(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 42) 午後 (時間帯) | 京都の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)



4.51 4.51 / 5



和菓子作り体験 町家造りの老舗和菓子店で和菓子作り 清水寺からアクセス良好<和菓子3~4種類+お抹茶/2名~/持ち帰り可/手ぶら参加OK> by 甘春堂 東店


投稿者: まゆき, 2019/08/12


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/08/10
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金閣寺+銀閣寺+清水寺 半日バスツアー 京都の世界遺産3ヶ所めぐり<京都駅発>by おこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: むつみ, 2019/08/11




利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/08/09
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Great experience!

投稿者: Roxana, 2019/08/11

It was a great experience for me and my family! We realy enjoyed the time with mayko-san: the dance, the tea ceremony, the conversation or the pictures.

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2019/08/09
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【嵐電1日フリーきっぷ】嵐電1日乗り放題+お得な特典付き <利用可能区間:嵐電 嵐山本線・北野線 全線/京都市>


投稿者: TOM, 2019/08/11


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/08/07
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Half Day Traditional Batik and Indigo Dyeing Lesson in Kyoto

Fun to try & a nice souvenir to take away

投稿者: Stevie , 2019/08/06

Host was very kind and helpful. I was the only one on the day but he was very informative and patient nonetheless. I would be shown each step and left to continue whilst he would check and see my progress. I liked that he gave me space to get on with it, otherwise I would have felt pressured into rushing. When it came to mixing and rinsing the dye, I didn't need to do much but it was interesting to watch him finish the process. The product came out looking lovely and the overall experience was interesting. A good experience whether in a group or solo.

  • I chose a Japanese wash cloth and a temple design

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/07/06
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舞妓さんと一緒に体験プラン 舞鑑賞・記念撮影・お座敷遊び・食事付きなど選べる6プラン by 日本文化体験 庵an


投稿者: りりん, 2019/08/05




利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/08/03
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金閣寺+銀閣寺+清水寺 半日バスツアー 京都の世界遺産3ヶ所めぐり<京都駅発>by おこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: an@, 2019/08/03


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/07/20
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町家でお食事!おばんざい懐石や旬の京野菜のお料理から選べる 築160年の町家で歴史と文化と食を体験<昼食・夕食選択/四条駅・烏丸駅>byくろちく百足(むかで)屋


投稿者: KUMIKO, 2019/07/31


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/07/26
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オープントップバス 開放感あふれるバスで二条城や西本願寺など11名所を車窓観光<京都駅発>by おこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: KUMIKO, 2019/07/31


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/07/28
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Memorable Experience in Kyoto

投稿者: Deb, 2019/07/21

Our multi-generational family (from age 12 to 79) thoroughly enjoyed this experience. The kids were warmly welcomed and included. The Maiko (I think her name was Tomichie) was magnificent and extraordinary, and the mother of the house did a wonderful job explaining everything we experienced. Taking photos was welcomed and encouraged. Conversation time with the Maiko was pleasant and easy (her English was excellent). The length of time was perfect for our group; we were able to enjoy the experiences and the kids didn't get restless. I highly recommends this experience.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/07/16
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Authentic Ninja Training Experience at Ninja Dojo in Kyoto

Well worth doing.

投稿者: Matt easson, 2019/07/20

Would completely recommend that anyone does this as an activity either on your own or with a group.
You start by getting dressed as a ninja to then learn about the mediation etc of ninja.
Walking and acting like a ninja, Then it’s on to the weapons, these were all great fun but we were also very safe as The instructor is very knowledgable and makes sure you are being sensible and correct.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/07/18
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金閣寺+銀閣寺+清水寺 半日バスツアー 京都の世界遺産3ヶ所めぐり<京都駅発>by おこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: ryoko-mama, 2019/07/17

今回はコンサート遠征で大阪に行き、せっかくだから と友人と京都に泊まり京都観光をしました。前日がコンサートでクタクタだったので迷わず観光バスを選びました。時間もあまりなく、友人は30年ぶりの京都だと言うのでこのツアーにしました。

  • 清水寺

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/07/15
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Welcome to Kyoto~

投稿者: lisa k, 2019/07/06

We booked this on our first day in Kyoto as our way of immersing in the culture. Not one thing about it disappointed. It was long enough to feel we got the experience but short enough to keep our attention which was not easy since we were all jet lagged from the east coast of the US. We enjoyed our time with our hostesses and appreciated the candor in answering all of our questions and being willing to have pictures taken with us. We also were fascinated by the traditional tea ceremony performed. Very nice way to start the week!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/06/11
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Shakyo (Sutra Copying) at Shourinji Temple

Lovely idea、badly informed.

