(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 68) 家族旅行・ファミリー向けツアー | ドイツの観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)



4.28 4.28 / 5



Potsdam Day Trip from Berlin by Train

Great history lesson

投稿者: Anonymous, 2015/02/20

Potsdam is famous around the world and it turned out to be a beautiful town. The guide explained the historical background to a great detail and we learned a lot. You can go to Potsdam by yourself, but you can get a lot more out of it if you visit it with a local person. I recommend it.

<Translated by Veltra.com>

利用形態: 友達・同僚
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Salzburg and Lake District Day Tour from Munich

Finally went to Salzburg

投稿者: Anonymous, 2015/02/20

Salzburg is a very beautiful town. Shops are stylish and I enjoyed some shopping time there.
In one of them I found some lovely painted eggshell decorations.
I recommend to look for them!
The view from the hill was breathtaking.

<Translated by Veltra.com>

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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Salzburg and Lake District Day Tour from Munich

Mozart's home town

投稿者: Anonymous, 2015/02/20

We joined the tour just to kill some time, but it turned to be better than we expected.
Salzburg is a small and quiet town surrounded by nature. The architecture was beautiful.
Lake district towns in the valley were also lovely. The view was amazing, I couldn't believe how blue the water was. I wish I had brought my swimsuit with me!

<Translated with Veltra.com>

利用形態: 友達・同僚
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Rothenburg Guided Day Trip from Frankfurt with St. Jacobs Church Entry

Lovely town

投稿者: Anonymous, 2015/02/20

I wanted to take the tour that includes Neuschwanstein Castle as well, but there was not enough participants on that day, so I joined Rothenburg only tour.
There was enough time to walk around the town and I enjoyed it a lot!
There were only 4 people on the tour, so the atmosphere was very cosy and friendly.
Autobahn is very fast, but our driver-guide was a true gentleman, his driving was very safe and I even managed to feel asleep in the car.

<Translated by Veltra.com>

利用形態: ひとりで
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ミュンヘン発着 ダッハウ強制収容所跡日帰り見学ツアー 施設内ウォーキングガイド付き<約5時間/英語ガイド/公共交通機関利用>


投稿者: にゃー, 2015/02/19




  • 目で色々と感じられた

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2015/02/17
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ミュンヘン空港 ⇔ ミュンヘン中央駅 ルフトハンザ航空エアポートバス チケット事前予約 <乗合>


投稿者: にゃー, 2015/02/19



  • バス

利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2015/02/14
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ノイシュヴァンシュタイン城&世界遺産ヴィース教会・コロマン教会・フュッセンの街4か所巡り!日帰りツアー <入場有無選択可/日本語/ミュンヘン発>by [みゅう]


投稿者: Hara, 2015/02/16

立ち寄りポイントは、主に、ノイシュバンシュタイン城、フュッセンの町、ヴィース教会で、それぞれを効率的に周る事ができて、それぞれのポイントでも適当な自由時間があり、良いツアーだと思いました。 ノイシュバンシュタイン城を臨むビュースポットのマリエン橋が冬季通行止めでいく事ができませんでしたが、当日は晴天にも恵まれ十分に楽しむ事ができました。 

  • 雪のノイシュバンシュタイン城


Hara 様




利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2015/02/10
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Berlin Walking Tour: Hidden Berlin with Insider Guide

投稿者: Roger, 2015/02/16

Excellent tour and guide (Barry). Lasted a full 5 hours in fairly chilly weather. Saw the sights and got good insight via his commentary.

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バイエルン・ミュンヘン サッカー観戦チケット<ホームゲーム/ミュンヘン>


投稿者: 匿名希望, 2015/02/15


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2015/02/03
1 人が参考になったと言っています。
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ミュンヘン空港 ⇔ ミュンヘン中央駅 ルフトハンザ航空エアポートバス チケット事前予約 <乗合>


投稿者: 匿名希望, 2015/02/15


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2015/02/01
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2019年11~12月限定 ドイツのクリスマスマーケット巡り☆ニュルンベルクとローテンブルク日帰りツアー<日本語/フランクフルト発> by [みゅう]

Xmas Markt

投稿者: 匿名希望, 2015/02/14




匿名希望 様





利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2014/12/08
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【ウォーキングツアー】定番スポットを巡るミュンヘン街歩き初級編!熟練ガイドがご案内<半日/日本語/ミュンヘン発> by Mybus


投稿者: ゆうたん, 2015/02/11




利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2014/11/24
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Berlin Walking Tour: Hidden Berlin with Insider Guide

For first time visitors in Berlin

投稿者: Anonymous, 2015/02/09

We walked a lot, but the guide gave us a passionate explanation and I'm glad we took this tour. We didn't go inside of any buildings, so later we went to the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church and Berlin Cathedral by ourselves.
We've learned a lot about Berlin Wall and so on - overall it was a very good tour.

