投稿者: Fijikaru Mama
While during my trips I had often tried simple 'matcha and a sweet'-types of tea ceremony, it never really gave me great satisfaction. When I found this activity (with Review Rebates too!) I booked it immediately.
The Warakuan tea house is on the Inokashira line, a 5~6 minute walk from Komabatodaimae Station, in a quiet residential area.
When they opened the door there was a wonderful smell of flowers, coming from a large vase. The tea master, his wife and daughter welcomed me with a cup of cherry blossom tea. We chatted, and I relaxed immediately.
At the sound of the bell I was led to the tea room, stopping at a little stone fountain to wash my hands (they even left a towel there for me). The garden is covered in beautiful moss, and the sound of water flowing takes you a world away from the residential area it is actually located in.
After entering the tea room, perfumed with incense, I got to see all the beautiful tea ceremony utensils. While explaining the utensils and ceremony, I was served a sweet and then the thick tea. The contrast of sweet and bitter was perfect. A true moment of bliss!
Next was the 'thin' tea. Since it was close to Christmas, the tea master selected cute snowman and snow inspired decor and sweets,which I thought was a nice touch. We chatted for a while, and it was a a truly a refined experience. The art of tea actually touches on ikebana, calligraphy, art and proper manners, I feel like I learned so much.
I am so glad to have taken part in this experience, thank you so much and please continue promoting this part of Japanese culture!
Just one thing: while I had a really wonderful experience, the price may be a bit scary for people less familiar with tea ceremony?
<Translated by Veltra.com>
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | ひとりで |
投稿日: | 2015/01/16 |
投稿者: TakeTake
Less than 10 minutes from Shibuya station, we entered a totally different world.
The garden was more compact than I expected, but the lovely moss made for a perfectly Japanese atmosphere. The tea master, who likes to collect antiques, kindly explained about all the various tools used in the tea ceremony. Although I was unfamiliar with them, it was really interesting. A lot of my preconceptions about the specifics of the tea ceremony, like using monotone utensils or the degree of the strict manners, proved to be wrong. It was cool to learn more about this world.
I took part in the Review Rebate campaign, and was a little worried about what exactly what the 'thin' tea would be. Once there, the master explained the difference, and I excited to try them both.
The 'thick' tea took me aback at first, because it looked like the deep green of a still pond! I was a bit hesitant, but after the first sip was pleasantly surprised. The tea was not at all overly strong or bitter, in fact it has a sweet aftertaste.
While it may be a bit pricey, this kind of experience was truly authentic and one of a kind.
<Translated by Veltra.com>
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2015/01/16 |
投稿者: フィジカルmama
旅先でちょっと飲み”お菓子とお茶”には日頃より満足感なく、東京観光オプショナルツアーサイトを見つけ おやっ?コレだーすぐ飛びつき予約を、しかも割引き即参加!
和楽庵は井の頭線 駒場駅から歩いて5〜6分 都心と思えない閑静な住宅の中にありました。
ドアを開けると気持ちよい香りがし 大きな花器に生けられた花々が”ようこそ”と歓迎、そこへ ご主人、奥様、お嬢さまが優しくお出迎え、お部屋へ案内され、さくら茶を頂きながら、和やかに談笑(緊張がほぐれ) やがて 鐘の鳴る音に導かれ 枝折り戸を抜けると水打ちされた飛び石を踏みながら、丹精込めて育てたのでしょう、青々とした苔が生き生きと 路地を曲がるとつくばいの筧の水音が聞こえそこにはタオルが用意され(気遣いが嬉しい) 茶室に入ると気分も高まり 床の間のお軸、香合さらに進みお水指、茶入れ、湯のたぎった釜…拝見して席に着く 主菓子が運ばれ お手前が始まり ご主人の丁寧で分かり易い茶道具の説明を受けながら お手前は進みます 眺めて美しい 食べて美味しい主菓子を頂いた後の濃茶は格別にほろ苦く、甘くのどごしに優しく…本当に至福の一時!
