(All Reviews) Page 11) Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium (Top Okinawa Attractions), Okinawa tours & activities, fun things to do in Okinawa | VELTRA

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All Reviews for Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Okinawa

Overall Rating

4.39 4.39 / 5


499 reviews

美ら海水族館観光バスツアー 古宇利島+御菓子御殿+ナゴパイナップルパークをめぐる1日観光!ディナー付プランあり<那覇市・宜野湾・北谷・恩納村発/3歳以下無料>


Reviewed by: オキちゃん, 2019/08/24


Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2019/07/29
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Churaumi Aquarium and Sightseeing Bus Tour (from Naha, Ginowan, Chatan and Onna)

Great tour highly recommend

Reviewed by: Ray Lugo of NJ, 2019/08/12

I was the only American that day on the bus but they provided me with a translator radio which explained the areas we drove through in English so I learned a lot about the areas along the beautiful coastal drive leading to the Aquarium.

Attended as: Solo Travelers
Activity Date: 2019/08/10
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Churaumi Aquarium and Sightseeing Bus Tour (from Naha, Ginowan, Chatan and Onna)

6 Hours busdrive (to event and back) and less than 5 hours event itself

Reviewed by: Yasmin, 2019/08/11

First of all, the Guide does not speak english and doesn't even recognize me speaking japanese to her. Instead of talking at all to me, she just pointed to everything. She smiled and talked to the other participants, but couldn't even try to smile with me.
We drove 3 hours to pick up other participants and than had 40 minutes in the Pineapple Park. We rushed through it and had only 5 minutes left, when we arrived in the souvenir shop, i had no time to try anything or buy anything. Than we had 50 minutes in a shopping mapp in which we didn't even go inside, instead we went to the sandwich store infront, because they had coupons for it, for everybody to have one bad sandwich. We decided to have Okinawa noodles at that place and payed a bit more. Then we arrived in the aquarium, 3 hours are not enough at all for this huge place. It is so beautiful and there is a whole park around it with more museums and tropical gardens around it. Again i rushed through it. In the end we stopped at a sweet potato souvenir shop to buy stuff and then 3 hours getting everybody back.
The Pineapple Park is nice, cute and a bit bizarr, but 40 min are definitly not enough, the Aquarium is awesome, but 3 hours is not enough.
We spent more time wasting time with picking up people and eating bad sandwiches than with the main events. And the guide is only nice to japanese people. The english translator device is also bad, you don't understand anything and it has that disturbing cracking sound.
I am not satisfied with the tour.
I am satisfied with Pineapple Park and Aquarium which are definitly worth seeing it, but better go there by yourself. :(

Attended as: Solo Travelers
Activity Date: 2019/08/09
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Churaumi Aquarium and Sightseeing Bus Tour (from Naha, Ginowan, Chatan and Onna)

Good for those who do not have cars and had a fun time despite rainy weather.

Reviewed by: Mendy, 2019/08/07

This is a great option for those who do not have cars, but still want to see the Okinawan sites. This is a great alternative to get around, although the time at each place was tight and we couldn't spend as much time at each location as we wanted, we had a lot of fun following along the tour. Everyone on the tour was also very nice and accommodating.

Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2019/07/19
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Churaumi Aquarium and Sightseeing Bus Tour (from Naha, Ginowan, Chatan and Onna)

A fun trip to Nago!

Reviewed by: Anonymous , 2019/07/16

Overall, it was an enjoyable trip. We had chance to see many nice places. The scenery was very nice at the place we had lunch.
The pineapple garden was really nice but we could have spent more time there. 40 minutes was not enough to explore the garden and do shopping. Unfortunately, we had to wait for a family for 25 minutes even though it stated that people who didn't arrive on time needed to go to the next destination by themselves.
Aquarium was good as well.

