(参加者のレビュー一覧) アドベンチャーツーリズム(Adventure Tourism) | ハワイ(マウイ島)の観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)

アドベンチャーツーリズム(Adventure Tourism)のアクティビティ参加者レビュー一覧


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Self-Guided Haleakala Biking Tour - Sunrise & Morning Adventures by Bike Maui


投稿者: Kara, 2024/07/18

The fresh air in Haleakala is so wonderful to breathe in while zooming down! Great quality bikes as well- no issues.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2024/05/06
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ハレアカラサイクリングツアー ダウンヒルでの爽快ツーリングが楽しめる!山頂からの日の出鑑賞やハレアカラ国立公園ツアーなど選べるプラン<午前/英語ガイド>

天然プラネタリウム、御来光、ダウンヒル、どれも最高、ka ʻoi aʻe !!

投稿者: マハロハ, 2023/12/19





  • 来たー

  • まぶしいー

  • 山頂山小屋より

  • シルバーソード(銀剣草)、見逃さないでね!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2023/12/11
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Self-Guided Haleakala Biking Tour - Sunrise & Morning Adventures by Bike Maui

Biking Tour

投稿者: Susan, 2023/04/26

Corey was an amazing guide. He gave clear directions the entire trip, and made the experience next level! Entire excursion was amazing.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2023/04/23
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Self-Guided Haleakala Biking Tour - Sunrise & Morning Adventures by Bike Maui

Maui fun time

投稿者: Steve and Alli, 2023/03/29

The trip was great. Roy our driver was knowledgeable about so many things and share it all with us. We learned a lot about the island, food, and couture.
It too bad we had to load the bikes in a trailer and get in the vehicle because we were not allowed to ride through the neighborhood area.
Sunrise was beautiful, bike ride down was fun.
Great experience.
Roy was the best.
Steve and Alli

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2023/03/27
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Self-Guided Haleakala Biking Tour - Sunrise & Morning Adventures by Bike Maui

Great way to see a beautiful sunrise and cruise down a volcano!!!

投稿者: The Wilsfords, 2021/06/23

As part of our 25th anniversary week in Maui we booked this early morning excursion. It certainly did not disappoint. The tour guides were informative and courteous. They took us to the best spot for the sunrise, got a great action shot of us “jumping off” The side of the volcano.
We were given great instructions as to how to get back to the bike shop. We had a nice time leisurely coming down. Stopped at a really nice spot for breakfast then proceeded into the town did some shopping grab a snack at the bakery and got back to the shop in plenty of time.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2021/06/21
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Self-Guided Haleakala Biking Tour - Sunrise & Morning Adventures by Bike Maui


投稿者: Tim, 2020/02/08

I went on the self-guided tour. As an experienced cyclist this felt most appropriate. It was as-advertised meaning when they dropped you off you could literally go at your own pace and needed to navigate your way back to the bike shop. I LOVED this part of it. On the drive there the driver went over the turns with us multiple times and even quizzed us to make sure we’d all remember. I even plugged the directions in my phone but didn’t end up needing it. The driver/guide was entertaining telling us stories of the upcountry history and including jokes. Not ‘dad-jokes’ either. This guy was legit funny!!

They do supply you with rain pants and jacket along with a sweatshirt, helmet and gloves. They have all kinds of sizes. It can get really cold at the summit waiting for the sunrise though so suggest bringing your own cold weather layers as well.

I would definitely do this again!

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2020/01/18
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アドベンチャーツーリズム(Adventure Tourism) | マウイ島の観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)

アドベンチャーツーリズム (Adventure Tourism)とは「自然とのふれあい」「文化交流」「アクティビティ」のうちふたつ以上の要素を持つ旅行と定義されています。旅行を通じて、自分自身の変化や地域社会への貢献が期待できるとして、コロナ禍以降の旅行スタイルとして注目されてきています。ベルトラでは普段の生活では経験できないような”非日常体験“の感動を味わうことのできるアドベンチャー(冒険的)なアクティビティをお届けします。