(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 14) モロキニ島シュノーケリング | ハワイ(マウイ島)の観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)



4.55 4.55 / 5



モロキニ島シュノーケリングクルーズ <朝・昼食付/現地集合>


投稿者: akiko, 2012/05/17





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Deluxe Molokini Snorkel Cruise with Breakfast & BBQ Lunch - Four Winds Maui


投稿者: brian, 2012/05/17

The cruise started off with a simple but nice breakfast and coffee. The staff is great and very friendly. The boat is also very large and roomy. Things went downhill when halfway to molokini it was announced the wind was to high and we were going to a second location. We got to this location about an hour into the cruise and went out snorkeling. I hate to say it, but it was DISSAPOINTING. We had better snorkeling at the beach outside our hotel. We stayed in this location for several hours, but after about 1 hour we had seen everything. We got back on the boat and they had a great lunch, tons of food. Then we just sat around for 2 hours waiting for all the children on the boat to finish up. On a side note, it seemed like the kids all enjoyed it. Personally, for this amount of money, it would be nice if they mentioned they dont always go to Molokin and offered some kind of rebate. Additionally, they need a better location to go as a backup plan. Obvioulsy our trip was differen

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モロキニ島シュノーケリングクルーズ <朝・昼食付/現地集合>


投稿者: 匿名希望, 2012/05/08



利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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モロキニ島シュノーケリングクルーズ <朝・昼食付/現地集合>


投稿者: 匿名希望, 2012/05/06


スヌーバーも体験! 耳抜きの苦手な私は満足できたが、ダイビングライセンスを持つ友人は、少し物足りなかった様子。こちらは、体験ダイビングより簡単なので、初心者向きなのかもしれない。



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Deluxe Molokini Snorkel Cruise with Breakfast & BBQ Lunch - Four Winds Maui

What a great day!

投稿者: Ross & Brenda, 2012/04/20

We took advantage of the opportunity to try snuba. Jamie was great! He helped us feel comfortable very quickly so that we could enjoy ourselves. He was a perfect tour guide under the water, pointing out unique bits of corral and things living within the corral, dusting things off as we went.

The Captain worked hard to help us find unique and interesting things to see as we sailed - made for great pictures and gave us a better understanding of the wildlife and the environment they live in.

The crew on board were fantastic hosts! So helpful and cheerful! They all worked really hard to make sure we were safe and happy and well fed...all with a smile! We really appreciated all of their efforts to make us welcome!

Mahalo! Mahalo! Mahalo!

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Maui 2-Stop Snorkel Cruise - Molokini Crater, Turtle Swim, Breakfast & Lunch

I would highly recommend this

投稿者: Kulmala/Jacquot, 2012/03/20

We just took this trip last week and had a great time. This was our first time snorkeling and the staff was so helpful in getting our gear ready and giving us pointers on what to do to make the most of our snorkeling adventure. We did see whales, dolphins and sea turtles!! The lunch was great! I would definitely make this a stop for us again in the future.

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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モロキニ島シュノーケリングクルーズ <朝・昼食付/現地集合>


投稿者: 匿名希望, 2012/03/07


利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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Maui 2-Stop Snorkel Cruise - Molokini Crater, Turtle Swim, Breakfast & Lunch

Best trip ever!!!

投稿者: Mr. Anonymous, 2012/03/05

We saw lots of dolphins, 5 turtles, and many whales swimming around our boat!!! Best trip ever!!! We def will do it again!!!

