(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 13) カヤック (マリンスポーツ) | ハワイの観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)



4.58 4.58 / 5



カイルア カヤック&シュノーケルツアー 選べる日本語ガイド付きカヤックツアーまたはセルフガイドカヤックツアー ビーチアイテム&昼食付き<送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: しむたん, 2011/11/05


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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カイルア カヤック&シュノーケルツアー 選べる日本語ガイド付きカヤックツアーまたはセルフガイドカヤックツアー ビーチアイテム&昼食付き<送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: おいちゃん, 2011/10/21


利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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カイルア カヤック&シュノーケルツアー 選べる日本語ガイド付きカヤックツアーまたはセルフガイドカヤックツアー ビーチアイテム&昼食付き<送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: 匿名希望, 2011/10/13


利用形態: 家族
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カイルア カヤック&シュノーケルツアー 選べる日本語ガイド付きカヤックツアーまたはセルフガイドカヤックツアー ビーチアイテム&昼食付き<送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: MK, 2011/10/13

とにかく風、波が強くて のっけから
30分強頑張ったら フラットアイランドでした。



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カイルア カヤック&シュノーケルツアー 選べる日本語ガイド付きカヤックツアーまたはセルフガイドカヤックツアー ビーチアイテム&昼食付き<送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: OTK, 2011/09/26



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カイルア カヤック&シュノーケルツアー 選べる日本語ガイド付きカヤックツアーまたはセルフガイドカヤックツアー ビーチアイテム&昼食付き<送迎付きプランあり>

Thank you

投稿者: hiroshi, 2011/09/26


利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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カイルア カヤック&シュノーケルツアー 選べる日本語ガイド付きカヤックツアーまたはセルフガイドカヤックツアー ビーチアイテム&昼食付き<送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: 匿名希望, 2011/08/06

青い海、青い空、本当に最高でした。カヤックは妻があまり漕いでくれなかったので疲れましたが...笑 オバマ大統領がハワイに来たら食べるかき氷屋さんがあるのですがとても美味しかったですよ!お勧めです。カイルアビーチのすぐ近くにあるので(このツアーで行けば集合場所)近くに寄った時は是非!!

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Kailua Beach Kayak Rentals & Guided Kayaking Tours with Snorkeling & Lunch

Great way to escape Waikiki

投稿者: Dali, 2011/07/09

A very nice activity for those who tire of the crowds in Waikiki. A wish list item would be a shuttle to Lanakai. That is one of the best beaches in Hawaii, but is a good 25 minute walk from the shop. But, also have Kailua Beach (sp?) very nearby, which is almost just as good. The staff was great and shared numerous insights about both the activity and the history of the area. We did the short tour, which took us to the bird sanctuary island. A pretty location with great picture opportunities. We will book this again next visit and maybe do the longer tour. A nice workout, but nothing too strenuous and perfect for novice kayakers like us. Decent food and snack options nearby and overall a fun way to spend an afternoon. Check it out!!

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カイルア カヤック&シュノーケルツアー 選べる日本語ガイド付きカヤックツアーまたはセルフガイドカヤックツアー ビーチアイテム&昼食付き<送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: mac, 2011/05/07


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カイルア カヤック&シュノーケルツアー 選べる日本語ガイド付きカヤックツアーまたはセルフガイドカヤックツアー ビーチアイテム&昼食付き<送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: いちごみるく, 2011/05/05


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Kailua Beach Kayak Rentals & Guided Kayaking Tours with Snorkeling & Lunch

super windy

投稿者: michelle s., 2011/04/27

The last time I went kayaking was at Catalina Island, we didn't even get wet. I was not prepared for this adventure at all. It was a lot of work I could not have done it without my husband. There was a single girl in our group it was her first time and she had a really tough time. It was soooo windy, they don't call it the windward side of the island for fun apparently. The guides were great. Helpful, friendly, and encouraging. But the wind was horrible. Maybe we were really just there on an unusual day but you may want to check and see about other kayaking adventures I hear the secret island one is awesome. The lunch was quite yummy, it was sandwich wraps, soda, chips, water, and granola bars too. The beach we stopped at was pretty and the snorkeling was fun but it was hard to see much. When we made it to the island and got out of our kayaks a huge gust of wind came and the sand hit our legs like a sandblaster! Not cool. When we walked around to the backside of the island

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Kailua Beach Kayak Rentals & Guided Kayaking Tours with Snorkeling & Lunch

A great way to spend the day!

