投稿者: christy
the show was great and the sunset right off the beach was incredible. the food was delicious and we all had a wonderful time.
評価: | |
プラン: | Standard Seating |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2018/04/07 |
参加日: | 2018/03/16 |
投稿者: かなこ
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2018/03/29 |
参加日: | 2018/03/22 |
投稿者: tks
評価: | |
プラン: | 【2人目無料!】人数限定モニターツアー |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2018/03/28 |
参加日: | 2018/03/19 |
投稿者: Jayne
Thoroughly enjoyed this experience despite the early start and the freezing temperature! Collected from our hotel at 3am by Netty. Very informative time on the coach, which was very comfortable but also allowed some time to nap before arriving at the mountain top. It was very cold despite wearing lots of layers ( we had been warned!) and our hotel had lent us blankets. Had about an hours wait before the sun started to come up. The sunrise was beautiful. We stopped for a good breakfast on the way back and returned to our hotel around 11am.
評価: | |
プラン: | Haleakala Sunrise Tour with Breakfast |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2018/03/26 |
参加日: | 2018/03/04 |
投稿者: Amy L
THIS TRIP is worth waking up in the middle of the night to catch the sunrise ABOVE CLOUD Level. Beautiful! Thoughtful bus driver also brought hot water and coffee and packaged pastries for visitors to snack on before the actual breakfast. Thank you Nettie, bus driver, for an awesome experience!!!
評価: | |
プラン: | Haleakala Sunrise Tour with Breakfast |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2018/03/25 |
参加日: | 2018/03/22 |
投稿者: Jennifer
Preston was our driver for the tour and he was hilarious. He managed to make our entire group laugh and stay engaged on our ride up to Haleakala. We felt safe with him as our tour leader and driver and would assure anyone going with Preston that you would have a great time. I HIGHLY recommend anyone considering the visit to view the sunrise to go with a tour group as the drive up is completely dark, on extremely narrow roads, and quite difficult to navigate. We had a care rental for our entire trip but were incredibly glad that we went with the route of having an operator take us up and down the mountain. The tour was informative and just so easy--from pick-up to drop-off.
評価: | |
プラン: | Haleakala Sunrise Tour with Breakfast |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2018/03/20 |
参加日: | 2018/03/15 |
投稿者: 鉄中団 住職
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2018/03/20 |
参加日: | 2018/03/11 |
投稿者: 宇宙のよっちゃん
桟橋に着くとcheck inと書いてある場所で署名など(日本語で書いてある物もありました、写真1)して、コーヒーを一杯。船はプラウドオブマウイ号乗船前に記念写真(20$買わなくてよい)、乗船後朝食イチゴ・パイナップル・パン・ケーキ・飲み物(写真2・3)イチゴがアマオウみたいに大きくパイナップルは甘かった。数年前に行ったツアーではシュノーケルセットと足ひれしかなくて、かなり深いモロキニ島で怖かったので今回は日本から簡易のライフベストを持参しました。このツアーでは、ライフベスト(写真7)はもちろん脇の下に挟んで使う長い棒(写真4)、スエットスーツ(写真5)、お腹に巻いて使う(写真6)などがあり体一つで参加できました。有料でスヌーバ(写真8)、レンタル水中カメラ(写真9)もありました。昼食はハンバーガー、パンにケチャップなどをかけ、野菜類をのせ、最後には船尾で焼いている具(ハンバーグの上にチーズ、照り焼きチキン、大きいソーセージ)から選びます。おすすめはチーズバーガーだそうですが、私はチキンバーガーにして食べましたが結構おいしかった。まだ食べれる人は全員が終わった後にもう一度並んで作って食べてもよいそうでした、15人ぶんぐらい余ってました。食事は最初に並ばないと待ち時間ばかり長くてなど、日本人ガイドの佐藤さんが親切にいろいろ日本人の世話をしてくれます。外人さんが多いツアーですが何の心配もいりません、モロキニ島ならこのツアーがベストです。港に戻る前に煎餅一枚でました。日本人ガイドの佐藤さん(写真10)には妻が海の中で餌ずけをして苦しそうにしていた時にも助けていただきました。他にもサーフボードに乗って監視してくれていた外人のお兄さんにも助けてもらいました、私一人では二重遭難になるとこでした。有料のものもあるのでお金を持っていくのと、荷物を置く場所は座るとこか、座る下しかないので濡れます。濡れても大丈夫なビニール袋などを持参したほうがいいと思います。カメは海に浮かんでいるのが見れました、モロキニ島にかなり近くまで寄ってもらえます、海の流れがモロキニ島へ向かって流れているので注意しないと島にぶつかったりサンゴを踏んでしまいます。クジラに出会えなかったのとハナウマ湾みたいに小さな魚がいなかったので、評価をよかったにしました。
評価: | |
プラン: | 【2人目無料!】人数限定モニターツアー |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2018/03/12 |
参加日: | 2018/03/01 |
投稿者: ただし
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | ひとりで |
投稿日: | 2018/03/11 |
参加日: | 2018/03/08 |
投稿者: 10th anniversary
Great tour at a reasonable considering the ferry was included. We maybe didn't get our full value but only because of the rain. The tour guide was great and tried hard and did well to make up for the weather.
