English-Speaking Guide

Exelent trip

投稿者: Harry, 2019/06/06

We had an exelent tour good driver, did sprak Bert well english. Knew evwrytibg we did Visit and brought us also to placets with no tourist . We were Bert impressed and would recoment this tour.


Dear Harry san,
Thank you so much for using our limo service.
We appreciate to receive this happy messege from you.
We are very glad to hear that you spent a great time in Kyoto with our driver.
We are looking forward to receiving a new request from you and your friend in the near future.
Warm regards, YASAKA

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/06/04
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オープントップバス 黄昏時の鴨川・岡崎疏水サンセットドライブ(2024/4/27~5/6限定)<京都駅発>by おこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: 大納言クリーム, 2019/05/11


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/04/30
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Kyoto Private Taxi Tour with Customizable Itinerary & English-Speaking Guide

Simply Wonderful

投稿者: Rob Gordon, 2019/05/05

The trip was with my Adult daughter From start to finish our driver and the experience was delightful - getting picked up in the Toyota Century was simply classic old school and made us feel Presidential. Our driver had the right blend of very respectful Japanese manners coupled with a delightful and cheeky sarcasm ( which suited us because it was how we are ).

He walked with us through each of the venues to make sure the experience was far more in depth than simply driving us to each site. The genuineness of the experience was very special and I will definitely be bringing my wife to Kyoto so I can take her on the same journey.

It's absolutely worth it on so many levels.


Dear Rob Gordon san, Thank you so much for using our limo service.We appreciate to receive this happy coment and photo from you.
We are very glad to hear that you spent a great time in Kyoto with our sriver. We are looking forward to receiving a new request from you and your friend in the near future.
Best regards, YASAKA

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/05/02
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Kyoto Private Taxi Tour with Customizable Itinerary & English-Speaking Guide

Great day out with the family in Kyoto!

投稿者: Huyen, 2019/04/21

My family and I visited Kyoto on April 12th, and could not be any happier with our tour. A big thanks to our friendly driver and tour guide Ichiro who made the extra effort to give us some history of the sights we visited throughout the day. Ichiro made sure we were able to visit what we had planned for the day, and he didn’t worry about the time too much when I was worried myself that our 8hour time was nearly over!
Kyoto is a beautiful place, I would go back time and time again to explore and use this service.


Dear Huyen san,
Thank you so much for using our limo service.
We appreciate to receive this happy messege from you.
We are very glad to hear that you and your family spent a great time in Kyoto with Mr Ichiro.
We are looking forward to receiving a new request from you and your friend in the near future.
Warm regards, YASAKA

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2019/04/15
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スカイバス京都 2階建てオープントップバス 桜満喫ドライブ(2024/3/23~4/10限定)<1日4便/75分/京都駅発着>byおこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: はるみん, 2019/04/21


  • 知恩院ライトアップ

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/04/06
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オープントップバス 開放感あふれるバスで二条城や西本願寺など11名所を車窓観光<京都駅発>by おこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: たじら, 2019/04/19


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/04/17
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桜の名所バスツアー 仁和寺御室桜+建仁寺塔頭 西来院+天龍寺+宝厳院(2024/4/8~4/13)<昼食付/1日/京都駅発>by おこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: いちゅ, 2019/04/13


  • 上賀茂神社

  • 鴨川沿いの枝垂れ桜

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/04/11
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スカイバス京都 2階建てオープントップバス 桜満喫ドライブ(2024/3/23~4/10限定)<1日4便/75分/京都駅発着>byおこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: サクラコ, 2019/04/12


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/04/10
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Kyoto Private Taxi Tour with Customizable Itinerary & English-Speaking Guide

Great touring services!

投稿者: Carol, 2019/04/09

Had a great tour with a private chartered taxi. Our driver-guide Taka was very helpful, friendly, accommodating, and funny. We are very happy to be with his company and we hope to meet him again in the future of our Japan trips.

  • Had a wonderful touring experience with Taka..:)

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/03/31
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貸切観光タクシー 金閣寺・銀閣寺・平安神宮・清水寺・東山などご希望の観光地をめぐるフリープラン <3時間~/1-9名/京都市内送迎可> by ヤサカ観光


投稿者: あーちゃん, 2019/03/27


  • 卒業しましたm(_ _)m

  • 京都最高!!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/03/25
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Kyoto Private Taxi Tour with Customizable Itinerary & English-Speaking Guide

Great service in a great vehicle

投稿者: Shane Crew, 2019/01/29

We had Kam take us around the sites of Kyoto for 6 hours. His english was excellent and his vehicle was immaculate.

