(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 35) マリンスポーツ | ハワイ(オアフ島(ホノルル))の観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)



4.60 4.60 / 5



Waikiki Guided Turtle Snorkel Tour with Snacks & Drinks - Holokai Catamaran

Bucket list experience!

投稿者: Donna , 2022/06/25

Best Catamaran experience we have ever had and a bonus to swim with the turtles! The crew was amazing! Friendly, helpful and fun! The views while sailing were spectacular! Hands down a bucket list experience!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/06/02
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マリンスポーツパッケージ 4つのアクティビティ(カヤック、SUP、トランポリン、ウォータースライダー)とシュノーケリングが遊び放題!<ケワロ湾>


投稿者: yudai, 2022/06/21


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2022/06/19
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Parasail Hawaii Tour & Jet Ski Ride Watersports Adventure Combo at Maunalua Bay

very good experience

投稿者: Phoebe, 2022/06/20

I really like the parasailing experience. The sea look so beautiful 500 ft up in the sky. I wish I could sail for a longer time. Will definitely recommend to other friends and may come back again.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/05/25
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パラセイリング 高さ120m/150m ワイキキとダイアモンドヘッドの絶景を上空から鑑賞!<ヒルトン・ワイキキ>


投稿者: あいうえお, 2022/06/19





利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/06/17
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パラセイリング 高さ120m/150m ワイキキとダイアモンドヘッドの絶景を上空から鑑賞!<ヒルトン・ワイキキ>


投稿者: Fumi, 2022/06/19


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/05/26
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Parasailing Hawaii Ride by X-Treme Watersports [700ft, 850ft or 1000ft lines]

You were awesome!

投稿者: Krystal, 2022/06/15

They guys were awesome! It was a great first parasailing experience ever!

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2022/06/13
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Hawaiian Parasailing Tour & Adventure from Waikiki Beach [800ft & 1000ft Lines]


投稿者: shonc, 2022/06/11

enjoyed every min
crew was great
made us feel at ease
beautiful experience


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/05/16
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Hawaiian Parasailing Tour & Adventure from Waikiki Beach [800ft & 1000ft Lines]

Love it

投稿者: Harper, 2022/06/09

Love it and we had so much fun. We also purchased the pictures. The only thing i didn’t like was how dark the pictures were but overall we had an amazing time.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/06/06
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パラセイリング 高さ120m/150m ワイキキとダイアモンドヘッドの絶景を上空から鑑賞!<ヒルトン・ワイキキ>


投稿者: ごまごま, 2022/06/05


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/05/29
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ワイキキビーチ SUP体験 <1時間/グレーズビーチ >


投稿者: びんとく, 2022/06/05



びんとく様:5つ星レイティングと詳しい体験談をシェアしていただき、有難うございました! びんとく様のおっしゃっていられる通り、スタンドアップパドルだけでなく、何でも初めてのアクティビティーに挑戦する場合には、インストラクターにきちんと教えてもらうのがベストです。やり方だけでなく、コツやルールなども教わることが出来、他人様に迷惑をかけずに楽しんで頂くことが出来ます。また、別料金ですが、写真・ビデオのサービスもリクエストにより承っておりますので、次回ご予約の際にはコメントを含めて下さい。 またの機会をお待ちしております!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2022/06/03
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パラセイリング 高さ120m/150m ワイキキとダイアモンドヘッドの絶景を上空から鑑賞!<ヒルトン・ワイキキ>


投稿者: 旅太郎, 2022/06/05


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2019/08/03
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Hawaii Jet Ski Ride Adventure at Maunalua Bay - H2O Sports

Not what I was expecting

投稿者: Jenna , 2022/06/05

I was expecting a 90-min ride for the price I paid and it was 30 min with a (scheduled) interruption 15 min through. I also thought the jet skis would go at least 40 mph based on my past experiences with renting jet skis and at full speed these only went to barely 25 mph. They make you ride in a large square around 4 buoys and you aren’t allowed to just roam around. The square gets too crowded and it isn’t that it feels unsafe, but it feels like you have to hyper focus on your speed and surroundings instead of just enjoying zooming around in the open water. Beyond that the service was decent, the building got way too crowded and it felt like they didn’t have the staff to handle the crowds but the guys on the boat and barge were really nice. I personally think that for the price I paid for just 30 min, I should have skipped this or looked for another place to rent from.


Mahalo for joining us on beautiful Mauanalua Bay for jet ski. The speed and course are directed by State regulations. Glad you enjoyed your experience! It is very popular..

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2022/06/03
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Hawaiian Parasailing Tour & Adventure from Waikiki Beach [800ft & 1000ft Lines]

The best thing I’ve ever done in my life !!

投稿者: Nijel&Asia Bordenave, 2022/06/04

Nothing but amazing!! This was literally the best thing I’ve ever done. It feels like your in heaven with no worries god is real and Hawaii is beautiful. If I could do this every weekend I would thank you guys so much the staff was amazing

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/05/11
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Parasail Hawaii Tour & Jet Ski Ride Watersports Adventure Combo at Maunalua Bay

Jet ski

投稿者: Khristian, 2022/06/02

First time parasailing and the H2O team made sure me and my party was comfortable before departing. Great experience all around!