離席して 再び茶席へ 薄茶です!可愛らしいクリスマスにちなんだ雪だるま、雪の結晶、雪のコンペイトウ達が 黒塗の盆にちりばめたお菓子が運ばれ、ご主人のユニークな計らいに拍手!お話も弾み和み ほんのり泡の立ったお茶(まろやかで甘く飲みやすい)を頂き素敵で優雅な空間を満喫しました。
岡倉天心の”茶の本”によると日本の文化の源はお茶にありと聞きましたが この体験によって茶道、華道、書道、絵画、礼儀作法 などなど全てがここから が少し分かった様な気がしました。
この様な企画に参加出来てよかったです! ありがとう!日本の文化向上に乾杯!!
今回のプランは今までにない大変良い企画だと思います。が 体験としてはちょっと高額かな?参加に勇気がいります。若い人達や外国の人達にも参加が受け入れられて頂くには考え直した方が良いかと思われます。例えば、高級中級低級コースをなるべく低い価格に抑え、トッピングコースを作り選んでもらう様にしたら如何でしょうか? 非常に良い企画なので応援しています。頑張ってくださいネ!!ごきげんよう・・・!
評価: | |
プラン: | ☆会員様限定モニターツアー☆/濃茶 + 薄茶 |
参加形態: | ひとりで |
投稿日: | 2015/01/09 |
参加日: | 2014/12/23 |
投稿者: 匿名希望
評価: | |
プラン: | 【9/30まで】通常プラン |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2015/01/07 |
参加日: | 2014/12/27 |
投稿者: N. K.
i went with my friends from US and they were very sartisfied with Japanese traditional food & sake.
Also there was Tokyo bay fire work held at that day and we enjoyed it from the top roof of the ship.
It was in total a greater experience than our expectation.
評価: | |
プラン: | Standard Cruise (Until Sept 30) |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2015/01/04 |
参加日: | 2014/12/27 |
投稿者: くもじい
評価: | |
プラン: | ベーシックプラン(浴衣 or 着物) |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2015/01/04 |
参加日: | 2014/12/27 |
投稿者: たけたけ
評価: | |
プラン: | ☆会員様限定モニターツアー☆/濃茶 + 薄茶 |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2015/01/01 |
参加日: | 2014/12/30 |
投稿者: てぃこ
評価: | |
プラン: | 【9/30まで】通常プラン |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2014/12/29 |
参加日: | 2014/12/27 |
投稿者: Miss C
I don't usually write reviews, but this was really great. I went with a group of friends, and everyone had lots of fun. The hostess spoke perfect English, and was so welcoming. She explained everything (about the sights, food, drinks) in both English and Japanese. The fresh tempura was really good, and they kept the drinks coming!
We were super lucky too, because in December (on Saturdays) there are fireworks. If you can go on a Saturday in December, I really recommend it. Make sure you go out onto the roof, because seeing all the colorful boats on the water was really pretty.
Thank you, we hope to come back again.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2014/12/29 |
投稿者: YuKi
評価: | |
プラン: | 【9/30まで】通常プラン |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2014/12/29 |
参加日: | 2014/12/21 |
投稿者: ニャッシャー
評価: | |
プラン: | ☆会員様限定モニターツアー☆/濃茶 + 薄茶 |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2014/12/28 |
参加日: | 2014/12/28 |
投稿者: ライチョウ
評価: | |
プラン: | ベーシックプラン(浴衣 or 着物) |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2014/12/22 |
参加日: | 2014/12/21 |
投稿者: taro
評価: | |
プラン: | 【9/30まで】通常プラン |
参加形態: | 小さなお子様連れ |
投稿日: | 2014/12/09 |
参加日: | 2014/11/30 |
投稿者: アリエル
アリエル 様
大和サンプル製作所 スタッフ
評価: | |
プラン: | タルト/カップケーキ チャーム |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2014/12/07 |
参加日: | 2014/12/06 |
投稿者: Kristy
The women were very lovely and sweet, and they worked very hard to make the dress up a great experience for us. There was a giant variety in kimonos, especially considering my friend was 5'5" and I'm 5'11. The service was prompt and excellent, and we had a lot of fun and lovely reactions when we walked around the Asakusa Shrine nearby. I'd definitely recommend this experience to anyone, it was the best thing I did in my time in Japan and well worth the money.
