(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 11) 趣味・文化体験 | 日本の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)



4.64 4.64 / 5



Kyoto Maiko Makeover and Samurai Dress-up Experience with Optional Stroll Plan

Amazing Gion !

投稿者: Macab, 2019/11/30

Maiko make over was quite an experience . My sister love this tour . The place is very clean and staff are very nice . The stroll made it possible to enjoy including the street sights of Gion which is super clean .
It’s one of the memorable tour experience we’ve done in Kyoto .


Dear Macab.

Thank you for your message.
We are very glad you and your sister spent the special time at our studio.
Maiko is one of the traditional Japanese culture.
So Maiko transformation is very special experience for foreign tourists and also Japanese ladies.
I hope you and your sister had a wonderful experience in Kyoto.
If you and your sister have a chance to visit to Kyoto again, we would like to see you someday.
Thank you very much.
Have a nice trip!

Maiko henshin studio SHIKI

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/11/28
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舞妓さんまたは芸妓さん 夜の祇園でお座敷体験 舞鑑賞+お座敷遊び 昭和初期から三代続く祇園のお茶屋催行 <貸切/撮影自由/英語対応可/祇園東>


投稿者: nonchan, 2019/11/26


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/10/30
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Very appreciate

投稿者: Mono, 2019/11/24

I book for 9 people and got 2 Maiko. 1 maiko name Tomie is very good in English she teach us play a game and answer our questions very clear. The owner is good in English too. We got a warm welcome and best experience everyone love it. Tea is quite bitter but they have a Japanese sweet that you can share with your friends. And you have permission to take a picture all times. After tea ceremony they come to send you and take a picture in front of a restaurant.

You can follow google map from VELTRA website and please save a picture of the restaurant because they don’t have a name in English and cannot search in google map apps

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/11/22
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Kyoto Maiko Makeover and Samurai Dress-up Experience with Optional Stroll Plan

Wonderful experience, very pleasant staff

投稿者: Ana, 2019/11/23

Very organized and we were so impressed with how diligent the staff was with our makeup and costume.


Dear Ana.

Thank you for your message.
We are very glad you spent the special time at our studio.

Maiko and Samurai is one of the traditional Japanese culture.
So Maiko and Samurai transformation is very special experience for foreign tourists .

I hope you had a wonderful experience in Kyoto.
If you have a chance to visit to Kyoto again, we would like to see you someday.
Thank you very much.
Have a nice trip!

Maiko henshin studio SHIKI

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/11/21
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Retro Kimono, Hakama or Evening Gown Dressing and Rental in Hakodate

Highly recommended!

投稿者: Xian, 2019/11/23

Large selection of kimono, hakama, gown, etc to choose from. Great service provided by owner and staff, who were extremely passionate about their trade and went out of their ways to enhance our kimono rental experience. Overall, highly recommended!


Thank you so much

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/11/16
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Traditional Tea Ceremony Experience near Kinkakuji Temple in Kyoto

A wonderful time

投稿者: Lucia, 2019/11/23

We had a wonderful time. Macha tea was really impressive (organically grown) and also the traditional food very beautiful but also tasty. Our charming tea master lady moved so naturally that I will have a long lasting memory of that evening.


Thank you very much for your message! I'm very happy to hear that you enjoyed my tea ceremony and Japanese traditional dinner.
I really appreciate it!

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/11/01
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着物フォトスタジオ 豪奢な着物をリーズナブルな価格で!専門家が選りすぐった正絹着物を着て写真撮影 <KIMONO PHOTO STUDIO 和/目黒>


投稿者: ボリス, 2019/11/22






利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/11/07
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Special Geisha Performance and Games in the Heart of Tokyo

A great way to see the Geisha!

投稿者: Mariam, 2019/11/22

I found the geisha experience really good especially the interactive part (the games) which was fun. Also there was the oldest geisha in Tokyo playing the musical instrument there (94 years old) which was an extra bonus. But I think it's an experience for women, men might find it boring especially the musical and dancing part :)


Dear Mariam,
Thank you very much for your messege, and we are very glad that you enjoyed our Time to Geisha. The oldest geisha you mentioned is the living history of Tokyo, and she will be happy to hear that you are impressed. We thank you again for your kind messege, and hope to welcome you again in near future.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/11/02
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Samurai Sword Art with Kimono Dressing and Performance in Osaka

Filled some time in an afternoon

投稿者: Moosebear, 2019/11/17

Was good and enjoyable at the time but was quite an expensive outlay for what was essentially dressing up and dancing about with plastic swords.

Could be better if real swords were involved.

Not unhappy we did it.


