(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 24) 生き物にふれる (子どもと旅行) | ハワイ(オアフ島(ホノルル))の観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)

実施日: 2024年10月10日(木) 1:00〜2:00(JST)



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North Shore Sunset & Daytime Horseback Riding with Ocean Views - Gunstock Ranch

Riding a horse with amazing views

投稿者: Yuki, 2022/07/02

Awesome experience! With Nice instructors and well-trained horses, I had a great time.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/06/11
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation


投稿者: Vickie, 2022/07/01

This tour provided a number of firsts for me and my husband. It was our first time on a sandbar. Our first time turtle watching. Our first time snorkeling. Everything about this trip was fantastic. Would do it again in a heartbeat. Highly recommend!!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/06/30
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

Amazing experience

投稿者: Carlos , 2022/07/01

Me gusto la actividad y disfrute mucho
% recomendada

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/06/29
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

Fun and casual.

投稿者: Teresa W. , 2022/06/30

Very relaxed environment, welcoming crew, and fun to be had by all ages. We snorkeled, played volleyball and had a great lunch, I would definitely do again.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/06/27
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

A total MUST!!!

投稿者: Roger, 2022/06/29

Second time and it always amazes me I will totally be back next year with my fam!!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/06/27
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

First snorkeling for my boys and girls

投稿者: Hyojin, 2022/06/29

My kids age ranging from 5-9 years and they loved it! Best lunch-cheeseburger ever. Time went by so fast when you are on the boat having fun, I’m glad I picked this one over the three hour one fyi. We will definitely be back!

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2022/06/27
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Waikiki Submarine Tour - Descend to 100ft, See Shipwrecks & Sunken Airplanes

Must book

投稿者: JamesX, 2022/06/28

I love this tour! Being in a submarine allowed me a different perspective and appreciation of all sea life. My children and I loved this tour. I would recommend this tour to everyone. All of the staff are friendly.


Aloha James! Thank you for sharing your 5-star review. We're happy to hear you enjoyed your adventure exploring in a real submarine! We love providing an adventure that families can enjoy. We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back in the future aboard one of our submarines and/or the Majestic by Atlantis Cruises for another Atlantis adventure; an underwater journey, sunset cruise, or seasonal whale watch cruise. Feel free to follow us on social media at #atlantishawaii.
A hui hou (until next time).

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2022/06/26
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シーライフパーク・ハワイ イルカや海の動物と遊ぶ人気プログラムが充実!


投稿者: まりこ, 2022/06/26

コロナ対策は、屋外では係の方々しかマスクはしていませんでしたがオンラインでの事前予約が必要で恐らく人数制限がある為園内はそれほど混んでおらず自然と三密は避けられていました。園内のいたる所にアルコール除菌ジェルが設置してあり気になった時には随時使えました。園内のフードコートはテーブル同士が離れており安心でしたし、naked dogにセルフサービスのケチャップ、マスタード、レリッシュ(刻みピクルス)をのせザ・アメリカンな美味しいランチをいただきました。

メインイベントのドルフィンエンカウンターは9歳の息子1人で参加し親は柵の外でビデオを撮っていました。息子は英語に不自由しなかった為不要でしたが日系人の親切な男性の係の方が必要ならば通訳をと申し出て下さいましたので、英語に不安のある方でも問題なく参加できると思います。イルカとの記念写真は2カット計4枚が購入可能で、1枚だけだと$35、$65払うとプリント大2小2枚+データが全て含まれたパッケージでした。今回購入したチケットには写真1枚($35相当)分が含まれていたので、差額分$30を払ってデータも全部含まれるパッケージを購入しました。その際どうやら入園時に入口で写真クーポンとやらをもらっていなければならなかったそうなのですがもらっておらず取りに行ってと言われましたが、前述の親切な日系係員の方が『Don't worry I'll go get it』と颯爽と園内を入口まで戻ってクーポンを取ってきて下さり大変助かりました。今後シーライフパークを訪れる日本人観光客の為にもあの親切な係の方が長く働き続けてくれる事を祈ります。


利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2022/06/24
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

An experience you don't want to miss!!!

