(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 43) アクティビティ | ハワイ(オアフ島(ホノルル))の観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)



4.51 4.51 / 5



Jurassic Valley Kualoa Ranch ATV Raptor Adventure Tour

Tour guides

投稿者: Thomas and Megan, 2022/10/05

Our tour guides were great especially Matt. He was friendly and personable. Kildra was great too but more on the serious side. I understand however that it comes with the territory as you need to move along quickly and safely without trying to make it seem so. They made a good team.

My boys loved the excursion and it was the perfect opportunity for us to bond. We appreciate the opportunity to be on the sacred grounds. We also appreciate the knowledge that was fed to us about the importance of this area, along with the cool movie stuff.

Only down fall, my wife and and found out the previous night we are expecting a child and she wasn’t able to join us. We already paid and when I explained this to the checkin desk, they didn’t care. I understand if I was canceling the day off to not be reimbursed, however in this situation/circumstance we could have been offered our money back for one ticket.

Overall great time,
Thank you!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/10/03
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乗馬体験(1.5時間) ノースショアの海辺を散策!ロマンチックなサンセットプランや貸切プランから選べる 8歳から参加OK!<送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: ちーー, 2022/10/02

North shoreのきれいな海を見ながら馬に乗れます!

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2022/09/08
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クアロア・ランチ 大自然を楽しむ電動アシスト付きマウンテンバイクツアー 選べる初心者または上級者レベル<2~3時間/送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: あきお, 2022/10/01


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/09/06
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Kualoa Ranch Zipline Tour & Jurassic Valley Adventure

Loved the ziplining at Kualoa Ranch!

投稿者: Anne N, 2022/10/01

Our visit to Kualoa Ranch was fabulous. We did a ziplining tour and it was incredible! We had never ziplined before but our guides explained it all and made us feel very safe.
The scenery was amazing, zipping over trees and terrain. You get a nice tour of some movie locations - such as Juraasic Park - on the way to and from the ziplines.
I highly recommend this adventure!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/09/28
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Jurassic Valley Kualoa Ranch ATV Raptor Adventure Tour


投稿者: Bree, 2022/10/01

Amazing tour. So much fun. The people who work there are so friendly and fun. Definitely want to go back.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/09/28
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クアロア・ランチ 大自然を楽しむ電動アシスト付きマウンテンバイクツアー 選べる初心者または上級者レベル<2~3時間/送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: South, 2022/09/30


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/09/28
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Kualoa Ranch Movie Sites Tour - Visit TV Shows & Hollywood Filming Locations

Ranch Movie Tour

投稿者: Bitty, 2022/09/30

From pick up point to going home, the tour was incredible.
On arrival there was time to look at the other attractions such as the farmer's market, the petting zoo (get to pat a tortoise?)

I would say our guide had to be really good, if not, it is hard to appreciate locations (especially they are just views, really). Our tour guide would make up 85% of the tour.

This tour is recommended if you are a movie/TV fan.

  • Here is where you are!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/09/15
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Waikiki Submarine Tour - Descend to 100ft, See Shipwrecks & Sunken Airplanes

100ft underwater!

投稿者: Yes to Hawaii, 2022/09/29

100ft underwater. We saw turtles, fish, sunken ships, and sunken planes! Visibility on the day we went was crystal clear and we took tons of photos. I went with my good friend and she brought her 4-year-old. He absolutely loved it!! One thing though, the shuttle boat from shore to the submarine drop zone can be really windy. I packed a jacket which the kiddo was glad that I need since it got a little breezy. Once we were in the submarine, it's fully air-conditioned so I'd have a light jacket if you get cold easily.

  • wow!


Aloha !
Mahalo for your 5-star review! We are happy to hear you enjoyed your recent experience with us, aboard the Atlantis Submarine, from the shuttle boat ride to the deep-sea exploration. We love hearing from our guests and are thrilled to know you had a fantastic submarine adventure! Thank you very much for sharing your valuable feedback and recommendation.

We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back in the future aboard one of our submarines and/or the Majestic by Atlantis Cruises for another Atlantis adventure; an underwater journey, sunset cruise, or seasonal whale watch cruise.

Feel free to follow us on social media at #atlantishawaii.
A hui hou (until next time).

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2022/04/19
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Kualoa Ranch Zipline Tour & Jurassic Valley Adventure


投稿者: Yes to Hawaii, 2022/09/29

Jurassic Valley. Kualoa Ranch is GORGEOUS. We did both the zipline and the e-bike in the same day. Loved the zipline! All ziplines were side-by-side so we could take photos/video of each other the entire time. There's a bit of short walks/hikes between some of the zipline platforms but nothing too extensive.

I would recommend bringing a GoPro with a wrist strap + carabiner so you can clip it onto your zipline harness and not worry about accidentally dropping or breaking your phone.