評価: | |
プラン: | Luxury Kimono Plan |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2014/11/26 |
参加日: | 2014/11/24 |
投稿者: Noreen-QQEnglish
One of the most anticipated experience in Japan was wearing the traditional kimono. I didnt know there were so many things needed to complete a kimono. We walked around Asakusa and all the tourists were clicking their cameras. I felt like a celebrity. It was a very good experience I can never forget.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2014/10/17 |
投稿者: Nathan
We had an excellent experience at Seisouji. We arrived at our scheduled appointment and was immediately greeted by a very friendly staff and they showed us a few choices of kimonos to choose from. Once we chose our kimonos my girlfriend and I were greeted down stairs by a rickshaw that gave us a very nice tour and dropped us off close to Seisouji where we walked around and thoroughly enjoyed our afternoon receiving many random compliments from strangers. It was a very fun experience and I highly suggest it to anyone looking for a fun afternoon in Asakusa. The staff spoke and understood very good English so communicating was never a problem. :)
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2014/10/17 |
投稿者: eri
.great fantastic☆i am very surprised☆☆
Thankyou for verymuch☆
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2014/10/17 |
投稿者: SSS
Since I had never boarded a yakatabune before, I was so excited about trying it.
It took me about a five-minute walk from the station to the boat boarding area.
On boarding the boat, I was greeted by young high-spirited ladies wearing a towel around their heads. I was impressed by their cheerful greetings both in Japanese and English.
I enjoyed beer and delicious dish right away. They cooked Tempura on the boat. Freshly fried tempura was served.
We were able to stop by tourist spots and enjoy the view from the boat at Odaiba. It was a good us to choose this day ,because the weather was great and we really enjoyed it!
A wide range of people were on board, there were tourists from Tokyo, the locals and travelers from overseas that were all introduced by a friendly young lady which made the vibe very lively on board!
It was nothing like just taking a ordinary boat, instead, it was as if signing up for a Japanese house boat tour with a tour guide on board. I'll definitely use the service again when next time my friend visit Tokyo!
<Translated by VELTRA.com>
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2014/10/17 |
投稿者: Izumin
To celebrate a birthday, we joined this cruise with two small kids. We could see the Christmas lights in Odaiba and Tokyo Skytree. Also we enjoyed fireworks in Odaiba. We had freshly cooked Tempura and drinks as much as we wanted. All of us were very satisfied. It was a dream day out!
<Meeting Point>
In the morning, “Harumiya” called me and we could confirm the meeting point and time so we did not have any worry about it. There were staff wearing happi coats in front of the pier.Boarding started about 15 minutes before sailing time.
There were two rows of sunken kotatsu tables. Families, couples, small groups shared the boat. We were close to each other, and immediately got along with the people around, it was a harmonious atmosphere.
<Meals and Drinks>
The starter was a Kaiseki meal, then Japanese Nabe. A variety of Tempuras were served. Everything was delicious. The freshly cooked Tempura was the best since it was very cold mid-winter. For the passenger aged under 5 years old there were no meal served,however, parents could share their meals because of the volume of food. There were a lot of choices in drinks, all included in the ticket price.
<Night Scenery>
The night scenery from Tokyo Bay is really beautiful. When the ship stops, you can climb up to the sky deck, and take in the magnificent view. It was during the Christmas illumination period, so Tokyo Tower, Rainbow Bridge, Fuji TV main office, and Tokyo Sky Tree all lighted up in Christmas mode. I just happened to see the fireworks of Odaiba which are held on Saturdays!
The staff of the houseboat was amiable. Going out with small children is often troublesome. However, this houseboat excursion was very good. Staff was welcoming to small kids and entertained them. Parents could relax and enjoy the event.
Initially I was worried about the houseboat trip in winter. But it was great. I would like to go again in warmer weather.
<Translated by VELTRA.com>
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 小さなお子様連れ |
投稿日: | 2014/10/17 |
投稿者: sayacat
The dancers come to our seats before the show starts, and we can have a chat with them. Probably because of this, I had a feeling of intimacy towards the show, and I think I was able to enjoy the show even more. There were dances with energetic movements, and the finale! You can take pictures during the show. I was able to take great pictures of their gorgeous costumes.
<Translated by VELTRA.com>
Thank you for coming to Roppongi Kaguwa.
We are very pleased and will take your lovely pictures.
We look forward to coming in again!