<Translated by Veltra.com>

利用形態: 友達・同僚
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Berlin Walking Tour: Hidden Berlin with Insider Guide

I recommend it!

投稿者: Anonymous, 2015/02/09

I joined this tour alone, but the group was about 20 people in total and the stratosphere was friendly. The guide explained everything in a funny and polite way, it was a great opportunity to learn more about Berlin's history. It was quite a cold day, and I'm gonna give up on the way, but the guide convinced me to continue, as it would be a shame to miss out the rest of the tour. In the end the time passed so fast, that I couldn't believe we were walking for a few hours.

<Translated by Veltra.com>

利用形態: ひとりで
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Berlin Walking Tour: Hidden Berlin with Insider Guide

Passionate guide

投稿者: Anonymous, 2015/02/09

With a reasonable price, you get a passionate, high level guide. I definitely recommend it to all English speaking visitors!

<Translated by Veltra.com>

利用形態: 友達・同僚
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Berlin Walking Tour: Hidden Berlin with Insider Guide

The guide was the best!

投稿者: Anonymous, 2015/02/09

This is a walking tour that takes you around main tourist attractions in Berlin, so you can see various places. The guide was very enthusiastic and created a very nice atmosphere. But there was not enough time to buy souvenirs at all of the places we visited. We recommend to take this tour right at the beginning of your stay, so you can visit again places you liked.

<Translated by Veltra.com>

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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【ウォーキングツアー】定番スポットを巡るフランクフルト街歩き初級編!熟練ガイドがご案内<半日/日本語/フランクフルト発> by Mybus


投稿者: pipi, 2015/02/08




利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2014/08/07
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ミュンヘン空港 ⇔ ミュンヘン中央駅 ルフトハンザ航空エアポートバス チケット事前予約 <乗合>


投稿者: なおっち, 2015/02/01


利用形態: 友達・同僚
参加日: 2015/01/06
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Munich Classical Concert at Residenz Chapel with Tour and Dinner Options

Concert and the Residenz

投稿者: Anonymous, 2015/01/27

We booked a concert and the Residence tour.
The atmosphere of the church concert was very intimate and the performance was wonderful. They played many famous pieces of Mozart, Vivaldi, Bach etc.
We were astonished by a 10 year old girl playing violin! She was amazing!
The church was full of tourists from all over the world, there was literally no seat left.
It was March, but in the evening the church got pretty cold, so a scarf was useful.
The staff was very nice and helpful.

The Residence is closed after the concert is over, so we recommend to take it slow and visit the next day (you can visit the residence up to 5 days after the concert). The most impressive was the treasury.
They will ask you to leave your backpacks and purses in the cloakroom.

Overall, I highly recommend both the concert and the residence!

<Translated by Veltra.com>

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
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Munich Classical Concert at Residenz Chapel with Tour and Dinner Options


投稿者: Anonymous, 2015/01/27

We booked a concert ticket only.

Meeting time is the same as doors open time.
Seats are non-reserved, so you can sit in a place where you can see the chapel well or pick a spot where you can hear the music well.

The time we went it was string trio performing.
Bach, Vivaldi, Schubert and Mozart's pieces were played.
The sound vibrated in the chapel and it was really impressive.
It has become a very good memory.

<Translated by Veltra.com>

利用形態: 友達・同僚
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Munich Classical Concert at Residenz Chapel with Tour and Dinner Options

I recommend it

投稿者: Anonymous, 2015/01/27

I visited the palace on a different day than the concert, so I had a lot of time to fully explore it.
I watched the concert from the balcony in the chapel and it was really impressive. It was a great experience.
The restaurant that we went for dinner was quite famous and I read an article about it in a magazine before. Very relaxed and fun atmosphere. I was also able to taste many varieties of beer.

<Translated by Veltra.com>

利用形態: ひとりで
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Rhine Valley Cruise and Tour from Frankfurt with Lunch and Wine Tasting

Rhine River Cruise

投稿者: Anonymous, 2015/01/27

By the time we got to the Rhine River, we were already like friends. There was a Brazilian judge and a Japanese sailor, but everybody wastalking in English so that everybody could understand. I was ready for the cold weather, but I was surprised that it was in fact quite warm! I fully enjoyed the cruise, the explanations with humor by the guide, having lunch with some wine and seeing the Lorelei statue and the ancient castle.
Personally, this was a 100% perfect tour tour.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
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Frankfurt Day Trip to Neuschwanstein Castle and Rothenburg


投稿者: Anonymous, 2015/01/26

We were lucky with the weather. It was warm for December. The beautiful blue sky and the snowy castle! We could see a stunning view and it was a miracle! It was truly beautiful.
The driver was kind and fun to spend time with.

