投稿者: おぅさか
評価: | |
プラン: | 地下鉄1日券付プラン |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2017/11/06 |
参加日: | 2017/11/04 |
投稿者: Siobhan
Excellent way to get around Osaka as it’s so big! The tour guides were helpful and gave us advice on the places we wanted to visit. Buses came regularly and the stops were easy to find (mostly at taxi ranks). Open top bus was great and they provide you with big warm jackets if it’s cold. The tour guides provided interesting information about the sights along the way. The guide book provided was very detailed and we used it a lot as it had helpful maps of the areas at each stop. This tour was great as we got picked up at Osaka castle, super easy to find. Guide then asked where we wanted to go and advised us of the nearest shopping district. When it was time to get off the guide notified us. Once we got back on we were once again asked what we would like to see, we wanted to see the temples but the guide let us know the temples would be closing at 4 and we wouldn’t have enough time to walk around. The guide suggested we visit the temples the following day and instead let us know of some shrines that we could visit instead. The guide let us know the easiest way to get to the shrines and gave us information about surrounding attractions. Overall it was a fantastic day and the guides were extremely helpful. Would very much recommend, the jackets were very much appreciated as it was a cold and windy day.
評価: | |
プラン: | Review Rebate Special: Two Day Wonderloop Bus + Guidebook Plan |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2017/11/04 |
参加日: | 2017/11/04 |
投稿者: Yi Hin
My partner and I arrived Osaka with literally no knowledge about the site of interests - We were too busy to make plans! Buying these bus tickets is a smart choice. The operator on the phone was extremely helpful. He provided adequate info on how to find the bus stop - which we did by only asking for a short question at the Namba city. Then, the bus stop was very clearly marked. There were bus schedule printed and showed clearly on each bus stop pole. If you miss one then you immediately know when the next one will come!
The bus goes to all major tourist sites in Osaka. Very convenient. I highly recommend it.
評価: | |
プラン: | Review Rebate Special: Two Day Wonderloop Bus + Guidebook Plan |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2017/11/01 |
参加日: | 2017/10/24 |
投稿者: norit
評価: | |
プラン: | 【3/31まで】昼食・入場券付きプラン(和食) |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2017/11/01 |
参加日: | 2017/10/30 |
投稿者: Jax
Took this tour wit a family member of mine, and it was a good way to get around Osaka and see many of the most popular sites in the city. Keep in mind that a bus comes around every 70 minutes, so if you get off and want to take the next bus, plan accordingly. They have a bus route tracking system on their website, which updates regularly and is great to use to help with timing. The tour guides had mixed levels of English speaking proficiency, but were all understandable some giving more information/fun facts than others. It was a nice bonus that the river cruise was also included. I'd recommend this activity for anyone trying to get a good sense of what's around the city and where everything is.
評価: | |
プラン: | Review Rebate Special: Two Day Wonderloop Bus + Guidebook Plan |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2017/10/23 |
参加日: | 2017/10/23 |
投稿者: 女人武蔵
台風到来の為旅行を断念!バスが動き出す9時の1時間前までにキャンセルしなければ100%取られてしまうらしいので(会社の人は準備や連絡の為遅くても7時半~8時位までには出勤しているだろうと)7時半から10回ほど電話をしても留守で、考えあぐねて取り仕切っているらしい”大阪市交通局”に連絡したところ「HISに任せている」旨の返事。教えられた電話番号に連絡し事情を説明したところ、親身に相談に乗ってくれて色々調べてくれて2度も電話を下さり、最後に「One Osaka ループバスは土・日はお休みだけれど外国人向けの電話番号は通じるので連絡してみたら?」と言われ連絡。すると「そう言う事はHISに任せているのでHISに連絡して下さい。」と、たらい回し状態で「HISにこちらに連絡すよう教えられたのです。」と申しましたら「何処に連絡したら良いのか調べて 連絡します。」と言われましたが・・・・・それっきり連絡がありませんでした。
※ これから週末に利用しようと思っている方々に《週末は一切連絡が出来ない》 事をお知らせしておきます。私は直接VELTRAを検索しチケットを買いましたが、経験上HISを通して申し込んだ方が賢明のようです。
※ 朝7時半から電話を掛けて、最後の電話は昼食を済ませた後でした。半日無駄にしました。
評価: | |
プラン: | 2人目無料!人数限定モニター |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2017/10/23 |
参加日: | 2017/10/21 |
投稿者: joe
We only have 3 days at Osaka, so hop on and hop off bus is the best and easy way to explore the city in one day. Its is well worth the price because it included key places in Osaka such as Kuromon market and Nipponbashi. Pick up point is easy to find. It could be better is there is a audio guide difference language for those who are not understand english and japanese.
