(参加者のレビュー一覧) ページ 22) 文化体験・学習 | 観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)



4.47 4.47 / 5



Kona Sunset Dinner Cruise to Kealakekua Bay with Live Entertainment | Body Glove

Sunset dinner cruise

投稿者: Pete, 2022/08/06

The staff was amazing and very attentive! The only drawback was the food, I wasn’t impressed at all! The guy playing the music was great! The guide that was narrating could not be heard where we were sitting! I think they need to upgrade their speakers!

  • Our resort

  • Another view of where we’re staying

  • Amazing sunset view from the boat

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/07/15
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Chief's Luau - Polynesian Show with Authentic Award-Winning Fire Knife Dancing

Wonderful Experience

投稿者: Melinda Kennedy, 2022/08/06

My daughter and I had a wonderful time at chief’s luau. The Chief was so funny and they all put on a great show! You could really feel the warmth of his personality shining through his speech and his humor made everything great. Tons of fire dancing, singing, story telling, and more dancing all around. Great food and great people to share the experience with. Felt like you were still in paradise. Definitely recommend purchasing close up seats and the lei package so you can get the full experience. Especially if it’s your first time in Hawaii. Totally worth every penny.

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2022/07/16
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Kona Sunset Dinner Cruise to Kealakekua Bay with Live Entertainment | Body Glove

Great trip, thank you.

投稿者: Sandi, 2022/08/06

Amazing crew, food, music and best sunset so far this week. Strongly recommend.


Mahalo for joining us and the five star review! We are grateful for you kind recommendations!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/08/04
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Chief's Luau - Polynesian Show with Authentic Award-Winning Fire Knife Dancing

Best Luau evet

投稿者: Tammy Gaiter , 2022/08/02

The chefs Luau was the best one we have ever attended. Great seats, awesome atmosphere, wonderful food all topped off with a history lesson on Hawaiis culture. Then they threw in a little comedy and it was over the top. Grandkids loved it.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/07/31
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ボルドー メドック地区&サン・テミリオン地区 2つのシャトーを巡るツアー<試飲付/日本語ガイド/ボルドー発着>


投稿者: いさお, 2022/07/30





  • サンテミリオンの景色



利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/07/29
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沖縄の伝統船サバニツアー シュノーケリングセットプランあり!<半日/写真無料/石垣島>


投稿者: てぬを, 2022/07/30


利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/07/21
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沖縄の伝統船サバニツアー シュノーケリングセットプランあり!<半日/写真無料/石垣島>


投稿者: ぶーびー, 2022/07/29


  • サバニ

利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2022/07/28
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Chief's Luau - Polynesian Show with Authentic Award-Winning Fire Knife Dancing

Great experience

投稿者: Diane A., 2022/07/29

Awesome! Greatest experience. One of the highlights of our trip Mahalo

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/07/27
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Chief's Luau - Polynesian Show with Authentic Award-Winning Fire Knife Dancing

Good show but could be better...

投稿者: Heidi, 2022/07/29

The show was good. The host is very entertaining. Food is as usual, nothing spectular. Upon arrival, only adult received drink tickets which the description did not indicate kids and youth don't get ticket for drink. With the price, the kids deserve soda tickets. It will be better if there are more pre-show activities, such as more photo backdrops and more lighting.

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2022/07/27
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Smith's Family Garden Luau - Polynesian & Fire Show, Dinner and Open Bar

My experience at the luau..

投稿者: Silvana Behrens, 2022/07/23

The host was excellent!… the location pristine…. The dinner was also excellent…the show was very nice and sadly to say I would it like to see more “traditional show”… not so staged…

  • Wonderful table setting

  • Kailua Pork setting

  • Smith s gardens

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/07/05
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Chief's Luau - Polynesian Show with Authentic Award-Winning Fire Knife Dancing

Awesome Show

投稿者: Lydia, 2022/07/21

We had a really great time. From our bus host to the main event. Cousin Tao was our bus host and she made the 45 minute bus ride fly by. She educated us on the culture the tattoos and made us laugh. She talked about pearl harbour, the climate of the island, as well as some of her native language.