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モロキニ島 シュノーケリングクルーズ <英語ガイド/食事・アルコール2杯付き>


投稿者: wiki wiki wahine, 2012/02/09


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Molokini Crater & Turtle Arches Snorkeling Tour & Snuba Dive - Aqua Adventures

Magical Day

投稿者: Kelly, 2012/01/16

Our family of 4 enjoyed this trip so much! We had a bit of trouble finding the boat (not the marina) due to construction and limited parking, but once we walked on board, it was fun and relaxing. The people are terrific and you can tell they love their jobs being on that boat-very friendly and entertaining. Breakfast muffins, bagels, fruit and coffee were available as the boat took us out to Molokini (about 30 mins.) and an enormous whale leaped right in front of the boat! There were many more to be seen that day but it want an exciting start. Molokini was not overrated! Underwater Discovery Channel complete with tons of colorful fish, strange anemones and even a purple jelly fish. It was so beautiful against the wall of the crater. I swam back to the boat quickly to buy the $25, reusable underwater camera because it was so magical. The pix came out great! My 7 year old was nervous at first b/c she'd never snorkled, but the crew worked with her 1-on-1, made her laugh, gave her a noodle

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Deluxe Molokini Snorkel Cruise with Breakfast & BBQ Lunch - Four Winds Maui

WOW! So much FUN!

投稿者: Mrs. Montague, 2012/01/11

My husband and I recently went on the afternoon snorkeling cruise on the Four Winds and it was fantastic! The price was spot on and we felt it was the best value for our money of any activity we did. The cruise was very safe and very fun too. We went during January and we got the added perk of seeing the humpback whales. It was such a great added bonus that we didn't have to take a whale watching cruise in addition. The crew was so friendly and embraced the laid back Hawaiian attitude. The Captain was very knowledgeable about the whales and gave us lots of information while we were watching them. The wet suit add on (for $5) was also a good thing to get as it helped me not to be quite so cold in the water. The optional lunch for $7 was also a decent quality as you could choose from chicken, burgers, hot dogs, or bar-b-que as well as chips. The complementary sodas, beer and wine were also pretty nice. They also had a hose with a shower nozzle on board so you could rinse off af

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Deluxe Molokini Snorkel Cruise with Breakfast & BBQ Lunch - Four Winds Maui

Snuba was great !

投稿者: Mr. Anonymous, 2011/12/14

This was my son's first snuba experience and he loved it. He's 9 and didn't have any trouble. The guide, Jamie, was awesome.

The crew, especially Captain John, was also great. We even spotted some whale during the excursion.

I'd recommend it to anyone.

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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モロキニ島シュノーケリングクルーズ <朝・昼食付/現地集合>


投稿者: yuji, 2011/12/11





利用形態: 友達・同僚
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モロキニ島シュノーケリングクルーズ <朝・昼食付/現地集合>


投稿者: 栃木県の永遠のハネムナー, 2011/12/10

11/27当日は、強風で結局モロキニ島には行けず違うスポットへ案内してもらいました。ホテルのピックアップから日本語の通じるスタッフの方で安心でした。寒いかなと思いましたが、ウエットスーツを借り、いざ! スタッフのTAKAKOさん、ほぼ初心者ぞろいだったと思うのですが、いろいろ細かく教えて下さりありがとうございました。二番目のスポットではウミガメとも遭遇でき、大満足。思ったより水温も低くなく、たくさんのお魚たちとランデブーいたしました。その日の天候に左右されるアクティビティーですが、二か所のスポットへ連れて行って頂き、各々の時間も充分だったので、「泳いだー」って感じでした。旅行中足にできた靴ずれで足ひれがつけられなかったのですが、足ひれがないと流されるからと的確な指示を下さり、安全に留意頂き大変お世話になりました。以前オーストラリアでシュノーケリングの経験がありましたが、今回のTAKAKOさんのおかげで、とっても楽しく過ごせました。あとになってみると、カメラを借りておけばよかったなと思いました、カメラのレンタルの説明の時に撮り方(きっと簡単なんでしょうけれど)とか、どんな写真が撮れるかとかもう少し教えてもらえたらよかったかな、借りて落っことしちゃったら困るかななんて考えて借りませんでしたが、やっぱり借りとけばよかったなと後悔しきり。おっきなクッキーや船上で焼いてくれたハンバーガーも美味しかったです、また体験したいです、ありがとう!