  • so fun!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/04/24
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North Shore's Best Zipline Tour by CLIMB Works - Oahu’s Longest Zip Course

Zipline with gorgeous ocean views

投稿者: Yes to Hawaii, 2022/09/29

8 ziplines, 2 rappels, and 3 sky bridges. This course has the longest zipline on Oahu with one of the zips being 1/2 mile long. I loved having ocean views throughout the ziplining experience. There were water stations throughout the course. We did the afternoon zipline and I'm so glad I wore plenty of sunscreen! Prepare to work up a sweat as you go throughout the course. There's stairs for some of the zipline platforms. Overall, really nice ocean views, friendly staff & had a blast!

  • So much fun!

  • Rappelling down

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2022/08/30
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クアロア・ランチ TVと映画のロケ地巡りツアー<1時間半または2時間半/送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: センチュリーライド参加, 2022/09/28

直前予約でしたが、ラッキーなことに朝1番のツアーが空いてました。送迎無しでしたがウバーでタクシーを予約して参加しました。 ツアーは英語の解説で良くわかりませんでしたが、二つのサイトでバスを降りて見学したり、写真撮影をしたり楽しめました。

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/09/26
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Waikiki Submarine Tour - Descend to 100ft, See Shipwrecks & Sunken Airplanes

North shore tour

投稿者: Russ Toler, 2022/09/27

Excellent tour. Guide was funny and knowledgeable. I highly endorse rhe tour.


Aloha Ross !
Mahalo for your 5-star review! We are happy to hear you enjoyed your recent experience with us, aboard the Atlantis Submarine, from the shuttle boat ride to the deep-sea exploration. We love hearing from our guests and are thrilled to know you had a fantastic submarine adventure! Thank you very much for sharing your valuable feedback and recommendation.

We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back in the future aboard one of our submarines and/or the Majestic by Atlantis Cruises for another Atlantis adventure; an underwater journey, sunset cruise, or seasonal whale watch cruise.

Feel free to follow us on social media at #atlantishawaii.
A hui hou (until next time).

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/09/25
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BOB's Hawaii Underwater Scooter Adventure & Turtle Watching Tour

Great experience

投稿者: Janene, 2022/09/26

Fabulously unique activity and wonderful crew ensuring everyone's enjoyment

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2022/09/24
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クアロア・ランチ 映画のロケ地巡り、農作物を学ぶ農園ツアー、ジャングル探検ツアーが楽しめる1日満喫パッケージ ビュッフェランチ付き!<1日/送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: Hawawa, 2022/09/25


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/09/23
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クアロア・ランチ 乗馬体験(2時間) 映画ロケ地にもなった雄大な大自然を馬に乗って満喫!<送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: プリマ, 2022/09/24


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/09/21
この体験談は参考になりましたか? [はい]

クアロア・ランチ 大自然を楽しむ電動アシスト付きマウンテンバイクツアー 選べる初心者または上級者レベル<2~3時間/送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: ルーナ, 2022/09/24


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/09/04
この体験談は参考になりましたか? [はい]

アトランティス潜水艦ツアー 水深30mのハワイの海底アドベンチャー <ヒルトン・ハワイアン・ビレッジ発/日本語オーディオガイドアプリ提供あり>


投稿者: イッチー, 2022/09/23



Aloha, and thank you for sharing your review. We are very disappointed to learn that your overall experience was less than exceptional and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you experienced. We appreciate your valuable feedback, and we have shared your review with our leadership team as we hope to offer all of our guests an enjoyable experience. Mahalo for sharing the details about areas that we may improve.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/09/22
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クアロア・ランチ 四輪バギー体験(2時間) 映画ロケ地と絶景の中を駆け抜ける爽快アクティビティ!1台最大6名まで乗車可能<午前・午後/送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: maruru, 2022/09/22


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2022/09/18
この体験談は参考になりましたか? [はい]

クアロア・ランチ 乗馬体験(2時間) 映画ロケ地にもなった雄大な大自然を馬に乗って満喫!<送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: とんけ, 2022/09/22


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/09/20
この体験談は参考になりましたか? [はい]

クアロア・ランチ 大自然を楽しむ電動アシスト付きマウンテンバイクツアー 選べる初心者または上級者レベル<2~3時間/送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: Tommy, 2022/09/19


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2022/08/18
この体験談は参考になりましたか? [はい]

セグウェイ観光ツアー 選べる5種類のコース 体験/オーシャンビュー/SNS映えスポット/ダウンタウン/出雲大社参拝<送迎付き>


投稿者: プルメリア, 2022/09/19


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2019/06/26
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Jurassic Valley Kualoa Ranch ATV Raptor Adventure Tour

Great Experience

投稿者: Sam H, 2022/09/17

Had a great experience attending ATV tour. It’s the best way to explore the Kualoa Ranch. Total 3 stops: one at The Valley, second at the Jurassic Park filing location, third location you can overlooking The Hat island. Will attend again next time visit Oahu.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/08/23
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Kualoa Ranch Zipline Tour & Jurassic Valley Adventure

