(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 3) お座敷体験/舞妓遊び (趣味・文化体験) | 日本の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)



4.67 4.67 / 5



舞妓さんまたは芸妓さん 夜の祇園でお座敷体験 舞鑑賞+お座敷遊び 昭和初期から三代続く祇園のお茶屋催行 <貸切/撮影自由/英語対応可/祇園東>


投稿者: 枝垂れ梅, 2020/02/24


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2020/02/22
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Mesmerizing experience with our Maiko

投稿者: Michael T, 2020/01/27

Our tea ceremony with the Maiko was truly one of our favorite things that we did in Japan. She was truly mesmerizing, fascinating, welcoming and so very kind. She was engaging us in really wonderful conversation and gave us such a wonderful glimpse into her life and the hard work it takes to become a Maiko and Geiko. I highly recommend this service and would definitely go back next time I’m in Kyoto. Thank you so much for such a wonderful and memorable experience.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2020/01/18
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

A charming afternoon with a Maiko

投稿者: Chris, 2019/12/09

This was definitely one of the highlights of my trip to Japan. The host was very charming. We were invited into and treated to tea and snacks as the Maiko performed a beautiful dance. Initially I was afraid the language barrier would have sullied the experience but her English was quite good! We shared tid bits about our lives as did she. We played games and laughed and in what seemed like no time at all our time was up. Most definitely an experience every person traveling to Japan should live.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/10/24
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舞妓さんまたは芸妓さん 夜の祇園でお座敷体験 舞鑑賞+お座敷遊び 昭和初期から三代続く祇園のお茶屋催行 <貸切/撮影自由/英語対応可/祇園東>


投稿者: いちろ, 2019/12/08


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/12/04
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

New Experience

投稿者: Puteri, 2019/12/04

It was my husband and I’s first time in Japan. We absolutely loved the experience. The host was very friendly and spoke English well.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/10/13
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舞妓さんまたは芸妓さん 夜の祇園でお座敷体験 舞鑑賞+お座敷遊び 昭和初期から三代続く祇園のお茶屋催行 <貸切/撮影自由/英語対応可/祇園東>


投稿者: nonchan, 2019/11/26


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/10/30
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Very appreciate

投稿者: Mono, 2019/11/24

I book for 9 people and got 2 Maiko. 1 maiko name Tomie is very good in English she teach us play a game and answer our questions very clear. The owner is good in English too. We got a warm welcome and best experience everyone love it. Tea is quite bitter but they have a Japanese sweet that you can share with your friends. And you have permission to take a picture all times. After tea ceremony they come to send you and take a picture in front of a restaurant.

You can follow google map from VELTRA website and please save a picture of the restaurant because they don’t have a name in English and cannot search in google map apps

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/11/22
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Special Geisha Performance and Games in the Heart of Tokyo

A great way to see the Geisha!

投稿者: Mariam, 2019/11/22

I found the geisha experience really good especially the interactive part (the games) which was fun. Also there was the oldest geisha in Tokyo playing the musical instrument there (94 years old) which was an extra bonus. But I think it's an experience for women, men might find it boring especially the musical and dancing part :)


Dear Mariam,
Thank you very much for your messege, and we are very glad that you enjoyed our Time to Geisha. The oldest geisha you mentioned is the living history of Tokyo, and she will be happy to hear that you are impressed. We thank you again for your kind messege, and hope to welcome you again in near future.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/11/02
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Kyoto Private Dinner at Historical Teahouse with Maiko Dance Show

Amazing cultural experience

投稿者: American Tourists , 2019/11/13

We knew that we were going to have an amazing cultural experience from the moment we arrived.

We were greeted by our hostess from the moment of our arrival. She was very pleasant, informative and flexible. We arrived nearly 30 minutes before expected therefore our hostess served us tea and took us on a tour of the house.

The highlight of the evening was meeting the Kyoto Maiko. Our group was allowed to ask questions and we were very surprised to learn that she was only 16 years old. Her level of grace, elegance and maturity far exceeded her years. My favorite part of the evening was learning the traditional games and the cultural dance was exceptionally beautiful.

The dinner was very traditional and also exceptionally tasty.

I highly recommend this tour for a truly culturally enriching evening.

  • Traditional Tea Ceremony


Thank you for coming to Tondaya. We are really glad to have such a fantastic review from you .And moreover you enjoyed everything here . We would like to say "Thank you very much again !!" Hope see you again .

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/11/10
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【貸切催行】舞妓さんまたは芸妓さん 舞鑑賞+懐石料理 老舗高級料亭 東観荘で特別な体験 昼食・夕食から選択可<飲み放題付/撮影自由/宮川町>


投稿者: 雲の南, 2019/11/08


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/11/06
1 人が参考になったと言っています。
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Kyoto Maiko or Geisha Makeover Experience with Optional Gion Stroll

Amazing experience!

投稿者: Rutcel , 2019/11/08

I had an amazing experience dressing up like maiko. I think it’s an experience that anyone should try once in a lifetime. It’s so fun!!! Mary is my make up artist that help me all the way... thank you guys for my few hours of amazing experience!!! I recommend this place...


