(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 7) 家族旅行・ファミリー向けツアー | イスタンブールの観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)



3.98 3.98 / 5



世界遺産カッパドキア  日帰り観光ツアー <国内航空券込み/昼食付き/日本語ガイド/イスタンブール発>


投稿者: 匿名希望, 2012/06/22



利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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Istanbul One Day City Sightseeing Tour

投稿者: Tanna, 2010/09/24

Our tour was scheduled at 9:00 a.m., but actually started at 10:40 after couple of calls in Turkish language from our veri helpfull hotel manager. The tour had to include Grand Bazaar, but bazaar was closed this day and was not replaced with any another place. Fortunately next day we had another tour with the same company, and they added Grand Bazaar tour for free. It was nice, but ruined our plans a little. All tours are very interesting and Istanbul is incredible city.

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Istanbul Half Day Tour with Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia and Grand Bazaar Visit

投稿者: CLIVE, 2010/06/30

Great guide called Murat but was moved from us early on afternoon part of tour so ended tour early by one hour

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Istanbul Half Day Tour with Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia and Grand Bazaar Visit

投稿者: CLIVE, 2010/06/30

We also did the Bosporus Tour with you.
This was a disaster as they forgot us and eventually after phoning from hotel arrived 2 hours late for tour
Guide was good but organisation was pathetic.
We also did the Princes Island tour with you
This was good but the guide was good but organisation was awful,for transport varies from hour to hour and mobile phone call to mobile phone call depending on availability of transport

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Istanbul One Day City Sightseeing Tour

投稿者: Rachel, 2009/11/02

We were picked up promptly and were then given a fantastic tour and insight to Istanbul. Our trip would not have been the same without this tour. Very knowledgeable, helpful and trustworthy guide - unbelieveable service and I would highly recommend.

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Istanbul Half Day Tour with Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia and Grand Bazaar Visit

投稿者: Maryrose, 2008/11/19

Tour guide was very informative

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Istanbul Half Day Tour with Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia and Grand Bazaar Visit

投稿者: David, 2008/10/29

It turned out it was a private tour with a great guide with a flexible agenda that enabled us to customize our experience.

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Istanbul Half Day Tour with Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia and Grand Bazaar Visit

投稿者: Egon, 2008/07/28

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Istanbul Half Day Tour with Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia and Grand Bazaar Visit

投稿者: Margaret, 2008/05/31

I have a personal guide as I was the only one in the tour party. The guide was fantastic and I felt well cared for. Thank you

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Istanbul One Day City Sightseeing Tour

投稿者: MICHAEL, 2008/04/08

good introduction to Istanbul; tour was very informative

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Istanbul Half Day Tour with Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia and Grand Bazaar Visit

投稿者: Robert, 2007/11/06

Dr. Emin Diker was a wonderful, knowledgeagle guide who became our friend as the day evolved.

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Istanbul One Day City Sightseeing Tour

投稿者: Andrew, 2007/11/06

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家族旅行・ファミリー向けツアー | イスタンブールの観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)

映画ロケ地での乗馬体験やウミガメとのシュノーケリング、潜水艦で海底探検といった子供がワクワクするコンテンツを数多く取り揃えています。写真を撮ったり、ダンスに感銘を受けたり、アートに目覚めるなどお子さんの才能が開花するきっかけになるかもしれません!また年齢制限のないツアーは、おじいちゃん・おばあちゃんと一緒に3世代の想い出作りが叶うと人気です。半日または午後出発、貸切で観光できるチャーターサービスのほか、日本語ガイドが含まれているツアーなら言葉の不安も解消。旅の必需品でもあるWiFiルーターは比較的お安くレンタルできるのでご予約をお忘れなく。 【おすすめポイント】 ・子供から大人まで幅広い年齢の方が参加できるツアーやアクティビティ ・現地の文化や食べ物、エンターテインメントに触れる ・家族旅行をバックアップするオプションを選んで快適な旅を