(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 17) 趣味・文化体験 | 京都の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)



4.58 4.58 / 5



Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Thank You Veltra

投稿者: David , 2016/04/04

We want to thank Veltra for their efforts to find a Maiko available to meet with us for the making of tea, dance, chat and photo opportunity. This was done at short notice and in peak season when other agencies were not able to help. The event itself was very memorable. It would have helped if the person who oversaw activities at the tea house explained what was going to happen and when we would know it would conclude.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2016/03/31
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Kyoto Maiko Makeover and Samurai Dress-up Experience with Optional Stroll Plan

Maiko makeover

投稿者: Nur, 2016/03/21

As this is the first time i tried veltra i wasnt sure of its credibility but it turned out great had loads of fun doing the makeover.



Thank you for your comments.
We're happy you enjoyed transforming maiko.
When you have some questions, please e-mail us directly.
If you have a chance, we would like to see you again!

Have a nice day,
Maiko transformation studio SHIKI

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2016/03/19
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Tea Ceremony with Maiko in Gion

投稿者: Rob Lowe, 2016/02/15

It has been one of my life ambitions to have a Tea Ceremony with a Geiko/Maiko in Kyoto and it exceeded my expectations in every way.

The booking system with Veltra was simple and easy although it took a few days to get confirmation of the booking from the venue itself.

The directions to the Tea House were perfect (especially required with the nature of the Gion area of Kyoto with so many small back streets) and the greeting by the Okasan of the Gion Tomikiku Ochaya (Tea House) was pleasant and informative and she gave us lots of information all through the time of the visit, in good English.

The Tea Ceremony and Dance by the Maiko (Tomitsuyu) was beautiful and exquisite and we had the chance to speak to her for some time after the formalities were over. Tomitsuyu spoke perfect English and was very patient and honest with all the 'obvious' questions we asked of her, which I am sure she has been asked many times before.

There were plenty of opportunities for pictures and videos during the entire visit, which were in fact encouraged by the Okasan and the whole experience was designed to ensure the customer was happy with the event.

The dedication that Tomitsuyu has and the training required to perform so perfectly is a credit to such a young girl and we were in slight awe of the commitment is takes to take such a path in life.

The whole experience will live with me for the rest of my life and was definitely worth the wait and I would recommend anyone who is interested in this to make it a priority during your visit to Kyoto. You will not regret it.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2016/02/12
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Traditional Tea Ceremony Experience near Kinkakuji Temple in Kyoto

great performance

投稿者: Alessandro, 2016/02/11

It has been such a nice experience. The host was super nice and the ceremony was superlative. Reisan was dressed with a beautiful kimono and make us enjoy the pleasure of this traditional performance. She also answered to all our doubts without esitate. The house a minute walking from the kinkakuji so it is really comfortable to get there. The first floor of the house is well decorated with objects of the Japanese tradition. Recommended.


Thank you so much for your review! And I'm sorry I didn't write back soon. I'm really glad to hear that you enjoyed my tea ceremony!

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2016/02/11
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Kyoto Maiko Makeover and Samurai Dress-up Experience with Optional Stroll Plan

Geisha make over

投稿者: mubson@msn.com, 2016/02/07

This was a truly a once in a life time experience. My daughters and myself just loved it. There is so much that goes into preparing the look. It's was amazing

  • Amazing treasured moments for life X


Thank you for your comments! There are Japanese room, Japanese tea room. We're glad you could take pitures in these rooms. If you have a chance, I'd like to see you again someday.

Have a nice day,
Maiko transformation studio SHIKI

利用形態: 家族
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Authentic and memorable experience

投稿者: Ozfamily, 2016/02/07

Our family of three had a wonderful experience with the Maiko - green tea and sweets were served in a traditional tea ceremony, our Maiko performed a beautiful dance, talked with us at our table about her life as a Maiko in Kyoto, and then allowed us to have photographs taken with her both inside and outside the venue. Our 13 y.o. son was fascinated and very impressed with the experience, as were we. Highly recommended!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2016/01/13
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Traditional Tea Ceremony Experience near Kinkakuji Temple in Kyoto

Amazing tea ceremony experience

投稿者: Emma, 2016/01/30

It was our first tea ceremony and we didn't know what we could expect. We were so pleasantly surprised! The mood was awesome. It was very impressive to see how a tea ceremony is run by someone really knowledgeable. The tea master explained very well about the tea ceremony rituals, and she's also friendly. We loved that we only had to focus on the beauty of such a ceremony, from the sounds to the movements. Also, two Japanese sweets are given! You can ask any question you want, which feel great as well. Now we can make our own powdered tea, and follows the peaceful way of tea thinking! Thank you very much to propose such a lifetime experience.

