投稿者: Deborah
We had never seen snow - this was one of the best days of our families holiday. Even if there hadn't been snow I know the view would have been amazing. Highly recommended
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
投稿者: Shuk Hang
The trip is excellent. Experienced and nice tour guide. Well organised, beautiful view and very enjoyable.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
投稿者: Maria Theresa Ericka
The whole experience was great. Tour guide was excellent. On time schedules. Keep it up!
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
投稿者: Deborah
Better description of "side" activities available on day long excursions.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
Got the best photos of our Europe trip from this tour.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
It was great experience n prime hospitality
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
投稿者: Gopal
The tour was enjoyable and refreshing
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
投稿者: Vytas
The whole process was quite easy.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
投稿者: Richard
Fab trip. Really helpful driver.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
投稿者: Vicky
Quite fascinating, with ample snow to savour in peak summers. Was a great experience for us, especially coming from sunny Dubai. The tour guide was reasonably well informed, and the stops seemed well rehearsed. Thankfully, the weather kept up too.
The only negative was that a LOT of people turned up with different tour companies, and the top became a bit too crowded for everyone's comfort. The guide told us later that about 10,000 people had visited Mt Titlis on the day - must have been a record of some sorts as the place was overflowing with visitors by the time we decided to head back down. While the ascend took just about 20-25 minutes, the descend easily doubled in time (probably more) because of the long queues.
Still, the place is well worth a visit, and City-Discovery are a great company to go on tour with.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
投稿者: Kathryn
Robert was very agreeable as a guide and gave really great information about life in that area of Switzerland in addition to fun facts about the places we were going to visit.
It was a great one-day trip (didn't get back too late, around 7) and I would definitely recommend it for those who like snow!
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
投稿者: Roberto
O passeio foi muito bom. O guia falava um inglês bem fácil de entender, além disso era bastante divertido e atencioso. Se preocupou que todos conseguissem almoçar, apesar de o almoço ser por conta de cada um. O passeio em si é muito bonito. E ainda fomos premiados por algumas precipitações de neve no alto da montanha. O único problema é que no dia do passeio era feriado e a loja de chocolate estava fechada. Portanto foi apenas Mountains and Cheese. Sem chocolate. O site deve ter o cuidado de informar estes detalhes ao fazer a venda.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
投稿者: Leonard
It was an excellent trip to Pilatus. The weather was kind of gloomy down below but when we were at the top it was sunny and even warm. I will take the tour again if given the chance. Highly recommended. A highlight to a visit in Switzerland.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
投稿者: Mohammed
the trip was great. we got to see lots of places with this trip. the tour guide had good knownledge and he provided us lot of information.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
投稿者: Reenu
It was wonderful; but before you know it ... its time to get back from the clouds to terra firma
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
投稿者: carol
This was an experience of a lifetime. We had a blast.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
投稿者: Julie
Mt. Titlis was amazing to see. You won't be disappointed. The tour left the parking lot late and arrived in Lucerne late, which is a beautiful town! However, we had less than 40 mins to look around Lucerne and eat lunch. I felt incredibly rushed. Then the bus left late again. We sat on the tour bus and waited for 25 mins for the bus to leave. They took this time out of the time we had on Mt Titlis. Both places were worth going to see. And I think taking public transportation would be difficult.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
投稿者: Jennifer
We felt a little rushed the whole time, especially in Lucerne where we were given about 45 minutes of free time. We were always early and a ahead of schedule, would of been nice to have that time to explore. Otherwise, great tour guide, LOVED the apple wine at the top of the mountain and everything was beautiful even with the rain/snow!
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
投稿者: Mohammed
the best part of the tour is that our tour guide Mr Daniel was great and funny and he really made our trip great. i was expecting to see actual choclate facotry but it was just the choclate outlet. cheese cake factory was good and the scenry around the tour was beautiful
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
投稿者: Johann Lee Fan
The tour was very good, unfortunately the same cannot be said about the weather. The tour guide, Ernie was his name i think, was excellent and very knowledgeable, informative and patient. The trip was well planned and was at a proper pace.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
投稿者: Patrick
Action packed - very informative - worth the trip even though the Alps were completely socked in -
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
Quase não pude fazer parte do tour porque quando contratei pela internet não foi informado que teria que reservar roupas. Constava que estavam incluidas.
Resultado subimos 3000 metros sem casacos. Passamos muito frio e não aproveitamos o passeio como era esperado.
Entendi como negligencia do site e das pessoas que nos recepcionaram na saida do tour .
Só soubemos que não tinhamos roupas quando chegamos no local.
評価: | |
プラン: | Test Package |
投稿日: | 2017/10/11 |
投稿者: masa
評価: | |
プラン: | 【7~8月限定】チューリッヒ市内観光 無料特典付き / 夏季プラン |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2017/10/04 |
参加日: | 2016/08/13 |
投稿者: Rojen
It was a good trip and the guide was great. It was a cloudy day and rainy so couldnt see much but definately a good trip
評価: | |
プラン: | Day Trip |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2017/10/04 |
参加日: | 2017/10/02 |
投稿者: yama
評価: | |
プラン: | 通常プラン(2023年3月31日まで) |
参加形態: | 友達・同僚 |
投稿日: | 2017/10/01 |
参加日: | 2017/09/10 |
投稿者: ひさち
評価: | |
プラン: | 夏季プラン (4月~10月) |
参加形態: | カップル・夫婦 |
投稿日: | 2017/09/30 |
参加日: | 2017/09/08 |
投稿者: jun63chan
評価: | |
プラン: | 冬季プラン(11/21~3/31) |
参加形態: | ひとりで |
投稿日: | 2017/09/27 |
参加日: | 2017/09/10 |
投稿者: jun63chan
評価: | |
プラン: | 夏季プラン (4月~10月) |
参加形態: | ひとりで |
投稿日: | 2017/09/27 |
参加日: | 2017/09/09 |
投稿者: Rie
評価: | |
プラン: | 冬季プラン(11/21~3/31) |
参加形態: | 家族 |
投稿日: | 2017/09/26 |
参加日: | 2017/08/30 |
スイス 展望台・絶景観賞 | スイスの観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)
スイスには山岳地帯の絶景を楽しめる展望台が豊富!展望台によっては吊橋体験など、ちょっぴりスリリングなアクティビティが多数あります。楽しみは尽きませんが、登山列車やゴンドラに乗る必要があるので、チケット予約必須。オプショナルツアーに参加すれば、面倒なチケット購入なしにらくらく観光できます。スイスの玄関口となるチューリッヒ発の日帰りツアーもたくさんあるので、ぜひアルプスの山々の圧倒的なパワーを全身で感じてみませんか? 【ここが魅力!】 ・チューリッヒやルツェルンなど主要都市から気軽に1日で絶景鑑賞できる。山頂駅到着後はゆったり自由時間のツアーもあり。 ・ティトリス山頂へ向かう楽しい回転ゴンドラ。吊橋体験や氷河の割れ目見学、氷の洞窟訪問などアトラクションも豊富。 ・リギ山の展望台からはルツェルン湖を望むことができます。ヨーロッパ最古の登山列車乗車もお楽しみに。 ・世界一急傾斜の歯車列車が楽しい!ピラトゥス山では反対側の山頂へ向かうハイキングコース(所要時間:約1時間)あり。 ・山岳ホテルの宿泊ツアーに参加すれば、雄大な山々をバックに朝日・夕日鑑賞もできる◎