I'm sorry. Bamboo light with risk prevention measures.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/11/15
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着物レンタル カップルプラン 京都駅前すぐ近く!かんざし貸出&簡単ヘアアレンジ無料<京都タワーサンド店>by wargo(ワーゴ)


投稿者: natsu, 2019/11/14


Trying the Yukata was a unique experience, and not even the fact of just wearing something traditional, which is a magnificent experience, but being able to take it and visit the ancient temples and castles in Kyoto, takes your imagination to a new level, like taking a trip back in time and being in feudal Japan; I really recommend it for anyone who would really experience more details about Japan.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2015/06/21
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Kyoto Private Dinner at Historical Teahouse with Maiko Dance Show

Amazing cultural experience

投稿者: American Tourists , 2019/11/13

We knew that we were going to have an amazing cultural experience from the moment we arrived.

We were greeted by our hostess from the moment of our arrival. She was very pleasant, informative and flexible. We arrived nearly 30 minutes before expected therefore our hostess served us tea and took us on a tour of the house.

The highlight of the evening was meeting the Kyoto Maiko. Our group was allowed to ask questions and we were very surprised to learn that she was only 16 years old. Her level of grace, elegance and maturity far exceeded her years. My favorite part of the evening was learning the traditional games and the cultural dance was exceptionally beautiful.

The dinner was very traditional and also exceptionally tasty.

I highly recommend this tour for a truly culturally enriching evening.

  • Traditional Tea Ceremony


Thank you for coming to Tondaya. We are really glad to have such a fantastic review from you .And moreover you enjoyed everything here . We would like to say "Thank you very much again !!" Hope see you again .

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/11/10
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Ryukyu Dance and Okinawan Dinner Show at Urashima in Naha

Fun, Authentic Cultural Experience

投稿者: Alex, 2019/11/11

Exactly as advertised. There are two half-hour shows each with a set of five traditional Ryukyu dances. The food offered ranged from okay to very, very good depending on the dish. The reservation made through Veltra was processed very smoothly and service was attentive.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/11/05
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【貸切催行】舞妓さんまたは芸妓さん 舞鑑賞+懐石料理 老舗高級料亭 東観荘で特別な体験 昼食・夕食から選択可<飲み放題付/撮影自由/宮川町>


投稿者: 雲の南, 2019/11/08


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/11/06
1 人が参考になったと言っています。
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Kyoto Maiko or Geisha Makeover Experience with Optional Gion Stroll

Amazing experience!

投稿者: Rutcel , 2019/11/08

I had an amazing experience dressing up like maiko. I think it’s an experience that anyone should try once in a lifetime. It’s so fun!!! Mary is my make up artist that help me all the way... thank you guys for my few hours of amazing experience!!! I recommend this place...


Thank you for coming AYA, and review!! Mary and all staff are very glad to hear your review.
We are looking forward to meeting you again!!Thank you.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/11/06
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【着物・浴衣レンタル】雷門徒歩2分!下町情緒溢れる浅草で着物散策<着付け・ヘアセット込/人力車割引券付き/浅草>by サクラフォトスタジオ


投稿者: Mii, 2019/11/06


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/10/16
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Kyoto Maiko Makeover and Samurai Dress-up Experience with Optional Stroll Plan

Great Maiko Experience!

投稿者: Nat W. , 2019/11/02

I had a fantastic time transforming as a Maiko! The location of the place is fantastic, right in the heart of traditional Kyoto City giving you a nostalgic vibe. The facility is nice and clean. The welcoming lady was so nice and pretty. I’ve always been obsessed with geisha and so grateful for this experience. I got to walk around the area for a while and so many people wanted to take pictures of me. I’d be so excited too to see ones walking on the street even though they might not be the real ones. Thank you so much for fulfilling my wish and a wonderful experience!


Dear Nat W.

Thank you for your message.
We are very glad you spent the special time at our studio.
Maiko is one of the traditional Japanese culture.
So Maiko transformation is very special experience for foreign tourists and also Japanese ladies.
I hope you had a wonderful experience in Kyoto.
And please keep your beautiful Maiko pictures as a nice memories!
If you have a chance to visit to Kyoto again, we would like to see you someday.
Thank you very much.
Have a nice trip!

Maiko henshin studio SHIKI

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/11/02
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Kyoto Maiko Makeover and Samurai Dress-up Experience with Optional Stroll Plan

A fantastic experience!!!