投稿者: Stevie , 2019/07/05

It was a rather awkward experience sadly. I speak basic Japanese、slowly learning but the communication was terrible. Had the experience warned of this it wouldn't have been a problem as I'd have been better prepared. It says they speak some English. The woman who was organising me spoke zero English and when I apologised in Japanese and explained I understood little Japanese (in Japanese) it made no difference. She'd keep talking to me and I had no idea what was going on. She was lovely but I felt really uncomfortable.

After spending the time writing the sutra I didn't even get to keep it. She just took it and placed it under an incense stand with a bunch of others. There was no information on this or what they even do with it. I would have liked to take it away as a momento or have some sort of info on what happens with it next!

This experience is a lovely idea but you need to better inform the person taking part. This experience information certainly needs updating.

I did enjoy matcha and wagashi whilst sitting looking out a beautiful garden but that was the only part that was as it says in the description. No-one was around to check I was doing things right or wrong、i was simply placed in a room and left to it. Would not recommend at all、sorry.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/07/05
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Highlight of our Trip to Japan

投稿者: Belinda, 2019/07/01

We absolutely loved the hour we spent with the Maiko in Kyoto. We cannot recommend the Tea Ceremony highly enough, we are still talking about it. It was such a privilege to get an insight in to the Maiko and Geiko way of life. Thank you so much for allowing us to share this once in a lifetime experience.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/06/27
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Amazing experience-highlight of our trip

投稿者: EmilyJ, 2019/07/01

I am so thankful to have found this experience online. I have been fascinated by Geisha culture and history for a long time and to be able to have this chance was amazing. The tea house owner spoke wonderful English and gave us a very quick, but thorough history of Geikos and Maikos. She also took some photos for us during the tea, and outside the teahouse before we began, which was nice.

Tomichie, the Maiko, was a complete delight. She also spoke wonderful English and really was breathtaking during the dance. You can tell how much practice goes into the work that she does. During the Q&A session she gave thoughtful answers and was interested in ours too. I think we could've chatted with her much longer, but sadly our time went by so quickly. Watching her with my son, 6, was heartwarming. He said that this experience was the highlight of our trip in Kyoto (and I don't disagree with him)!

  • He was so excited

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/06/26
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Kyoto Private Taxi Tour with Customizable Itinerary & English-Speaking Guide

Kyoto Private Limousine Tour with an English-Speaking Driver / Toyota 6-seater Lux-van

投稿者: Heather, 2019/07/01

The driver was very kind, friendly, knowledgeable and spoke perfect English. Surprisingly he also spoke Spanish as well, which was a fun surprise for the parents, as the driver was happy to practice his Spanish. He was able to drive us to some nice places, as we even got to eat at a nice restaurant over the river that we wanted to enjoy. The van was very spacious, clean and comfortable as well.


Dear Heather-san, Thank you so much for using our limo service.
We appreciate to receive this happy comment from you.
We are very glad to hear that you and your family spent a great time in Kyoto with our driver.
We are looking forward to receiving a new request from you and your friend in the near future
Warm regards, Yasaka

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/06/15
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Traditional Bamboo Basket Weaving Experience

Patient, easy-to-understand instruction

投稿者: American in Kyoto , 2019/06/30

My sister, an American basket weaver with a great deal of experience in weaving other materials, and I, a long-term resident of Japan with no previous experience, took the course. We were the only two students that day and both had a great time. The young woman who instructed us was friendly and patient with us, taking us one step at a time through the process of making the rather complex but beautiful Shikainami basket. We both ended up with nice-looking baskets. The instructor cheerfully answered my sister's questions about preparing the bamboo and agreed to prepare 200 strips for my sister to take home with her a week later. All-in-all, a very satisfying experience well worth the price.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/06/24
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Kyoto Maiko Entertainment with Optional Meal

A short but lovely visit with maiko

投稿者: Jessie, 2019/06/30

This event takes place in part of a studio on the second floor of a building. There are stairs outside in front of the building that go up to the studio. We arrived early, as recommended in the program description, but ended up waiting for the previous program to finish before we could enter. Before entering the studio, you need to take your shoes off and leave them on a rack.

Once inside, there are some rows of benches facing towards a low "stage" on one side of the room. After everyone has taken their seats, the maiko enters. The English translator for the maiko was very good. The maiko introduces herself, and there is an opportunity to have your photograph taken with her and receive a slip of paper with her name stamped on it (in Japanese, of course). After everyone has their photograph, the maiko performs two dances. Then there is a question-and-answer session, and then the maiko explains the rules for a drinking game. She and the translator demonstrated the game once, and then the maiko will ask a series of volunteers to come up to the front to challenge her. If you lose, don't worry--you can choose to drink a cup of water instead of sake!

