(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 6) 京都 伝統文化体験 | 京都の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)

京都 伝統文化体験のアクティビティ参加者レビュー一覧


4.63 4.63 / 5



Introductory Traditional Kyo-Yuzen Hand-Dyeing Workshop in a Machiya

Great relaxing activity. Perfect for a rainy day or to take a break from city excursions.

投稿者: Nikki, 2019/11/17

I made an awesome tumbler that I absolutely LOVE.

I'm a bit of a perfectionist and was worried about things coming out just right but the staff there was patient and willing to put up with my extra questions and offered advice. They had a native English speaker there so it made the explanations super easy to understand. Thanks Saskia!

The only sort-of-criticism I have is more with Veltra's layout. The location actually had more items than was listed on the site. But we were given free range of anything at the price range of the tumbler (which we both chose on the site) or above, with us paying the difference in store (we COULD have chosen a less expensive item but we'd be loosing out on money since it was payed for in advance through Veltra). I chose to stay with the tumbler I originally planned but having those options given to me was very nice. So really, this was both a negative AND a positive.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
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Japanese Washi Paper Souvenir Book Making Lesson in Kyoto

Quiet Creativity and Culture

投稿者: Bridget, 2019/11/07

I had such a good time time at this activity -- I highly recommend it. The staff were incredibly kind and helpful. Aside from making and poking holes in your paper, you are involved in every step, including designing, tracing and cutting the stencil you use for the cover art. More than worth the price, and the souvenir you take with you is definitely meaningful.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/11/06
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Half Day Traditional Batik and Indigo Dyeing Lesson in Kyoto

Nice workshop!

投稿者: Annaïck, 2019/10/29

Spot easy to find.
First you get to chose your design from the design library sorted by styles.
You can also come up with your own design (a black and white print is all you need)
Then the host teaches you how to apply wax. You get a little training on sample.
Afterwards you can apply wax on the kind of fabric you selected for the workshop with the chosen design.
Once it’s done, it’s time for the dyeing process, which takes 10 to 15mn.
Then the piece of cloth gets dried very quickly, in less than 5 mn.
The result I had on my design was a bit bolder than expected.
I think I got a bit too heavy on the wax and brush ;)

Host is friendly and easy to communicate with in English!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/06/06
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Introductory Traditional Kyo-Yuzen Hand-Dyeing Workshop in a Machiya

Nice workshop!

投稿者: Annaïck, 2019/10/28

Spot easy to find.
First you get to choose your stencil design in a big selection well sorted by style.
Then you pick your favorite design and the host shows you how to proceed and make you try the technique a little bit before using the piece of cloth you chose for that workshop.
Then the host lets you practice and is still around if you need help.
It took me a half day, but that was mostly because I am always hard to choose stencils and colors, also I’m slow at painting.
Host was nice, helpful and easy to communicate with in English.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/06/06
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Traditional Bamboo Basket Weaving Experience

Nice experience!

投稿者: Annaïck, 2019/10/28

This workshop was my first experience in weaving.
I made a Shikainamihana basket and it wasn’t difficult.
The host had a good level in English and was patient in showing and explaining all the steps.
It didn’t even take too long to make ! It took about an hour.
This workshop is fine for beginners and totally ok if you speak English!
I recommend going to the Take No Ko shop for the appointement

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/06/07
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Traditional Bamboo Basket Weaving Experience

Peaceful personalized experience

投稿者: Davin, 2019/09/09

We entered the weaving store, then the teacher led us back into the garage/workshop.

