(参加者のレビュー一覧) 日帰り体験 (母の日におすすめ) | 東京の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)



4.85 4.85 / 5



Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

Amazing experience

投稿者: Great!, 2024/08/20

Out of all of the activities we have done in Japan, this has turned to be the best one we have done! The owners are a married couple and both have been so nice and sweet. The whole activity is very immersive and we didn't notice that 2 hours have went by so fast! They also served us sweets and tea before starting and they were all so delicious! I even had 5 refills of the tea.

On our next trip to Japan, we will for sure come by again to see you!

Thank you very much for taking part in making our trip unforgetful.

With lots of love from your first Cyprus visitors. :)

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2024/05/12
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Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

Outstanding experience with warm-hearted Kintsugi masters

投稿者: Janes, 2024/08/18

When we think back to our class, we are still filled with the warmth, hospitality and expertise that we were able to experience.
Even though it was only just under 3 hours, we were able to get a great impression of the art of Kintsugi.
Our self-repaired cups, about which we received interesting historical information, will be one of the most precious memories of our trip to Japan.
Thank you very much!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2024/07/25
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Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

Thank you Yoshiko and Yoshiichiro

投稿者: Ruth, 2024/07/28

I really enjoyed this experience. Yoshiko and Yoshiichiro were generous with their knowledge and made me feel very welcome. I would love to return to their studio to learn more kintsugi.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2024/07/03
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Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

2 Thumbs Up!

投稿者: Daniel , 2024/07/19

A top experience in our visit to Tokyo. 2 hours hands on experience in making art out of damaged pottery led by an experienced and entertaining couple. A throughly enjoyable time!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2024/07/17
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Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

A must do activity when you're in Tokyo!

投稿者: Priti, 2024/06/22

Yoshiichiro san and Yoshiko san were such lovely people. Clearly very passionate about their craft, they taught us the art of Kintsugi with a step by step process. They even told us where to purchase the equipment ourselves if we wanted to do this at home, which we did.

I appreciated how kind and patient they were, the 2 hour class flew by so quickly, we had so much fun!

Absolutely loved this experience and highly recommend this class.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2024/05/30
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手作りタイル陶芸体験 コースター・フォトフレーム作り 本場イランの技を学ぶ <港区・芝公園駅より徒歩6分> by うづまこ陶芸教室


投稿者: みー, 2024/06/21



利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2024/06/20
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Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

Peaceful and interesting experience

投稿者: アヌク, 2024/06/08

Big thanks to Yoshikoさん who took the time to teach the technique of Kintsugi, but not only this, also the philosophy and the history way. Very great workshop while doing it and having tea and cake !
I recommend it at 200%/100 !

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2024/05/18
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Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

Kintsugi with masters

投稿者: JessB, 2024/06/06

This experience was so enjoyable! Yoshiko and Yochiichiro were so kind and patient with us beginners. Not only learning about the craft but the history of it as well. They talked us through the entire process and helped us along the way.
This is an unmissable experience!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2024/06/05
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Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

Excellent experience - highly recommend!

投稿者: Elizabeth S, 2024/05/20

This experience exceeded my expectations from start to finish. Delicious treats and all our supplies were laid out in the small studio. We were warmly welcomed, received interesting historic perspective, and coached on all the steps in a simple repair process. Our hosts thought of everything, shared lots of media coverage about their work, gave clear instructions, helpful samples, and demonstrations. I was able to repair a beloved piece (pre-approved by photo and email) and also purchased some antique (not broken) pieces. Brilliant set up for travelling home without marring the piece!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2024/05/15
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和菓子づくり体験 季節の上生菓子を手作り 抹茶の点て方レクチャー付き!<土日祝/当日10時まで予約可能/雷門から徒歩2分/浅草> by 茶禅


投稿者: 小3ママ, 2024/05/18


  • 配られた材料

  • お見本と作った作品


浅草 茶禅「抹茶カフェ茶禅」にお越しいただき


利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2024/04/27
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Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

A wonderful and authentically Japanese experience.

投稿者: Rod, 2024/05/16

Lovely people, wonderful skills, a genuinely old-world Japanese experience. I can’t recommend the Kintsugi experience highly enough!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2024/05/15
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Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

Creative Experience with lovely instructors

投稿者: Linda, 2024/05/11

Yoshiko and Yoshiichiro are wonderful instructors who we‘re very welcoming. They helped us step through step to repair our little bowls and cups. Yoshikos english is very Good and we were only Four people in total, which was Perfect and relaxing. They perfectly packed our finished goods so we could easily Transport them back to our Home Country. Also we got a Shopping List for all the stuff you need to do Kintsugi at Home, which was very practical at the Store. I highly recommend taking the class here! Thank you so much!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2024/04/18
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写経体験 都内で気軽に心のデトックス 写経セットは教室で用意するので初めてでも安心!写経筆プレゼント付き<毎日催行/渋谷区> by 寺カフェ 代官山


投稿者: 椎野まこと, 2024/04/29





  • 来店の時点で、ここまで用意されています。

  • 右から左へ。徐々にうまく書けるようになっていたらよいのですが。。

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2024/04/29
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Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

Perfect taster!

投稿者: Katrin, 2024/04/27

Loved this workshop which was held in a very small group and super relaxed atmosphere and environment.
The technique was clearly explained and I came away feeling I had learned something that wetted my petite for more.
It's a perfect 'taster' session and you get to take an unusual souvenir home. Just loved it

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2024/04/03
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Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

Calm and welcoming introduction to Kintsugi

投稿者: Connie, 2024/04/26

This was the most calming and grounding experience, a total contradiction to a typical day in Tokyo. Yoshiko and Yoshiichiro welcome you into the small street facing studio with home made cake, local treats and freshly brewed tea. Occasionally there is the odd call out from their cat that makes the experience so homely and real that you know you are getting a legitimate immersion into a part of Japanese art and culture.

