(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 9) ラナイ島・モロカイ島日帰り観光 | ハワイ(マウイ島)の観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)



4.64 4.64 / 5



Lanai Island Guided 4x4 SUV Sightseeing Trekker Tour with Maui to Lanai Ferry

Good education on the island

投稿者: Podre71, 2018/01/29

Knowledgeable tour guide/driver who guided us over 80% of the unpaved red dirt roads and explained the economics of a unique area.

  • One of the best pix I was able to take..:)

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2018/01/22
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Discover Lanai Day Trip from Maui, Hulopoe Bay Snorkeling & Sweetheart Rock

Great sail to Lanai!

投稿者: Debbie, 2018/01/28

For our last full day in Maui, my husband and I decided to book the 10:30 a.m. Discover Lanai Sail; what a good choice! From the moment we boarded the boat until the end of the day, the Trilogy crew did everything possible to make sure we had an exceptional experience. There were 5 crew for 50 passengers, so one of them was always nearby.

Once we were underway to Lanai, they served beverages, delicious cinnamon rolls and fresh fruit. The humpback whales were very active so the captain did his best to get closer when there was a sighting. As we got close to Lanai, we were surrounded by a school? of spinner dolphins. What fun!

After docking, they took us to the beach — quiet and sandy with restrooms and plenty of shade. Chairs, mats and snorkeling gear were efficiently distributed to get us into the water quickly. There was gentle surf but it was fairly easy to walk in. We’ve snorkeled many places, and this was nice, though not extraordinary. There were many fish, but the variety was limited. Still fun, and crew were very vigilant about keeping everyone safe.

For those who didn’t want to get in the water, (or didn’t stay in very long, like us), there was an island van tour that took about an hour an a quarter. There was no microphone used so I couldn’t hear quite everything, but it was interesting to see Lanai City.

At 3:00 we had a late lunch in Trilogy’s covered pavilion overlooking the dock area. Very pretty there. They served healthy and tasty food — tossed salad, noodle salad, corn on the cob, and BBQ chicken.

On our trip back to Lahaina (4-ish), the crew opened the bar as soon as the boat cleared the harbor for our trip back to Lahaina. Woo-hoo! Whale watching was even better than it had been in the morning. We also saw two baby whale breeches; what a thrill!

  • Lanai sunset and whale fin

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2018/01/26
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ラナイ島行きフェリーチケット 古代ハワイアンの伝説が残る島へ<片道/マアラエア港発着>

Comfort ferry

投稿者: hoshi, 2018/01/06

I took this ferry to lanai.
Direction to ferry port is simple. Seat is comfortable.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/12/17
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Discover Lanai Day Trip from Maui, Hulopoe Bay Snorkeling & Sweetheart Rock

Attentive Great Staff!

投稿者: Jennie G, 2018/01/03

The crew made sure everyone's needs/wants were tended to. I felt nauseated when snorkeling and swam back to shore and someone was in the ocean to help, then someone on shore removed my goggles and such, another staff member gave me ideas to "recover", and on the trip back, a different staff member found the best place for me to sit and sip some ginger ale. They engaged our young adult children and were fun loving - entertaining - and educational (about the sharks that were sighted) - plenty of food and drink.
All ages will enjoy this outing.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2017/12/28
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Discover Lanai Day Trip from Maui, Hulopoe Bay Snorkeling & Sweetheart Rock

Really fun experience. Great for families.

投稿者: John Gilchrist, 2018/01/01

Had a really good time on the trip. The customer service was top notch; every employee was ready to jump to serve the customer. It was a very smooth ride to Lanai accompanied with juice, coffee, cinnamon buns, and breakfast sandwiches. You end on a pretty secluded beach, and while snorkeling the crew was great about being available if you needed help, but otherwise leaving you alone to see the sights. Lunch was grilled chicken and Asian noodles. On the ride back they serve ice cream and then open the bar. We saw whales on both the outgoing trip and the return, and the captain would stop to view them. The only part I thought that was less than stellar was the food quality. While certainly not bad, it just wasn't anything great. Also, the description makes it seem like they serve booze the whole time, but they don't open the bar until about the last hour of the trip. All in all a very fun experience and a great trip for families.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2017/12/28
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Lanai Island Guided 4x4 SUV Sightseeing Trekker Tour with Maui to Lanai Ferry

Lovely Lanai

投稿者: Naomi, 2017/12/31

Perfect half day - lots of drive time but able to see many different terrains and vistas - all stops perfectly chosen to show off different terrain and history. Drier guide was excellent.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/12/24
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ラナイ島行きフェリーチケット 古代ハワイアンの伝説が残る島へ<片道/マアラエア港発着>


投稿者: bobby, 2017/11/04





  • From the lobby of four seasons hotels

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/09/13
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Lanai Island Guided 4x4 SUV Sightseeing Trekker Tour with Maui to Lanai Ferry

Worth it

投稿者: C. H. Mok, 2017/10/13

Lanai is not well developed and roads are rugged so this is a good way to tour the island. Our driver and guide Ron knows the island very well and took us to places that I heard about but won't be able to reach by myself. He also told us the history and current state of the island. We learn and see a lot of the island via this tour.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/10/06
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Lanai Island Guided 4x4 SUV Sightseeing Trekker Tour with Maui to Lanai Ferry

Hidden Gem

投稿者: SNelson, 2017/09/25

Bruce was awesome. Swept us up at the marina and asked if there was something in particular we didn't want to miss. We were open to anything so off we went. Nice hidden beaches. Great views. Lots of places we could have never found (or wouldn't dared) if we were touring alone. Bruce was so informative and was just comfortable to be around. The only improvement would have been the 4x4 that was advertised. The Yukon we went around in wasn't the best ride and that's fine but all the advertisements showed a very different vehicle.