My wife and I had chosen different products to make. Mine was a bit more difficult (ebikago) while my wife's (yorozukago) was simpler and took 30 minutes less to complete. My wife was pleased with the product

I really loved the workshop, it was cool despite the summer heat and the teacher was nice and patient

  • The workshop

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/09/06
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漆器加飾 最も豪華な「螺鈿」を体験 <上京区> 京の手創り体験 地域観光情報研究社 催行


投稿者: まろん, 2019/08/22


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/08/19
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Half Day Traditional Batik and Indigo Dyeing Lesson in Kyoto

Fun to try & a nice souvenir to take away

投稿者: Stevie , 2019/08/06

Host was very kind and helpful. I was the only one on the day but he was very informative and patient nonetheless. I would be shown each step and left to continue whilst he would check and see my progress. I liked that he gave me space to get on with it, otherwise I would have felt pressured into rushing. When it came to mixing and rinsing the dye, I didn't need to do much but it was interesting to watch him finish the process. The product came out looking lovely and the overall experience was interesting. A good experience whether in a group or solo.

  • I chose a Japanese wash cloth and a temple design

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/07/06
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Make a Geisha Hana Kanzashi Flower Hair Ornament in Kyoto

definitely a highlight of our vacation!

投稿者: CSK, 2019/07/29

Absolutely worth it. Language barrier not an issue in the slightest, she has prepared materials in English to translate instructions. They were very kind and patient. Excellent teacher, the final results were beautiful. Wide range of colors and patterns and styles to choose from, I was not disappointed in our choices. Would do it again for sure!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/07/29
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Shakyo (Sutra Copying) at Shourinji Temple

Lovely idea、badly informed.

投稿者: Stevie , 2019/07/05

It was a rather awkward experience sadly. I speak basic Japanese、slowly learning but the communication was terrible. Had the experience warned of this it wouldn't have been a problem as I'd have been better prepared. It says they speak some English. The woman who was organising me spoke zero English and when I apologised in Japanese and explained I understood little Japanese (in Japanese) it made no difference. She'd keep talking to me and I had no idea what was going on. She was lovely but I felt really uncomfortable.

After spending the time writing the sutra I didn't even get to keep it. She just took it and placed it under an incense stand with a bunch of others. There was no information on this or what they even do with it. I would have liked to take it away as a momento or have some sort of info on what happens with it next!

This experience is a lovely idea but you need to better inform the person taking part. This experience information certainly needs updating.

I did enjoy matcha and wagashi whilst sitting looking out a beautiful garden but that was the only part that was as it says in the description. No-one was around to check I was doing things right or wrong、i was simply placed in a room and left to it. Would not recommend at all、sorry.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/07/05
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Traditional Bamboo Basket Weaving Experience

Patient, easy-to-understand instruction

投稿者: American in Kyoto , 2019/06/30

My sister, an American basket weaver with a great deal of experience in weaving other materials, and I, a long-term resident of Japan with no previous experience, took the course. We were the only two students that day and both had a great time. The young woman who instructed us was friendly and patient with us, taking us one step at a time through the process of making the rather complex but beautiful Shikainami basket. We both ended up with nice-looking baskets. The instructor cheerfully answered my sister's questions about preparing the bamboo and agreed to prepare 200 strips for my sister to take home with her a week later. All-in-all, a very satisfying experience well worth the price.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/06/24
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Half Day Traditional Batik and Indigo Dyeing Lesson in Kyoto

Extremely enjoyable workshop

投稿者: PoorMan, 2019/06/16

We have never worked on cloth dyeing like this before. The store owners were incredibly friendly and walked us through every step of the process. They were always there to answer questions and provide assistance if we needed it. The entire process was fascinating, making the experience that much more interesting and fun. We highly recommend trying this for yourself if you are ever in Kyoto!


