(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 110) ショー/エンターテイメント | ハワイの観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)



4.47 4.47 / 5



Hilton Waikiki Starlight Luau with Fire Dancers, Hula Show & Dinner Buffet

Good food and show

投稿者: manxlad, 2011/05/03

All in all, was a good experience. The entertainment was excellent. Much less people than at the Polynesian Cultural Center lu'au which was very nice. The only problem was the server who was extremely rude and sarcastic and made a part of the night very unpleasant.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
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ポリネシア カルチャー センター ハワイ最大の伝統ルアウショー!ショーのみまたはビュッフェ・ディナー付きから選べるプラン<送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: ハワイラバー, 2011/04/24


利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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ポリネシア カルチャー センター ハワイ最大の伝統ルアウショー!ショーのみまたはビュッフェ・ディナー付きから選べるプラン<送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: ま~ゆ, 2011/04/23

ハワイ到着日に‘夕方出発 トワイライトデラックス’に旦那と一緒に参加ました。
何度かハワイに訪れた事はありますが ポリネシア文化センターに行くのは初めてでした。
車に強くないのでちょっと遠いのが心配でしたが 移動中は日本語ガイドさんが楽しいお話を聞かせて下さり 一時間ちょっと位で到着しました。
通常食事で使用していた入り口近くのレストランが工事中との事で センター内奥の方にあるレストランにカヌーで移動し 移動中は 漕ぎ手の方が 河の左右にあるポリネシアの国々の説明を英語でしてくれました。
お食事の内容はそんなにデラックスではありませんでしたが フルーツを沢山頂きました。
食後 入り口近くのシアターまで徒歩で行き 思っていたよりもかなり大きな施設で ほぼ席が埋まっており 驚きました。
バスのガイドさんが 日本人観光客は2割程度と仰ってましたが 実際その位で 他はメインランドのファミリーやヨーロッパの老夫婦が多く感じました。
ショーは ダンサーのクオリティが高く とても迫力がありました。
ストーリーもしっかりしていて 様々なポリネシアの国々のダンスを楽しみながら 途中大笑いしたり ファイヤーダンスを見たり あっという間でした。
ショーの最中は撮影禁止ですが ショーの後には ダンサーさんと一緒にお写真を撮って頂けました。
最近 ショーの内容が変わったばかりだと聞きましたが また違うバージョンも見てみたいと思いました。
あと 次回は是非お昼から行って カヌーのショーを見たり いろんなポリネシアの国々のアクテビティに参加してみたいと思います☆

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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ポリネシア カルチャー センター ハワイ最大の伝統ルアウショー!ショーのみまたはビュッフェ・ディナー付きから選べるプラン<送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: と~る, 2011/04/23

今回 初めての海外旅行でハワイに行きました。
到着日の夕方から このポリネシア文化センターのツアーに参加しました。
ピックアップから一時間ほどの移動中も 車窓からの景色が楽しめました。
到着後 カヌーに乗って園内 奥のレストランまで移動しました。
食事の内容ですが バイキング方式で まぁ そこそこの味でしたが フルーツの種類が多くて良かったです。
シアターまでは カヌーは利用せず 途中 写真を撮りながら 15分程徒歩で移動しました。
デラックスのコースを頼んだので シアターの座席は 前から2番目というベストポジションでショーを楽しめました。
最初は 英語も解らないのでショーの内容は余り期待していませんでしたが 始まった途端 大勢のダンサーたちの気迫とショーのストーリーに引き込まれてしまい あっという間に1幕が終わりました。
休憩時間中に チケットのデザートクーポンを利用し 大盛りのアイスクリームを頂きました。
2幕目からはコミカルな場面で大笑いしたり ファイヤーダンスも楽しめ ハワイでしか体感できないすばらしいショーで大満足しました。
ショーが終わると全員スタンディングオベーションで とても感動的でした。

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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Paradise Cove Luau on the Beach at Ko Olina Resort

A Must!!

投稿者: Diane Federico, 2011/04/17

The activities were lots of fun, entertainment was excellent, food was good. Recommend it to anyone. Take your camera. Aloha

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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Paradise Cove Luau on the Beach at Ko Olina Resort

Enjoyable Night Of Luau

投稿者: Ron Gurtiza, 2011/04/16

You get lei'd and you get a welcome drink and your picture taken with a hula dancer. You get to do activities like how to make a lei and get your picture taken while you are ona canoe ride. Then you get a little bit of Polynesian history of how to get and break a coconut, how the old hawaiians catch fish, and the many different ways to wear a sarong. Then everyone gathers in the Imu Stadium where you see the unveiling of the slow cooked wrapped in Ti leaves, Kahlua Pig from the pit. Then they sit you down for a delicious luau feast. And you can asks for 2nds and 3rds. Then concluding night of an hour long fantastic entertaining show of music, hula dancing and a Samoan fire dance. It is located in Ko Olina. Fabulous ocean views and sunset. Do not forget your camera! Alooooooooooha!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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ポリネシア カルチャー センター ハワイ最大の伝統ルアウショー!ショーのみまたはビュッフェ・ディナー付きから選べるプラン<送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: 匿名希望, 2011/03/09


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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伝統ルアウ&フラ・ハワイアンショー アイランド・ブリーズ・ルアウ(キングカメハメハホテル内)<ブッフェ夕食/飲み放題/シェルレイ付>


投稿者: 匿名希望, 2011/03/06





利用形態: 家族
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Aha Aina Royal Hawaiian Luau - Waikiki Oceanfront Luau Dinner Show

simply AWESOME!!