投稿者: Brenda, 2022/06/25

The transportation to and from the place makes it such a smoother process! Everyone on the crew were really amazing and sweet! We had so much fun and it's definitely something everyone should do if it's their first time visiting. The only thing is that they don't have towels, so bring your own! Otherwise it was such a fun experience for the family!

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2022/06/23
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

Fun in the Sun

投稿者: Erika , 2022/06/24

It was wonderful! Although the day wasn’t the warmest, the experience was well worth it…beautiful location. Must see!?The crew was very helpful, the activities were fun, and glad we had a meal because after being in the sun - playing and sun bathing, it hit the spot ! Thank you for the great memories. Hope to do it again when we return to Oahu!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/06/17
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

Captain Bob's Kaneohe Bay Sandbar Snorkel and BBQ lunch with free transportation

投稿者: AHN, 2022/06/20

It was my second time to this activity. This time my family of 4 revisited taking 2 more families (4+3) with us. We all had a blast. It was a great, fun, friendly atmosphere. We enjoyed the sandbar, snorkeling, and the hospitality of the onboard staff.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/06/15
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

Great snorkeling fun!

投稿者: Christine , 2022/06/19

This was a great experience for me and my family. The kids had never been snorkeling and it had been a long time for me. I like that we had transportation from the hotel, and then a fun boat ride. They had life vests and snorkeling gear. The stop at the sandbar was fun because we decided to get used to the snorkeling gear while others played volleyball. And my daughter doesn’t swim so she was getting comfortable in the water there. Lunch was great, a nice bbq on the boat. And then the snorkeling was so cool! By the way there’s a ladder down into the water (especially good for kids but all the adults used it too.) We saw a lot of sea turtles on the way to our spot. And also while swimming. And as you know or will hear, you have to back up from them and give them 10 feet of space. But they are majestic! So cool to see the reef and all the tropical fish. My son especially loved it. The crew was all very great and helpful. I think it’s a great trip and we are glad we did it!

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2022/06/15
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

Really amazing trip

投稿者: Kumar, 2022/06/16

Usually do not right reviews. But the crew of Captain Bobs were amazing. We had a very fun time and felt very comfortable. Thank you for this amazing trip I will never forget.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/05/19
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ノースショア(ハレイワ)観光 ハレイワタウンで3時間の自由散策+ドールプランテーション!海辺の絶景を楽しめる乗馬付き(70分)プランあり<1日/送迎付き>


投稿者: KOU, 2022/06/16


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2022/06/14
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

Amazing time and amazing crew!

投稿者: Maxim , 2022/06/12

I really think this is one of the best tours offered on Oahu. They provide you with 4 hours on the water on the most beautiful side of Oahu, offer free pickup and drop off to Waikiki, provide lunch and refreshments, and sell beer and wine all day long! We had a great time drinking some beers, playing volleyball at the sandbar, relaxing in the water, and snorkeling at the coral reef. I saw 3 huge eels, and 2 giant puffers and we also saw a dozen turtles around the boat during the duration of the tour. Also, every crew member was so helpful and kind. They were engaging with everyone, helping everyone out every chance they could, and just overall had great energy on the boat which creates an even better tour. We really enjoyed it! Mahalo for everything!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/06/10
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

Great time

投稿者: Jose , 2022/06/10

It was a really great time and vibes with the whole crew. Definitely recommend it to anybody coming to experience Hawaii. I will definitely come back next time in in Hawaii.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/06/08
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サンドバー 天使の海 シュノーケリング&ウミガメウォッチクルーズ 船上のBBQグリルで焼くハンバーガーランチ付き<午前/日本語クルー>


投稿者: レモン, 2022/06/09

写真も撮ってくれます^ ^ とてもありがたかったです。
親切なスタッフとかわいい海ガメをたくさん見れて、本当に最高の体験でした^ ^


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/06/07
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イルカ中学 野生のイルカ&ウミガメシュノーケリングクルーズ 高速ボートでイルカ遭遇率アップ!<少人数制/ワイキキ&コオリナ送迎可/日本語/ランチ付き>


投稿者: 旅太郎, 2022/06/05


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/08/02
1 人が参考になったと言っています。
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サンドバー 天使の海 シュノーケリング&ウミガメウォッチクルーズ 船上のBBQグリルで焼くハンバーガーランチ付き<午前/日本語クルー>


投稿者: しんた, 2022/06/02


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2022/05/31
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

Best Tour and Crew!

