VELTRA tours & activities, fun things to do

[Notification] System Maintenance Notice
Date: Thursday, June 27, 2024, 7AM - 8AM (HST) / 10AM - 11AM (PST) / 5PM - 6PM (UTC)
During the above time period, the site will be unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
*Please note that the maintenance time may vary. Vouchers for pre-booked items can be used as usual.

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How many days do I have to cancel a booking without being charged a cancellation fee or forfeiting a refund?
Depending on the activity provider, you may or may not be charged a fee for cancellation. Find the activity's specific Cancellation Policy on either the activity page or on your issued voucher for details regarding fees and refunds. VELTRA never charges any additional fees for cancellations.
How do I cancel a booking?
To cancel a booking request from Your Account page, click the Cancel booking button located next to the activity you would like to cancel. Please review the activity cancellation policy for any fees or refund issues.
How do I cancel a booking after I've arrived at the local destination?
First, check the cancellation policy on your voucher to fully understand any cancellation penalties or refunds. If you have access to the Internet, sign in to Your Account and cancel your booking. Otherwise, contact your activity provider directly using the contact information provided on your voucher and let them know that you wish to cancel your booking.
How will I know if my cancellation request has been accepted?
We will send you an email to confirm your cancellation is complete. You can also view the status of a cancellation request on Your Account page.
Will there be a cancellation fee when I cancel a booking?
Find the Cancellation Policy on either the activity page or on your issued voucher for details as policies are different for each activity. VELTRA never charges any additional fees for cancellations.

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