評価: | |
プラン: | Maui to Lanai Ferry & Lanai Half Day Tour |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2018/03/03 |
参加日: | 2018/02/05 |
投稿者: Curtis Walker Sr
We had a great time on the tour.
Our tour guide Judy was very knowledgeable regarding the locations we visited.
She added humor to the entire trip which made the tour seem very personal for everyone involved.
Curtis Walker Sr
評価: | |
プラン: | Standard Package |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2018/02/24 |
参加日: | 2018/02/01 |
投稿者: Deb I
Wake up early, super early, for the most amazing sunrise you’ll see, if you are an adventurer. It’s cold up there, super cold so prepare for that. Before sunrise, marvel at the stars. They’re so cold you can touch them. Gloves, hats and warm coats needed, but its soooooo worth it!! The sunrise is spectacular! And once it comes up, the crater is like nothing you’ve ever seen. Turn to your right and look up at the science stations there also. You’ll want to stay!
評価: | |
プラン: | Haleakala Sunrise Tour with Breakfast |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2018/02/24 |
参加日: | 2018/01/30 |
投稿者: Denise
The overall trip was great. The snorkeling was fun but crowded. Snorkeling to see turtles was fun and I am happy we got to see them but they are not guaranteed.
評価: | |
プラン: | Standard Package |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2018/02/23 |
参加日: | 2018/02/20 |
投稿者: 新太郎
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | ひとりで |
投稿日: | 2018/02/13 |
参加日: | 2018/01/20 |
投稿者: mikibuu
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 小さなお子様連れ |
投稿日: | 2018/02/13 |
参加日: | 2018/01/20 |
投稿者: nnn
参加した日にはgovernment shutdownがあって、ハレアカラの施設が閉まっていたという影響はあったのでしょうが、前日の確認電話の時も特に案内はありませんでした。
評価: | |
プラン: | 基本プラン* |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2018/02/11 |
参加日: | 2018/01/22 |
投稿者: Steve
Even with the government shut down, tour glide still gave us an outstanding experience. Have memories and photos that we will treasure.
評価: | |
プラン: | Haleakala Sunrise Tour with Breakfast |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2018/02/10 |
参加日: | 2018/01/21 |
投稿者: fish
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2018/02/04 |
参加日: | 2017/12/03 |
投稿者: Seo hyunggon
I meet very kind crew. Surprisely She have work there during 12 years. I met her 12 years ago at honeymoon. So I glad meet her.
評価: | |
プラン: | Standard Package |
参加形態: | 小さなお子様連れ |
投稿日: | 2018/02/04 |
参加日: | 2018/01/08 |
投稿者: subtaka
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2018/02/04 |
投稿者: Dirk Geuenich
Special thanks to Bruce who was a perfect guide for our half day tour on Lanai. Learned and have seen a lot, including shipwreck beach and garden of gods. Absolute worth doing this trip. Very well organized. Thanks to all and again a special thanks to Bruce!
評価: | |
プラン: | Maui to Lanai Ferry & Lanai Half Day Tour |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2018/02/03 |
参加日: | 2018/01/29 |
投稿者: Podre71
Knowledgeable tour guide/driver who guided us over 80% of the unpaved red dirt roads and explained the economics of a unique area.
評価: | |
プラン: | Maui to Lanai Ferry & Lanai Half Day Tour |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2018/01/29 |
参加日: | 2018/01/22 |
投稿者: Naomi
Perfect half day - lots of drive time but able to see many different terrains and vistas - all stops perfectly chosen to show off different terrain and history. Drier guide was excellent.
評価: | |
プラン: | Maui to Lanai Ferry & Lanai Half Day Tour |
参加形態: | ひとりで |
投稿日: | 2017/12/31 |
参加日: | 2017/12/24 |
投稿者: inlovewithhawaii
Die Tour war gut arrangiert. Wir wurden überpünktlich abgeholt und unsere Busfahrerin / Tourguide war super freundlich. Sie hat während der ganzen Tour sehr viel über die Gegend erklärt, auf Pflanzen hingewiesen und uns einige alte Legenden näher gebracht. Es gab viele Stopps zwischendurch. Die geschätzte Gruppengröße war 15 Personen.
Der Sonnenaufgang war spektakulär! Den muss man gesehen haben! Eine dicke Jacke bzw. Zwiebellook und geschlossenen Schuhe sind mehr als angebracht.
Das folgende Frühstück im Golfclub war solide. Hätte man aber, da die Tour mit einem frühen Aufstehen verbunden ist, auch gut auslassen können und dafür ein früheres Ende vorsehen können.
Insgesamt hat mir die Tour gut gefallen und ich empfehle sie weiter.
