(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 33) 一人旅・おひとり様参加可能ツアー | 京都の観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)



4.46 4.46 / 5



Reserved Tickets for 64th Gion Odori Maiko and Geisha Dance in Kyoto (Nov. 1~10)

Simply Magical

投稿者: Tatjana, 2017/11/25

If you gave the chance to see this performance, don't miss it!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2017/11/01
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トロッコ列車と保津川下り バスツアー 並ばずスムーズに乗船&乗車!嵐山散策も<京都駅発/1日>by おこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: ママさん, 2017/11/25



利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2017/11/23
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Great experience

投稿者: Haeseong Kim, 2017/11/24

Everything was perfect except for the tea ceremony. It would have been nice if someone explained the exact procedure of the tea ceremony. It was nice we had a chance to ask many questions, however, question and answer session took more than half of the time.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/11/22
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トロッコ列車と保津川下り バスツアー 並ばずスムーズに乗船&乗車!嵐山散策も<京都駅発/1日>by おこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: ラムラム, 2017/11/23


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/11/21
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トロッコ列車と保津川下り バスツアー 並ばずスムーズに乗船&乗車!嵐山散策も<京都駅発/1日>by おこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: non, 2017/11/19


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/11/17
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Gion tea with maiko

投稿者: BOB H, 2017/11/18

The tea house went out their way to be friendly and provide a glimpse into the unknown world of a maiko in training. Most interesting and enjoyable.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/10/25
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トロッコ列車と保津川下り バスツアー 並ばずスムーズに乗船&乗車!嵐山散策も<京都駅発/1日>by おこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: m.mori, 2017/11/18

10月の末に予約してたのが台風で無理になり 11月16日のベストシーズンになり混みあってるのが心配でしたがベルトラツアーだったので 待ち時間などのなんの心配もなく ただただ秋の景色を楽しむことができました。保津川下りは最高で違うシーズンにも 行きたいです。

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/11/16
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金閣寺+銀閣寺+清水寺 半日バスツアー 京都の世界遺産3ヶ所めぐり<京都駅発>by おこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: asami, 2017/11/18


  • 銀閣寺の石段と紅葉

  • 秋晴れの金閣寺

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/11/11
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Magical experience!

投稿者: Greg, 2017/11/17

This was our first time having tea with Maiko-san, and we didn't know what to expect. We were blow away by this experience! We thoroughly enjoyed having tea with our hostess, and the location was everything we'd hoped to find in a traditional Japanese tea house. Tomitsuyu-san was incredibly friendly and polite, and spoke flawless English too! We had a wonderful time and learned so much about the geisha as well as traditional culture in Kyoto. I absolutely recommend this activity to anyone who wants a traditional Japanese experience!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/10/18
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Reserved Tickets for 64th Gion Odori Maiko and Geisha Dance in Kyoto (Nov. 1~10)

Easy check-in; great experience

投稿者: Catherine, 2017/11/12

The Gion Odori was an emotional, moving performance. You could never have the same authentic experience anywhere but Japan. There were maiko and prominent Kyoto residents in the audience, too, so you know it’s for real! The Veltra booking service made it super easy to get a ticket as a foreigner. I picked up my ticket at the theater about 30 minutes before the performance.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/11/10
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第64回 祇園をどり 芸舞妓の舞台鑑賞券(2023/11/1~11/10)<祇園/京都市>by アタシェ京


投稿者: きよみ K, 2017/11/12


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/11/10
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Reserved Tickets for 64th Gion Odori Maiko and Geisha Dance in Kyoto (Nov. 1~10)

Gion Odori Fall performance

投稿者: Ramon, 2017/11/12

The show was very nice with magnificent colors. The location of our seats (view of the scene) was very good but the quality of the seat was poor, we were on add-on type hard seats instead of the normal softer seats. The show lasts one hour and tends to be boring with the same music and voice all along. In any case, a must-see show to get acquainted with Japanese culture.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/11/04
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金閣寺+銀閣寺+清水寺 半日バスツアー 京都の世界遺産3ヶ所めぐり<京都駅発>by おこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: kyou10, 2017/11/12



利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/10/21
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第64回 祇園をどり 芸舞妓の舞台鑑賞券(2023/11/1~11/10)<祇園/京都市>by アタシェ京


投稿者: Mineko , 2017/11/11


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2017/11/09
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舞妓はんの舞踊と京料理付きバスツアー 舞妓はんとの記念撮影<京都駅発/夕方>by おこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: 千葉の60歳, 2017/11/11


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/10/21
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金閣寺+銀閣寺+清水寺 半日バスツアー 京都の世界遺産3ヶ所めぐり<京都駅発>by おこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: J,hide, 2017/11/10


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/11/08
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Reserved Tickets for 64th Gion Odori Maiko and Geisha Dance in Kyoto (Nov. 1~10)

100% worth it, definitely one of those rare Japanese experiences you gotta do in Kyoto!

投稿者: Princeton, 2017/11/10

If you're fortunate enough to be in Kyoto for this, I recommend you absolutely do it!

