(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 4) ノースショアでアクティビティ | ハワイ(オアフ島(ホノルル))の観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)



4.60 4.60 / 5



クライムワークス・ケアナファーム ジップライン体験(3時間) オアフ島最長800メートルのラインでノースショアの大自然と絶景を満喫<7本>


投稿者: ⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎, 2023/08/05


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2023/07/17
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乗馬体験(1.5時間) ノースショアの海辺を散策!ロマンチックなサンセットプランや貸切プランから選べる 8歳から参加OK!


投稿者: かおる, 2023/08/05


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2023/07/16
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ノースショア・シャーク・アドベンチャー 迫力満点!至近距離で野生のサメを見学 送迎付きプランあり


投稿者: ひろし, 2023/07/30




利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2023/07/28
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乗馬体験(45分) ノースショアの海岸線と山々の景色を堪能!2歳から参加可能なポニーライドあり(15分)<ノースショア・ステーブルズ/英語ガイド/現地集合>


投稿者: ミズマ, 2023/07/29


利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2023/07/26
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Oahu North Shore Beach Horseback Riding Experience - Daytime Tours

Walk along the beach

投稿者: Beach walk, 2023/07/28

Destination was easy to find. The guides were very attentive and got us all on the horses fairly quickly. I've never really ridden a horse before so I was a bit nervous of maneuvering my horse but she was a go getter so I didn't have to try too hard. We all rode in a line which was very easy. We had to stop a few times which my horse hated, I got a very impatient horse which I don't blame her. Kinda wished we went a quicker pace but then that would shorten our trip which was 1.5hrs which .5 of that was loading and unloading the horses. I wish the trail was a bit longer. The area was beautiful and quiet which I like. I got some good pictures. We used my step daughters phone for the group pictures cause she had a better camera but when she sent me the pics they came out blurry and I don't get to see her often. Was a little disappointed but it was OK. Technical error. Overall great experience and got to feed the horses treats in the end.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2023/07/18
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乗馬体験(45分) ノースショアの海岸線と山々の景色を堪能!2歳から参加可能なポニーライドあり(15分)<ノースショア・ステーブルズ/英語ガイド/現地集合>


投稿者: りんりん, 2023/07/18


利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2023/07/16
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乗馬体験(1.5時間) ノースショアの海辺を散策!ロマンチックなサンセットプランや貸切プランから選べる 8歳から参加OK!


投稿者: naish, 2023/07/18




利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2023/07/13
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本場ノースショアでサーフィンレッスン byハレイワタウン サーフ・アンド・シー


投稿者: Ayayazumi, 2023/07/16


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2023/07/04
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North Shore's Best Zipline Tour by CLIMB Works - Oahu’s Longest Zip Course

Amazing Zipline experience! A must do in Oauhu’s North Shore

投稿者: Papaya -Fruity momma, 2023/07/05

Such an amazing experience!! We had Jensen, Ike and Kan’i, as our guides and they were sooooo much fun! They truly made the whole experience so much better than just zip lining, which of course was fun! Excellent course and also learned new things about the Hawaiian culture. I 100 % recommend this! It’s definitely a must! If you can request our guides, do it! Mr. July poses were my favorite!

Much love from papaya (fruity momma)

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2023/07/03
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本場ノースショアでサーフィンレッスン byハレイワタウン サーフ・アンド・シー


投稿者: ask, 2023/06/27


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2023/06/22
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乗馬体験(1.5時間) ノースショアの海辺を散策!ロマンチックなサンセットプランや貸切プランから選べる 8歳から参加OK!


投稿者: numakoro, 2023/06/27


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2023/06/25
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North Shore ATV Tour Beachfront Trail & Off-Road Adventure Ride

Unique Experience!

投稿者: Christina, 2023/06/26

This ATV experience was unlike any I’ve had before. It’s located on a farm, so you get to see the farm animals, feed them, and pet them, which is pretty cool. You can enjoy the farm life before or after you ride. I HIGHLY recommend using their goggles. Sunglasses do diddly squat when you’re out there riding; it gets very dusty. You ride to a track, do many laps on the track, and then ride to scenic areas where they will take pictures of you. The track got boring after a while; I recommend that they utilize more space or a different area for ATV rides to change it up. They took a video of us on the track, and wanted $10 for one minute-long video that included my family and people I didn’t know that were in and out of the frame in a flash. Needless to say, we did not buy the video. Despite this, they were kind-hearted and led us to see the beautiful scenery where we could get the best pictures. I enjoyed the experience!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2023/06/17
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Oahu North Shore Beach Horseback Riding Experience - Daytime Tours

So beautiful and relaxing!!