  • Tea ceremony room


I'm sorry to write bank late. I'm glad you liked the atmosphere of my tea room. It was nice to meet you!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2016/01/28
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Traditional Tea Ceremony Experience near Kinkakuji Temple in Kyoto

Tea ceremony in Kyoto

投稿者: Catherine, 2016/01/10

Myself, my husband and my son (aged 12) booked in for this experience and I am so glad we did. While the groups are limited to 5 we were really lucky and were the only ones at that session. This made it an extra special experience. Our hostess was immaculately dressed and had absolutely impeccable manners. Her English was excellent, and after the ceremony she patiently and graciously answered all our questions. Our hostess was very knowledgable about the history of tea in japan, and the different types of tea, and has studied at one of the major 'tea schools' in Japan. We sampled a light tea- which is used for many occasions. The thick tea as it was explained to us is used for more formal ceremonies. The best part was we had the opportunity to make the tea ourselves. Delicious. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of a tea ceremony, it is something that my family will always remember.


Thank you so much for writing the nice review! And I'm sorry I didn't write back soon. Since I'm trying to offer the authentic tea ceremony here, the guests can learn how to greet or move in addition to watching the way of tea here. I'm happy that many of foreign tourists also like this traditional tea ceremony experience.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2016/01/08
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Traditional Tea Ceremony Experience near Kinkakuji Temple in Kyoto

Traditional tea ceremony near the 'Golden Pavillion' Kinkakuji Temple

投稿者: Catherine, 2016/01/09

I along with my husband, and son (aged 12) booked in for a traditional tea ceremony. The experience was wonderful! From the second we walked into the house- which is a traditional old Kyoto style wooden house- we were transported to a different era. Our hostess was very knowledgable and particular in her technique having studied at one of the tea schools in Japan. She explained all the steps in the ceremony in excellent English and was happy to take questions. One of the highlights after observing the ceremony, was then being invited to participate and make your own green tea, being guided through each step by our immaculately dressed hostess. The groups are limited to 5, however it was just us that day, so it was very a special experience for us as a family. Our hostess was also able to tell about the history of tea in Japan, and also the development of the tea ceremony as we see it today and explain where the cups were made, and why they need to be turned as you consume the tea. The tea was delicious. A great experience! Catherine, Australia.


Dear Catherine, I'm sorry I didn't write back soon. It was nice to meet you 3! I am glad to hear that you enjoyed my tea ceremony!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2016/01/08
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舞妓さんまたは芸妓さん 祇園でお座敷体験 お座敷遊び+舞鑑賞+お抹茶 昭和初期から三代続く祇園のお茶屋催行 <貸切/撮影自由/英語対応可/祇園東>


投稿者: 海老実, 2015/12/31


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2015/12/28
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勝林寺 坐禅体験 自分と向き合い見つめ直す静かなひと時 <60分/1名~/東福寺駅>


投稿者: SUNSHINE, 2015/12/29


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2015/12/28
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Lovely event~

投稿者: HHHH, 2015/12/07

We have small children and wanted to introduce them to both tea time and Maiko traditions. This was perfect. They could try things, or not, participate or not. they were engaged. Everyone loved this. It was worth the splurge.

