(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 29) サンセット/ナイトクルーズ | ハワイ(オアフ島(ホノルル))の観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)



4.39 4.39 / 5



サンセット・ディナークルーズ  スターオブホノルル号 ライブショーと選べるビュッフェ/コースディナー付き


投稿者: トミー, 2022/10/11


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/10/07
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サンセットセーリング ケアロハ号 象徴的なピンク色の帆を持つカタマラン船 ご希望でサンセットタイムのスイミングも! <ワイキキ発>


投稿者: SSA, 2022/10/11


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/10/09
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Swim & Sunset Cocktail Cruise with Cash Bar from Waikiki - Pink Sails

A Great Crew And Great Sunset

投稿者: Heather Kalungi, 2022/10/11

The guys who led our sunset were great. They supported everyone with warm vibes and clear communication on how to act on the vessel. Swim time and the sunset were truly mesmerizing moments, we even a honu in the near distance! I enjoyed the mix of talking and also providing space for us all to just be with nature and the evening. It was our captains first trip, and he did great too (I think Alonsio!). My parents were celebrating they 37th anniversary and they cheered up the whole group over it, which made them feel so seen and heard : ) Mahalo nui loa. Highly recommend.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/10/03
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サンセット・ディナークルーズ  スターオブホノルル号 ライブショーと選べるビュッフェ/コースディナー付き


投稿者: サクラサク, 2022/10/10



We are extremely sorry for your disappointment of our cruise.
We have followed internally and took action to improve.
We have followed up with Veltra with more details which can be sent to you if you wish.
Again we sincerely apologize for your disappointed experience and hope you will give us another chance in the future.
Thank you.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/10/08
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サンセットセーリング ケアロハ号 象徴的なピンク色の帆を持つカタマラン船 ご希望でサンセットタイムのスイミングも! <ワイキキ発>


投稿者: みっちーママ, 2022/10/10


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/10/09
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Star of Honolulu Waikiki Sunset Cruise - Steak and Lobster Dinner & Hula Show

Great tour and great services

投稿者: Sam, 2022/10/10

I would recommend the tour to everyone great view of the city at night.

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2022/10/08
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Swim & Sunset Cocktail Cruise with Cash Bar from Waikiki - Pink Sails

Sunset catamaran

投稿者: Yvilla, 2022/10/10

The crew makes it a fun experience. Fun and the views are espectacular! I highly recommend pink

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/10/08
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Star of Honolulu Sunset Buffet Dinner Cruise & Live Entertainment - Great Value!


投稿者: A Pham, 2022/10/08

The views were worth it. Didn’t really like the food. Opt out of photo as you will have time to go around the ship and take your own photos free of charge.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/09/15
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Star of Honolulu Sunset Cruise with Crab Legs, Steak & Chicken Dinner and Show

The full package!

投稿者: 4wells4rams, 2022/10/06

What an enjoyable evening! Beautiful view, nice cuts of meat prepared deliciously, fun entertainment and we met some wonderful people. What a small world, met some folks from a nearby city back home. Strongly encourage you to book a special night- no regrets!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/10/04
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花火鑑賞セーリング ホロカイ・カタマラン号 <金曜日限定/アウトリガー・リーフ発>


投稿者: vanilla, 2022/10/06

今回3回目の参加です。花火そのものは短いのであくまでナイトクルージングに花火が見られる、という気持ちでいた方良いと思います。どこの席に座っても花火が見えるように停泊してくれます。スタッフもいつも楽しく感じよく。海から眺める花火とワイキキの夜景・・・ お値打ちだと思います。

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/09/30
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サンセットセーリング マイタイ・カタマラン号 ビールやシャンパン、ハワイアンカクテルなどオープンバーでの飲み放題付き!<シェラトン・ワイキキ発>


投稿者: どら猫, 2022/10/05


  • 曇りの日の夕日

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/10/02
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サンセット・ディナークルーズ  スターオブホノルル号 ライブショーと選べるビュッフェ/コースディナー付き


投稿者: イッチー, 2022/10/03


  • フラダンスショー

  • サンセット

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/09/22
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Star of Honolulu Sunset Buffet Dinner Cruise & Live Entertainment - Great Value!

It was just okay.