投稿者: Ms. Emz, 2011/03/04

I definitely had a great time, by far the BEST! Nice location with a spectacular view of the sunset, the nice green color of the famous Diamond Head, great dinner, and the entertainment was just awesome! You can’t ask for more.
Typical luau is on a buffet style dinner and sometimes you have to wait in a long line before you get your food but with Aha Aina, everything is conveniently served to your table, delicious appetizers, filling main entrée, and multiple choices of beverages. Their servers are fast too, very friendly and accommodating. I can only say good things as I totally enjoyed it! I'll be sure to go again.

利用形態: 家族
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Aha Aina Royal Hawaiian Luau - Waikiki Oceanfront Luau Dinner Show

Open Bar!

投稿者: Alex, 2011/03/02

Gotta love the open bar! Had a great time and the food was very good. The fire dance was cool as well and the MC was very friendly and you knew all the stories he was telling were true. A true Hawaiian experience! Oh, for only another 20 bucks i'd recommend the premium seating so you are right up in the show!

利用形態: 家族
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Aha Aina Royal Hawaiian Luau - Waikiki Oceanfront Luau Dinner Show

Loved this luau!!!

投稿者: Andrew Valentine, 2011/03/02

This is far from any traditional luau experience where the typical and expected food and Polynesian show has been conceptualized to provide a very unique Hawaiian culinary and entertainment experience. The narrative is centered around history rather than mythology, unusual for a luau. They moved us indoors because they thought it was going to rain. The food was tasty and filling, service was good, show excellent and informative and the ambiance of this pink hotel was magic ... oh and it's open bar too!!!

利用形態: 家族
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Aha Aina Royal Hawaiian Luau - Waikiki Oceanfront Luau Dinner Show

Hands down the best EVER!

投稿者: Liana S., 2011/03/02

I try to come to Hawaii as often as I can, and I have been to a lot of different luaus, and the Royal Hawaiian is without a doubt the best I have ever attended.

The food is utterly mouthwatering and they have the perfect combination of traditional and modern cuisine. I must say that the MC was great and had a fantastic way of intertwining stories about the food and the entertainment together. The dancing, singing and of course the fire knife dance just blew me away. So glad that I decided to do this!

利用形態: 家族
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Island Breeze Big Island Kona Luau at King Kamehameha Hotel with Open Bar

Unexpected Fun

投稿者: T-2, 2011/02/28

This is our third trip to the Islands and our second luau. The Island Brezze Luau far surpassed our first experience. Food was great and plenty of it and the entertainment outstanding. If this is your first or last luau make sure it's the Island Breeze Luau.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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ポリネシア カルチャー センター ハワイ最大の伝統ルアウショー!ショーのみまたはビュッフェ・ディナー付きから選べるプラン<送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: LOCOCO, 2011/02/21


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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Smith's Family Garden Luau - Polynesian & Fire Show, Dinner and Open Bar

The amazing Smith Luau

投稿者: Roxanne Ziola, 2011/02/15

This was really a great Luau, in our group there were some that had seen some and others that haven't seen them at all, and we all agreed that this was the best time, even though it rained!!
Such friendly, happy people, and fun for all age groups (30-63). We brought our group pic home and hung it up on the wall, a truly good time!
Thank you Smith's Tropical Paridise Luau!! We will be back some time soon, we all hope.

利用形態: 家族
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Smith's Family Garden Luau - Polynesian & Fire Show, Dinner and Open Bar

Smith Family Luau

投稿者: Karen S, 2011/02/15

We had a great time! The boat ride to the Fern Grotto was very enjoyable. The food and entertainment was good and enjoyed by all of us. Thank you!

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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Smith's Family Garden Luau - Polynesian & Fire Show, Dinner and Open Bar


投稿者: connie, 2011/02/15

We have been to luau's on 3 islands and found this one the best ever. From the plantation tour to the food to the entertainment - it was all wonderful. We are so happy we decided to give it a try.