Thank you for the review.
It looks like you were very happy. .
I would also like to visit you when there is an opportunity.
Thank you

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/06/16
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【茶道体験】気軽に楽しめる茶道体験でほっと一息!茶道+生け花が一緒に楽しめるプランも有<貸切・混載プラン有/金閣寺徒歩約1分>by 茶道体験古都


投稿者: ゆうこ, 2019/05/23




利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/05/21
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Kyo-Yuzen Hand Dyed Accessories Workshop in a Traditional Kyoto Machiya

Kyo-Yuzen Dyeing

投稿者: Vicky- Australia, 2019/05/20

The activity was fun and we enjoyed doing it but I feel it should be renamed.
This activity was more stencilling on a small wall hanging rather than the 'dyeing' we expected. There were many stencils to choose from and we were allowed plenty of time. Demonstrations were good & the explanations clear. This is a good family activity or for someone wanting to do some easy Japanese craftwork. Just be clear- it is using various applications of colour with a stiff brush over stencils that line up to create an overall picture on a small wall hanging.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/04/30
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漆器加飾 金色装飾の「蒔絵」を体験 <上京区> 京の手創り体験 地域観光情報研究社 催行


投稿者: aju, 2019/05/11





利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2018/11/08
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茶杓製作体験教室 自分だけのオリジナル茶杓を作りませんか<横山竹材店>


投稿者: よんり, 2019/04/22


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/04/19
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Traditional Tea Ceremony Experience near Kinkakuji Temple in Kyoto

Peaceful and insightful

投稿者: Richard Kingshott, 2019/04/21

Our charming hostess explained the history and significance of the tea ceremony and generated a feeling of calm and tranquility.


Thank you very much for coming to our tea house KOTO.
I'm glad to hear that you felt tranquility here:)

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2019/04/10
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【酒蔵試飲ツアー】25種類以上の日本酒が試飲可!日本有数の銘醸地・伏見の酒蔵を巡る3時間プラン 1グループ貸切プランあり<午後発/日本語(英語)ガイド/伏見>


投稿者: Ryo3, 2019/04/20

当日は妻と2人の貸切ツアーでした。集合場所の駅から神社でお参りを済ませて最初の利き酒のお店へ。なんと満席で1時間待ち。ガイドさんの機転で近くのお店で3種の利き酒。伏見のお酒はやはり美味しい。月桂冠の記念館での試飲を頂きツアーのメインイベント 伏見の全蔵17種類の利き酒セットのお店へ。なんと満席とのこと。再度のガイドさんの機転で店内の別なお店で9種飲み比べセットを頂きました。ハプニングはありましが、伏見のお酒、街並みを満喫できたツアーでした。ガイドさんに感謝です。

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/02/10
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Make a Geisha Hana Kanzashi Flower Hair Ornament in Kyoto


投稿者: Rebecca G., 2019/04/13

Today was a special day for me, to be able to learn and make myself my own Kanzashi was a great experience. Even I dont speak Japanese(we used a translation app to communicate) it went very well. The choice of colors is very interesting.



利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/04/14
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Delicate Chinkin Style Lacquerware Decoration Workshop in Kyoto

Learnt a lot

投稿者: Aisling, 2019/04/12

I did a raden class at sagaraden nomura and a makie class at innui shikki and I have to say that my husband and I both enjoyed the chinkin class at kyoto artisan workshop best of all. The teachers were elderly and speak Japanese only but we had no problems following through the teacher's demonstration. What sets kyoto artisan workshop apart was the incredibly hands on experience from the woodcutting to the application of lacquer and metallic powders, unlike the other workshops that we've been to where some steps were done for us by more expert hands so that we would have a nice product to take home. As a result we learnt a lot. Highly recommend this class.



利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/04/08
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勝林寺 坐禅体験 自分と向き合い見つめ直す静かなひと時 <60分/1名~/東福寺駅>


投稿者: アリエル, 2019/04/08


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/04/06
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勝林寺 写仏体験 清浄な空間のなかで心のやすらぎを(お抹茶付き)<東福寺駅>


投稿者: ジルコ, 2019/04/04


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/04/02
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勝林寺 坐禅体験 自分と向き合い見つめ直す静かなひと時 <60分/1名~/東福寺駅>


投稿者: yui, 2019/04/02



利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/03/31
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Make a Geisha Hana Kanzashi Flower Hair Ornament in Kyoto

Great experience

投稿者: Alyssa, 2019/03/21

I grew up doing arts and crafts, so deciding to do this class while in Kyoto was an obvious choice for me. I am so glad I did it! I am very happy with the hair ornament I made and can't wait to bring it home and wear it at a dressy event. Thanks Dekobokoan!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/03/19
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Half Day Traditional Batik and Indigo Dyeing Lesson in Kyoto

Paint with wax and dye!