評価: | |
プラン: | Review Rebate Special: Two Day Wonderloop Bus + Guidebook Plan |
参加形態: | 小さなお子様連れ |
投稿日: | 2017/10/18 |
参加日: | 2017/10/07 |
投稿者: John
Open top bus is the bus best way to explore the city. Visit all the key places included osaka castle. We are so lucky because they day we take hop on and off bus was a sunny day. I hope to go back osaka again. Thank you
評価: | |
プラン: | Review Rebate Special: Two Day Wonderloop Bus + Guidebook Plan |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2017/10/18 |
参加日: | 2017/10/07 |
投稿者: Darwin
By far, this is one of best Bus tour we have experienced in our Japan Trip. We started at 9:00 am and we spent 1 to 2 hours for like 3 or 4 stations that we want to see, example: Dotonbori and Namba. Its just so convenient, no hassle, less crowded and most of all you're touring the city in STYLE!!! all the people, locals and tourist are like even taking pictures of you or the bus since its so cool looking and so colorful. The tour guide are english speaking guide with the real japanese accent that make it more unique in a way that they are so polite and so patient to answer questions that you may have. The boat ride is just so fantastic!!!! My kids are going to Osaka next year and you know what, this loop is already in their number 1 on list. Thanks so much and I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to see Osaka. The key is " Check the weather forecast and plan your trip accordingly so that you can get the top off bus and be on time or always be there early, Japanese are so prompt on their time.
評価: | |
プラン: | Review Rebate Special: Two Day Wonderloop Bus + Guidebook Plan |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2017/10/15 |
参加日: | 2017/10/12 |
投稿者: Amy
Easy way to explore this awesome city. Pick up and drop point is very near tourist spot. Clear explanation to history of osaka. If more frequency of bus would be better. I so wanna do it again, Thank you
評価: | |
プラン: | Review Rebate Special: Two Day Wonderloop Bus + Guidebook Plan |
参加形態: | 小さなお子様連れ |
投稿日: | 2017/10/15 |
参加日: | 2017/10/07 |
投稿者: Japanese Teacher
評価: | |
プラン: | 【梅田発】昼食・拝観料なしプラン |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2017/10/15 |
参加日: | 2017/10/11 |
投稿者: Myrza Muller
Struggled to find the pick-up point at Osaka station- did not exist on Google maps and smallest no 10 on the sign! Then we could not get discount at Osaka Castle because we did not receive a ticket (only date written on back of guidebook served as 'ticket') Once on the bus the info and route was good! Also enjoyed the short boatride! Only 1 was available the day we were there...not 3 as per brochure! And we did not even try using the subway- as we did not have any 'ticket'!!
評価: | |
プラン: | Review Rebate Special: Two Day Wonderloop Bus + Guidebook Plan |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2017/10/14 |
参加日: | 2017/10/12 |
投稿者: Adam Fraser
We had two days to explore Osaka while staying in the Namba area which is pretty much the top destination anyway. We traveled in October where the weather fluctuated frequently however we had a nice sunny day to explore the city. One issue we had was no finding the boat at the 9th stop. We almost missed the bus trying to find it. It just wasn’t there. We had different guides with different capacities to deliver a proper account of the trip. Walking from stop 13 to 6 was a great idea but we miss the boat there as well as it stops at 6pm. Our first stop was the castle which was worth it. We didn’t pay to go inside and we content with hanging around enjoying the scenery. I liked Osaka and would recommend you give it a look.
評価: | |
プラン: | Review Rebate Special: Two Day Wonderloop Bus + Guidebook Plan |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2017/10/12 |
参加日: | 2017/10/11 |
投稿者: R.Ikegami
評価: | |
プラン: | ガイドブック付プラン |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2017/10/10 |
参加日: | 2017/10/08 |
投稿者: おーちゃん
LIMON BUSにご利用頂きまして、誠にありがとうございました。
評価: | |
プラン: | 昼食・入場券付きプラン(とりすき) |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2017/10/02 |
参加日: | 2017/09/30 |
投稿者: 内田智弘
評価: | |
プラン: | 【3/31まで】昼食・入場券付きプラン(和食) |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2017/09/26 |
参加日: | 2017/09/24 |
Nice experience in Osaka..The only thing that we are not amiable is the signage since it is too small and lots of tourists are passing through it so it is not so noticeable..