投稿者: Linda TM, 2023/06/23

My family wanted to do the Horseback riding while vacationing in Hawaii.
This location was AMAZING! We drove out to the other side of the island, which was pretty awesome to be away from the touristy rside.
Our tour guide was a young gal who treated my family GREAT! She was very professional, kind and knowable about horses. I believe her name was Freda
The path (trail) we took was absolute Breathe taking. The ocean is sooooooo beautiful. Better than the tourist side! Even the grassy trails were . The horses are beautiful, well trained and they looked professionally cared for.
I rate Frida , the horses, the trail with 5 stars ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Now… as for the other gal (straight blonde hair) who also was NOT our tour guide. I believe her name was Phoebe Giving her ⭐️
She was not interested in interacting with my family.
Wow.. as soon as youngsters arrived for their tour… Phoebe, was SOCIAL and guided them with EVERYTHING and she was giddy too. Total change.

We were all grouped together but would be toured separately. When she spoke out she said, you’ll go out separately and you’ll be taken out by me or Freda. Bam, I already knew she wasn’t going to be our tour guide because we weren’t young as the other group. She wanted to tour the ones closest to her age group. That’s perfectly fine but you’re not supposed to make it so obvious.

Anyhow, we were so PLEASED to have Freda guide us. She made this experience GREAT that we would do this again with her!

  • Breathe taking view! Thank you Freda for taking our Family picture!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2023/06/22
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North Shore's Best Zipline Tour by CLIMB Works - Oahu’s Longest Zip Course

Fantastic time!

投稿者: HAPpyzipper, 2023/06/21

This is a great course! My daughter (16) and I had the best time. The scenery, staff (especially Lauren, Claire and Mailan) and safety measures were all incredible! We enjoyed the variety of lines, repels, and bridges. Highly recommend CLIMBworks!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2023/06/19
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クライムワークス・ケアナファーム ジップライン体験(3時間) オアフ島最長800メートルのラインでノースショアの大自然と絶景を満喫<7本>


投稿者: I & K, 2023/06/18


一点、Googleの地図ですが、ここで掲載されているリンク先が受付ではありません。Googleで付近を見ると2つほど地点が見えると思うのですが、Kamehameha Hwyから近いほうでは無く、少し離れたところが正しい場所になります。北方面から車でアクセスする方は注意してください!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2023/05/22
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クライムワークス・ケアナファーム ジップライン体験(3時間) オアフ島最長800メートルのラインでノースショアの大自然と絶景を満喫<7本>


投稿者: おじん, 2023/06/16

バウチャーに記載のdirectionはハレイワ方面からの案内は記載されておらずイーノスRdで曲がるものと思い道に迷いました。Google mapでも誤った指示がされたので焦りました。ハレイワから行く際はイーノスRdをパスして暫く教会を右手に通り越して看板を右折です。残念ながら途中で何回か雨に降られましたがジップライン自体は大変さ楽しかったです、スタッフも気さくで英語が分からない自分達も充分に楽しめました。

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2023/06/14
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ノースショア・シャーク・アドベンチャー 迫力満点!至近距離で野生のサメを見学 送迎付きプランあり


投稿者: シルク, 2023/06/12


  • 超サメ

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2023/06/04
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North Shore's Best Zipline Tour by CLIMB Works - Oahu’s Longest Zip Course

Excellent first experience.

投稿者: Zulema Cruz, 2023/06/01

I was very scared of heights, and wasn’t too sure I would make it through the activity. But we were a group of 12 including 3 of the staff and I must say the staff were incredibly supportive, attentive, friendly. You could really see they enjoyed what they do. They made us feel safe every step of the way. I’m so sorry I forgot their names, but everyone there was very welcoming. It was a 3 hour activity, 7 zip lines but we had a great time, we didn’t wanted to be over. Beautiful ocean and ranch view. I would go again. Really recommend for everyone.