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2015/06/13
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勝林寺 坐禅体験 自分と向き合い見つめ直す静かなひと時 <60分/1名~/東福寺駅>


投稿者: まゆみ, 2015/12/03


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2015/12/01
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舞妓さんまたは芸妓さん 祇園でお座敷体験 お座敷遊び+舞鑑賞+お抹茶 昭和初期から三代続く祇園のお茶屋催行 <貸切/撮影自由/英語対応可/祇園東>


投稿者: ぷちむ, 2015/11/28


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2015/11/26
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勝林寺 写経体験 仏の心と向きあい心を無にするひととき(お抹茶付き)<東福寺駅>


投稿者: ねここ, 2015/11/26


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2015/11/09
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着物レンタル 京都駅前で手軽に和装変身!かんざし貸出&簡単ヘアアレンジ無料<京都タワーサンド店>by wargo(ワーゴ)


投稿者: Kao, 2015/11/22


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2015/11/20
1 人が参考になったと言っています。
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舞妓変身体験 スタジオ撮影・散策プラン 本格メイク+本絹の手刺繍&手縫い着物着用<京都市/清水寺>by 舞妓変身スタジオ四季


投稿者: のんちゃん, 2015/11/19



のんちゃん 様





利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2015/11/17
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Incredible service from VELTRA and a wonderful experience I'll never forget

投稿者: Mark Anderson, 2015/11/03

I used VELTRA so that my partner and I could experience teatime with a Maiko (trainee Geiko) when we visited Gion, Kyoto. Finding Tomikiku, the actual teahouse, on the street was a little hard (a few pictures of the teahouse itself on the VELTRA site would be helpful), since all the signage is in Japanese, naturally, but once there the actual experience was incredible. The owner of the teahouse was a lovely lady who talked us through the ceremony and explained the history of the Geisha. The Maiko herself, by the name of Tomitsuyu, was elegant and refined, and, once she had come out of formal Maiko deportment, was a delight to talk with. My partner and I left the teahouse feeling we had experienced a bit of old Japan, something few others ever have.

The only thing that marred the experience was that, perhaps through no fault of her own, the owner of the teahouse had double-booked the experience through another operator. She was very sorry and asked if we would mind sharing the experience with the English family who arrived shortly after us. Since it was an experience of a lifetime we didn't feel we could turn them away, so they joined us.

My point in explaining that occurrence is that when I explained this to VELTRA they were incredibly understanding and sorry, refunding us half of the cost of the experience. I've rarely had customer service so good, anywhere, so if you are thinking of using VELTRA, perhaps for the first time, and you're not sure, don't be: this is a company that looks after its customers well. I know, having looked at their other experiences, that I will be using VELTRA again.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2015/10/19
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Kyoto Maiko Makeover and Samurai Dress-up Experience with Optional Stroll Plan

Samurai makeover

投稿者: Andrew Sparke, 2015/11/01

Found it a little difficult to locate. As such I arrived ten minutes late. Thankfully the staff were understanding and spoke good English so communication was easy. Getting dressed up in the layers upon layers that make up the outfit was fun. The photo shoot was good but the photographer chooses the poses. It did make it bit unnatural. The photographs are of high quality and there are a number of additional options you can choose from on arrival. The experience was good and given the chance I'd do it again.


Thank you for your message.

All staff can speak in English a little, so to communicate in English was no problem for you.
Our featuring is low prices and rapid tempo, so our photographer choose pictures.
If you have a chance, I'd like to see you again someday.

Have a nice day,

Maiko transformation studio SHIKI

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2015/10/09
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Kyoto Maiko Makeover and Samurai Dress-up Experience with Optional Stroll Plan

Fun, unique, cost friendly.

投稿者: Jenny, 2015/09/30

This was a really neat thing to experience. It was fun and unique and I'm glad I did it. It was wonderful to have the final 10minutes outside for personal photos so that I could share some of the experience with my husband and have photos for social media.

I wish they would have had a package for the professional photos to be emailed with a link to the shots. Most people don't need printed photos these days and I won't use mine.

It would also be helpful to have a little more support for those who don't speak Japanese but if you're fluent in charades, it was worth it under the sale price (around 6,200 yen with a few worthwhile additions).

Ps- pay the extra for the "half wig" (looks way better) and bring your own straightener!

  • Photo taken by my husband during the personal photo time.


Thank you for your comment.

We're glad that you experienced wonderful time at SHIKI.
About print of picture, we have to think other nice idea.
If you have a chance, I hope you will come to Kyoto someday.