投稿者: Victoria , 2019/10/30

When we arrived to the studio the place was lovely, super clean and the personnel was very nice and professional. The atmosphere was welcoming we were treated very well, the lady that did my makeup was careful and very nice, same thing with my hair.
I loved to see me becoming a legendary Maiko ibthibk the process is beautiful, fulfilled definitely a dream, I got yo choose from tens of Kimono options of a really good quality and variety of colors I could not decide!!!
Finally I picked up my favorite lila tone and the process of dressing is also super exciting, plus you are in front of a big mirror and you almost think it is the real deal, you are like in a Geisha training house!!!! ai think it is really magical.
The photo session was great, very professional and super cute with adequate lighting and good advices I enjoyed that very much the interior location was perfect and the exterior one in a little garden was fantastic.
Finally we had around 45 minutes to walk along the street taking care that the kimono is not damaged or wet of course, and i was a bit shy in the beginning but everyone's reaction was so nice that i just let go and enjoyed the whole experience to the most i took like a hundred pictures with my phone and people were asking to take pictures with us it was so nice.
When we came back the photo book was ready and the quality of the pictures were fantastic. Recommended 100% to everyone this is a very beautiful experience.... once in a lifetime experience!
I didn't want to leave I think, the location is fantastic on the center of the Gion district. Do it, I would actually do it again if I have the chance!!


Dear Victoria.

Thank you for your message.
We are very glad you spent the special time at our studio.
Maiko is one of the traditional Japanese culture.
So Maiko transformation is very special experience for foreign tourists and also Japanese ladies.
I hope you had a wonderful experience in Kyoto.
And please keep your beautiful Maiko pictures as a nice memories!
If you have a chance to visit to Kyoto again, we would like to see you someday.
Thank you very much.
Have a nice trip!

Maiko henshin studio SHIKI

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/10/18
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Kyoto Maiko Makeover and Samurai Dress-up Experience with Optional Stroll Plan

Worthwhile makeover

投稿者: Gaurav , 2019/10/30

It brings me great delight to say that this was a great makeover tour of Kyoto. Worth every penny spend. Explore the city embracing the way people did here many years back.


Dear Gaurav.

Thank you for your message.
If you enjoyed at our shop, we are very happy.
I hope you had a wonderful experience in Kyoto.
And please keep your beautiful Maiko pictures as a nice memories!
Thank you very much.
Have a nice trip!

Maiko henshin studio Shiki

利用形態: ひとりで
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第185回 鴨川をどり 普通席・特別席 ネット予約(2024/5/1~5/24)<先斗町>


投稿者: ヨネコー, 2019/10/28


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/05/03
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op


投稿者: Darlene, 2019/10/27

It was better than I had hoped! We were entertained and witnessed a tea ceremony by a geiko. We had a lovely conversation with her and were able to take photos too. Highly recommend.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/10/25
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Kyoto Maiko Makeover and Samurai Dress-up Experience with Optional Stroll Plan

Aussie Geishas

投稿者: Michelle Bilson, 2019/10/20

We had a great time!
After getting stranded due to the typhoon and not being able to get to Kyoto for the day of our booking, the site was extremely flexible and allowed us to move our appointment several times to ensure we could enjoy our booking.

There were 3 of us and we had a lovely time with lots of fun choosing kimono colours and the like. Then we went fir a walk around the local area, how did they do it on those cobblestones with the beautiful but heavy outfits!

Great for a bit of fun and also to understand for a moment what the geisha’s lives were like.
Thankyou from all 3 of us. Great photos too!


Dear Michelle Bilson.

Thank you for your message.
We are very glad you and your friends spent the special time at our studio.
Geisha is one of the traditional Japanese culture.
So Geisha transformation is very special experience for foreign tourists and also Japanese ladies.
Please keep your beautiful pictures as a nice memories!
I hope you had a wonderful experience in Kyoto.

Thank you very much.
Have a nice trip!

Maiko henshin studio Shiki

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/10/12
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Kyoto Maiko Makeover and Samurai Dress-up Experience with Optional Stroll Plan

Great experience

投稿者: Clare, 2019/10/06

Very enjoyable being made over as a maiko and the stroll plan meant we could take photos by the Kyoto pagoda in beautiful costume as it is close to the studio. Tourists were taking our picture!

The photo shoot was great fun as well as professional and the pics turned out great - they had them ready when we got back from the walk.

Staff were lovely, make up was very well done and the kimonos were gorgeous.

When we called them saying we were struggling to find which building the studio was, they kindly came and found us, which was incredibly helpful of them.

They took cash and card when we were paying the little extra for our Japanese socks


Dear Clare.

Thank you for your message.
We are very glad you spent the special time at our studio.
Maiko is one of the traditional Japanese culture.
So Maiko transformation is very special experience for foreign tourists and also Japanese ladies.
Please keep your beautiful pictures as a nice memories!
I would like to see you again if you have a chance to visit to our shop someday!
Have a nice trip!