投稿者: Laura, 2022/10/03

It was just okay. Boarding went quickly and was fairly organized. You weren't too crowded in the dining room, however it was HOT. They need fans. We were sitting on the sunset side on the outside and the sun was in my face the entire meal. Between the sun, heat and movement of the boat I was miserable. I don't normally get seasick, but combined with the extreme heat and lack of breeze I felt like crap. I couldn't wait to get up top where there was a breeze.
The buffet had what was advertised, but it was a minimal selection. In my opinion it left something to be desired, I didn't even eat one plate. The desserts were okay, the fruit was fresh. The wait staff was friendly and efficient.
We did have a spectacular sunset and it is amazing to see from the ship. We missed most of the entertainment because I needed to be up where there was a breeze but people seemed to be enjoying themselves. We went on Friday to see the fireworks. There were so many people topside that we couldn't stand on the side of the ship you needed to be on to watch them. (You want to be on the right side.) We wound up going back to our seats (2nd level) and had a perfect view of the end of the fireworks display. Overall I couldn't wait for the evening to end so I could get off the ship and get into the air conditioning. Personally I would not go again, but as I said a lot of people did seem to be enjoying themselves. I should mention, I'm not overweight, so that is not why I was so hot, they really need fans in those lower areas. Had I not been so miserable because of the heat I may have had a better experience.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/09/30
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Star of Honolulu Sunset Buffet Dinner Cruise & Live Entertainment - Great Value!

Sunset cruise

投稿者: Marcella, 2022/10/02

We went on a Friday for the fireworks. Everything from the food entertainment show and service was over and beyond. Would highly recommend! The sunset was absolutely beautiful.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2022/09/30
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花火鑑賞 ナイトセーリング <金曜日限定/アラワイボートハーバー発>


投稿者: norimaki, 2022/10/02




  • ワイキキから上がって来た月はダイアモンドヘッドの上を登っていきます

  • 港を出てから、船は夕日に向かい、その後、ダイアモンドヘッド(月)に向かってダイナミックなクルージングをしたりと景色は絶えず変化します。

  • 実はこの看板を見つけるのに苦労した。グーグルマップの住所から探すと全く違うところになってしまった。

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/09/09
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Waikiki Sunset Dinner & Fireworks Sail with Cocktails - Spirit of Aloha Cruises

Sunset + City lights + Fireworks

投稿者: Yes to Hawaii, 2022/09/29

LOVED this catamaran! I had been on this same catamaran previously for their Turtle Canyon snorkel cruise so I knew I would like the boat. I liked that the boat check-in was here in Waikiki at the Hilton Village making it super convenient. This saves some transit time from going to some of the farther harbors (i.e. Kewalo Basin Harbor, Honolulu Harbor, etc.). We spent the best day just hanging out at the beach then just walked over to the Port Hilton kiosk to check-in.

I also liked the later departure time than most other sunset cruises so we could have a full beach day and still have time to hop on the catamaran. The dinner was a smaller portion prepackaged & more like appetizers than a full-on dinner. The drinks were tasty & buying more beyond the 2 included was $2/each - not a bad bargain. Since we were on the Hilton's pier, we were super close to the fireworks and were coming into the Port Hilton just as the fireworks were going off.

If you get cold easily, I would recommend packing a windbreaker or light sweater. It doesn't get cold here but it does get VERY BREEZY on the water at night once the sun goes down. I had a super light windbreaker which I didn't actually have to even use until about 1.5 hours into the cruise.

Overall, great cruise! So much fun!

  • Gorgeous view from the water!

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2022/07/22
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サンセットセーリング マイタイ・カタマラン号 ビールやシャンパン、ハワイアンカクテルなどオープンバーでの飲み放題付き!<シェラトン・ワイキキ発>


投稿者: じゅんじゅん, 2022/09/26


  • サンセット

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/09/24
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サンセット・ディナークルーズ  スターオブホノルル号 ライブショーと選べるビュッフェ/コースディナー付き


投稿者: もんろはん, 2022/09/26




利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/09/03
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花火鑑賞セーリング ホロカイ・カタマラン号 <金曜日限定/アウトリガー・リーフ発>

カタマラン 金曜日限定、花火見学クルージング

投稿者: Tomo, 2022/09/26


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/09/23
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花火鑑賞 ナイトセーリング <金曜日限定/アラワイボートハーバー発>


投稿者: ペンギン, 2022/09/26


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2022/09/23
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サンセット・ディナークルーズ  スターオブホノルル号 ライブショーと選べるビュッフェ/コースディナー付き


投稿者: YOSHI, 2022/09/25




利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/09/16
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Star of Honolulu Sunset Cruise with Crab Legs, Steak & Chicken Dinner and Show

Very touristy and packed. Must do ONE time experience

投稿者: Guam Companions , 2022/09/24

Go on a Friday to catch the Friday night fireworks sponsored by Hilton Hawaiian Village. Usually after dinner is done, and while the performers entertain, guests usually hangout by the side rail outside the dining area, or at the top deck to get good seating/viewing spots until the fireworks. Otherwise, food was mediocre good (we had the crab, steak, and mashed potatoes deal) and complimentary Mai Tai was too sweet with little to no alcohol. Dessert was brought out while guests were in the deck plates. It was between the boat cruise or a luau....we should've tried the luau.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2022/09/02
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Waikiki Sunset Cocktail Sail with Open Bar Included - Holokai Catamaran

Really fun time!