投稿者: Living in Waikiki, 2011/02/23

I have lived in Waikiki for the last 5 years and always wanted to Kayak but never tried. My son took me on this great Kayak outing and we really enjoyed ourselves! I'm 46 and was a little concerned about being in good enough shape to handle Kayaking in the ocean, but the Kailua beaches are protected by coral reefs and the waves were never a problem. The area is gorgeous and being able to paddle out to bird sanctuary was a real treat. The folks at Oahu Kayaking are very friendly and knowledgeable. Watching the video before we set out helped to put my fears at ease. This is a perfect activity for singles, couples, families or even a quiet solo outing. All in all, a great way to spend the day!

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Kailua Beach Kayak Rentals & Guided Kayaking Tours with Snorkeling & Lunch

Self Guided tour, 4hr

投稿者: Mr. Anonymous, 2011/02/04

I took my wife on a self guided, 4hr, tour. The location was fairly easy to find with the help of GPS. About 45 min, with traffic, from Ewa Beach. Anyway, the staff was very helpful and welcoming upon arrival. After signing required paperwork ( hazard waiver and such) we were shown an 8 min video of the area where you may take your kayak. For first timers, doing a self guided tour, I suggest paying attention to the video as there are several key area's that will assist in your adventure, especially on how to approach one of the islands you may visit, as there are merging swells in the center of the landing area of the islands. The walk to the staging area is not far and so if you drove, I suggest leaving your vehicle at the venue parking lot as there is minimal parking where you pick up your kayak. I also suggest to either commit to going all the way to the bigger islands or going to the closer "Flat Island" and then proceding to snorkle at the next beach area, as the islands are quite

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カイルア カヤック&シュノーケルツアー 選べる日本語ガイド付きカヤックツアーまたはセルフガイドカヤックツアー ビーチアイテム&昼食付き<送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: いときち, 2010/11/24








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カイルア カヤック&シュノーケルツアー 選べる日本語ガイド付きカヤックツアーまたはセルフガイドカヤックツアー ビーチアイテム&昼食付き<送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: とくちゃん, 2010/11/15


利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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Kailua Beach Kayak Rentals & Guided Kayaking Tours with Snorkeling & Lunch


投稿者: Julie, 2010/10/07

We had a great time. However, the 4-hour tour was pretty intense and I wouldn't necessarily recommend it for the first-time kayakers.

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Kailua Beach Kayak Rentals & Guided Kayaking Tours with Snorkeling & Lunch

Awesome Time!!

投稿者: Mr. Anonymous, 2010/10/06

First time kayakers, the sea was calm, the day was sunny and we had an awesome time. Erick was a great guide...would do it again in a heartbeat.

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Kailua Beach Kayak Rentals & Guided Kayaking Tours with Snorkeling & Lunch

Great Kayaking Tour!

投稿者: Donald, 2010/07/28

This was an oustanding tour. Although it was windy, the hard work was worth it. Visiting the off shore island was exciting, diving into the coral pool (Queen's Bath) was way cool, snorkeling over the coral reefs was great and seeing two Hawaiian Green sea turtles was magical! The only negatives were some of the masks leaked and my friend got a moldy sandwich (which was relaced). I would highly recommend this tour, but it's not for children.