Thank you for coming AYA, and review!! Mary and all staff are very glad to hear your review.
We are looking forward to meeting you again!!Thank you.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/11/06
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第185回 鴨川をどり 普通席・特別席 ネット予約(2024/5/1~5/24)<先斗町>


投稿者: ヨネコー, 2019/10/28


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/05/03
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op


投稿者: Darlene, 2019/10/27

It was better than I had hoped! We were entertained and witnessed a tea ceremony by a geiko. We had a lovely conversation with her and were able to take photos too. Highly recommend.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/10/25
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Summertime Riverside Dinner in Kyoto with Maiko at Momijiya (2024/7/1~9/30)

beautiful place!

投稿者: mact, 2019/08/16

dinner was great, super good service. Make sure to wear mosquitos repellent

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2019/08/13
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舞妓さんまたは芸妓さん 祇園でお座敷体験 お座敷遊び+舞鑑賞+お抹茶 昭和初期から三代続く祇園のお茶屋催行 <貸切/撮影自由/英語対応可/祇園東>


投稿者: ジアティエン, 2019/08/13


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/08/11
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Great experience!

投稿者: Roxana, 2019/08/11

It was a great experience for me and my family! We realy enjoyed the time with mayko-san: the dance, the tea ceremony, the conversation or the pictures.

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2019/08/09
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舞妓さんの舞鑑賞+お座敷遊び+京料理のお食事+町家見学 歓談や写真撮影も楽しめる 登録有形文化財の町家「冨田屋」催行 <午後・夕方/上京区>

舞妓さん 町屋

投稿者: ようちゃん, 2019/08/06

とても 感動しました
お料理もおいしく 舞妓さんもとても可愛く
普段聞けないお話しも 聞けてよかったです



利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/03/21
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Memorable Experience in Kyoto

投稿者: Deb, 2019/07/21

Our multi-generational family (from age 12 to 79) thoroughly enjoyed this experience. The kids were warmly welcomed and included. The Maiko (I think her name was Tomichie) was magnificent and extraordinary, and the mother of the house did a wonderful job explaining everything we experienced. Taking photos was welcomed and encouraged. Conversation time with the Maiko was pleasant and easy (her English was excellent). The length of time was perfect for our group; we were able to enjoy the experiences and the kids didn't get restless. I highly recommends this experience.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/07/16
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京都高雄 もみぢ家 川床ディナープラン 納涼川床料理+舞妓さんの京舞鑑賞日あり(2024/7/1~2024/9/22)<川床席確約/送迎あり/高雄>


投稿者: エチゴヤ, 2019/07/18

当日は生憎の雨で少し涼しく感じられる天気でしたが、抜群のロケーションのなか川床で美味しい食事(すき焼きを選択)を頂きながら舞妓さんの舞やお話しでひととき現実逃避してきました~。(笑) もちろん写真撮影もバッチリいけますよ!

聞いたところ5つある川床のうち4つ入客あった様で舞妓さんも、上七軒から梅たえさん・ふみ幸さん 宮川町から菊弥江さん・叶季(かなすえ)さんの4名が来てくれてました。(時間の都合でふみ幸さんとはお目にかかれませんでしたが・・・悲)


  • 宮川町 花ふさの菊弥江(きくやえ)さん、年長さんなので白衿です。

  • 花簪(はなかんざし)も年長さんはひとつひとつが大ぶりです。

  • 年長舞妓さんは祇園祭期間中は普段の”おふく”から”勝山”に髷(まげ)が変わります。脇の渦巻き状のモノは梵天と言います。

  • 上七軒 梅乃の梅たえ(うめたえ)さん、来年は勝山どす~♪だそうです。年少さんなので花簪のひとつひとつが小ぶりです。

  • 舞妓さんと言えば”だらりの帯”・・・帯の下部にはお世話になってる置屋の家紋が入ってます。

  • 宮川町 川久の叶季(かなすえ)さん。今年6月にお見世出し(舞妓デビュー)したばかりで初々しさ全開です!^ ^

  • 舞妓初年生なので紅が下唇だけです。普段は花簪からぶらぶらと垂れ下がる飾りを付けますがこれも初年生だけです。


この度はご利用をいただきまして有り難うございました。 又のご来店をお待ち申し上げております。

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/07/13
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Welcome to Kyoto~

投稿者: lisa k, 2019/07/06

We booked this on our first day in Kyoto as our way of immersing in the culture. Not one thing about it disappointed. It was long enough to feel we got the experience but short enough to keep our attention which was not easy since we were all jet lagged from the east coast of the US. We enjoyed our time with our hostesses and appreciated the candor in answering all of our questions and being willing to have pictures taken with us. We also were fascinated by the traditional tea ceremony performed. Very nice way to start the week!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/06/11
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Highlight of our Trip to Japan

投稿者: Belinda, 2019/07/01

We absolutely loved the hour we spent with the Maiko in Kyoto. We cannot recommend the Tea Ceremony highly enough, we are still talking about it. It was such a privilege to get an insight in to the Maiko and Geiko way of life. Thank you so much for allowing us to share this once in a lifetime experience.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/06/27
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Amazing experience-highlight of our trip

投稿者: EmilyJ, 2019/07/01

I am so thankful to have found this experience online. I have been fascinated by Geisha culture and history for a long time and to be able to have this chance was amazing. The tea house owner spoke wonderful English and gave us a very quick, but thorough history of Geikos and Maikos. She also took some photos for us during the tea, and outside the teahouse before we began, which was nice.