Maiko transformation studio SHIKI

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2015/09/27
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投稿者: nabe, 2015/09/26

9月20日 夜はもう暑さもなくなり過ごしやすい季節


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2015/09/20
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舞妓さんまたは芸妓さん 夜の祇園でお座敷体験 舞鑑賞+お座敷遊び 昭和初期から三代続く祇園のお茶屋催行 <貸切/撮影自由/英語対応可/祇園東>


投稿者: ぐーちゃん, 2015/09/24

そして、お待ちかねお座敷遊びの定番 金毘羅ふねふねで一堂大いに盛り上がり、久方ぶりに楽しい時を過ごすことができた。

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2015/09/21
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Giving Support

投稿者: KuangYueh , 2015/09/16

It is like
If you have an icon
You will do just like me
Being supportive

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2015/09/14
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舞妓変身体験 スタジオ撮影・散策プラン 本格メイク+本絹の手刺繍&手縫い着物着用<京都市/清水寺>by 舞妓変身スタジオ四季


投稿者: ぷぅさん, 2015/09/14


  • 半カツラの方がいいかな...


ぷぅさん 様




利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2015/09/09
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勝林寺 坐禅体験 自分と向き合い見つめ直す静かなひと時 <60分/1名~/東福寺駅>


投稿者: ぷぅさん, 2015/09/14


  • 庭園も素敵

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2015/09/09
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【西陣くらしの美術館】 登録有形文化財の町家見学<上京区>by西陣 冨田屋


投稿者: ぷぅさん, 2015/09/14


  • お漬物も自家製



利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2015/09/09
この体験談は参考になりましたか? [はい]

Kyoto Maiko Makeover and Samurai Dress-up Experience with Optional Stroll Plan

Nice experienced in kyoto

投稿者: Oradee, 2015/09/11

I arrived about 9am for dressed up instead of 10.00am for an appointment as not sure the direction but it was easy to find once my husband look on Google Earth. The staff was very friendly and professionally. They will ask if I would like to do additional photo shots in studio on arrival. I choose to do more photos as the set up in studio look nice and suitable for the Maiko dressed up. The dressed up and make up took about 1 1/2 . My plan was a stroll plan which I allow to walk in Kimono for 45 minutes but there was a mistake so after they found out the mistake the studio told my husband that they will not charge extra for an additional photos make in studio as I did not walk around in Kimono as booked. I would returning to Kyoto again next year and would recommended anyone come to Kyoto try Maiko dressed up experience.


Thank you for your message.
We're so sorry you could not stroll outside.
If you have a chance, please come to Kyoto again.
I'm glad you came to our shop.
I'd like to see you someday.

Have a nice day,
Maiko transformation studio SHIKI

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2015/08/12
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舞妓変身体験 スタジオ撮影・散策プラン 本格メイク+本絹の手刺繍&手縫い着物着用<京都市/清水寺>by 舞妓変身スタジオ四季


投稿者: 京都在中, 2015/09/11


半かつらにしました。やはりTHE かつら!とならず、とても自然な雰囲気で正解でした。








利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2015/08/16
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Extraordinary experience

投稿者: Enchanted, 2015/08/31

Once in a lifetime experience in old Gion, Kyoto. The simple setting was perfect. The Maiko prepared tea for us, danced, and played a drinking game. Enchanting. We talked with her afterwards......just a lovely experience

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2015/08/05
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

富津愈 Hope you fine and the best

投稿者: KuangYueh , 2015/08/31

My sister
Hope You Could
Stay longer and better
No matter
Where you stand

  • Beautiful and Elegant Always

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2015/08/29
この体験談は参考になりましたか? [はい]


京都 テーマから探す

趣味・文化体験 | 京都の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)

さまざまな日本文化体験ができるツアーをご用意しています。茶道・華道・書道・伝統楽器・太鼓などの伝統的な日本文化から、メイド喫茶のような最新の日本文化まで、幅広い種類のツアーがありますよ。 外国人に日本文化を紹介するために外国人とのご参加の他、日本を再発見するための日本文化の学習や趣味として、日本人の方のご参加もおすすめです。茶室での本格的なお茶の体験や、舞妓さんとのお座敷遊び体験が人気です。