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Molokini Crater & Turtle Arches Snorkeling Tour & Snuba Dive - Aqua Adventures

Great Adventure

投稿者: Bob Bosso, 2011/11/16

We have been on three or four other snorkel trips in Hawaii and this is by the far the best. The ship is in excellent condition, and the skipper and crew were friendly and knowledgeable. They made it a wonderful time for all on board! They even stopped during their regular trip to show us spinner dolphins (twice) and an early season whale.

利用形態: 家族
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モロキニ島シュノーケリングクルーズ <朝・昼食付/現地集合>


投稿者: 匿名希望, 2011/11/05


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Molokini Crater & Turtle Arches Snorkeling Tour & Snuba Dive - Aqua Adventures

Incredible experience!

投稿者: Elizabeth, 2011/11/01

This is a Fantastic way to spend 1/2 of a day. The crew and Captain couldn't have been any nicer or more informative. The ride out to the dive/snorkeling site was fairly short, and the snorkeling was awesome. My husband really enjoyed the snubbing, I tried, but was unable to actually do it, the instructor tried her best to help me, but after several attempts I decided to stick with the snorkeling, which worked for me, because as I stated, it was awesome. We saw lots of beautiful fish. The second site they took us to had several turtles, and even more beautiful fish the closer you ventured into the coral. They provided a nice lunch, and continental breakfast. I had booked this activity a month or so in advance, and was really looking forward to it...I was not disappointed.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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Molokini Crater & Turtle Arches Snorkeling Tour & Snuba Dive - Aqua Adventures

The highlight of our trip

投稿者: Peter and Arwen, 2011/10/31

The staff of Aqua Adventures were professional, friendly, and very confidence inspiring. We felt completely safe and able to enjoy ourselves without any worries. From the moment we checked in, they set a tone of relaxation and fun that carried through to the very end. Oh, and the Maitais were amazing :)

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Molokini Crater & Turtle Arches Snorkeling Tour & Snuba Dive - Aqua Adventures


投稿者: Mr. Anonymous, 2011/10/30

Had a lot of fun

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モロキニ島シュノーケリングクルーズ <朝・昼食付/現地集合>


投稿者: 匿名希望, 2011/10/21




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Molokini Crater & Turtle Arches Snorkeling Tour & Snuba Dive - Aqua Adventures

Awesome replacement for SCUBA

投稿者: Handa, 2011/08/15

I haven't ever SCUBA'd and this is as close as one could get with little to no experience snorkeling or diving. The staff was top notch in their customer service. There are some other tours out there for a bit less money but they have so many people on their tour. Aqua Adventures was amazing in that the smaller tour (mine was about 20 some people) allowed for a more personal experience. I would do it again. I had plenty of time at two locations to SNUBA and snorkel. The fresh sandwiches and not too sweet mai thais (sp?) were great. Thanks AA for the awesome time!

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Deluxe Molokini & Turtle Snorkel Tour with Breakfast, Lunch & Drinks - Trilogy


投稿者: kelly, 2011/07/25

I loved this! I originally signed up for scuba and that was done away with but the snuba was okay! Enjoyed the day great the crew was awesome and the food was excellent!

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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Molokini Crater & Turtle Arches Snorkeling Tour & Snuba Dive - Aqua Adventures


投稿者: arlene, 2011/07/01

Had a great time. The employees were awesome. We expected to see more colorful fish, but we didn't. The experience with the Snuba was great, though.

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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Maui 2-Stop Snorkel Cruise - Molokini Crater, Turtle Swim, Breakfast & Lunch

Overall so so trip

投稿者: Hunt Family, 2011/06/22

No dolphins!! Which was the main reason we choose this tour. Staff was OK nothing special. Captain didn't give much info about our surroundings. Snorkling was great. Captain did take us to two wonderful spots. Grilled hamburgers on board were Great? But overall trip was just so so.