The class is hands on and Yoshiko makes sure you leave with all the tools you need to keep practicing after you leave the class. She also gives you insights into Japanese culture that are inaccessible to the average visitor.

If you are someone who likes to get under the skin of a city or country, and you like to get off the tourist track to truly start to get your foot into the door of what a culture is about, this is the class for you.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2024/03/27
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Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

Had a great time!

投稿者: Elvira , 2024/04/12

I had a great time during the workshop. Yoshiichiro and Yoshiko are really nice and made me feel welcomed. Kintsugi is really interesting to learn.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2024/04/11
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Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

An exquisite experience.

投稿者: Roger, 2024/03/22

We had a wonderful experience at this workshop. You immediately feel at home and enjoy learning both the history of this art as well as the hands on application. The pace of the class and setting are really wonderful. I love that this we have been given the foundations for this practice and can utilize this in our lives. Highly recommend.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2024/03/07
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和菓子づくり体験 季節の上生菓子を手作り 抹茶の点て方レクチャー付き!<土日祝/当日10時まで予約可能/雷門から徒歩2分/浅草> by 茶禅


投稿者: らびらび, 2024/03/21



浅草 茶禅「抹茶カフェ茶禅」にお越しいただき


浅草 茶禅

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2024/03/20
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Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

Wonderful Experience!

投稿者: Michie-san, 2024/03/01

This will be one of my treasured memories from Japan. The Kuges share the essence of this tradition and craft so wonderfully. The little piece we worked on will bring much joy each time I use it.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2024/02/25
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ミニ革財布作り体験 革職人直伝!ピッグスキンのカラフルなミニ財布を手作りできる<台東区/入谷駅徒歩約8分> by ナスタチウム nasturtium


投稿者: まるちゃん, 2024/02/25


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2024/02/24
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Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

Best class ever

投稿者: Daniel , 2024/02/19

It's such a beautiful and healing class! You're in a small place in the suburbs of Tokyo, surrounded by local folks going about their day - and you will learn the subtle art of Kintsugi while sharing stories of life. The owners could not be kinder and more generous and I appreciated so much how easy they made it to understand what to do. I recommend the class to everyone but make sure you are ready to join their world - not demand your own. You will be rewarded. Thank you!!!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2024/02/17
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Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

A delightful and novel experience

投稿者: Carolyn Dodd, 2024/02/13

We were given this Kintsugi Tryout class by our children as a Xmas present. And what a delightful and fun experience it was!
The tiny workshop, filled with examples of kintsugi to provide inspiration, was only just big enough for us both, two other more experienced Japanese students, and our two wonderful teachers Mr and Mrs Kuge. The latter is a force of nature who provided home made lemon cake, endless tea, written and spoken stories about kintsugi in English, and a shopping list to encourage us to pursue our new hobby. The combination with Mr Kuge's quiet expertise provided an atmosphere where we felt free to relax and be creative. We loved every minute of our class and can't wait to see what our tea cups look like after their 2 weeks drying out period.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2024/02/11
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Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

Excellent workshop and experience!

投稿者: Tina , 2024/01/25

Kuge Craft provided a detail direction to their workshop, about 8 mins walk from their workshop. It is a cosy place with plenty of artworks and books references.

The experience is amazing. We were greeted by a lovely snack (delicious homemade cake, crackers and earl grey) with English notes and material list for kintsugi. They break it down step by step making it very easy to follow. Along the way, they would also provide extra information before we even know what questions to ask.

They are such a lovely couple, we hope to get to join their workshop again when we are in Tokyo!

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2024/01/08
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Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

Amazing and informative Kintsugi workshop!

投稿者: Trent, 2024/01/25

I had a great time at the Kintsugi workshop! The Kuge's were very knowledgeable on the craft and were able to explain in English the history and techniques

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2024/01/22
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Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

Intimate experience with artists with 40 years of experience!

投稿者: J. Conroy, 2024/01/17

The Kuges are kind, funny, and generous teachers. Good English and fulfilling experience! Bought material to practice kintsugi at home! One of our best memories from Tokyo!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2024/01/07
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ミニ革財布作り体験 革職人直伝!ピッグスキンのカラフルなミニ財布を手作りできる<台東区/入谷駅徒歩約8分> by ナスタチウム nasturtium


投稿者: ゆうくん, 2024/01/01


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2023/12/31
この体験談は参考になりましたか? [はい]

ミニ革財布作り体験 革職人直伝!ピッグスキンのカラフルなミニ財布を手作りできる<台東区/入谷駅徒歩約8分> by ナスタチウム nasturtium


投稿者: H.A, 2024/01/01




利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2023/12/30
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Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

Kind people and well run kintsugi

投稿者: Nick, 2023/12/28

Really enjoyed our experience doing Kintsugi in Tokyo, would recommend to anyone who is interested in this craft. They helped also with information on where to buy products to do craft at home.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2023/12/27
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写経体験 都内で気軽に心のデトックス 写経セットは教室で用意するので初めてでも安心!写経筆プレゼント付き<毎日催行/渋谷区> by 寺カフェ 代官山


投稿者: ミンミン, 2023/12/10


  • お客さんが良く見えます。

  • 書く方法は自由です。

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2023/12/09
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Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop: Simple Gold Repair Class near Shin Koenji

Kintsugi Workshop

投稿者: Freeda, 2023/12/02

It was an amazing experience with the couple. They are very nice and they can speak english well enough. We had a very good time with them.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2023/11/11
この体験談は参考になりましたか? [はい]

東京 テーマから探す

日帰り体験 (母の日におすすめ) | 東京の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)