利用形態: 友達・同僚
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Frankfurt Day Trip to Neuschwanstein Castle and Rothenburg

Very good tour

投稿者: Anonymous, 2015/01/26

Joined from Frankfurt. It was a long trip and took 5 hours to get there. The members were one Japanese lady, one lady from Hong Konge, me and my husband. The driver was such a nice person, he paid attention to the temperature in the car, and asked us if we needed to stop for a toilet break. I am a rain bringer and when we arrived at the castle after a long trip, it was raining. The rain was fairly heavy, but inside of the castle was wonderful and I was very impressed. Rothenburg at night was romantic and nice. We arrived back at 10 o'clock which was one hour over than expected. It has become a very good memory because of the wonderful driver.

<Translated by Veltra.com>

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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Frankfurt Day Trip to Neuschwanstein Castle and Rothenburg

It was amazing

投稿者: Anonymous, 2015/01/26

I always wanted to see Neuschwanstein Castle, because it looked so beautiful on pictures. The real one was even more amazing!
I really would like to go there again if I have a chance.
The driver drove carefully on the no speed limit highway, he was very kind and considerate, and also showed us a really beautiful sunset.

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利用形態: 友達・同僚
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Frankfurt Day Trip to Neuschwanstein Castle and Rothenburg

It was wonderful !

投稿者: Anonymous, 2015/01/26

We took this trip in December. We were the only travellers in the car so we had a plenty of space . The Neuschwanstein Castle was covered by snow and it was beautiful! We arrived at Rothenburg at night but it was good that we could go and see the Christmas market. The driver was friendly and fun to spend time with.

<Translated by Veltra.com>

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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Heidelberg Guided Tour from Frankfurt

The old castle!

投稿者: Anonymous, 2015/01/26

Heidelberg is a historical and wonderful town. Especially the old bridge on the Neckar river and a view from the Heidelberg Castle was really beautiful.
It was such a beautiful town that regretted that I had to go back to Frankfurt. Next time I would like to visit with my family or friends.

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利用形態: ひとりで
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Heidelberg Guided Tour from Frankfurt

Magnificent view

投稿者: Anonymous, 2015/01/26

I booked this tour tour as it promised to make me experience German esprit.
The view from Heidelberger Schloss was more than fantastic.
The area around the church had great architecture and atmosphere, and even though I was on my own, I could spend an excellent time.
The tour guide was Italian, he was very funny and kept making jokes.
Other participants were all very nice, and I had a great time.
I recommend this tour for those who wish to walk around Heidelberger in a short time.

<Translated by Veltra.com>

利用形態: ひとりで
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Heidelberg Guided Tour from Frankfurt

Very good!

投稿者: Anonymous, 2015/01/26

I took a morning tour on my own. The tour guide was very funny. We went to Heidelberger Schloss first and then we were given a sandwich and juice on the bus on our way back to the town. We had 45 minutes to stroll at Market Square where we could buy some souvenirs. I enjoyed the ancient castle, authentic European style old streets and shopping. The tour ended at 15.00 so I had a lot of time to do more things after the tour. The tour provides a compact course to experience the medieval Europe.

<Translated by Veltra.com>

利用形態: ひとりで
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Heidelberg Guided Tour from Frankfurt

Very satisfied

投稿者: Anonymous, 2015/01/26

We took this tour on the last day of my trip.
Our flight to back to Japan was around 10pm at night. This tour finishes at 3pm, so we decided to take it.
We had enough time to see the Heidelberg Schloss from both outside and inside and we were able to take lots of photos. Unfortunately it was a rainy day but it was rather poetic. The castle is located at a high point and the view from there is really great.
There was 45 minutes of free time, so we went to the cafe which was recommended to us for German beers.

<Translated by Veltra.com>

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
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家族旅行・ファミリー向けツアー | ドイツの観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)

映画ロケ地での乗馬体験やウミガメとのシュノーケリング、潜水艦で海底探検といった子供がワクワクするコンテンツを数多く取り揃えています。写真を撮ったり、ダンスに感銘を受けたり、アートに目覚めるなどお子さんの才能が開花するきっかけになるかもしれません!また年齢制限のないツアーは、おじいちゃん・おばあちゃんと一緒に3世代の想い出作りが叶うと人気です。半日または午後出発、貸切で観光できるチャーターサービスのほか、日本語ガイドが含まれているツアーなら言葉の不安も解消。旅の必需品でもあるWiFiルーターは比較的お安くレンタルできるのでご予約をお忘れなく。 【おすすめポイント】 ・子供から大人まで幅広い年齢の方が参加できるツアーやアクティビティ ・現地の文化や食べ物、エンターテインメントに触れる ・家族旅行をバックアップするオプションを選んで快適な旅を