NEW JAPAN TOURIST | Ishikawa Tours & Activities Booking Website VELTRA

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Activity location: Ishikawa, Kanazawa
Last updated: 2024/06/20

    Availability varies by date for all activities.

  1. Explore Kanazawa's highlights on an electric bike tour, including a visit to the Ninja Temple. Explore hidden temple mechanisms with Japanese guidance. Except the temple, English/Chinese guide will guide you. Enjoy an eco-friendly travel experience.


    2.5 hour(s) (afternoon)
  2. Experience the lively night auction at the seafood market, held during the bottom trawling season from September to June. Assorted fish from Ishikawa's ports are auctioned off, creating a vibrant atmosphere with enthusiastic voices.

    From USD65.77

    Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri
    1.5 - 3 hour(s) (evening)

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