We enjoyed the food. The pork was flavorful, chicken was good. Like anyone, I stayed away from what I knew I wouldn't like. Drinks were ok, but we aren't big drinkers to begin with. The main show amazing. Chief was very entertaining. The dancers were authentic. They tell a story and explain each islands culture, while entertaining you. The finale was great with multiple fire knife world champions. I highly recommend this luau! Yeah it's not on the beach, but so what! I learned about the culture, and had great food.
Also at the end of the night we ended up with two drunk strays. Cousin Tao, even though she didn't have to. She could've just said sorry you aren't on the roster and made them get off the bus. She
Called her boss, asked him to come back to bring them back to Waikiki. I thought that was super nice of her. If you want a genuine luau experience go to Chiefs luau.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/07/14
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Myths of Maui Royal Lahaina Luau - Open Bar, Polynesian Dance & Fire Knife Show

Incredible Luau

投稿者: Luigi Martinelli, 2022/07/19

It was perfect in every aspect!. The food and show were amazing.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/07/17
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Chief's Luau - Polynesian Show with Authentic Award-Winning Fire Knife Dancing

Had a great time once we arrived

投稿者: R Gaspar, 2022/07/18

Our arranged bus was 20 min late, but part of the blame was a nearby hit and run (so traffic staggered around the police and paramedics). This caused us to miss most of the pre-show. Can't really fault anyone for that - just wished we had experienced it.
They no longer separate parties by table, so no more actual COVID separation (on paper/signs, they ask people to wear masks when away from their tables, but hardly anyone did so and no one enforced it).
Food was great. Buffet style, both sides of 2 rows of tables. Pick what you want, go back as much as you want. Lines were quick.
Performance was awesome. I wasn't aware that they had world champion fire dancers in the troupe. I personally loved the stories and explanations of each dance.

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2022/07/16
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Smith's Family Garden Luau - Polynesian & Fire Show, Dinner and Open Bar

Fun Night in Kauai!

投稿者: Anita, 2022/07/16

We thoroughly enjoyed the Smith Family Luau! Six adults and a an almost four year old, we all had a great time. The tram ride around the gardens was a nice way to start the evening, we enjoyed hearing the driver talk about the grounds and the tropical plants. We were a bit worried about the number of people in close quarters, but the staff did a good job of metering people as they went up to get their food. Our table, for seven, was actually outside, which was even better. The food was plentiful and everybody found something they liked. The variety of different tropical drinks was fun and easy to get more! The show was exciting, learned a lot about all of the cultures who make up Hawaii. Of course, our little guy LOVED the fire dancing! He said, “the Hawaii party” was the best night ever! If you are in Kauai, as a couple, with friends, or with family, be sure to make a reservation at the Smith Family Luau!

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2022/06/22
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大島紬 着付け体験 記念写真プレゼント 泥染体験・はた織り体験付きプランあり お子様サイズご用意<龍郷町>by 夢おりの郷


投稿者: 奄美っ子, 2022/07/16




利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2022/06/26
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Chief's Luau - Polynesian Show with Authentic Award-Winning Fire Knife Dancing

Amazing experience1!!

投稿者: Matt, 2022/07/14

Overall an amazing experience from the start! Just walking in everybody is already a joker. The performances were captivating and incredible to watch. Not to mention the food that went with it!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/06/15
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伝統ルアウ&フラ・ハワイアンショー ボイジャーズ・オブ・ザ・パシフィック(ロイヤルコナリゾート内)<月・火・水・金催行/ブッフェ夕食/飲み放題/シェルレイ付>


投稿者: Old Ballonist, 2022/07/12


  • バイキングの夕食

  • 舞台の後ろに沈む夕日

  • オープニング前の会場

  • ショーの一部

  • ショー終了後の記念写真

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/07/06
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かんころ餅作り体験 五島列島の郷土菓子を地元のおばあちゃんと手作り体験 できたての試食とお土産付き <約1.5時間/宇久島> by 宇久町観光協会


投稿者: Goto lover, 2022/07/09

五島列島の郷土菓子といえばかんころ餅!実際に島のおばあちゃんとかんころ餅を作ることができる体験があると知り、参加してみました。観光協会の方もおばあちゃんもとってもフレンドリーで、温かく迎えてくれました。アットホームな雰囲気で、材料の混ぜ混ぜから成形まで、かんころ餅ベテランおばあちゃんが懇切丁寧に教えてくれます。まるで我が孫のように可愛がってくれている感じがしました笑 出来たてのかんころ餅はもちもちなめらかで、優しい甘さが体に染みました。お土産に2本、自分たちで作ったかんころ餅をいただけるのも嬉しい!自分用としてはもちろん、家族や友人へのお土産にもぴったりです。

利用形態: 友達・同僚
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Chief's Luau - Polynesian Show with Authentic Award-Winning Fire Knife Dancing

Wonderful experience!