投稿者: Shona M, 2019/03/07

The man who runs this class is very nice. An old lady also helps. You get to pick a design and practice painting it before you do your final copy. You can choose what you paint on. The man helps you dye the fabric and remove the wax. He really looked after my kimono to protect it from the dye. Highly recommend if you like batik or want to know more about Japanese culture. The dye changes color right before your eyes!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/03/05
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Gold Kindami Yuzen Kyoto Fabric Dying and Handcrafts Lesson

Artisans teach you for real!

投稿者: Shona M, 2019/03/07

It was such a privilege and honour to learn a true Japanese fabric technique from and artisan who had been working for 60 years! Finding the place is a little tricky, but it is so worth it. The bag you get in the end is made of durable denim and good for holding any little trinkets you collect in your travels. I was there in spring so I was able to buy a box of sakura manju, too. :) you can do this alone or with children. I recommend bringing friends.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/03/06
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Japanese Washi Paper Souvenir Book Making Lesson in Kyoto

Rubbing elbows with true artisans!

投稿者: Shona M, 2019/03/07

The staff here are so nice. They served me right away, even though I came very early. They like to explain a lot about Japanese history and culture. The book binding is organised to be quick and easy to do, so that both kids and adults can enjoy it. I only wish I could have learned more about the process! If only I knew more Japanese language!
What really impressed me, however, is that they built some katagami, or traditional artisan stencilling, often done on silk. Kozaka San and Monoba San really are great to chat with as well, and well tolerate poor Japanese language skills. :)

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/03/06
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Kyo-Yuzen Hand Dyed Accessories Workshop in a Traditional Kyoto Machiya

Really enjoyed it

投稿者: Kate Lack, 2019/03/02

We created something special to bring back with us other than normal souvenir type objects. It was super easy to do. Would not recommend the eco bag as it is quite small.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/02/09
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【茶道体験】気軽に楽しめる茶道体験でほっと一息!茶道+生け花が一緒に楽しめるプランも有<貸切・混載プラン有/金閣寺徒歩約1分>by 茶道体験古都


投稿者: ちむゆか, 2019/02/27




利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/02/25
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勝林寺 坐禅体験 自分と向き合い見つめ直す静かなひと時 <60分/1名~/東福寺駅>


投稿者: サリー, 2019/02/18


  • スッキリした顔

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/02/17
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京都 テーマから探す

京都 伝統文化体験 | 京都の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)

美しく繊細な日本の伝統工芸は、海外からも注目を集める日本の文化の一つです。京都には古くからの伝統が継承された貴重な文化がたくさん残されています。京友禅染や西陣織、京都を代表する焼き物の清水焼など、聞いたことがある方が多いのではないでしょうか。伝統文化体験では、茶道体験や絵付け体験など観光中でも気軽に体験できるものから、時間をかけて制作する染め物体験や陶芸体験、実際に工房を訪れて職人さんの技術を見学できるユニークなものまで多数プランを取り揃えています。所要時間30分から参加できるプランもあり、観光スポットからアクセスもしやすいので、京都観光の合間にも気軽にご参加いただけます。オリジナル作品を作って、自分自身や大切な方へのお土産にしてみてはいかがでしょうか。忙しい日常から離れ、京都で落ち着いた時間を過ごしたい方へのおすすめは、お寺での座禅体験や写経体験です。更に朝のお勤め体験や精進料理など、1泊2日の宿坊体験もご紹介しています。 事前に予約をしておけば、観光スケジュールも組みやすく快適な京都観光をお楽しみいただけます。旅行の思い出のひとつに、ぜひ参加してみてください。