(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 27) 趣味・文化体験 | 日本の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)



4.64 4.64 / 5



伊賀流 本格忍者修行体験 60分~ 写真撮影OK 選べる入門編+初級編<英語催行/京都市>


投稿者: はやと, 2016/08/20







利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2016/08/19
1 人が参考になったと言っています。
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Special Geisha Performance and Games in the Heart of Tokyo

I had a really great time

投稿者: Hayasaka Mayumi, 2016/08/19

I had been interested in something like this for a long time but to have such a valuable experience at an affordable price was great.

The atmosphere of the room, the staff's support, and of course the geisha's manners and performance were all wonderful.

Next time I'd like to bring my daughter.

(Translated from Japanese by Veltra.com)

  • Konpira funefune

利用形態: 友達・同僚
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勝林寺 坐禅体験 自分と向き合い見つめ直す静かなひと時 <60分/1名~/東福寺駅>


投稿者: kinokocchi, 2016/08/15


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2016/08/13
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Wear Kimono in Asakusa with a Rental Dress Up Experience in Tokyo


投稿者: Jelena, 2016/08/14

I went here for a kimono dressup and I selected the option for a make-up session as well. The ladies were welcoming and very friendly. They had a lot of kimono's to choose from, and the kimono's they had were beautiful. The make-up and hair was also beautifully done (using brands such as MAC!).
I recommend this to anyone that wishes to dress up in a kimono and walk around beautiful Tokyo. There are Nice parks and sights closeby by which lovely pictures can be taken!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2016/08/11
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Kimono Rental and Kimono Dressing in Nihonbashi

Kimono Rental With my Thai Girlfriend

投稿者: Yuutaro, 2016/08/12

In April, my Thai girlfriend and I went together for this kimono rental experience. Unfortunately, it was a little rainy outside, but the meeting place for the activity was inside and the shop had a classy feel. The person who helped us put on the kimono spoke English, and I noticed a lot of non-Japanese customers. My girlfriend can't speak any Japanese, so this was really helpful for us.

We went to wear kimono together, and even as a guy, I thought it was really fun. More than that, my girlfriend was happy and that was the best. It seems like many people have an interest in Japanese kimono, so if you have friends from overseas, you should definitely bring them to do this.

Since you can wear the kimonos for the whole day (until 6pm), we got on the train and headed for Asakusa. It was kind of funny since so many travelers were staring at us. We had a lot of people ask to take pictures with us. It felt like we were famous.

After that, we wandered around Tokyo Skytree, Ginza and the Imperial palace, wearing the kimono to our heart's content! I definitely recommend this to travelers. I really enjoyed this tour.

(Translated from Japanese by Veltra.com)

  • Complete with a cute obi

  • First time wearing kimono

  • I had fun too

  • Drinking matcha in kimono is really special

  • Wearing kimono on the subway

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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Samurai Sword Art with Kimono Dressing and Performance in Osaka

My samurai experience

投稿者: Misa, 2016/08/12

To see and to hold a katana is one of my biggest dream if ever I visit Japan. Besides, the image of ninja and samurai for me is great because of Samurai X, the Seven Samurais, 47 Rounin, Naruto and etc. When my friend, Misa, brought me to Samurai Experience, I was so overwhelmed because finally, I could hold and learn some sort of stances if so. As we entered the place, we were welcomed by the staff with a smile.The place resembled like a dojo. I felt more excited when we were introduced to sensei. As a foreigner, I had a hard time catching up what sensei was saying. Everything was all greek to me. I only knew a very few Japanese words and you could even count it. There were some things I was disappointed and some things I did admire. The way sensei explained the basic stances to us was way too fast which was hard to catch up and he explained more about kinda the history of it which we foreigner didn`t care much because we wanted to learn how to do the stances or moves. I believe that just by knowing how to do the moves would truly be marked in our head since there was a language barrier. Learning the moves directly and step by step is more important, I guess. Someday, a lot of foreigners will visit the place and they need to teach the moves step by step and slowly and give us more push to do it in character which is truly awesome! However, I really liked how welcoming the staffs were.Their English wasn`t good enough and I could sense how tensed they were but still, they managed to give us a good show. The potential of samurai experience is big because foreign people love the image of a ninja or a samurai. It may sound strange but when you try to ask my fellow Filipino, they will give you a big smile and tell stories about how we love ninjas. For me, that one hour experience made my dream come true to become a ninja and learn some moves for just a short time. I went out of a dojo with a big glee and I will definitely go back again if I have the chance.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
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サムライ&殺陣体験 侍の衣装を身に纏い殺陣に挑戦 子どもから大人まで大興奮!<食事有 or 無/午前 or 午後/大阪市>