A few things to note:
-Booking online through Veltra guarantees you a seat; we were originally going to wait for tickets at the theatre itself, but they had long lines on the day of and it was SUPER cramped.
-We arrived an hour early to check in; just showed a print out of the Veltra voucher and got some souvenir stickers, and the lady at check-in said "Your seats are not very nice, so please accept this as an apology" -she gave us a free souvenir cloth - the same ones the Geiko & Maiko throw at the crowd during the show!
-We opted for the Tea Ceremony - After getting into a bit of a tight line on the upper level for 20 minutes, we got a piece of mochi and a bowl of green tea - just enough for a few sips, nothing too crazy/big. The room it is held in is quite small; it felt like a classroom with desks very close to each other. You are squeezed into a spot as soon as the previous people have vacated their seats; No photos but there is a Maiko and a Geiko at the front of the room looking quite solemn/stern so you might be lucky to be seated directly in front of them while you're enjoying your snack but you're equally likely to be put in the far corner. Again, a tight squeeze.
-The seats were really not that bad, we were on the highest level and it seems like other Veltra buyers were too (other Westerners). The view for us was great but it seems you don't have a choice in selection.
-It's not in the same spot as Gion Corner; the theatre for this is actually across the street from the Yasaka Shrine.
-Everything's in Japanese, heads up - even the program you receive. Again, we're a couple of fairly smaller people under 5'8" and it was a bit cramped - so take note if you're on the larger side. We noticed a heftier American couple with mobility issues having a slightly tougher time... but they also talked through the entire show. Avoid coming with bags!

  • The first act of the show!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/11/04
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Reserved Tickets for 64th Gion Odori Maiko and Geisha Dance in Kyoto (Nov. 1~10)


投稿者: Alexandra , 2017/11/10

One of the most beautiful dances I have ever seen and one of the highlights of my trip in Japan.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/11/08
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Reserved Tickets for 64th Gion Odori Maiko and Geisha Dance in Kyoto (Nov. 1~10)


投稿者: Erik, 2017/11/08

Nothing short of spectacular! These public dances emit a magical atomsphere that is sure to spell-bound everyone. There is nothing else like it in the world !

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/11/06
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Reserved Tickets for 64th Gion Odori Maiko and Geisha Dance in Kyoto (Nov. 1~10)

Interesting show with beatiful outfits and dance

投稿者: Ingrid, 2017/11/08

Good show with a quick cup of tea at first in a separate room. Easy to change the voucher into ticket (one hour before the show). Very pleased.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/11/06
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Reserved Tickets for 64th Gion Odori Maiko and Geisha Dance in Kyoto (Nov. 1~10)

Very nice performance

投稿者: Raquel, 2017/11/08

Very nice and impressive performance. The tee ceremony not really worth it, but the performance was excellent

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2017/11/06
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Reserved Tickets for 64th Gion Odori Maiko and Geisha Dance in Kyoto (Nov. 1~10)

Great experience

投稿者: Jessica, 2017/11/06

Having the ticket beforehand has been great. I think there were still available tickets onsite when we got there but the place was pretty packed by showtime so still good to plan beforehand.

If you plan to do the tea ceremony, there will be several batches as the room is small. Try to sit in the first row to experience the Maiko serving you your tea.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/11/03
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Reserved Tickets for 64th Gion Odori Maiko and Geisha Dance in Kyoto (Nov. 1~10)

Good show, bad seat

投稿者: Bervin Cheong, 2017/11/06

I was given a foldable chair to sit in while other had regular seats in the theatre. I understand that I was not the only one given such a seat but it indicated that the theatre oversold their tickets? And given that I purchased my ticket one month in advance, I don't see how it should come to that. Veltra, as the go between, you should really look into the matter, or at least drop the booking from your site – as it reflects badly on you to be listing activities that don't meet a certain standard for paying customers. The show was great though.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/11/04
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第64回 祇園をどり 芸舞妓の舞台鑑賞券(2023/11/1~11/10)<祇園/京都市>by アタシェ京


投稿者: もっち, 2017/11/06


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2017/11/04
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Reserved Tickets for 64th Gion Odori Maiko and Geisha Dance in Kyoto (Nov. 1~10)

Super style disappointing reality

投稿者: Tony, 2017/11/05

Performance was excellent but was treated like maximazing turnover - tea ceremony too fast and on a personal level having book most expensive options well in advance was disappointed to be on an end row -on an additional hard chair unlike the the more comfortable seats in the auditorium - so my 3 reflects the efforts of the artists not the management

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/11/03
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Reserved Tickets for 64th Gion Odori Maiko and Geisha Dance in Kyoto (Nov. 1~10)

Loved this performance!!

投稿者: jnypny, 2017/11/05

Have been to Kyoto before but never saw a dance performance. It was fantastic and the seats were very good too. I really appreciated being able to get them from the US before the trip -- I expect they would have been sold out by the time we were in Kyoto, especially as we had 7 people attending. Thanks, Veltra!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2017/11/03
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第64回 祇園をどり 芸舞妓の舞台鑑賞券(2023/11/1~11/10)<祇園/京都市>by アタシェ京


投稿者: ゆーな, 2017/11/05


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/11/03
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トロッコ列車と保津川下り バスツアー 並ばずスムーズに乗船&乗車!嵐山散策も<京都駅発/1日>by おこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: liko, 2017/10/28


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/10/07
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Must Do!

投稿者: Kristin , 2017/10/24

My Husband and I had a great time, the host/translator was so kind and her English was perfect. The Maiko we got to met was very sweet and kind. We learned a lot and loved her dance. The only down side was it was hard to find and once we did find it there is not English on the outside. Perhaps you could make a detailed map to send visitors?
If you are in Kyoto I would say this is a must do! Love it

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/10/22
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

perfect for everyone

投稿者: giulya, 2017/10/18

was a great experience and we had a great time,was so beautiful and so speachless.

  • was very beautiful

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/10/16
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京都 テーマから探す

一人旅・おひとり様参加可能ツアー | 京都の観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)

一人旅の観光やツアー・アクティビティをご紹介。 おひとり様参加可能なツアーをエリア別に掲載。 旅行前でも旅先でも予約・参加可能なツアーを豊富にご用意してます。 人気のツアーは早めにご予約されることをおすすめいたします。