評価: | |
プラン: | Haleakala Sunrise Tour with Breakfast |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2017/12/30 |
参加日: | 2017/12/05 |
投稿者: Callie
A few things to be aware of before you book this excursion:
1) The road is very windy: consider ginger candy or Dramamine if you're prone to motion sickness.
2) Cell phone reception will be terrible.
3) It's very cold at an elevation of 10,000 feet. It was 40degrees for us. Dress warmly.
4) The air is also very thin at 10,000 feet: look out for shortness of breath and dizziness.
3) You may not see a picture perfect sunrise. No one can control the weather or even perfectly predict it. There will also be tons of other people there enjoying the view with you.
With all that in mind, we had a great time. At 3am, our driver picked us up and drop us off right in front of our condo in Kihei (pick up may not be available for your particular location - verify with PolyAd/GrayLine first if this is a dealbreaker for you). Stopped at a Kahului convenience store: buy snacks here if you don't like the pastries/coffee onboard.
Uneventful drive up. The 25-ish seater van/bus is heated, but once we arrived in the parking lot, our driver obviously had to turn off the engine/heat to conserve gas. We arrived 1 hour prior to sunrise, and in that 1 hour, the weather went from so clear and being able to see thousands of stars to sprinkling rain to so foggy I could barely see a few feet in front of me and back and forth. There is a tiny visitors center with giftshop, and restrooms (with ice cold water toilet seats), but not much else to explore. So we hung out on the bus until just a few minutes before sunrise.
The sunrise was partially obstructed by clouds, but the sky and landscape was still so beautiful. 30 minutes after sunrise, our driver drove us up a wee bit higher to the next parking lot for more photos, and then down to a golf course for breakfast. Breakfast was ok - I would have much rather saved my appetite for something else. We were dropped off at our condo at 11am.
We had a great driver and saw a beautiful sunrise from the top of a volcano. It was AWESOME.
評価: | |
プラン: | Haleakala Sunrise Tour with Breakfast |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2017/12/23 |
参加日: | 2017/11/29 |
投稿者: ちなみ
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2017/12/17 |
参加日: | 2017/12/06 |
投稿者: Aryan SKP
All in all a very good experience.. even though when we started it was raining at 3 AM in the morning.. but up there at the Haleakala summit point, weather was just too perfect to have the glimpse of rising sun :)..
Glenn, thanks for keeping us engaged n providing loads of information.. kept us awake most of the time ;)..
評価: | |
プラン: | Haleakala Sunrise Tour with Breakfast |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2017/12/13 |
参加日: | 2017/12/10 |
投稿者: Cori
We didn't get to either spots listed in the title of the tour due to weather. Maybe, in the future, they can offer a discounted 2nd trip so you can actually get to Molokini Crater. They don't offer that, so you get what you get. The "glass bottom" boat is also a deceiving description of this boat. Don't go based on this alone. The area we went was suitable for a relaxed first time snorkel. Lots of people, but my Mom still got first class treatment due to her fear of the new adventure. Heather ensured she felt comfortable in the gear and went into the water with her to get her comfortable to go off on her own! It was a very good experience, although I would not take a tour like it again. I would opt for something with less people on a smaller boat, for sure. If you choose to purchase the photos at the end, make sure you sought him out to actually take some pictures of you first or you will just have a lot of pictures of other people. The pics he took of my Mom are really good, although there are none of me while snorkeling. But, there were a LOT of people, so how could he possibly get pics of everyone.
All in all the boat was clean, the people were nice, and the snorkeling was really great! The food was pretty good, too.
評価: | |
プラン: | Standard Package |
参加形態: | ひとりで |
投稿日: | 2017/12/07 |
参加日: | 2017/11/21 |
投稿者: Valeri
My husband and I did this for our hunnymoon and it was great. Great tour guide. He was very good, funny and very knowledgeable.
評価: | |
プラン: | Haleakala Sunrise Tour with Breakfast |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2017/12/03 |
参加日: | 2017/11/09 |
投稿者: Sara
Wayne was excellent, a lot of knowledge and made the trip very fun! Would recommend this trip and service to others, only negative was that the breakfast was ok, service and decent and core of the golf course was nice. Overall excellent t experience
評価: | |
プラン: | Haleakala Sunrise Tour with Breakfast |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2017/12/03 |
参加日: | 2017/11/30 |
直前予約が可能なツアー | マウイ島の観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)
直前でも参加が可能なマウイ島のツアーをご紹介! 定番のハレアカラから日の出を鑑賞するツアーや少し足を延ばして手つかずの自然が残るハワイ最後の楽園「ラナイ島」日帰りツアー、伝統のルアウショーなど、直前予約でも内容充実のアクティビティが満載!人気のモロキニ島シュノーケルツアーは早い者勝ち!直前にマウイ島旅行を決めた方や、まだ予約をしていなかった!と慌てている方必見!まだまだ間際予約あり!