My samurai experience

投稿者: Misa , 2016/08/11

To see and to hold a katana is one of my biggest dream if ever I visit Japan. Besides, the image of ninja and samurai for me is great because of Samurai X, the Seven Samurais, 47 Rounin, Naruto and etc. When my friend, Misa, brought me to Samurai Experience, I was so overwhelmed because finally, I could hold and learn some sort of stances if so. As we entered the place, we were welcomed by the staff with a smile.The place resembled like a dojo. I felt more excited when we were introduced to sensei. As a foreigner, I had a hard time catching up what sensei was saying. Everything was all greek to me. I only knew a very few Japanese words and you could even count it. There were some things I was disappointed and some things I did admire. The way sensei explained the basic stances to us was way too fast which was hard to catch up and he explained more about kinda the history of it which we foreigner didn`t care much because we wanted to learn how to do the stances or moves. I believe that just by knowing how to do the moves would truly be marked in our head since there was a language barrier. Learning the moves directly and step by step is more important, I guess. Someday, a lot of foreigners will visit the place and they need to teach the moves step by step and slowly and give us more push to do it in character which is truly awesome! However, I really liked how welcoming the staffs were.Their English wasn`t good enough and I could sense how tensed they were but still, they managed to give us a good show. The potential of samurai experience is big because foreign people love the image of a ninja or a samurai. It may sound strange but when you try to ask my fellow Filipino, they will give you a big smile and tell stories about how we love ninjas. For me, that one hour experience made my dream come true to become a ninja and learn some moves for just a short time. I went out of a dojo with a big glee and I will definitely go back again if I have the chance.

  • 自分で衣装を選び、刀の練習!


Hi, Misa,  Thank you for your recent post on veltra. We really appreciate your comment and feedback.  Hope you and your friends visit us again in the future. Thank you again for your interest in Samurai/Ninja !!

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2016/08/01
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琉装・浴衣着付け体験+写真撮影タイム 素敵な旅の思い出に"琉球衣装"で写真を撮ろう!約20分から楽しめる着付け体験プラン<20分~1時間/那覇市>


投稿者: CHIE, 2016/08/09


利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2016/08/07
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Samurai Sword Dance Lesson at Samurai Kembu Theater in Kyoto

Definitely Recommend This!

投稿者: Reiko, 2016/08/09

I'm part of an international marriage so as a present for my husband, who likes the Last Samurai, and my children, we participated in the simple lesson 1-hour course during our sightseeing in Japan.

At first, I was worried about the possibility of the instructor being someone who only aimed to entertain foreign visitors in a silly way. However, the instructor was well-spoken, taught swordplay and answered questions properly and guided everyone well. The important points of the lesson were all understood. My husband and children who participated as well as me, who only observed, were all very satisfied with the lesson.

I will definitely recommend this to my samurai-loving friends that are traveling to Japan.