  • Scared but would do it again.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2023/05/22
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クライムワークス・ケアナファーム ジップライン体験(3時間) オアフ島最長800メートルのラインでノースショアの大自然と絶景を満喫<7本>


投稿者: ライガ, 2023/06/01



利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2023/05/30
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本場ノースショアでサーフィンレッスン byハレイワタウン サーフ・アンド・シー


投稿者: 千恵美, 2023/04/29


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2023/04/07
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North Shore Shark Adventures - Oahu Cage Diving Tour with Waikiki Transportation

Great Morning Out

投稿者: Rob, 2023/04/29

Great Morning Out, was the only package on the Island (I checked with tonnes of tour guides out there) that offered Transport to the North Shore and Time in the town up there.
100% recommend, Get out of Waikiki and see the island and some Sharks. We also saw Dolphins and Wales but didn't get a refund for that.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2023/04/07
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North Shore ATV Tour Beachfront Trail & Off-Road Adventure Ride

Very nice spot and excellent stuff! We love it

投稿者: Henry, 2023/04/17

Very nice spot and excellent stuff! We love it
It is first time for us to try it, but it turned out to be a very worthy and exciting experience, there are a lots of pets for young children to pet there too. The stuff are very patient and experienced, we have a good time there, will be back again!

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2023/04/15
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North Shore ATV Tour Beachfront Trail & Off-Road Adventure Ride

So fun

投稿者: Crowder, 2023/04/12

Single riders on a curving, challenging track. Very friendly people helping you. Can go down to beach afterwards. Wear clothes and shoes you can get very dirty.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2023/04/05
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North Shore ATV Tour Beachfront Trail & Off-Road Adventure Ride

Great ride and lovely farm animals

投稿者: Farzad, 2023/04/08

My son and I enjoyed the ride a lot. I definitely recommend to anyone interested in riding and driving. Also very beautiful scenery. Very nice and helpful staff.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2023/04/06
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North Shore's Best Zipline Tour by CLIMB Works - Oahu’s Longest Zip Course

Great experience, even if you’re afraid of heights!

投稿者: Ken, 2023/03/11

I am 70 years old, in pretty good shape but was worried about my ability to do this. (All the others in my group were 30-40 years). Not only was I able to do it, I kept up with the youngsters and conquered my fear of heights. The staff here were outstanding. They put safety first, remembered all of our names and kept everything fun and light hearted. The views from the platforms were spectacular and the lines were long and up high above the trees. (My only complaint would be that I wish there was a restroom maybe at the halfway point of the excursion). Other than that, I would highly recommend this for any thrill seekers out there. You did have to endure some physical as well as mental challenges along the way. There were some steep steps to climb, a bumpy ATV ride from the first platform to the second, a controlled bungee leap off of two of the platforms and one where you had to pull yourself up using a block and tackle rope pulley. Fun, fun fun……

  • Here we are, pre-flight

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2023/02/13
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North Shore ATV Tour Beachfront Trail & Off-Road Adventure Ride


投稿者: Tyler, 2023/02/16

Beautiful land, awesome people ! I recommend bringing the family or friends here to race around on four wheelers! They also have animals you can pet or feed ! The end of the ride has amazing picture opportunities!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2023/02/14
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Oahu North Shore Beach Horseback Riding Experience - Daytime Tours

Horseback ocean ride

投稿者: R. Rios , 2023/02/13

Awesome ride and and ocean view. The ladies had extensive knowledge in handling horses. Our guide was alway attentive to our needs and mostly to make sure we were safe. Mahalo

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2023/02/11
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North Shore's Best Zipline Tour by CLIMB Works - Oahu’s Longest Zip Course

Teenage review

投稿者: Anonymous , 2023/01/23

We had an amazing time and having the guides we did (we don’t remember their names but it was three ladies) made the experience even better! They got to know us and made the whole experience comfortable and fun! We do think the part where you pull yourself up should stay!! We had a great time trying to race to the top. Thank you for making something we were scared to do so fun!!!!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2023/01/17
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North Shore's Best Zipline Tour by CLIMB Works - Oahu’s Longest Zip Course

Fantastic guides and beautiful views

投稿者: Sirria , 2023/01/18

Megan, Hollywood and Sarah are amazing guides and made the entire experience super enjoyable for everyone. Thrilling activity if you are scared of heights. Personally, I’m not but still enjoyed the lovely scenery and challenge of learning a new activity.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2023/01/16
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ノースショア・ステーブルズ 四輪バギー体験(45分) 10歳~運転OK!ハワイでも数少ない1人乗りATVで海岸線と山々を巡るオフロードコース


投稿者: まーくん, 2023/01/09


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2023/01/05
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オアフ島(ホノルル) テーマから探す

ノースショアでアクティビティ | オアフ島(ホノルル)の観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)
