ウミガメシュノーケリング アリアⅡ号 ハワイアンセレモニーやフラダンス・パフォーマンスも!<昼食付き/日本語または英語スタッフ/ワイキキ送迎可/ケワロ湾発>
Ocean Journeys_And You Creations_Dolphins and You
Ocean Journeys_And You Creations_Dolphins and You
Ocean Journeys_And You Creations_Dolphins and You
Ocean Journeys_And You Creations_Dolphins and You
Ocean Journeys_And You Creations_Dolphins and You
Ocean Journeys_And You Creations_Dolphins and You
Ocean Journeys_And You Creations_Dolphins and You
Ocean Journeys_And You Creations_Dolphins and You
Ocean Journeys_And You Creations_Dolphins and You
Ocean Journeys_And You Creations_Dolphins and You
Ocean Journeys_And You Creations_Dolphins and You
Ocean Journeys_And You Creations_Dolphins and You
Ocean Journeys_And You Creations_Dolphins and You
A curious visitor comes to investigate
Ocean Journeys
Ocean Journeys_And You Creations_Dolphins and You
A swirling school of colorful fish
Ocean Journeys
Ocean Journeys_And You Creations_Dolphins and You
Ocean Journeys_And You Creations_Dolphins and You
Ocean Journeys_And You Creations_Dolphins and You
Ocean Journeys_And You Creations_Dolphins and You
Ocean Journeys_And You Creations_Dolphins and You
Ocean Journeys_And You Creations_Dolphins and You
Ocean Journeys_And You Creations_Dolphins and You