Absolutely amazing experience want to go again already

投稿者: Pete and Shelley , 2022/09/17

We had the best time ever - not just with the zipline but the hosts and their knowledge of the area and their fantastic hospitality.
Amazing scenery amazing zipline amazing history given. Worth every penny . Aunty pats cafe was fabulous for food too.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/08/24
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クアロア・ランチ 乗馬体験(2時間) 映画ロケ地にもなった雄大な大自然を馬に乗って満喫!<送迎付きプランあり>

はじめての乗馬 最高でした。

投稿者: さくらさん, 2022/09/17

いきなりの乗馬で不安でしたが 馬さんが賢くて 安心して乗って行けました。壮大なクアロアランチ、きれいな海 もう最高でした。
 少し残念なのは 自分達が英語を理解出来ずスタッフの方がいっぱい話してくれた事も理解出来なかった事。
 でも そんな私たちを精一杯引っ張ってくれて馬さんとスタッフの方に感謝です。

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2022/09/09
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Jurassic Valley Kualoa Ranch ATV Raptor Adventure Tour

ATV adventure in Kualoa Ranch

投稿者: Jielei Xu, 2022/09/16

We like this activity so much! Awesome views and lots of film site. Having fun when driving the ATV. But recommend to do this activity in the morning, it is too hot afternoon.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/09/14
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BOB's Hawaii Underwater Scooter Adventure & Turtle Watching Tour

Pictures look great but reality not so good

投稿者: KGC1, 2022/09/16

The underwater scooter adventure seemed like a great idea, particularly for my wife, who doesn't like snorkeling because of having the breathing tube in her mouth. This diving-bell style system seemed like the perfect solution. It worked, but there were some major issues. Start with the boat, which is small and when moored to the dive area bobs like a cork in the ocean swells, creating motion issues. The scooter itself has air pumped in constantly, resulting in an ever-changing level of air pressure until the air is forced out. So, your ears are constantly clogging and unclogging like you are descending and ascending in a plane the whole time. You also have no control over where the scooter goes, since it is not really self-propelled. Each scooter is accompanied by a "dive master" who physically pushes you to where the master wants you to go, and who controls when you submerge and when you surface. The marine life is swell, with fish food provided to bring in the fish right up to your helmet. The helmet is also very noisy, with the compressed air machine running, making it unlike snorkeling, which is quiet and peaceful. Bobbing up and down in the current inside the diving bell also produces a lot of motion, so don't eat anything before taking the trip. The crew was nice, but did not provide much instruction about what would happen once under the bell. There are hand signals for the dive master, but you feel very much out of control during the dive. On balance, I would not do this again -- even if I had not gotten seasick.

  • They do bring in the fish

  • getting good pictures is their specialty

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/09/14
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Kualoa Ranch Movie Sites Tour - Visit TV Shows & Hollywood Filming Locations

Welcome to Jurassic Park

投稿者: Krilin, 2022/09/16

An amazing experience for everyone who loves differennt hollywood movies and series! You can see film locations, props and even Godzillas foodprint :O My guide Lani was awesome an thought us a lot about the Hawaiian culture, the film sets and her hollywood husbands Chris Pratt and Dwayne Johnson ;) Lani was a really fun guide with a lot of knowledge and funny jokes!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2022/09/14
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North Shore Skydiving Adventure Tour with Oceanview - GoJump Hawaii

Once in a Lifetime Experience!

投稿者: Kara, 2022/09/15

Be weary, you could be there for a long time before getting up on your flight, however once your up it is AMAZING. The jumpers are so safe and know exactly what they are doing!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2022/09/10
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Jurassic Valley Kualoa Ranch ATV Raptor Adventure Tour

Amazing Grounds

投稿者: Kara, 2022/09/15

This was an awesome ride- the ATVs are more so UTV, but the grounds are unbeatable.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/09/10
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Kualoa Ranch Zipline Tour & Jurassic Valley Adventure

Exhilarating Day!

投稿者: Kara, 2022/09/15

Fast courses, beautiful background, and fun little hikes in between lines, a blast all in all!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/09/10
この体験談は参考になりましたか? [はい]


オアフ島(ホノルル) テーマから探す

アクティビティ | オアフ島(ホノルル)の観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)

ハワイの魅力は海だけじゃない!リピーターにもおすすめのハワイの空、自然、町並みなども満喫できるおすすめのアクティビティをご紹介。 スリルが味わいたいならこれ!ハワイの大空へとダイブするスカイダイビングやでこぼこの大地をワイルドに疾走するATVバギー。女子旅におすすめのツアーならSNS映えも狙えるセグウェイツアー。さらにお子様もご参加可能なアクティビティならジップラインや乗馬体験、ハワイの大自然と触れ合いリフレッシュできるハイキングツアーなどなど豊富なラインナップを取り揃えています。直前まで申込可能なツアーも多数ご用意していますのでたくさんのアクティビティに参加してまだ知らないハワイの魅力を見つけてみませんか?ご予約はこちら。