Tomichie, the Maiko, was a complete delight. She also spoke wonderful English and really was breathtaking during the dance. You can tell how much practice goes into the work that she does. During the Q&A session she gave thoughtful answers and was interested in ours too. I think we could've chatted with her much longer, but sadly our time went by so quickly. Watching her with my son, 6, was heartwarming. He said that this experience was the highlight of our trip in Kyoto (and I don't disagree with him)!

  • He was so excited

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/06/26
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Special Geisha Performance and Games in the Heart of Tokyo

Great Cultural Experience

投稿者: Jodie , 2019/06/29

We had a great time watching the geishas dance and playing games with them. Everyone in the room had a chance to participate in the games. Refreshing ice tea and sweets were also provided. I highly recommend this experience.


Dear Jodie,
Thank you very much for your warm message. We are very glad that you enjoyed the program very much. Games are very popular with a wide generation. Hope to welcome you again in near future, and best regards,

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/06/22
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2024 Kamogawa Odori Tickets (May 1-24)

A fun way to get a taste of more traditional Japanese culture

投稿者: Avyncentia, 2019/06/16

This was a great show! The dancers were talented, the comedy was funny (the acting was clear enough that I got the gist of it, despite not speaking any Japanese), and the scenery and costumes were beautiful. The seats were comfortable and better than I expected given the price. The theater wasn't too difficult to find and it's in the heart of Pontocho, which is an older area of Kyoto. I would highly recommend attending this show or similar if you get the opportunity!

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/05/24
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2024 Kamogawa Odori Tickets (May 1-24)

Great authentic experience!

投稿者: Brooke K, 2019/06/08

So grateful we got to see this traditional experience. We had amazing seats and the performance was very unique. Definitely would recommend to others.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/05/23
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2024 Kamogawa Odori Tickets (May 1-24)


投稿者: Danielle, 2019/06/07

An amazing experience - one of the few opportunities to witness geiko and maiko perform. The dance was lovely and enchanting - a very uniquely Japanese experience.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2019/05/23
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Wonderful experience

投稿者: AL R, 2019/06/06

We weren’t sure what to expect as I did this online before our trip. However, all the reviews are accurate - this was a great experience. The tea house is outside the main Geiko areas in Gion but it’s very easy to find. We ended up having a private event with our family of five and it could not have been better. Our Maiko was very sweet, spoke very good English, and performed a beautiful a dance and tea ceremony. Very happy we booked this event instead of others we saw elsewhere that had larger groups, unnecessary inclusions, or were much more expensive. Note this performance and tea ceremony were with an apprentice Geiko (Maiko) but it was perfect for our family to observe and learn more about such a fascinating and elegant element of Japanese culture.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/06/05
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第185回 鴨川をどり 普通席・特別席 ネット予約(2024/5/1~5/24)<先斗町>


投稿者: ゆうころりん, 2019/06/02


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/05/18
この体験談は参考になりましたか? [はい]

2024 Kamogawa Odori Tickets (May 1-24)

Kamogawa Odori - Once in a Lifetime

投稿者: Brandon, 2019/05/29

The Kamogawa Odori performance is fantastic. It's incredible to see Geisha's perform - truly a once in a lifetime experience. The tea ceremony and photo-op were also very nice.

My ticket was in the first couple of rows, so I had a great seat the whole time. Everything is in Japanese (which I prefer due to its authenticity) but they had a program that had a short synopsis in English.

The performance itself was very well done with simple but beautiful set design and the iconic Geisha dress.

You absolutely need to 1) Travel to Kyoto and 2) Go to Kamogawa Odori (come in May!)

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2019/05/22
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2024 Kamogawa Odori Tickets (May 1-24)


投稿者: mel, 2019/05/29

Priceless experience....Veltra make it easy and affordable for us....tq

You should try it!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/05/20
この体験談は参考になりましたか? [はい]

お座敷体験/舞妓遊び (趣味・文化体験) | 日本の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)

お茶屋さんや料亭で、舞妓さんや芸妓さんの舞の鑑賞やお座敷遊びを体験することができます。一緒に日本料理やお酒も楽しみましょう。日本の伝統的な「おもてなし」を体験できること間違いなしです。 舞妓さんや芸妓さんの変身体験ツアーもご用意しています。メイク・かつら・着付けなど一通り体験でき、変身した後は街を、京都では祇園の街を歩いて舞妓さん・芸妓さんになった気分になりましょう。記念撮影で思い出を残しておくこともできます。