利用形態: 家族
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Kailua Beach Kayak Rentals & Guided Kayaking Tours with Snorkeling & Lunch

Great workout!!!

投稿者: Carina, 2010/07/07

When you arrive at the establishment, everyone is very helpful. You watch a video of what to look forward to. Only thing I would have wished was for a small map that we could have taken with us, instead there's a big one on the wall. So what I did was take a picture of it with my camera. It's an easy walk to the beach, then you depart. It's great!! We opted for the bag, definitely do it, you can put everything you don't want wet in there. The views are great and you get a great workout for your arms, always a plus. Once you get to the islands, you get amazing views!! Some you can even snorkel in. Would be visiting again soon!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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Kailua Beach Kayak Rentals & Guided Kayaking Tours with Snorkeling & Lunch

4 hour guided tour

投稿者: Annetta Mooney, 2010/05/15

We were first timers kayaking and while the 2.5 miles we paddled to our destination was physically challenging the destination and overall experience was well worth it. Our guides, Sheila and Alex were great. Sheila has alot of experience and education and was very informative throughout the tour. We would do this again!!! Magnificent and beautiful.

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Kailua Beach Kayak Rentals & Guided Kayaking Tours with Snorkeling & Lunch

4 Hour Guided Tour

投稿者: Mike E., 2009/11/12

We opted for the 4 hour guided tour. Our guide Sheila was fun and extremely knowledgeable. She gave us history, marine biology, and geology lessons as we kayaked out to one of the off shore islands and while exploring the island. The folks on the 2 hour tour were there as long as we were, but they spent less time kayaking and did not visit the island we did - I highly recommend opting for the 4 hour tour. You'll get a lot more kayak time and a much more interesting island to visit.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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Kailua Beach Kayak Rentals & Guided Kayaking Tours with Snorkeling & Lunch

2-hour guided tour

投稿者: Mr. Anonymous, 2009/09/16

The location was amazing! I would definitely recommend this to first timers to kayaking and hawaii. This was my boyfriend's first trip to hawaii and I wanted to show him what hawaii had to offer. This tour was the cherry on top. Kailua Beach is one of the best/beautiful beaches on the island. I felt more secure doing the guided tour since I have never went ocean kayaking before. Drew, our tour guide, was the coolest and he passionately knew everything about the location and wildlife. We actually flipped over in our kayak. It wasn't that scary since we had life jackets and the other kayakers and tour guide helped us back on our kayak. I'm glad we flipped cuz after we got situated back on our kayak which was further away from the group, we wouldn't have seen the sea turtle that was swimming by.
The tour started with paddling to an island 2-3 miles away. We explored the island listening to stories and facts from the tour guide for about 30-40minutes. After that we kayaked back

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Kailua Beach Kayak Rentals & Guided Kayaking Tours with Snorkeling & Lunch

Self-guided kayacking rental :0

投稿者: Caylah, 2009/08/08

One of my favorite activities of the trip! We opted for the all day rental which is a steal at $59!! I was a first timer but my partner is, at least, intermediate. I had so much fun! On the all day rental you can keep the kayack for 8 hours but we only went out for about 5 hours...its def. a workout! We were able to paddle out to different uninhabited islands and explore and snorkle. I like the idea of the self guided all day rental bc we werent on a time line and we were ale to go at our own pace. However, if youre a beginner i would def. recommend the kayacking tour. A few of them stopped by the island when we were there and everyone seemed to be having a great time, as did we!! It was great to spend the day in the sun while doing something different... i can only lay on the beach for so many days before i get bored :) If your considering the kayacking tour or just rental...do it, you wont be disappointed!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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Kailua Beach Kayak Rentals & Guided Kayaking Tours with Snorkeling & Lunch

Great Mother/Son Excursion!

投稿者: Mr. Anonymous, 2009/04/19

This was a blast! It was strenuous but as a middle aged beginner not too. We teamed up in a double kayak and there were two other parent, young adult teams in our group who also expressed great enjoyment.