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2014/10/17 |
投稿者: Miki Mouse
I’m glad that I took part in this tour. I joined with a friend, and it was as if we both turned into models.
First of all, the studio is conveniently located, only 1-3 minutes from Kaminari-mon on foot. As it’s a rented room in a building, it was hard to find it. When we went inside, Kyonming spoke to use politely. The studio is small, but Kyongming made us really cute. We wore elegant kimonos with Nagoya obis. I recommend the Nagoya obi highly.
They arranged my hair simply and put 3 hair accessories on my hair! After putting Kimono on, it's time for a photo shoot! I was so excited about getting photographed and making many poses in Asakusa! Please have a look at pictures I attached! We had free time until 5 so had a stroll in Asakusa. However, tourists looked at us, they wanted take our pictures like paparazzi, so we were in many pictures with people from many countries for their souvenirs.
It was the best experience ever. I would love to do it with my friends again! You should try it at least once, as it is a rare opportunity to take pictures of you wearing Kimono at this price!
<Translated by VELTRA.com>
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2014/10/16 |
投稿者: Oradee
My husband and I arrived an hour late due to our mistake with trains. Despite this we received a warm welcome from Sakura-san. She was welcoming to both of us. She let me choose the Kimono and dressed me. She chose the flowers and shoes to match with the Kimono. I brought a paper fan but rented an umbrella as it was a hot day. Sakura San also gave me a 5% off voucher for rickshaw but I did not use it. I received compliments from many Japanese woman and also a lot of attention from tourists. I was asked by a western tourist if he could take my photo. I was very pleased with her service as I would recommend it to any lady to when in Tokyo. Asakusa is an appropriate location.
評価: | |
プラン: | Standard Kimono Plan and Free Walking |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2014/09/21 |
参加日: | 2014/09/06 |
投稿者: eri
.great fantastic☆i am very surprised☆☆
Thankyou for verymuch☆
評価: | |
プラン: | ☆会員様限定モニターツアー☆/ベーシックプラン(着物+名古屋帯) |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2014/08/31 |
参加日: | 2014/08/31 |
投稿者: Ven
Trying this out was definitely one of the best decisions I made during my trip to Tokyo. The photo studio had a wide range of choices for kimonos with matching hair accessories. I liked how Sakura-san did my makeup and how she directed the photo shoot. Asakusa was lovely, I wish I could have allotted more time for this activity as there were so many nice places to see and stop by! I really hope I could do this again when I visit Tokyo.
評価: | |
プラン: | Standard Kimono Plan and Free Walking |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2014/08/25 |
参加日: | 2014/08/23 |
投稿者: Nathan
"We had an excellent experience at Seisouji. We arrived at our scheduled appointment and was immediately greeted by a very friendly staff and they showed us a few choices of kimonos to choose from. Once we chose our kimonos my girlfriend and I were greeted down stairs by a rickshaw that gave us a very nice tour and dropped us off close to Seisouji where we walked around and thoroughly enjoyed our afternoon receiving many random compliments from strangers. It was a very fun experience and I highly suggest it to anyone looking for a fun afternoon in Asakusa. The staff spoke and understood very good English so communicating was never a problem. :)"
評価: | |
プラン: | ☆会員様限定モニターツアー☆/ベーシックプラン(着物+名古屋帯) |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2014/08/25 |
参加日: | 2014/08/23 |
投稿者: Noreen-QQEnglish
One of the most anticipated experience in Japan was wearing the traditional kimono. I didnt know there were so many things needed to complete a kimono. We walked around Asakusa and all the tourists were clicking their cameras. I felt like a celebrity. It was a very good experience I can never forget.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2014/08/13 |
投稿者: Naho-QQEnglish
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2014/08/13 |
投稿者: Desiree-QQEnglish
It's beautiful and interesting. I experienced a different kind of culture by just wearing it
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2014/08/13 |
投稿者: Mia-QQEnglish
I find it uncomfortable at first but minutes later, I enjoyed and somehow get used to wearing it while other people are looking at us.
評価: | |
プラン: | ☆会員様限定モニターツアー☆/ベーシックプラン(着物+名古屋帯) |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2014/08/13 |
参加日: | 2014/08/09 |
観光エリアで選ぶ | 東京の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)