投稿者: Michelle, 2022/09/24

This tour was really fun! I've been to Oahu multiple times but my fiance hasn't. So we decided to try some fun new stuff out. I've never done a sunset tour. Our group on the boat was fun and slightly reserved, which is fine by me! The crew was great! It's only 2 guys but they make it fun with passing out drinks and starting up convos. I get sea sick and forgot to take my motion meds before we took off from the beach. Going out the water was exceptionally choppy and the waves were big the further out you got. I had to stand up and by the railing to make sure if I had to vomit it wouldn't go on me or anyone else. The meds finally kicked in on the way back and the water also smoothed out coming back in so I was perfectly fine to start talking to people and getting my moneys worth of drinks in me. This cruise is for everyone! There was one young girl (underage) who stayed up in front of the boat on the netting and got soaked and enjoyed every min of it. There was two older ladies (I mean like 75-85 years in age who needed more assistance getting on the boat and off and around the boat at times and the two guys who run the boat were perfect gentlemen helping them. Everyone enjoyed themselves. Also the music was good! I'd recommend this to everyone and anyone wanting to enjoy a sunset cruise!

  • Sept 6th 2022. Sunset booze cruise. Before the sun went down.

  • After the sun went down and a little tipsy.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/09/06
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花火鑑賞セーリング マカニ・カタマラン号 オープンバーで飲み放題付き!<ワイキキ送迎可/金曜日限定/ケワロ湾発>


投稿者: ぶりきょ, 2022/09/24


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/09/02
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Star of Honolulu Sunset Buffet Dinner Cruise & Live Entertainment - Great Value!

Best night of my life

投稿者: Steven Burgess, 2022/09/24

Me and my girlfriend went to the star of Honolulu cruise dinner the last night on the island where everything changed, Captain Stephens can’t thank you enough for the honor of having him help me out with the proposal on the back of the ship on the top deck record our precious moments of now being engaged to the love of my life! Great food and great service all around amazing place, will definitely come join the crew again!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/08/29
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Star of Honolulu Sunset Cruise with Crab Legs, Steak & Chicken Dinner and Show

Great Dinner Sunset Cruise Experience

投稿者: Lisa G., 2022/09/19

Totally enjoy the whole cruise! From the atmosphere, food, service and total entertainment was so enjoyable. My friends and I had a great time!

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2021/10/30
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サンセット・ディナークルーズ  スターオブホノルル号 ライブショーと選べるビュッフェ/コースディナー付き


投稿者: Akitachi0216, 2022/09/18


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/09/16
1 人が参考になったと言っています。
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Waikiki Fireworks Cocktail Cruise with Cash Bar - Pink Sails


投稿者: BKK5, 2022/09/18

Awesome experience. Would recommend to anyone and everyone. The sights, the sounds, and the crew were all Top Notch. Loved it. Great way to cap our Anniversary. Beautiful.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/09/16
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サンセット・ディナークルーズ  スターオブホノルル号 ライブショーと選べるビュッフェ/コースディナー付き


投稿者: さくらさん, 2022/09/17

まだまだ日本人の少ない観光客の中 思い切って参加したツアーでした。 でも スタッフの方が日本語を話されてとても嬉しくまた親切にしてもらって 楽しい食事をさせて頂きました。
 食事も美味しかったです。最後もスタッフの方が皆さんを楽しく盛り上げてくれて 楽しいツアーになりました。

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2022/09/10
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Star of Honolulu Waikiki Sunset Cruise - Steak and Lobster Dinner & Hula Show

Yummy Dinner

投稿者: Kara, 2022/09/15

Went for our anniversary and had a blast, good music, good food, nice service!

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2022/09/11
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オアフ島(ホノルル) テーマから探す

サンセット/ナイトクルーズ | オアフ島(ホノルル)の観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)

ハワイに来たならぜひ参加したいクルーズ。日本とは違う大きな夕日が水平線に沈んでいく神秘的な景色が見られるサンセットクルーズや月光が照らす静かな海の船上でロマンティックな時間を過ごせるナイトクルーズはオアフ島旅行の一生の思い出となるはずです。 おすすめは夕日やホノルルの夜景を鑑賞しながらお食事を楽しめるサンセットディナークルーズ。船内では、ロブスターやステーキが付いた豪華なコース料理や本場のフラダンスショー、ワイキキの夜景を楽しむことができます。また、カクテル片手に美しい夕日を見るサンセットセーリングも人気のツアー。時間と共に変わりゆく美しいグラデーションの景色をゆっくりと眺めます。金曜日なら、ヒルトン・ハワイアン・ビレッジから上がる花火観賞も加わり感動も倍増です。大人も子供も楽しめるクルーズ予約はこちら。 【ここが魅力!】 ・大きな夕日が海に沈んでいく様は、まさに自然が生み出す壮大なショー! ・豪華なディナー付きからお値打ちな飲み放題プランまで、お客様のご予算に合わせて楽しめます。 ・スターオブホノルル号はリフト付きバスでの送迎付きで車椅子利用でのご参加も可能!