(Translated from Japanese by Veltra.com)

利用形態: 家族
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己を磨く剣詩舞体験 武道から派生した舞の世界 写真撮影&衣装の選択OK<60分~90分/京都市>by サムライ剣舞


投稿者: れいこ, 2016/08/08




利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2016/08/05
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本格お茶体験 格式高い武家茶道でお茶をいただく <目黒区/駒場東大前駅から徒歩4分>


投稿者: 留学生ホストマザー, 2016/08/08




利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2016/08/05
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舞妓さんまたは芸妓さん 夜の祇園でお座敷体験 舞鑑賞+お座敷遊び 昭和初期から三代続く祇園のお茶屋催行 <貸切/撮影自由/英語対応可/祇園東>


投稿者: 滝澤母, 2016/08/07


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2016/05/16
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Classic Tea Ceremony with Full Cha-Kaiseki Cuisine and Matcha Green Tea in Tokyo

The Most Authentic Tea Ceremony Experience

投稿者: Ian, 2016/08/05

Most tea ceremony experiences are in the form of a performance. You don't experience the feeling of host and guest that is the original purpose of "the way of tea"---a framework for communication and meditation. Of course, as a guest without knowledge of the tea ceremony you can only be a spectator not a true guest and participant.

Mat-Cha-Doh does an excellent job of teaching you to be more than a spectator of the ceremony. With an interpreter and instruction you are a participant in what is more than a ceremony---a meeting of host and guest within the framework taught by the Urasenke School of Tea. And surrounded by an authentic tea house with wood from the great temples of Nara, and centuries old tea ware, this is truly a once in a lifetime experience!!

  • The other guests were freaking out when I held up this centuries old tea bowl for a photo. Oops.

  • Presented with matcha

  • At the end, we practiced making matcha ourselves. L

利用形態: ひとりで
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石手寺(51番)お遍路ツアー ミシュラン1つ星の札所で名物の焼き餅プレゼント<ガイド付/お遍路グッズレンタル付/約1.5時間/道後温泉発>


投稿者: M.U., 2016/08/03


  • 夏休みなのに意外と空いていました。


M.U.様 歩きお遍路体験ご参加ありがとうございます。『松山はいく』ガイドのご案内にご満足いただけたようで、大変嬉しく存じます。ぜひまた四国にお越しください。ますますのご活躍をお祈り申し上げております。

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2016/07/30
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Kyoto Maiko Makeover and Samurai Dress-up Experience with Optional Stroll Plan

One of the best!

投稿者: Narmina, 2016/08/01

One of the highlights of the whole trip to Japan. We immersed in culture by completely transforming into Maiko and Samurai. Staff was super polite and helpful. Very fast moving with the confidence on what they have been doing. Helping dress us up
into Maiko kimono was not an easy task. Same with putting full make up. It was simply awesome!! Tens of kimonos to choose from, couple of options of wigs.
Fotoshoot was also entertaining and they gave us 10 min to take pictures by ourselves as we wish. At the end they prepared a cd and a little booklet with good quality pictures which is going to be one of the best pictures from a Japan trip.
Those pictures among many we posted on FB from the trip to Japan got the most raving comments. The price was also very reasonable for a couple. Recommend it very much!


Dear Narmina

Thank you for your comment.
We are very glad to hear that you get the wonderful comments at facebook.
I think our shop is the most reasonable and fast to transform maiko and samurai.
Also our photographer can take very graceful pictures.
I wish your pictures will be one of your important memories in your life.

Maiko transformation studio SHIKI

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2016/07/29
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Authentic Ninja Training Experience at Ninja Dojo in Kyoto

Great experience!