Kam didn't just drive us to the sites, he went the extra mile and played tour guide at each stop and explained the historical sites and walked us around.

We had a fantastic day and highly recommend Kam and his service in Kyoto.


Dear Shane Crew-san, Thank you so much for using our limo service.
We are very glad to hear that you spent a great time in Kyoto with our driver.
We are looking forward to receiving a new request from you and your friend in the near future.

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2019/01/12
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新春!初詣バスツアー 平安神宮+南禅寺+城南宮 京の都で開運招福 ほっこり湯豆腐の昼食付(2024/1/1~5)<昼食付>by 京都定期観光バス


投稿者: mrk, 2019/01/26

南禅寺での湯豆腐の昼食は待ち時間もなく 温かい食事にほっこりしました。ツアーはいつも良いとこどりで 特に寒い季節は本当に助かります。

  • ほっこり湯豆腐に満足!!

  • 集合時間まで南禅寺の三門を散策しました。

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/01/02
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Kyoto Private Taxi Tour with Customizable Itinerary & English-Speaking Guide

6-seater SUV with English speaking driver

投稿者: Chinita Hard, 2019/01/08

Our driver was efficient, kind, professional, personable and very helpful. After hearing where we wanted to visit, he made recommendations about the order and timing of our day. We also needed to find a birthday cake and buy shinkansen tickets and he called a bakery and waited outside the station while we went to the ticket counter. The car was clean and comfortable. In addition, he selected exactly what we requested for a lunch stop: fast, local, easy to seat 14 people and good food.

We also hired a 9-seater Hi-ace van as we were a large group of 14. He worked well with the other driver and took turns explaining things as we were on site at shrines, temples and gardens.

It was a perfect day with the car and driver!


Dear Chinita Hard-san,Thank you so much for using our limo service. We appreciate to receive this happy comment from you. We are very glad to hear that you and your family spent a great time in Kyoto with our drivers.
We are looking forward to receiving a new request from you and your friend in the near future.
Warm regards, YASAKA

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2018/12/27
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Kyoto Private Taxi Tour with Customizable Itinerary & English-Speaking Guide

9 seater Hi-ace with driver

投稿者: Chinita Hard, 2019/01/08

Our driver was cordial, knowledgable and professional. After hearing what we have already visited and what we still wanted to see in Kyoto, he made recommendations about where to go and time spent at the location. We couldn't have asked for a better experience!

We also hired a second 6-seater as we had a large group of 14 people. He and the other driver worked together and took turns explaining things as we were on site at temples and museums.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2018/12/27
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貸切観光タクシー 金閣寺・銀閣寺・平安神宮・清水寺・東山などご希望の観光地をめぐるフリープラン <3時間~/1-9名/京都市内送迎可> by ヤサカ観光


投稿者: コメドラ, 2019/01/08


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/01/06
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新春!初詣バスツアー 平安神宮+南禅寺+城南宮 京の都で開運招福 ほっこり湯豆腐の昼食付(2024/1/1~5)<昼食付>by 京都定期観光バス


投稿者: ラスティ&シャロン, 2019/01/06

3ヶ所を バスならではの無駄のない移動で、ガイドさんの移動中の解説、着いてからの 効率の良いお参りの仕方、個人ではこうはいきませんね〜。
『順正』では、待ち客を横目に、奥の綺麗な庭園を通り すぐ案内され、食事もスタンバイされてました。温かいものは ちゃんと温かく、いろんなお料理が少しずつきれいに盛られ(もちろん湯豆腐がメインでした)、美味しくいただきました。

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/01/04
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オープントップバス 開放感あふれるバスで二条城や西本願寺など11名所を車窓観光<京都駅発>by おこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: いっとく君, 2018/12/27


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2018/12/25
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貸切観光タクシー 金閣寺・銀閣寺・平安神宮・清水寺・東山などご希望の観光地をめぐるフリープラン <3時間~/1-9名/京都市内送迎可> by ヤサカ観光


投稿者: MIG, 2018/12/06


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2018/10/04
この体験談は参考になりましたか? [はい]


京都 テーマから探す

平安神宮 (観光情報) | 京都観光| VELTRA(ベルトラ)