Mahalo! We do have the best staff on the planet! Thanks for flying and jet skiing with us!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/06/01
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Hawaiian Parasailing Tour & Adventure from Waikiki Beach [800ft & 1000ft Lines]


投稿者: troj, 2022/06/01

It was so fun, crew was amazing and all around exciting.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2022/05/20
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Waikiki Swim with Turtles Tour - Moana Catamaran Best Honolulu Snorkeling Cruise

Must Do!

投稿者: Ross J, 2022/06/01

Great experience! Guaranteed turtle sighting. The crew was great! Best prices to get the most complete experience. I plan on re-using when I travel to Oahu in the near future.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/05/24
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体験ダイビング ワイキキまたはダイアモンドヘッド沖 ファンダイバーと潜れるプランもご用意<ボート/1~2ダイブ>by アロハナダイバーズ


投稿者: まみむ, 2022/05/30


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/05/02
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North Shore Shark Adventures - Oahu Cage Diving Tour with Waikiki Transportation

Awesome experience

投稿者: Kim, 2022/05/29

This is an absolute must do. It was so amazing to see the sharks swimming right next to you and under you in a completely safe environment. The crew was also amazing; very knowledgeable and kind.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2022/05/27
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Kaneohe Bay Kayak & Snorkel Self-Guided Tour [Tour Not Available]

Amazing experience!

投稿者: Dara, 2022/05/29

I absolutely enjoyed the experience. I wasn't able to see too many sea life, however, that didn't take away from the overall fun at all. I personally have a mild fear of the deep ocean, so going too far out into sea in a kayak frightens me. But it would be a miss opportunity for me to not try this at least once while on vacation. My only criticism is that the kayaking zone is a little confusing to figure out, so I felt it was too mixed up with the commercial zone and the military zone. The zone marker was hard to figure out so my group just follow other groups instead.


Aloha Dara! Thank you so much for joining us for a kayak and snorkel adventure! Thank you also for taking the time to leave such an awesome review for us. We really appreciate that. I am very glad to hear it sounds like you had a great time kayaking with us and conquered your fears a little bit! That's great. I know it is a big bay and without a lot of markings or anything, we do our best with the map, but sometimes it is hard to figure out. Thank you so much again, we hope to see you again soon! Mahalo!

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2022/05/27
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Kaneohe Bay Kayak & Snorkel Self-Guided Tour [Tour Not Available]

You don’t want to miss this!

投稿者: Lesley, 2022/05/27

I think this may be one of the best experiences I’ve had in my life- if you like to kayak and like to swim this is for you! Soo soo amazing!
If going alone make sure you bring waterproof case for your phone soo you can keep it with you in case of any trouble- you have full reception while in the water!
Great staff, beautiful scenery, and amazing experience!

  • The best part of kayaking is going where others can’t lol


Aloha Lesley! Wow, what amazing feedback! Thank you so much for joining us for a kayak and snorkel adventure, and thank you for taking the time to leave this awesome review for us! We really appreciate it. It is so beautiful out there (awesome photo from the sandbar) and when we hear one of the best experiences of your life, that is just so gratifying and that really means a lot to us. Hope to see you again soon! Mahalo nui!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2022/05/25
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Hawaiian Parasailing Tour & Adventure from Waikiki Beach [800ft & 1000ft Lines]

Amazing experience

投稿者: Omaha 50, 2022/05/26

Amazing time, once in a lifetime, would do it again, great crew, very safe but fun, crazy great views, great service and pictures, )lllllllllllllllllllll

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/05/24
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海釣り体験 手ぶらでOK!ワイキキで釣りもクルーズも楽しめる 小さなお子様もご参加可能<貸切または混載/ケワロ湾集合>


投稿者: ゴルフパパ, 2022/05/24


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/05/22
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体験ダイビング ワイキキまたはダイアモンドヘッド沖 ファンダイバーと潜れるプランもご用意<ボート/1~2ダイブ>by アロハナダイバーズ


投稿者: みうパパ, 2022/05/24

体験ダイブでボートなので最初の波打ち際でのレギュレーター訓練は辛い所もあり、娘もくじけそうになりましたがアツシさんの励ましで何とかクリア!  無事2ダイブ完遂できました。 ウミガメさんにも会えて楽しかったです。  只、ダイビングポイントはもう少し北の方が良いかな。。。 でも他の方も書かれてますが帰り道のハワイグルメ情報とかは非常に役立ち、次の日から早速実践し娘もニコニコでした。 出来ればアツシさんで違うポイントで又是非行きたい感じです。 

  • ちょっと遠慮して遠めから!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/05/01
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Parasail Hawaii Tour & Jet Ski Ride Watersports Adventure Combo at Maunalua Bay


投稿者: Vanessa B, 2022/05/23

I had a blaste and my husband jet skiing and paragliding experience was awesome when had the best host with a very pleasant attitude I will surely come back ony next hawaii vacation

  • Had a blast

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/04/28
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Parasail Hawaii Tour & Jet Ski Ride Watersports Adventure Combo at Maunalua Bay

Had a lot of fun

投稿者: EEE, 2022/05/19

First time try jet ski and parasailing! Really fun and we had a great time!