投稿者: Denise, 2022/05/14

The crew was amazing, so fun and engaging! The experience itself and the activities were fantastic, most memorable part of our vacation. Most definitely recommend to anyone visiting the island. From the sandbar, to the turtle watching, and the snorkeling, this tour did not disappoint. My 11 year old had a great time and says it was the highlight of our vacation. It was for sure an unforgettable experience that my family and myself will treasure forever!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/04/22
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

Great time

投稿者: Josh, 2022/05/14

Loved it, great staff, amazing views, turtle watching and snorkeling were amazing.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/04/20
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

Snorkeling adventure

投稿者: Nisa Johnson , 2022/05/12

This was a great adventure. I have never snorkeled, so this was very exciting. It was a little scary getting in the 40foot water to swim to the coral. But once I was near the coral, it wasn't bad. I would have liked to see more fish and turtles, but there could have been many reasons why we didn't see that many. What I would have liked to have was more time snorkeling. I felt it was too short. Even though I was still scared to be in the water. I had my husband to hold onto. I did enjoy seeing the fish. I also would have liked for them to play a little music. Just to get the energy going. Not too loud, but a little something would have been nice. Otherwise, all the members of the crew were extremely nice and knowledgeable. I felt very comfortable with them. It was a great adventure, I definitely would recommend it.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/05/09
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

This was an amazing experience. I highly recommend it.

投稿者: Laurak91 , 2022/05/12

This was an amazing experience.
I highly recommend it.
My 4yr & 2yr old had a good time.
The bbq was good and everyone was very friendly and nice. We saw a few turtles most deff worth every penny!

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2022/05/10
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

Captain Bob

投稿者: Nnr, 2022/05/07

It was interesting, loved the sand bar, the weather was that great but enjoyed it

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2022/04/16
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サンドバー 天使の海 シュノーケリング&ウミガメウォッチクルーズ 船上のBBQグリルで焼くハンバーガーランチ付き<午前/日本語クルー>


投稿者: papa, 2022/05/01


  • ハワイの空の下で

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/04/29
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

Highlight of our family's vacation!

投稿者: slee818, 2022/04/30

Highly recommend activity with young children! The crew was so accommodating to everyone on board and nothing makes it a great time when good music, food and fun under the sun. We still talk about this activity and how much fun we had. It was definitely the highlight of our trip in O'ahu and we'd do it again the next time we're back!

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2022/04/25
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

The Best!!!

投稿者: Diners Choice Group, 2022/04/30

We had the best time with Captain Bob’s Picnic Sail!
Captain Eggy and crew were so accommodating and the burgers weren’t bad too!
The Sand Bar was amazing.. and we saw a lot of turtles on the way to the Coral Reef. Snorkeling was so much fun although we didn’t see a lot of fishes.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2022/04/09
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

Great tour!

投稿者: Mina, 2022/04/28

Enjoyed the tour, was actually surprised by how tasty the bbq lunch was! I went in April so I’m not sure how this affects the visibility but it was difficult to see when snorkeling. Really enjoyed seeing the sea turtles and hanging out at the sand bar

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2022/04/26
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

Great time!

投稿者: xoxo, 2022/04/26

My family and I had a wonderful experience :) the environment was very friendly and safe.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/04/23
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Captain Bob's Kaneohe Sandbar Snorkel & BBQ Lunch with Free Transportation

Good boat and staff. Crappy food

投稿者: Rich, 2022/04/24

The boat and staff were very nice and the tour was good. However, if you are going to charge the prices you do, not can at least expect fresh pineapple and not canned. It is Hawaii. And the rest of the food was underwhelming.

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2022/04/22
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オアフ島(ホノルル) テーマから探す

生き物にふれる (子どもと旅行) | オアフ島(ホノルル)の観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)