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2019/07/10
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美ら海水族館観光バスツアー 古宇利島+御菓子御殿+ナゴパイナップルパークをめぐる1日観光!ディナー付プランあり<那覇市・宜野湾・北谷・恩納村発/3歳以下無料>


Reviewed by: セナアン, 2019/07/06


Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2019/07/04
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Churaumi Aquarium and Sightseeing Bus Tour (from Naha, Ginowan, Chatan and Onna)

A long way to the aquarium.. and too short time there

Reviewed by: Magokoro, 2019/06/21

I booked this tour because of the promised visit to the butterfly farm and Churaumi aquarium. But on the tour I’ve realized that it doesn’t include butterfly farm since April 2019 even though it is still in the program.. We stopped in a few shops for tourists (including pineapple farm that suits kids) till we got to the aquarium after 4.5 hours on the road (direct driving on highway from Naha takes about an hour to there). In aquarium we were given 3 hours but I needed 4-5 hours to see other facilities as well. The place is huge and 3 hours would be enough only to see the aquarium.
On the way back we stopped again in the place selling local sweets for tourists, when most of these sweets can be found at the airport so it was waste of time again.. we were only 6 people on a cloudy day of the rainy season so I returned to Naha at 6 p.m (last drop off) but I can imagine that the way back can take 2 hours more just for dropping off every participant in different locations..

  • On the way to the aquarium

  • Watching whale shark and other 145 species of sea creatures in captivity

Attended as: Solo Travelers
Activity Date: 2019/06/19
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Churaumi Aquarium and Sightseeing Bus Tour (from Naha, Ginowan, Chatan and Onna)

Disappointing and not as advertised

Reviewed by: HCS, 2019/06/05

We didn't even stop at Ryugujo, the butterfly paradise. We had an hour lunch break near a hotel with shops/food court and I was expecting Okinawa soba as stated in the itinerary but we got a "hot sandwich" which ended up being a tiny triangle of basically taco salad sandwich. Had to go buy a bowl of Okinawa Soba to have enough to eat. We spent 40 minutes at the pineapple park. We definitely didn't need a whole hour for lunch as tiny as it was. It simply forces you to buy more food at the food court. Not going to see the butterflies at all was a huge disappointment. No explanation given as to why we didn't even go.
We had 3 hours at the aquarium which was great. Wish we had more time there.

Attended as: Families with Young Children
Activity Date: 2019/05/25
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美ら海水族館観光バスツアー 古宇利島+御菓子御殿+ナゴパイナップルパークをめぐる1日観光!ディナー付プランあり<那覇市・宜野湾・北谷・恩納村発/3歳以下無料>


Reviewed by: 沖縄大好き, 2019/06/05


  • ちょうちょがきれいでした

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/10/06
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美ら海水族館観光バスツアー 古宇利島+御菓子御殿+ナゴパイナップルパークをめぐる1日観光!ディナー付プランあり<那覇市・宜野湾・北谷・恩納村発/3歳以下無料>


Reviewed by: ブタママ, 2019/05/20


Attended as: Families with Young Children
Activity Date: 2019/05/18
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美ら海水族館観光バスツアー 古宇利島+御菓子御殿+ナゴパイナップルパークをめぐる1日観光!ディナー付プランあり<那覇市・宜野湾・北谷・恩納村発/3歳以下無料>


Reviewed by: ( *˘ ³˘)♡♡♡, 2019/05/19

1日、たくさん楽しめました( ᵔᵒᵔ )♡

  • ジンベイザメ

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2019/05/17
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Churaumi Aquarium and Sightseeing Bus Tour (from Naha, Ginowan, Chatan and Onna)

Good enough

Reviewed by: Wong, 2019/05/12

Maybe a bit rush but covers many places. Good enough. Lunch is so so, better to buy your own at the lunch location. There are good food there. Friendly guide but as the tour stated, only speak in Japanese.

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2019/05/10
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Churaumi Aquarium and Sightseeing Bus Tour (from Naha, Ginowan, Chatan and Onna)

generally good

Reviewed by: ryan, 2019/05/07

booking was fast and easy even if the tour was during golden week (i had problems with other tour apps during those time)
the bus late for a few minutes (understandable because it was golden week)
the tour was very nice! we were able to spend enough time to visit the whole aquarium. unfortunately because of heavy traffic, we were not able to go to the butterfly garden.

price was affordable as compared to doing it yourself. there was a japanese tour guide well enough to understand and speak a few english. he instructions were clear and there were alloted times per area.