Maiko henshin studio SHIKI

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/09/24
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投稿者: ユリ0411, 2019/10/06


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/10/02
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舞妓変身体験 スタジオ撮影・散策プラン 本格メイク+本絹の手刺繍&手縫い着物着用<京都市/清水寺>by 舞妓変身スタジオ四季


投稿者: まいこ, 2019/09/08



まいこ 様



利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/09/02
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平安のおでかけスタイル「壺装束」で宮島観光!大聖院&紅葉谷公園を散策<宮島>by みやじま紅葉の賀


投稿者: grün, 2019/09/06


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/08/25
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Kyoto Maiko Makeover and Samurai Dress-up Experience with Optional Stroll Plan

Fun Maiko makeover in Kyoto

投稿者: MT New York , 2019/09/05

My mom and I had a really fun time getting a Maiko makeover. The make up and kimono quality were great, and the professional photos turned out pretty good. We walked around for a while in our costumes and were swarmed by tourists taking photos.

The only thing is that you can’t get the file copy of the professional photos - it is an additional charge for a CD-ROM, usb or email is not available. They also charge extra for a number of things - different wig, eyelashes, socks, different photo studio photos etc (although these are optional).


Dear MT New York

Thank you for your message.

We are very glad you and your family spent the special time at our studio.

Maiko is one of the traditional Japanese culture.

So Maiko transformation is very special experience for foreign tourists and also Japanese ladies.

I hope you had a wonderful experience in Kyoto.

And please keep your beautiful Maiko pictures as a nice memories!

In addition, thank you very much for your advice, we will improve it.

Thank you very much.

Have a nice trip!

Maiko henshin studio SHIKI

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/09/01
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Kimono Rental and Kimono Dressing in Nihonbashi

Grenat experience !

投稿者: Tamara, 2019/08/20

We wanted to tour the Nihombashi shrines in kimonos : the welcome and fitting was perfect, the lady was very soft and polite and used a translator to communicate if necessary.
There was a large choice of kimonos/obis/bags/hair ornaments and shoes all in perfect condition. Even the August temperature couldn't lower our enthusiasm !
I completely recommand the experience ! We received compliments from natives on the street and shot beautiful pictures.


Dear Tamara,
Thank you very much for your warm message. We are very glad that you have enjoyed kimono. We passed your message to the staff and she was very happy to hear it. Stroling in Nihonbashi shopping district in a kimono is special to any tourists. We hope you to come back again in other seasons, and best regards,

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/08/17
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平安衣装体験 世界遺産・熊野古道でタイムスリップ!那智山散策コースあり<那智勝浦町>


投稿者: giang linh, 2019/08/19

平安衣装体験 は良い体験でした。最後着替え終わったらお茶を用意してくださいます。楽しい和歌山旅行になりました!



利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/08/13
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Summertime Riverside Dinner in Kyoto with Maiko at Momijiya (2024/7/1~9/30)

beautiful place!

投稿者: mact, 2019/08/16

dinner was great, super good service. Make sure to wear mosquitos repellent

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2019/08/13
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Kyoto Maiko Makeover and Samurai Dress-up Experience with Optional Stroll Plan

Fantastic experience with a high quality service

投稿者: Marta, 2019/08/16

Fantastic service, with high quality make up, impressive premises, clean and modern but in an old building renovated, wonderful kimonos and photography of excellent quality.
Very good products to remove the make up. Kimonos at the higher level!
I would recommend it 100%. Just one advice, be in advance because the location is not so easy to find, even if it is one of the more authentic places in Kyoto.
Perfect service at the level of my high expectations, thanks!

  • Final result after more than one hour


Dear Marta

Thank you for your message.

And I’m sorry to have taken you a long time to find our store.

Maiko is one of the traditional Japanese cultule.

So Maiko transformation is is very special experience for foreign tourists and also Japanese ladies.

If you enjoyed at our shop, we are very happy.

I hope you had a wonderful experience in Kyoto.

And I would like to see you again if you have a chance to visit to our shop someday!

Thank you very much.

Have a nice trip!

Maiko henshin studio Shiki

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/08/14
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趣味・文化体験 | 日本の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)

さまざまな日本文化体験ができるツアーをご用意しています。茶道・華道・書道・伝統楽器・太鼓などの伝統的な日本文化から、メイド喫茶のような最新の日本文化まで、幅広い種類のツアーがありますよ。 外国人に日本文化を紹介するために外国人とのご参加の他、日本を再発見するための日本文化の学習や趣味として、日本人の方のご参加もおすすめです。茶室での本格的なお茶の体験や、舞妓さんとのお座敷遊び体験が人気です。