投稿者: Narmina, 2016/08/01

It all started with putting a Ninja clothes on. They transformed us right away into super Ninjas and got us into perfect mood for the class. My 12 years old son was on the 7th cloud! Had great time learning how to move,throw a Ninja star,use blow gun and etc. Instructor was super supportive,patient and was taking time explaining and showing us slowly what we need to do. His English was great too. After the class we had a chance to get something as a memory of a Ninja experience right there. The only regret that we didn't get more of a Shriken (Ninja stars) as a souvenirs from Japan for our friends. This experience was definitely a highlight of my son's trip to Japan!!! For us , adults that was also very entertaining. Definitely would recommend it to curious adults and for families with kids. I myself wasn't too much into Ninja thing before but wanted to share the experience with my son and so glad that I did!! Thank you!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2016/07/30
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Authentic Ninja Training Experience at Ninja Dojo in Kyoto


投稿者: Narmina, 2016/08/01

P exciting part was when started to learn how to use ninja sword,ninja star and blow gun. We,adults had a great time and my Don was having a blast! Thank you very much for our amazing instructor for making it so much fun!! Definitely recommend it your people ,especially people with children.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2016/07/30
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琉装・浴衣着付け体験+写真撮影タイム 素敵な旅の思い出に"琉球衣装"で写真を撮ろう!約20分から楽しめる着付け体験プラン<20分~1時間/那覇市>


投稿者: びんちゃん, 2016/07/31


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2016/07/10
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Summertime Riverside Dinner in Kyoto with Maiko at Momijiya (2024/7/1~9/30)

Nice show

投稿者: Lumi, 2016/07/28

Well orhanised. Noce show, good food.great location
Thank you!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2016/07/20
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舞妓さんまたは芸妓さん 祇園でお座敷体験 お座敷遊び+舞鑑賞+お抹茶 昭和初期から三代続く祇園のお茶屋催行 <貸切/撮影自由/英語対応可/祇園東>


投稿者: ゆーら, 2016/07/26


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2016/07/24
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サムライ&殺陣体験 侍の衣装を身に纏い殺陣に挑戦 子どもから大人まで大興奮!<食事有 or 無/午前 or 午後/大阪市>


投稿者: ガイディング・ヒロ, 2016/07/26

外国からの観光客に大変人気だというサムライ体験に、女性ガイド二人で参加してみました。外国人向け「なんちゃって」コースだから、と軽く考えていましたが、結構本格的で、十分日本人でも「修行できた感」ありました。(つまり結構むずかしい!)もちろん、先生方のご指導は、本格的かつ優しく丁寧に、でゼーンゼン怖くありませんよ!くノ一先生もいらっしゃって、着物選びから着付けまでアドバイス受けられます。足袋ソックスはもちろんいただけますし、着物を購入することもできるそうです。私たちの後の回のお客様のお一人は「NARUTO」の衣装で参加でした。子供さんにはそれも楽しいですね!そして、なんともうれしいお土産は、教えていただいた型や立ち回りを取り込んだ寸劇をビデオにとっていただけること!「なにやつ!」なんていうセリフ、「カッキーン」なんていう効果音も入り、カメラワークも本格的な「主演作品」を、送っていただき大感激です!!写真だけでなくこれはNICE!いやGREAT! 場所もミナミの観光地から歩いてすぐなので、次回は外国人のお客様とぜひ来てみたいですね!

  • 思わず真剣!だって真剣だもの!(流石に違うって)



利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2016/07/25
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着物レンタル レトロな柳川の街をきもの姿で散策 !老舗きもの屋で安心の和装体験<柳川本店>by 古賀新きもの館 柳川本店


投稿者: lamb, 2016/07/22





利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2015/11/29
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和カフェ体験「日本茶編」 高級緑茶でお茶の淹れ方&楽しみ方を学ぶ!お茶菓子付き<浅草駅徒歩5分>by茶御飯東京


投稿者: M&Mマダム, 2016/07/19




利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2016/07/11
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狂言ラウンジ大藏基誠 ラウンジパーティと狂言公演を組み合わせた新感覚ライブ 満足度NO.1の人気イベントが復活!<選べるベルトラ限定プラン>


投稿者: まめまめ, 2016/07/18




  • 能楽堂も一見の価値アリ。

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2016/06/23
1 人が参考になったと言っています。
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Wear Kimono in Asakusa with a Rental Dress Up Experience in Tokyo