Fun is what we do! Thank you for joining us.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2022/05/16
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North Shore Shark Adventures - Oahu Cage Diving Tour with Waikiki Transportation


投稿者: Braida, 2022/05/18

The crew was very knowledgeable and friendly. There were many sharks swimming around the cage. The water was a bit rough the morning of our experience but sharks could still be seen. We would highly recommend North Shore Shark Adventures.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/04/24
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Kaneohe Bay Kayak & Snorkel Self-Guided Tour [Tour Not Available]

Unforgettable experience

投稿者: Shiela, 2022/05/16

I am impressed by how organized the entire check-in process was - after checking in, we were directed to receive instructions from one of the workers before heading down to get our gear and get launched in the water.

The day of our activity was very windy, so the workers made sure we understood all the landmarks, dos, and don'ts. It was my first time kayaking in the middle of the ocean. And even though I was scared, I felt safe knowing everyone was an expert with what they were doing.

We saw a big turtle while paddling back to the shore. What an experience! I definitely recommend to book your activities through Veltra.


Aloha Sheila,
Thank you so much for joining us for a kayak and snorkel adventure! And thank you for taking the time to leave this awesome review for us. We really appreciate that. I am so glad to hear you had this kind of experience with us and with kayaking in Kane'ohe Bay. That's great. Hope to see you again soon! Mahalo!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/04/23
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Kailua Beach Kayak Rentals & Guided Kayaking Tours with Snorkeling & Lunch

wonderful experience.

投稿者: Angie, 2022/05/16

our rental day provided anything we could have possibly wanted for our entire beach day. we used the kayaks and a cooler first and had a blast going out to the island. we then borrowed boogie boards and the waves that day were awesome. Definitely look them up. we spent all day there on the beach and didn't have to bring a thing with us. Lunch was even provided, we had the pizza, huge slices and pretty tasty. Easy to check in, they make sure you're safety informed and they have helpers on the beach. 10 out of 10.

  • a little trip to put in spot but kayak carts make it easy.

  • out in the water....look how blue!

  • out on the island

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/05/04
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パラセイリング 高さ120m/150m ワイキキとダイアモンドヘッドの絶景を上空から鑑賞!<ヒルトン・ワイキキ>


投稿者: るるぶ, 2022/05/08


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/04/14
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Kaneohe Bay Kayak & Snorkel Self-Guided Tour [Tour Not Available]

Kool Kayak Experience!

投稿者: May, 2022/05/07

My boyfriend and I purchased the kayak/snorkeling experience and it was quite the memory! Everyone was great helping us get set up and guiding us! When we went out and kayaked we saw so many different fishes during our snorkeling adventure! The crazy part was that it started raining while we were far out and snorkeling. Instead of kayaking back we continued to snorkel until the rain stopped! For the price and experience it was totally worth it!

Also I recommend purchasing the 4 hour experience because I don’t think you will be out for the whole 8 hours even tho it costs just a little bit more! We were our a max of 2 hours!

If you’re wondering on whether or not to purchase think no more! Overall it was an amazing experience and I highly recommend it! Also booking this package will prepare you for everything vs booking on the actual business site since this package has a dry bag, snorkeling gear, and the anchor (this will keep your kayak in place while you’re snorkeling). Hope this helps and you make great memories from this experience!


Aloha May! Thank you for joining us for a kayak and snorkel adventure! And thank you for taking the time to leave this great review for us. Your feedback is very valuable and much appreciated. I’m certainly glad to hear you had a great kayak and snorkel experience with us, and we hope to see you again soon. Mahalo!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/04/16
この体験談は参考になりましたか? [はい]


オアフ島(ホノルル) テーマから探す

マリンスポーツ | オアフ島(ホノルル)の観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)

パラセイリング、ジェットスキー、サーフィンなどハワイの海をアクティブに楽しむマリンスポーツ。ハワイの青い空の下、青い海を思いっきり満喫できるおすすめのアクティビティです。誰でも気軽に空中散歩が楽しめるパラセイリング、水圧を利用して空中に浮く新感覚のジェットレブ、ハワイ発祥のスタンダップパドルボート(SUP)やサーフィンの聖地ハワイでサーフィンレッスンなど、半日でハワイの海を堪能できるマリンスポーツは滞在中一度は体験しておきたいもの。送迎つきやワイキキでできるプランなど、気軽に楽しめるプランも豊富です。ご予約はこちらから! 【ここが魅力!】 ・ハワイの海を思いっきり遊び尽くすマリンスポーツはどれをとっても気分爽快!日常を忘れて南国気分に浸れます。 ・気軽に空中散歩が楽しめるパラセイリング。空から見るワイキキの街並みや美しい海は感動の光景! ・水圧で空を飛ぶジェットレブやジェットボードは浮遊感がやみつきに! ・サーフィンの本場、ハワイで受けるサーフィンレッスンは感慨もひとしお。最高の波を捕まえてみよう。