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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Kailua Beach Kayak Rentals & Guided Kayaking Tours with Snorkeling & Lunch

Fun trip!

投稿者: rainyinhawaii, 2008/12/18

We had a great time on our kayak trip, however our originally scheduled trip was cancelled due to heavy rains. Unless you love lots of RAIN... do not visit Hawaii in December! My husband is not a strong swimmer, so we avoided any waves near the islands. The water was not as clear as I expected, but it was very fun, none the less!

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Kailua Beach Kayak Rentals & Guided Kayaking Tours with Snorkeling & Lunch


投稿者: Rene Jaceldo, 2008/09/15

I booked this kayaking trip with some anxiety since I was taking along my nephew who's previous experience in swimming was strictly in swimming pools and boogie boarding in the Texas gulf coast. I was pleasantly surprised how enjoyable and safe this adventure turned out to be. Our instructor, Bailey Coogersberger (I'm not sure of the spelling), a Korean American chef out of Georgia was most helpful, and very patient with his instructions and very knowledgeable of the terrain, flora/fauna not to mention the folklore of the area which made for an educational trip to boot. He even shared some places where we could get some good local eating, being a former chef myself. Incidentally, I did check those he recommended and very happy that i did. More power to your company and will definitely recommend this trip if you have that extra day to spare.

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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Kailua Beach Kayak Rentals & Guided Kayaking Tours with Snorkeling & Lunch

Family Fun kayaking to Flat Island

投稿者: Steve G, 2008/07/21

Our family of 6 had a great time on the 2 hour kayak tour to Flat Island! Our guide Cyrus was very knowledgeable about the island and the near-by beaches. He also shared a few Hawaiian stories explaining the history of Flat Island and some of the flowers growing there. All in all, I'd recommend the activity to anyone interested in kayaking the crystal clear waters of the eastern Oahu shore. And if you're a more experienced kayaker, or in better shape than us, try the 4-hr tour!

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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Kailua Beach Kayak Rentals & Guided Kayaking Tours with Snorkeling & Lunch

Kailua Kayaking

投稿者: Mr. Anonymous, 2008/06/15

The 4 hour guided kayaking excursion was amazing! We had Matt and Andy and could not have asked for better guides! They made the entire excursion so much fun! My husband and I cannot wait to come back again!

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Kailua Beach Kayak Rentals & Guided Kayaking Tours with Snorkeling & Lunch


投稿者: ROBIN, 2008/05/24


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Kailua Beach Kayak Rentals & Guided Kayaking Tours with Snorkeling & Lunch

Super Super Day

投稿者: Mandy and Mark, 2008/05/18

Firstly,at best my partner is a moderate swimmer, so she really isn't confident in the water.

We booked a 4 hour kayaking activity with some apprehension. I can honestly say it was the best day of our holiday.

Not only because Lanakai beach was fantastic but mainly because of the young staff, like Andy and Nick our guides. The staff don't wrap you up in cotton wool. They are young, laid back but professional if needed and full of local knowledge.

Super, super day. Many thanks. Mandy and Mark (UK)

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カヤック (マリンスポーツ) | ハワイの観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)

海上からの景色と水面下の世界の両方を堪能できるシーカヤックツアー。 海面と同じ高さで、水面下の美しい世界との密着感を感じながらゆったりと流れる時を堪能することができるシーカヤックは注目度上昇中のアクティビティです。 海上から見渡すオアフ島の景色や、海面にひょっこり現れることもあるウミガメなど、いくつもの感動があなたを待っています。事前予約はこちらから。 【ここが魅力!】 ・海面と同じ高さで見るカイルアビーチやカネオヘ湾の景色。あたり一面美しい海が広がる中、遠くに見えるオアフ島の景色も堪能できます。 ・日本語ガイド付きなら初めての方でも安心! ・水面下の美しい世界を垣間見れます。