投稿者: Maui Lover
Haleakala Crater was just amazing! You don't feel like you are in a tropical paradise because it gets cold up there! It is very spiritual and peaceful there, and we can't believe ancient Hawaiians used to climb on foot. Next time, I'd love to hike the crater.
We loved the Iao Needle as well. It was beautiful. Thanks!
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2008/07/11 |
投稿者: ももりん
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2008/07/02 |
投稿者: Mr. Anonymous
I have actually visited the Maui Ocean Center a few times and i enjoy it everytime.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 小さなお子様連れ |
投稿日: | 2008/03/05 |
投稿者: Mr. Anonymous
a must if you are into fish. I expected a larger centre, but was still neat to see what aquatic life is around Maui.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2008/01/29 |
投稿者: きょん
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2007/11/03 |
投稿者: Wendy from Colorado
Be sure and watch the diver in the tank feed the sting rays..It's amazing !! A must see for everyone.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2007/10/27 |
投稿者: mlacki
My wife and I enjoyed the Hana picnic very much. Our tour guide's name was Buzz, and he had a wealth of knowledge about Maui and Hawaiian history. He also knew the curves in the road to Hana very well, seemingly by heart, which enabled my wife and I to enjoy the scenery without having to deal with the stress of driving. He also stopped at several points of interest, including waterfalls, a flower garden in the rain forest, and two black sand beaches. Again, for us, the day was excellent and we will probably go again with my wife's parents, who can also appreciate history and culture in addition to the sightseeing.
For the purposes of this review, I will say that we spent a great deal of time listening to Buzz talk about the islands because the weather prevented us from swimming at certain points. Again, my wife and I thoroughly enjoyed this part because we like to learn about knew things and places, but one of our fellow riders got bored at times, and she made sure everyone on
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2007/09/10 |
投稿者: Teri & Chris
The hike was WONDERFUL!!! The waterfalls were beautiful, and the pools we swam in were refreshing! Kristen Kelly was a very knowledgeble and fabulous guide. We'd do it again and again and again!
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2007/08/07 |
投稿者: Mr. Anonymous
Loved it! Dan was very knowledgable, been on this road twice, driving and this tour. the limo van is the only way to go. Food, sights, and guide phenominal. A nightmare to drive yourself, and too long of a trip for kids or people with little patience. Can not miss road to hana if you go to Maui.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 小さなお子様連れ |
投稿日: | 2007/08/01 |
投稿者: カメ
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2007/07/23 |
投稿者: r3mnf@optonline.net
Our guide, Randy was fantastic. I was a little upset with your company that they did not portrait the excursion correctly. It was supposed to be an Eastern Maui excursion going 25 miles down the Road to Hana then to the Garden of Eden. This is not correct. That excursion had been replaced with a more difficult Western Maui location. We did not travel the Road to Hana, nor see the Garden of Eden. This was a more strenuous hike and climb. I have an injury to my shoulder and would have not chosen this adventure if it was represented correctly by your website and your staff that I spoke to. All in all, I would reccomend this escursion to others without existing injuries. Our guide did a great job and was very informative.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2007/07/11 |
投稿者: Audrey
Our guide, Mike was wonderful - he was funny, knowledgable, and very helpful to everyone that needed it. We have 14 year old twins (boy and a girl) and I think they might have enjoyed the tour more than us, if that's possible. It was more than we expected and turned out to be the best tour we did in the 7 days on the islands. (we were on a cruise).
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 小さなお子様連れ |
投稿日: | 2007/07/10 |
投稿者: Mr. Anonymous
Visited on 6/28/07. Was very nice and interesting. Wanted to stay longer, but ran out of time.
The biggest treat was seeing the divers in the pools with the various sharks and other critters!
thanks for a great time.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
参加形態: | 小さなお子様連れ |
投稿日: | 2007/07/02 |
マウイ島観光 | マウイ島の観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)
雄大な自然で溢れ、世界中の観光客を魅了するマウイ島。マウイ島ではハレアカラやイアオ渓谷、ハナなどの雄大な自然が満喫できるだけでなく、透明度抜群の海でマリンスポーツを楽しめたり、情緒豊かな街並みが残るラハイナの街を散策したりと楽しみ方は様々です。マウイ島の名所を巡る定番ツアーからローカル感たっぷりのディープなツアーまで、多彩なツアーをご用意しております。ご予約はこちら。 【ここが魅力!】 ・豊かな自然で溢れるマウイ島、世界最大の休火山ハレアカラや天国のハナで大自然を体感 ・知るぞ知るディープなマウイ島が楽しめる穴場スポットへのツアーも見どころ満載! ・効率よく1日でまとめて名所を巡るツアーもご用意!滞在時間が短めの方におすすめ
ハナとは逆にカアナパリからぐるっと回る西マウイには、まだ沢山の観光ブックに知られていない場所があります。車では行けない秘所地をご案内いたしますね、願いが叶うヘイハウなどフラの聖地とも言われる場所も立ち寄ります。カハクロア村にいるロリーンおばさんは屈託の無い笑顔でカキ氷と自家製バナナブレッドを提供してくれて、未だにレシピーは内緒で口をわりません。笑 でも彼女の話していると感じる暖かい人格は本当のハワイ人のような気がします。食べっぱなしのツァーですが全てツァーに入っているのでご安心を、、またの再会を楽しみにしています。