利用形態: 家族
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Molokini Crater & Turtle Arches Snorkeling Tour & Snuba Dive - Aqua Adventures

Won't You Take me to... Turtle Town

投稿者: Jared, 2011/05/18

Definitely do the Snuba! We was so many turtles at the second dive site. The first site was great for getting used to Snuba and seeing some interesting fish. One of the kids from the family on board with us saw a shark even!

There were so many turtles at the "cleaning stations" for the second dive site. They were popping up to breathe near the boat before we even got in the water! We got underwater cameras on the boat as well. The diver guiding us through the snuba snapped some closeup pictures of the turtles for us! Such a great experience!

The crew was fantastic. It was a smaller boat, so it wasn't like a cattle call getting on and off the boat. The captain even went out of his way on the way back so that we could see some whales! We got to see 6 whales total on the trip! Great experience! Great crews! I couldn't recommend this particular tour enough. Tremendous value for the money and a crew that was so much fun!

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モロキニ島シュノーケリングクルーズ <朝・昼食付/現地集合>


投稿者: パー坊, 2011/04/12


利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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Molokini Crater & Turtle Arches Snorkeling Tour & Snuba Dive - Aqua Adventures

A great Snuba Year's Eve!

投稿者: Scott, 2011/01/04

We saw so many turtles! We had a little trouble with Snuba because of some ear pain, but our dive instructor was great at working with us. They even stopped on the way back for some whale watching and we saw a whole pod! Definitely recommended for a great adventure

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Deluxe Molokini Snorkel Cruise with Breakfast & BBQ Lunch - Four Winds Maui

Snuba was fun

投稿者: Mr. Anonymous, 2010/10/16

I enjoyed the sail to Molokini on the Four Winds. It was a one-hour sail to the crater, however in that short timespan, I started feeling the effects of the water motion. This was partly due to the fact that we had spent 25 minutes listening to the snuba instructor's instructional briefing, which kept us focused on him, inside the boat. By not keeping our eyes on the horizon during that time, we started feeling queazy earlier than expected.

The snuba itself was fun, although I had difficulty sinking down to the bottom despite the weights. I guess my technique needs improvement. The water was beautiful and warm, and the fish were fun to see.

Both breakfast and lunch were provided on the catamaran. Breakfast was served at 7:30 am, when the boat departed the harbour, and lunch was served at 10:00 am upon arrival at Molikini. It was a little odd to have hamburgers and hot dogs served at that time, and we weren't really hungry due to the queasiness, so we didn't eat. Luckily, I had br

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モロキニ島シュノーケリングクルーズ <朝・昼食付/現地集合>


投稿者: マウイ好き, 2010/09/23





利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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Deluxe Molokini Snorkel Cruise with Breakfast & BBQ Lunch - Four Winds Maui

Great Snorkeling tour for family

投稿者: Mash, 2010/09/10

Great tour! Staff was extremely friendly and entertaining. The tour began on time. Food and drinks were served and circulated around..
All the people we looked after well during the snorkeling. Underwater video and photoshoot was a great experience. Highly recommended for family. Had a three year old daughter with me. She had great time as well.

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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モロキニ島シュノーケリング | マウイ島の観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)

マウイ島のワイレア沖に浮かぶモロキニ島は三日月形の無人島。モロキニ島沖の海は透明度が非常に高く波も穏やかで、大人気のシュノーケリングスポットとなっています。また、ハワイ州の海洋生物保護区に指定されているため多様な海洋生物が生息しており、海中では色とりどりの熱帯魚や美しいサンゴ礁が観察できます。また、シュノーケリングポイントまで向かうクルーズ船からはマウイ島の海岸線やモロキニ島の景観もお楽しみいただけます。ツアーのご予約はこちら。 【ここが魅力!】 ・波が穏やかで透明度抜群のモロキニ島はウミガメ、イルカが集まるシュノーケリングに最適 ・シュノーケリングスポットまでクルージングは海景はもちろん、ハレアカラの全容も必見! ・ツアーの多くがランチ付き!クルーズ船の上でマウイ島の海岸線を眺めながらお食事が楽しめる