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2019/05/02
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美ら海水族館観光バスツアー 古宇利島+御菓子御殿+ナゴパイナップルパークをめぐる1日観光!ディナー付プランあり<那覇市・宜野湾・北谷・恩納村発/3歳以下無料>


Reviewed by: ざっきー, 2019/05/04


  • イルカショー

Attended as: Solo Travelers
Activity Date: 2019/05/02
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美ら海水族館観光バスツアー 古宇利島+御菓子御殿+ナゴパイナップルパークをめぐる1日観光!ディナー付プランあり<那覇市・宜野湾・北谷・恩納村発/3歳以下無料>


Reviewed by: ちぃー, 2019/05/02

ガイドさんが初々しくて 時にカミカミ 時にしっかりと…歴史や言い伝えが解りやすく楽しくて記憶に残る体験でした。

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2019/04/10
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美ら海水族館観光バスツアー 古宇利島+御菓子御殿+ナゴパイナップルパークをめぐる1日観光!ディナー付プランあり<那覇市・宜野湾・北谷・恩納村発/3歳以下無料>


Reviewed by: 匿名希望, 2019/04/17



Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2019/04/04
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美ら海水族館観光バスツアー 古宇利島+御菓子御殿+ナゴパイナップルパークをめぐる1日観光!ディナー付プランあり<那覇市・宜野湾・北谷・恩納村発/3歳以下無料>


Reviewed by: Yuki.N, 2019/04/16


  • 大きな水槽ですが、これ以外は柱が多くて見づらいです。

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2019/04/02
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美ら海水族館観光バスツアー 古宇利島+御菓子御殿+ナゴパイナップルパークをめぐる1日観光!ディナー付プランあり<那覇市・宜野湾・北谷・恩納村発/3歳以下無料>


Reviewed by: こつこつ, 2019/04/04


Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2019/04/02
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Churaumi Aquarium and Sightseeing Bus Tour (from Naha, Ginowan, Chatan and Onna)

Lack of English translation

Reviewed by: KO YOUN CHANG, 2019/03/05

Lack of English translation. Hotel pick up is time-consuming.

Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2019/02/28
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美ら海水族館観光バスツアー 古宇利島+御菓子御殿+ナゴパイナップルパークをめぐる1日観光!ディナー付プランあり<那覇市・宜野湾・北谷・恩納村発/3歳以下無料>


Reviewed by: かぴまあ, 2019/02/18



Attended as: Solo Travelers
Activity Date: 2019/02/16
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美ら海水族館観光バスツアー 古宇利島+御菓子御殿+ナゴパイナップルパークをめぐる1日観光!ディナー付プランあり<那覇市・宜野湾・北谷・恩納村発/3歳以下無料>


Reviewed by: マユパパ, 2019/01/06


Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2019/01/03
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Churaumi Aquarium and Sightseeing Bus Tour (from Naha, Ginowan, Chatan and Onna)

It was bad..

Reviewed by: Jasmine from Osaka, 2018/12/30

The tour itself was fine but most people going from Naha have to be ready to waste 2-3 hours picking up people in other areas before actually going to the attractions. (Same with going back home)

The bus driver was rude af and racist towards the foreigners.

At first I thought the guide was fine but then oops nope changed my mind. In the aquarium it was very windy and we had to stop 3 times in random places outside the building to hear her explanation in Japanese so its like wasting 20-30 minutes while having yourself blown by the strong wind.

And when she distributed the ticket, she called in all of the Japanese passengers first by their names and after all the Japanese have their tickets. She gestured to all the foreigners to come to her and get the tickets by ourselves. Which is very rude and racist.

The tour says it will provide english, chinese and korean guides throughout the whole day but none. Only some random english tapes are played and the guide talks in Japanese a lot throughout the day.