Thanks Bruce for a great day!!!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/09/22
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Lanai Island Guided 4x4 SUV Sightseeing Trekker Tour with Maui to Lanai Ferry

Thanks Bruce 5 Stars

投稿者: Pegg Ders, 2017/09/17

We had a wonderful tour of Lania with Bruce. He's so knowledgeable about Lanai and we learned quite a bit about the island, it's history, beauty, hidden spots and what's happening there. We truly enjoyed the day and appreciated the beauty of the island!

  • Valley of the Gods

  • Valley of the Gods

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/09/11
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ラナイ島観光ツアー ラナイ島行きフェリー往復チケット付き<英語ガイド/半日/ マアラエア港発>


投稿者: KATE, 2017/08/26


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/08/04
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Lanai Island Guided 4x4 SUV Sightseeing Trekker Tour with Maui to Lanai Ferry

Good experience

投稿者: Bebe Mireles, 2017/08/06

The tour was a great experience. Definitely learned a lot about the island and saw places we would have never found on our own. The only complaint my group had was the political commentary from the tour guide. He started early on referencing those "damn democrats" and a negative reference to ACLU. Being a group of very liberal people, we found it offensive but did not say anything for fear that he would not provide as good of a tour. This would have been a great experience without this extra commentary.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2017/07/20
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Lanai Island Guided 4x4 SUV Sightseeing Trekker Tour with Maui to Lanai Ferry

Best day of our vacation

投稿者: Laura, 2017/07/28

We had Garrett as our guide and learned so much about the island. It was a pleasure spending the morning with him. We had lunch at the Four Seasons resort and the view was amazing. We had the shrimp tacos and the Macai salad. Best lunch ever.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/07/20
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ラナイ島 シュノーケリングクルーズ  <1日2便/食事&アルコール2杯付き>


投稿者: よしぷぅ, 2017/07/03

マウイは初めての1人旅でした。シュノーケルも大好きだし一人でも楽しめるような気がしたので思い切って参加することにしました。5月だったのでさすがに明るくて日の出は見れないですが。。。 ラハイナインに泊まってたので集合場所は前日に下見に行ったしすぐに分かりました
(途中で飽きましたが…) サンドイッチとかもあり、おいしそうだったのですが、あんまり食べ過ぎてもしんどくなりそうだったので。シュノーケルはやっぱりいっぱいのおさかなさんたち見れました! 楽しかった(^_-)-☆  アイランドツアーにも参加してバンで回ってくれました! 英語がなかなか難しいですが… のどかなラナイ島を楽しめてお勧めします。戻ったらランチタイムです。サラダとか焼きそばBBQチキンなどです。まあ普通の味。1人で来てる方もいなくて日本人も0でも楽しめました! 帰りは結構揺れます。それもまた楽しかったり。帆を上げたらましになってました! ビール1本だけにしときました。クルーの1人の人が名前を覚えてくれてて1人でもさみしくなかったですよー ボートダイブしたりラナイ島にも行けて奮発したけど行って良かった (・ω・)ノ

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/05/25
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Lanai Island Guided 4x4 SUV Sightseeing Trekker Tour with Maui to Lanai Ferry

Great. Experience

投稿者: Jeffery Schmuhl, 2017/06/30

It was a great ecperience. The driver was very knowledgeable and showed us all the important sites. It would have been nice if the shuttle from Lanai City to the dock would have been included. Never the less, it was a beautiful place to visit.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/06/27
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ラナイ島行きフェリーチケット 古代ハワイアンの伝説が残る島へ<片道/マアラエア港発着>


投稿者: 永井 裕, 2017/06/27


  • フェリー上からマウイ島を望む

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/06/24
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ラナイ島行きフェリーチケット 古代ハワイアンの伝説が残る島へ<片道/マアラエア港発着>


投稿者: ゆうたん, 2017/05/27


利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2017/05/02
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Lanai Island Guided 4x4 SUV Sightseeing Trekker Tour with Maui to Lanai Ferry

Tour of Lanai

投稿者: Robert Stenner, 2017/04/13

Gary, our tour guide, was fun and very knowledgeable about the island he grew up on and shared with us. Good time and good company.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/04/10
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Lanai Island Guided 4x4 SUV Sightseeing Trekker Tour with Maui to Lanai Ferry

Maui to Lanai Ferry-4X4 Guided SUV Trekker Tour (from Lahaina Harbor)

投稿者: Warren and Sue, 2017/04/03

My husband, my sister and I just got back from Maui yesterday. The highlight of our week-long vacation was our trip to Lanai and our tour with Bruce. We have been sharing our wonderful experience with the family. The trip is well worth the price and Bruce gave us lots of information about the island. Lots of fun!