Kimono Rental and Photo Shoot

投稿者: happyfeet3563, 2016/07/17

My son, nephew, and I did the kimono plan and photo shoot around Asakusa in early June 2016. The pictures were fantastic! The whole experience was the highlight of our trip in Japan. I’m looking forward to returning with my daughter and doing this again!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2016/06/03
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Tea ceremony

投稿者: Susan, 2016/07/16

Great experience. Very personal and intimate. Learned a lot. Would highly recommend to anyone!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2016/06/20
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Wear Kimono in Asakusa with a Rental Dress Up Experience in Tokyo

Mother/daughter experience

投稿者: Penny, 2016/07/13

I did this with my 12y.o daughter. It was a great experience. Even though we don't speak Japanese, the ladies looked after us and did our hair & makeup as well as dressed us. They were very friendly and polite. The dressing up was just as much fun as the walking about. We only lasted 90 mins in costume as it was a hot sultry day and a festival was on so very crowded when we walked to the temple.

  • Many people wanted to photograph my daughter, and especially old women were appreciative of us being in kimonos.

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2016/07/10
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Kyoto Maiko Makeover and Samurai Dress-up Experience with Optional Stroll Plan

Fun and Memorable Photoshoot Experience

投稿者: Heather, 2016/07/12

It was a very fun experience! I was glad I was able to buy more poses and the backgrounds they used were very nice. You definitely need to plan for ample time before and during as it may take longer than expected.

As a side note, not against the company per say, but I would have liked that on the Veltra website they would have listed the various upgrade options they had for each package.


Dear Ms. Heather

Thank you for your message.

To transform geisha takes long time, but I hope you could transform beautiful geisha at our studio.

Please keep your pictures forever.

I would like to see you again someday, if you have a chance to visit to our shop.


Maiko henshin studio SHIKI

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2016/07/04
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琉装・浴衣着付け体験+写真撮影タイム 素敵な旅の思い出に"琉球衣装"で写真を撮ろう!約20分から楽しめる着付け体験プラン<20分~1時間/那覇市>


投稿者: a&a♡, 2016/07/12


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2016/07/09
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Kyoto Private Maiko Entertainment with Tea Ceremony & Photo Op

Incredible Experience!

投稿者: Ana, 2016/07/05

This was such an amazing experience as we had a private audience with our lovely maiko and hostess. We began with a small tea ceremony where our maiko prepared the matcha tea in one of the traditional ways. We were then given a sweet to enjoy with our tea and left in private. During this time we were able to talk with our hostess and owner of the Ochaya. She explained many things about the process of becoming a geisha and told us a little about her life. The maiko then returned and performed a summer dance for us, which was lovely and very elegant. Finally, we were given time in private to speak with her and ask any questions we had. We spent about 20 minutes talking to her as she explained why she decided to pursue this path and answered all our questions in perfect english. When we were finished they both gave us a very fond and kind farewell and walked us out. In true Japanese hospitality as we were leaving they even gave us an umbrella since it was drizzling outside and we had left ours in a cab earlier that day. I cannot say enough about this experience. Everything about it was top notch and above expectation. I highly recommend it to anyone that's interested in geishas, Japanese culture or just wants to try something different.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2016/06/21
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趣味・文化体験 | 日本の観光&遊び・体験・レジャー専門予約サイト VELTRA(ベルトラ)

さまざまな日本文化体験ができるツアーをご用意しています。茶道・華道・書道・伝統楽器・太鼓などの伝統的な日本文化から、メイド喫茶のような最新の日本文化まで、幅広い種類のツアーがありますよ。 外国人に日本文化を紹介するために外国人とのご参加の他、日本を再発見するための日本文化の学習や趣味として、日本人の方のご参加もおすすめです。茶室での本格的なお茶の体験や、舞妓さんとのお座敷遊び体験が人気です。