And mind you 60% of the people who joined are foreigners and only 20% speaks English. I genuinely feel sorry for the Chinese and Korean who comes to the tour thinking it will provide them with some guides but no.

Also the bus driver, he makes noises from inside the bus every 5 minutes before the departure time at each spot as if reminding us to hurry up. And he talks to the tourguide keep blaming how the "foreigners" are slow blablabla probably thinking "foreigners" don't understand Japanese.

The bus driver is very racist and rude also the whole tour is just okay.

Went by another company the next day and was surprised at how interactive the guide was plus it was 100 times wayyy better.

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/12/28
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Churaumi Aquarium and Sightseeing Bus Tour (from Naha, Ginowan, Chatan and Onna)

Very nice experience

Reviewed by: Rainbow, 2018/11/30

Very nice experience~ Suggest all of you to join if you haven't yet planned.

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2015/03/03
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Churaumi Aquarium and Sightseeing Bus Tour (from Naha, Ginowan, Chatan and Onna)

Good for easy access to Churaumi Aquarium

Reviewed by: Alex, 2018/11/20

1) Comfortable access to Churaumi Aquarium without worrying about bus connections
2) Friendly and knowledgeable tour guide & bus driver (only in Japanese)
3) Sightseeing places I wouldn't otherwise visit if I were to travel on my own

1) Long pick up & drop offs add an extra 5 hours to my tour experience (I was first on & last off)
2) Some places feel rushed cos other travellers did not keep to the meet up times
3) Old coach so not the best ventilation

Impression: This tour does take the hassle out of using public transportation & brings you to hard to reach places but be prepared to be waiting around for other people & to be transported around in a stuffy old coach.

Advice: 1) Give yourself plenty of time - a full day for the tour. 2) Do this tour during Spring or Autumn (cooler months).

Attended as: Solo Travelers
Activity Date: 2018/11/02
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Churaumi Aquarium and Sightseeing Bus Tour (from Naha, Ginowan, Chatan and Onna)

Very beautiful Trip !!

Reviewed by: Thomas, 2018/11/12

i attended this bus tour as solo traveller and i enjoyed it very much. it was very informative and the Churaumi Aquarium is breathtaking !! Yui (i think that was her name) was even singing original okinawan songs for us in the bus during the drive. a really nice daytrip worth the money it costs !!

Attended as: Solo Travelers
Activity Date: 2018/11/10
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美ら海水族館観光バスツアー 古宇利島+御菓子御殿+ナゴパイナップルパークをめぐる1日観光!ディナー付プランあり<那覇市・宜野湾・北谷・恩納村発/3歳以下無料>


Reviewed by: ヨッシー, 2018/11/10


Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2018/11/07
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Churaumi Aquarium and Sightseeing Bus Tour (from Naha, Ginowan, Chatan and Onna)

Very Good

Reviewed by: Ida, 2018/11/06

Everything worked well. The guide didnt speak any english. It didnt matter though. The tour was nice. Kids liked it very much

Attended as: Families with Young Children
Activity Date: 2018/11/02
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Churaumi Aquarium and Sightseeing Bus Tour (from Naha, Ginowan, Chatan and Onna)

Pros and cons

Reviewed by: Pros and cons review, 2018/11/04

Pros: we did not have to rent a car. Aquarium was outstanding.
Cons: Because the bus stopped at a some six hotels along the coast to pick up and drop off passengers it took about 4 hours to travel from the aquarium back to our hotel at 8:00pm.

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/11/02
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Churaumi Aquarium and Sightseeing Bus Tour (from Naha, Ginowan, Chatan and Onna)


Reviewed by: Loseinjp, 2018/10/10

Good trip! But poor lunch! It would be better if your staff can speak some english.

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/10/08
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美ら海水族館観光バスツアー 古宇利島+御菓子御殿+ナゴパイナップルパークをめぐる1日観光!ディナー付プランあり<那覇市・宜野湾・北谷・恩納村発/3歳以下無料>


Reviewed by: k.h, 2018/10/05


Attended as: Families with Young Children
Activity Date: 2018/10/02
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