評価: | |
プラン: | Two Day Wonderloop Bus Ticket |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2017/08/20 |
参加日: | 2017/07/29 |
投稿者: nao
LIMON BUSをご利用、有難うございました。
評価: | |
プラン: | 【3/31まで】バスのみプラン |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2017/08/07 |
参加日: | 2017/08/03 |
投稿者: IsabelR2017
Taking the bus can help you to have a general view of what to do you want to see in the city and to decide where to go down and take a better look. The opportunity area is that not everybody knows were are the bus stops located so I take us a while to find it but after this it was good and the personnel are very kind and cooperative.
評価: | |
プラン: | Two Day Wonderloop Bus Ticket |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2017/08/02 |
参加日: | 2017/07/29 |
投稿者: トマト
レビューを見て 参加を決めました。
初めてのバスツアーでした。とてもキレイなバスで それぞれの座席にUSBがついていて便利で快適、そして優しい添乗員さんと運転士の方と楽しい旅となりました。今回は日本人の参加者が多いとのことでしたが英語での説明も楽しく、空いている座席も使わせて頂き とても暑い京都でしたが 快適でした。出発までは観光の時間が短いかな?と思っていたのですが、これまたベストな時間配分!途中、運転手さんがキンキンに冷えたおしぼりを配ってくださり とても気持ち良かったです。バスも旗も添乗員さんもレモン色でわかりやすく、迷うこともありませんでした!また機会があれば 利用したいと思えたバスツアーでした。おすすめですよ!
評価: | |
プラン: | 【3/31まで】バスのみプラン |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2017/07/24 |
参加日: | 2017/07/22 |
投稿者: Kristin
They would do well to have a recording of a history of different areas rather than a one or two sentences explanation of each stop. It was quite a long wait between buses and while they advertise that they run until 9pm, it just isn't so.
We mainly bought this for the boat tour, unfortunately we were only in town for a day and the boat was down for maintenance.
And instead of a double decker bus, it was a run of the mill single level bus.
It really isn't useful for getting anywhere because the loop takes so long. Best thing to do is get on and take a nap.
評価: | |
プラン: | One-Day Wonder Loop Bus Ticket |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2017/07/22 |
参加日: | 2017/07/20 |
投稿者: マツオ
評価: | |
プラン: | 【梅田発】60種類のバイキング+拝観料(金閣寺)付きプラン |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2017/07/19 |
参加日: | 2017/07/17 |
投稿者: お初さん
評価: | |
プラン: | 【3/31まで】バスのみプラン |
参加形態: | ひとりで |
投稿日: | 2017/07/18 |
参加日: | 2017/07/08 |
投稿者: リマリマ
評価: | |
プラン: | 【3/31まで】バスのみプラン |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2017/07/17 |
参加日: | 2017/05/30 |
投稿者: Orlando
An excellent deal and way to go around osaka without the hassle of finding and riding buses , taxis, subway. All the stop stations of the woderloop bus are close to areas and malls and scenic spots you want to see and go around.
The river cruise was vey nice and relaxing because the boat is nice and comfortable too. You get to see a different skyline of osaka from the river. I really enjoyed this cruise . You must take this river cruise.
If you want to travel fast then the subway ticket was useful and there are many stores and restaurants also below the subway stations particularly namba .
The bus guides were very nice particularly the last one we had on july 6 2017 her name is hiroki if i recall right who was very informative saying so many things about the places we passed thru , very accommodating and helpful in helping us find our ways around and giving tips to go the various places that we want. She really is an excellent guide that everybody would like to have.
This low priced deal would definitely save you costs, effort and time for at least 3 days going around osaka , and i strongly recommend to everybody.
評価: | |
プラン: | One-Day Wonder Loop Bus Ticket |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2017/07/15 |
参加日: | 2017/07/07 |
投稿者: デビッド
評価: | |
プラン: | 【4/30まで】JR大阪駅発バスのみプラン |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2017/05/20 |
参加日: | 2017/04/25 |
投稿者: 松井美年子
評価: | |
プラン: | ガイドブック付プラン |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2017/04/22 |
参加日: | 2017/04/17 |
投稿者: Liluisa Dacudao
The tour was great, we have so much time and the tour guide was very nice and friendly. We will recommend this company to our friends who will plan to visit Osaka.
評価: | |
プラン: | Two Day Wonderloop Bus Ticket |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2017/04/20 |
参加日: | 2017/04/04 |
投稿者: 総勢7名
評価: | |
プラン: | ガイドブック付プラン |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2017/04/17 |
参加日: | 2017/04/14 |
投稿者: 鉄腕鉄
評価: | |
プラン: | 【2人目無料!】人数限定モニターツアー |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2017/04/09 |
参加日: | 2017/03/17 |
1日 (時間帯) | 大阪の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)