(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 13) ハイキング/エコツアー (アクティビティ) | ハワイの観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)



4.55 4.55 / 5



5-Hour Hana Rainforest Hiking Tour with Waterfall Swim - Hike Maui

5 waterfalls hike

投稿者: Teri & Chris

The hike was WONDERFUL!!! The waterfalls were beautiful, and the pools we swam in were refreshing! Kristen Kelly was a very knowledgeble and fabulous guide. We'd do it again and again and again!

プラン: Test Package
参加形態: カップル・夫婦
投稿日: 2007/08/07

5-Hour Hana Rainforest Hiking Tour with Waterfall Swim - Hike Maui

Rainforest and waterfall hike Maui

投稿者: r3mnf@optonline.net

Our guide, Randy was fantastic. I was a little upset with your company that they did not portrait the excursion correctly. It was supposed to be an Eastern Maui excursion going 25 miles down the Road to Hana then to the Garden of Eden. This is not correct. That excursion had been replaced with a more difficult Western Maui location. We did not travel the Road to Hana, nor see the Garden of Eden. This was a more strenuous hike and climb. I have an injury to my shoulder and would have not chosen this adventure if it was represented correctly by your website and your staff that I spoke to. All in all, I would reccomend this escursion to others without existing injuries. Our guide did a great job and was very informative.

プラン: Test Package
参加形態: 家族
投稿日: 2007/07/11

5-Hour Hana Rainforest Hiking Tour with Waterfall Swim - Hike Maui

Water Falls and Jungle Hike

投稿者: Audrey

Our guide, Mike was wonderful - he was funny, knowledgable, and very helpful to everyone that needed it. We have 14 year old twins (boy and a girl) and I think they might have enjoyed the tour more than us, if that's possible. It was more than we expected and turned out to be the best tour we did in the 7 days on the islands. (we were on a cruise).

プラン: Test Package
参加形態: 小さなお子様連れ
投稿日: 2007/07/10

ハイキング/エコツアー (アクティビティ) | ハワイの観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)

熱帯気候に位置するハワイは、独特の生態系を持つジャングルも見逃せないポイントのひとつ。映画『ジュラシックパーク』などのロケ地となったジャングルでは、見たこともない植物や生き物にも出会えます。 絶景マカプウ岬からの眺めや、パワースポットを訪れるトハイキングも人気。ハワイの豊かな自然や文化に触れ、理解を深めてみませんか?ツアー後にはもっとハワイを好きになるはず。事前予約はこちらから! 【ここが魅力!】 ・自然を壊すことなく熱帯の生き物、地形、文化、歴史を学ぶことのできるエコツアーで、海だけではないハワイの魅力を体感! ・今にも恐竜が出てきそうなハワイの亜熱帯ジャングル独特の生態系や生き物に触れ合え、世代を超えて楽しめます。 ・映画『ジュラシックパーク』やTVドラマ『LOST』のロケ地へも潜入!LOSTしないように日本語ガイドがサポートします。