All of this takes place just over a half hour, but it didn't feel particularly rushed. The maiko was very courteous with answering questions and it was fun to play the game against her. I felt like many of the people in our audience were too shy to ask questions or volunteer, but I would encourage people to not be too shy and enjoy themselves!

  • The maiko and I during the photo opportunity

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/06/06
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舞妓さんと一緒に体験プラン 舞鑑賞・記念撮影・お座敷遊び・食事付きなど選べる6プラン by 日本文化体験 庵an


投稿者: ワンパラ, 2019/06/29

お点前体験、お座敷芸と 中身の濃い内容でした。

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/06/26
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レンタサイクルサービス(損害保険付)市内緊急サポートサービス完備 雨天時キャンセル料無料<銀輪/MTB/京都駅>


投稿者: 自転車好き, 2019/06/24


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/06/22
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【嵐電・映画村セット券】嵐電1日フリーきっぷ+東映太秦映画村の入村券<セット割引券/利用可能区間:嵐電 嵐山本線・北野線 全線/京都市>


投稿者: ガッシュ, 2019/06/23


利用形態: 家族
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貸切観光タクシー 金閣寺・銀閣寺・平安神宮・清水寺・東山などご希望の観光地をめぐるフリープラン <3時間~/1-9名/京都市内送迎可> by ヤサカ観光


投稿者: つぁん, 2019/06/22




利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/06/20
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金閣寺+銀閣寺+清水寺 半日バスツアー 京都の世界遺産3ヶ所めぐり<京都駅発>by おこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: れおママ, 2019/06/20


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/03/26
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舞妓さんと一緒に体験プラン 舞鑑賞・記念撮影・お座敷遊び・食事付きなど選べる6プラン by 日本文化体験 庵an


投稿者: Sanae , 2019/06/18


  • 舞妓はんに感動

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/06/16
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舞妓さんと一緒に体験プラン 舞鑑賞・記念撮影・お座敷遊び・食事付きなど選べる6プラン by 日本文化体験 庵an


投稿者: ゆきえ, 2019/06/18


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/06/16
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Half Day Traditional Batik and Indigo Dyeing Lesson in Kyoto

Extremely enjoyable workshop

投稿者: PoorMan, 2019/06/16

We have never worked on cloth dyeing like this before. The store owners were incredibly friendly and walked us through every step of the process. They were always there to answer questions and provide assistance if we needed it. The entire process was fascinating, making the experience that much more interesting and fun. We highly recommend trying this for yourself if you are ever in Kyoto!


Thank you for the review.
It looks like you were very happy. .
I would also like to visit you when there is an opportunity.
Thank you

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/06/16
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金閣寺+銀閣寺+清水寺 半日バスツアー 京都の世界遺産3ヶ所めぐり<京都駅発>by おこしバス(京都定期観光バス)


投稿者: kaede, 2019/06/07


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/06/02
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Kyoto Private Taxi Tour with Customizable Itinerary & English-Speaking Guide

Exelent trip

投稿者: Harry, 2019/06/06

We had an exelent tour good driver, did sprak Bert well english. Knew evwrytibg we did Visit and brought us also to placets with no tourist . We were Bert impressed and would recoment this tour.


Dear Harry san,
Thank you so much for using our limo service.
We appreciate to receive this happy messege from you.
We are very glad to hear that you spent a great time in Kyoto with our driver.
We are looking forward to receiving a new request from you and your friend in the near future.
Warm regards, YASAKA

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/06/04
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Wonderful experience

投稿者: AL R, 2019/06/06

We weren’t sure what to expect as I did this online before our trip. However, all the reviews are accurate - this was a great experience. The tea house is outside the main Geiko areas in Gion but it’s very easy to find. We ended up having a private event with our family of five and it could not have been better. Our Maiko was very sweet, spoke very good English, and performed a beautiful a dance and tea ceremony. Very happy we booked this event instead of others we saw elsewhere that had larger groups, unnecessary inclusions, or were much more expensive. Note this performance and tea ceremony were with an apprentice Geiko (Maiko) but it was perfect for our family to observe and learn more about such a fascinating and elegant element of Japanese culture.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/06/05
この体験談は参考になりましたか? [はい]


京都 テーマから探す

午後 (時間帯) | 京都の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)