利用形態: 家族
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Lanai Island Guided 4x4 SUV Sightseeing Trekker Tour with Maui to Lanai Ferry

Lanai 4x4 tour

投稿者: Dave & Laurie, 2017/03/11

Ferry ride included whale watching going and coming. The tour guide was excellent as a long time resident who knew every corner of lanai. Best way to spend a day. This was our first trip to this island.

  • One of the awesome places you see on the 4x4 tour.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/02/17
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Lanai Island Guided 4x4 SUV Sightseeing Trekker Tour with Maui to Lanai Ferry

very informative tour

投稿者: Bob & Grace, 2017/02/25

We thoroughly enjoyed Bruce, his knowledge of the island was terrific. BTW, you can see Oahu from Molokai on a clear day.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2017/02/01
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Expeditions - Maui to Lanai Ferry Boat Shuttle from Maalaea Harbor & Manele Bay

Schedule change

投稿者: Robert, 2017/02/20

I was allowed to make a time change on my return time to Maui. The process was smooth and employees were polite.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2017/02/17
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Expeditions - Maui to Lanai Ferry Boat Shuttle from Maalaea Harbor & Manele Bay

Ferry from Lanai to Maui

投稿者: allen, 2016/12/18

Nice experience, I will use again for the next trip.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2016/11/26
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Expeditions - Maui to Lanai Ferry Boat Shuttle from Maalaea Harbor & Manele Bay

Ferry From Maui to Lanai

投稿者: allen, 2016/12/18

Nice experience, I will use again for the next trip.

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2016/11/26
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Lanai Island Guided 4x4 SUV Sightseeing Trekker Tour with Maui to Lanai Ferry

Maui to Lanai Ferry - 4x4 Guided SUV Trekker Tour

投稿者: Kim and Gary, 2016/12/03

My husband and I very much enjoyed the guided tour of Lanai. It's the best way to go. Our guide, Bruce, is very knowledgable about the Island and it's history (as he grew up on the island) and told us many, many interesting facts. He is very personable and accommodating. Best tour guide we've ever had. Highly recommend this tour for everyone.

  • Garden of the Gods

  • Four Seasons Resort

  • Beautiful pine trees

  • Theres's Bruce

  • Gorgeous views!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2016/11/09
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Lanai Island Guided 4x4 SUV Sightseeing Trekker Tour with Maui to Lanai Ferry

Amazing tour of Lanai

投稿者: Dina, 2016/11/26

I booked the full day tour based upon the reviews I read and I was not disappointed. Garrett was our guide and he was fantastic. My sister and I are very inquisitive and he was able to answer all of our questions and maintained a running commentary about the island and its history. Lanai is very different from the other Hawaiian islands that I've visited (Oahu, Maui, Kauai, the big island) and I'm glad I had the chance to tour Lanai.

  • Rock formation

  • Four Seasons

  • Surf

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2016/11/23
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ラナイ島 シュノーケリングクルーズ  <1日2便/食事&アルコール2杯付き>


投稿者: プリマダム, 2016/11/26


  • イルカの群れの出現にみんな大興奮!!

  • 夕暮れのラハイナに入港。

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2016/11/14
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ラナイ島 シュノーケリングクルーズ  <1日2便/食事&アルコール2杯付き>


投稿者: aloha, 2016/07/07


  • 海のど真ん中で楽しむサンライズ

  • 何もせずただ海でぼーっとする贅沢

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2015/12/09
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Lanai Island Guided 4x4 SUV Sightseeing Trekker Tour with Maui to Lanai Ferry

great, fun day

投稿者: E Wong, 2016/05/14

everything went smoothly, fun day, Bruce our guide made it a great day and he was entertaining and was very knowledgable. saw a lot. Wiuld use this tour again.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2016/04/18
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ラナイ島観光ツアー ラナイ島行きフェリー往復チケット付き<英語ガイド/半日/ マアラエア港発>


投稿者: hatti, 2016/05/09


利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2016/04/15
1 人が参考になったと言っています。
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ラナイ島・モロカイ島日帰り観光 | マウイ島の観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)

マウイ島からフェリーで45~60分でアクセス可能なハワイ最後の楽園といわれるラナイ島。古代ハワイの神秘的な雰囲気と大自然が残る島には世界中のセレブリティからも注目を浴びています!全米1のビーチに選ばれたフロポイベイビーチも必見! 【ここが魅力】 ・マウイ島から日帰りツアーで気軽に参加可能! ・島内観光はもちろん、マリンスポーツもシュノーケル、スヌーバ、セーリングと充実のラインナップをご用意。海洋保護されたエリアでは透明度抜群の水中世界を満喫