投稿者: Brittney , 2022/07/08

Awesome experience. The people are so friendly. We’d enjoyed all the stories and the surroundings. It was all organized very well and you can tell, Chiefs family spend a lot of time on all. Can’t wait to experience this again!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/07/06
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Chief's Luau - Polynesian Show with Authentic Award-Winning Fire Knife Dancing

Amazing Luau!

投稿者: Cindy , 2022/07/08

My entire family attend Chief's Luau and it was wonderful from top to bottom. They provided a huge amount of good food and moved people through the line quickly. Chief Sielu was delightfully funny, wise, heartfelt and shared his culture in such a beautiful way. All of the musicians, dancers and fire/knife dancers were absolutely amazing. All the performers showed such a passion and love of their culture. I would highly recommend this luau for anyone wanting to learn more about Polynesian culture.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/06/24
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Chief's Luau - Polynesian Show with Authentic Award-Winning Fire Knife Dancing

Good show/food, Odd location

投稿者: Megan, 2022/07/04

Great show. Very entertaining for all ages. The fire dancing was amazing. Chief was funny and a joy to watch. The food was better than I expected with how many people they were feeding. They ran out of some of the items and for it being an all you can eat, they closed the lines down quickly after everyone had a serving. The food lines also moved quickly.

The location. It is inside the wet n wild water park which definitely takes away from it being authentic. Some of the tables has shade but many didnt. They have you get there at 5 but thinks dont really start until closer to 545 so you are just sitting there roasting and burning. I expected more activities to do woth the family but there werent any to do at all except look at 2 booths of trinkets. You also have to use the wet b wild bathrooms and they were so so dirty and smelly.

利用形態: 小さなお子様連れ
参加日: 2022/07/02
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Chief's Luau - Polynesian Show with Authentic Award-Winning Fire Knife Dancing

Awesome event

投稿者: Casey , 2022/07/03

Very educational, great food and amazing entertainment

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/06/30
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Smith's Family Garden Luau - Polynesian & Fire Show, Dinner and Open Bar

Native dance and history

投稿者: Niveen , 2022/07/02

Great performance by all! Fun evening and wonderful talent.

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/06/15
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Chief's Luau - Polynesian Show with Authentic Award-Winning Fire Knife Dancing

Chief’s Luau

投稿者: The Sager’s , 2022/07/02

This show was outstanding. It surpassed all of our expectations. The talent and skills were evident and the energy level was high throughout the night. On the needing improvement side of things, the lines to get drinks were unbelievably long and very slow. The food was average at best but they were feeding 1000 people.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/06/08
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Myths of Maui Royal Lahaina Luau - Open Bar, Polynesian Dance & Fire Knife Show

Nice Luau

投稿者: Kara, 2022/07/01

Great entertainment, food is only okay! But hey you are paying for the show!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/06/25
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Myths of Maui Royal Lahaina Luau - Open Bar, Polynesian Dance & Fire Knife Show

Wonderful evening!

投稿者: Melody, 2022/06/29

Nice atmosphere! Great dances which told stories. Engaging!

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/06/16
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Chief's Luau - Polynesian Show with Authentic Award-Winning Fire Knife Dancing

Chief luau

投稿者: Mita, 2022/06/26

Wonderful family affair
Just wish they had guest interaction not just couples

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/06/03
この体験談は参考になりましたか? [はい]



投稿者: juny, 2022/06/22




利用形態: ひとりで
参加日: 2022/05/21
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Chief's Luau - Polynesian Show with Authentic Award-Winning Fire Knife Dancing

They didn’t call you Chief for nothing

投稿者: Midweek , 2022/06/21

This is not your regular Luau event that you go to. My husband and I were celebrating our 5th year wedding anniversary and it’s his first trip after 35 years. I was surprised to know that I was not only watching or going to a luau but also going to a comedy show. Chief was amazingly great! His delivery was superb and did not seem rehearsed but was very natural. The staff (i feel bad that I didn’t get his name :( but he was great) took care of a mishap that happened and was very professional. Everyone was so great and I will definitely go back and tell my friends to make sure to see Chiefs Luau.

利用形態: カップル・夫婦
参加日: 2022/06/16
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Chief's Luau - Polynesian Show with Authentic Award-Winning Fire Knife Dancing

Awesome Performance

投稿者: Cheryl Ray Martin , 2022/06/18

This Luau is a must! It is so entertaining. The Chief’s story is so heartfelt, the performance is awesome and the food is amazing! I am so glad we chose this Luau to attend. Definitely one of a kind performance!

利用形態: 家族
参加日: 2022/06/16
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文化体験・学習 | 観光・オプショナルツアー専門 VELTRA(ベルトラ)