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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Aha Aina Royal Hawaiian Luau - Waikiki Oceanfront Luau Dinner Show

Great evening

投稿者: Gary, 2011/02/09

This is a new show being offered by the Royal Hawaiian. I had attended their old show several years ago and enjoyed it so much that I thought I would check out this one. I was not disappointed! This is a great show with a wonderful easy to follow storyline. The performers were extremely talented and appeared to truly be enjoying what they were doing. I should comment that this show is designed for a more adult/senior audience where the recommended dress is less casual and the menu is very extensive and in a more formal type dining atmosphere.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
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Smith's Family Garden Luau - Polynesian & Fire Show, Dinner and Open Bar

A fun time but slower pace

投稿者: Mike B, 2011/02/08

We had fun at the Smith Family luau, the food was good the show was good but we are faster paced people and this was a slower paced activity. It would be good for families and older couples.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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Paradise Cove Luau on the Beach at Ko Olina Resort

A great evening of Aloha

投稿者: Don C, 2011/02/05

Paradise Cove was suggested to us by our travel agent and she was right! The bus was a little noisey for us but everyone was having a great time! The activities before the show were a lot of fun, the food was delicious and the entertainment was top notch. This was a great experience and we will certainly return!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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伝統ルアウ&ハワイアンショー「ワイキキ・スターライト・ルアウ」フラ&ファイヤーダンスの本格ディナーショー <ヒルトン・ハワイアン・ビレッジ>


投稿者: 50歳 男性 , 2011/02/04


利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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Island Breeze Big Island Kona Luau at King Kamehameha Hotel with Open Bar

Jan 14, 2011 Luau

投稿者: Dave & Joanne, 2011/02/01

Very entertaining evening. Performers were excellent and involved the audience. Food was very good and a there was a variety of foods to fit most diets. For the more adventurous, poke and poy to try.

Enjoyed all the various polynesian dances--a tour of the south pacific without the boat.

We had an excellent evening and would recommend this to anyone.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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ポリネシア カルチャー センター ハワイ最大の伝統ルアウショー!ショーのみまたはビュッフェ・ディナー付きから選べるプラン<送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: 匿名希望, 2011/01/30






利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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Paradise Cove Luau on the Beach at Ko Olina Resort

Great Experience!!

投稿者: Carter's, 2011/01/16

The whole experience was Great. Our tour guide Bronson was terrific. Explained everything well and was very entertaining. Dinner was ok but entertainment was Great.

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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ポリネシア カルチャー センター ハワイ最大の伝統ルアウショー!ショーのみまたはビュッフェ・ディナー付きから選べるプラン<送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: とぴょ, 2011/01/14






利用形態: 家族
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Paradise Cove Luau on the Beach at Ko Olina Resort

Great Luau experience

投稿者: Misty, 2011/01/10

I went to Polynissian culture center last year, and I choose to paradise cove this time. I have to recommand this warm, friendly, delightful environment that not only provided me good foods, but also great entertainment!
The drink was great too. Even with the cheapest ticket, I still got two free alcohol drinks.
It was awesome to see sunset on the beautiful beach and interesting shows at the same time.
I enjoyed paradice cove a lot, it's a good place to go if you like unique place to enjoy luau and Hawaiian cultures.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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ポリネシア カルチャー センター ハワイ最大の伝統ルアウショー!ショーのみまたはビュッフェ・ディナー付きから選べるプラン<送迎付きプランあり>


投稿者: aloha, 2011/01/07



利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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Smith's Family Garden Luau - Polynesian & Fire Show, Dinner and Open Bar


投稿者: Mr. Anonymous, 2011/01/04

This was a great event. You really felt like you were at someones home.

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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Island Breeze Big Island Kona Luau at King Kamehameha Hotel with Open Bar

Sound system

投稿者: Roger Reschke, 2011/01/02

A good show, we were sitting back by the food line and the sound was unclear. Several of us at the table were having difficulty hearing the varoius people on the stage talking, causing some of the dancing questionable such as the cowboy. The dance was very good but we didn't understand how it fit in until I did research.
A very good effort by all your people.
Some hard feelings by those standing for quite a while and then the prefered guest march in and are given the best seats. You need to find a better way to do that.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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Paradise Cove Luau on the Beach at Ko Olina Resort


投稿者: Mr. Anonymous, 2011/01/02

There were a lot of lines all night. From the moment we met the bus until the moment we got off. We had to wait to get in but fortunately a beverage was provided in that one. We had children who wanted to do many of the activities and they made sure you didn't miss them with a load conch call. This brought a huge crowd to see each event. My kids would not let us miss one. The bummer was the cove and location was beautiful and we didn't get a moment to take it all in as a family because one of us was in line the entire time. You should know that dinner is not served until after 7pm so make sure you have a late lunch. I wish I would of known that. Show was great but the many costume changes meant many slow intermission like moments all night. Not my favorite night.

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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ショー/エンターテイメント | ハワイの観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)

ハワイ旅行をさらに充実のものにする、多彩なエンターテイメント。オーシャンフロントで楽しむ美しいフラ、迫力のファイヤーダンス、驚きのマジックショーなど、様々なパフォーマンスを鑑賞できます。 おすすめは伝統的な儀式パフォーマンスとディナーの宴、ルアウ。ハワイを含む太平洋の島々に根付く、ポリネシア文化を体験することができます。開放的な屋外で楽しむダンス、豪華な設備の室内で鑑賞するショーなど、バラエティーに富んだエンターテインメントは毎日見ても飽きないほど。ディナーショー形式は、夕食を召し上がりながら鑑賞できて特に人気です。ご予約はこちらから。